composers biography : X - Xz

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Xasani, Helimisinineteenth century
twentieth century
Laz musician and poet
Xenakis, Iannis
29 May 1922
Braïla, Romania
4 Feb. 2001
Romanian-born architect and composer who, because his family was Greek and spoke Greek, so also he considered himself Greek. Much of his music is mathematically based including stochastic procedures which make for unpredictable results
[entry clarified by Christel Kopp]
Xeres, Hurtado defifteenth century
Jerez, Spain
 the Spanish name of the singer/composer Pietro Furtado known to have worked in Naples in 1455
Xinghai, Xian
Fanyu, China
1945a student of Vincent d'Indy & Paul Dukas, Xinghai wrote in all the major musical forms (two symphonies, a violin concerto, four large scale choral works, nearly 300 songs & an opera) but his reputation is largely built around the late Romantic cantata The Yellow River (1939). Allegedly written in a cave in just six days during the China-Japanese War (as John Ford once said: "When the legend becomes fact, print the legend"), this seven movement cantata (texts by Guang Weiran) uses traditional folk-melodies & the image of the mighty Huang Ho (Yellow River)
Xosrovoduxtfl. early 700s Armenian hymnographer
Xu, Feng Xia
Shanghai, China
 after graduating from the renowned Shanghai conservatory of music, she became a soloist for Chinese string instruments at the Shanghai Orchestra for Chinese Music. She gave acclaimed solo concerts with up to for instruments in Shanghai, Beijing, and Singapore. After moving to Europe she started a second career as a soloist in improvised music, specialising on the 21- stringed guzheng, the Chinese zither
Xu, Shuya
Jilin, China
 well-known Chinese composer now residing in France who wrote the opera Taiping Lake's Memory - the death of Lao She
Xucla, Toni
Barcelona, Spain
 Spanish guitarist and composer
Xydakis, Nikos
17 Mar. 1952
Cairo, Egypt
 born in Egypt, Xydakis moved to Greece in 1963. He has become a signficant Greek composer. His first album, The Revenge of the Gypsies in 1978 was a ground-breaking experiment with Rebetika forms that heralded the arrival of a new musical idiom in Greece. Working with lyricist Manolis Rasoulis and later Thodoris Gkonis, Xydakis reintroduced neglected instruments to Greek music and opened new melodic roads that often evoke a medieval aura, laced with romantic references to religion, history, legends, and fairy tales
Xyndas (or Xinta, Xinda, Xindas, Xyntas), Spyridon8 Jun. 1812
12 Nov. 1896
Greek composer