music dictionary : Dat - Den

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DAT(English, German n.) abbreviation of 'digital audio tape', a cassette-sized tape to which digital information may be recorded
dat.abbreviation of 'dative' (case expressing the indirect object or recipient)
Data(Italian f.) date, church patronage, service (tennis, etc.), deal (at cards)
datar(Spanish) to date
datar de(Spanish) to date from
datare(Italian) to date, to put a date on
Datariaone of the five Ufficii di Curia (Italian: curial offices) which were part of the Roman Curia until its abolition in the 20th century
Datarie(German f.) datary, datarius (Latin)
Datarius(Latin) an officer in the Pope's court, having charge of the Dataria
Datary(anglicised Latin) an officer in the Pope's court, having charge of the Dataria
Datazione con carbonio(Italian f.) carbon-dating
Date (s.), Daten (German pl.)(English, German n.) see 'days of the week'
(English, German n.) see 'month'
(German n.) data (plural form), information (plural form), facts (plural form)
da teatro(Italian) for the theatre, music composed in a dramatic style
Date de péremption(French f.) expiry date
Datei (s.), Dateien (pl.)(German f.) data file, computer file, database
Dateiformat(German n.) file format
Dateigröße(German f.) filesize
Dateilöschung(German f.) file deletion
Dateiname(German m.) filename, file name
Dateinummer(German f.) file number
Dateisicherung(German f.) file backup
Dateiübertragungsprotokoll(German n.) file transfer protocol (FTP)
Dateiverzeichnis(German n.) directory
Dateizuordnungstabelle(German f.) file allocation table (FAT)
Date limite(French f.) deadline
Date limite de vente(French f.) sell-by date
Datenabfragesystem(German n.) retrieval system
Datenabgleich(German m.) matching of data, data collation
Daten abrufen(German) to retrieve data
Datenakquisition(German f.) data acquisition
Datenanalyse(German f.) data analysis
Daten aufzeichnen(German) to record, to record data
Daten auswerten(German) to analyse data
Datenband(German n.) data tape, magnetic tape
Datenbank (s.), Databanken (pl.)(German f.) database
Datenbankmanagementsystem(German n.) database management system
Datenbestand(German m.) database
Datenblatt (s.), Datenblätter (pl.)(German n.) data sheet, fact sheet, datasheet
Daten eingeben(German) to enter data, to feed in data
Datendiebstahl(German m.) theft of data
Dateneingabe(German f.) data entry, data input, input, input of data
Dateneingabe von Hand(German f.) manual data input
Daten eintragen(German) to enter figures
Daten erfassen(German) to acquire data, to gather data, to record data
Daten erheben(German) to collect data
Daten für die Statistik aufnehmen(German) to collect statistics
Datenhandschuh(German m.) data glove
Datenhelm(German m.) virtual-reality helmet, head-mounted display (HMD), data helmet
Daten löschen(German) to erase data
Daten manipulieren(German) to manipulate data
Daten papierlos versenden(German) to send data electronically
Datensalat(German m.) jumble of data, tangle of data
Daten sammeln(German) to collect data
Datensatz (s.), Datensätze (pl.)(German m.) (data) record
Datenscheibe(German f.) disc
Datenschutz(German m.) data protection, data privacy, data security
Datenschutzgesetz(German n.) data privacy act, data protection act
Daten sichern(German) to back up
Daten sicherstellen(German) to back up
Datensicherung(German f.) backup, backup of data
Datensicherungsdiskette(German f.) backup disk
Datensicherungskopie(German f.) backup copy, backup file
Datensicherungsverfahren(German n.) backup procedure
Datensichtgerät(German n.) visual display unit, VDU
Datentausch(German m.) file-sharing
Daten übermitteln(German) to transport data
Datenverarbeitung(German f.) data processing, data handling
Daten verfügbar machen(German) to make data available
Daten zur Arbeitslosigkeit(German pl.) unemployment data, unemployment figures
Datenzusammenfassung(German f.) data collection
dater(French) to date
DatiChinese term for cello
(Italian m. pl.) data
datierbar(German) dateable, datable
datieren(German) to date
datierend(German) dating
datiert(German) dated, out-of-date
datiert am(German) dates from
datierte(German) datelined
datierte nach(German) postdated
datierte vor(German) predated
datiert falsch(German) misdates
datiert nach(German) postdates
datiert vor(German) antedates
Datierung(German f.) ageing, age determination, dating (giving an age to), date stamping
Datierung eines Vertrags(German f.) dating of a contract
Dátil(Spanish m.) date
Dativ(German m.) dative (grammar), dative case
Dativecase expressing the indirect object or recipient
Dativendung(German f.) dative termination
Dativo(Italian m.) dative (grammar)
Dativfall(German m.) dative case
Dativobjekt(German n.) indirect object, dative object
Dato(Spanish m.) fact
Dato(Italian m.) datum
dato(Italian) given, addicted
dato che(Italian) since
Datonggularge Chinese barrel drum
Datore(Italian) giver
Datore di lavoro(Italian m.) employer
Datos(Spanish m. pl.) data, information
Datscha(German f.) dacha, weekend house
Datsche(German f. - east Germany) weekend home, weekend house
Datte(French f.) date (fruit)
Dattel (s.), Datteln (pl.)(German f.) date (fruit)
Dattelhain(German m.) date palm grove
Dattelkern(German m.) stone of a date, date stone
Dattelpalme(German f.) date tree, date palm, date-tree
Dattelpflaumbaum(German m.) persimmon
Dattelpflaume (s.), Dattelpflaumen (pl.)(German f.) persimmon, date plum
Dattelpflaumenbaum(German m.) persimmon
Dattero(Italian m.) date (fruit)
Dattier(French m.) date-palm
Dattilo(Italian) dactyl
dattilografare(Italian) type
Dattilografia(Italian f.) typing
Dattilografo (m.), Dattilografa (f.)(Italian) typist
Datum(German n.) date
Datum (s.), Data (pl.)(Latin) information
Datum, an dem eine Erlaubnis erlischt(German n.) date of expiration, date of expiry
Datum der Änderung(German n.) amendment date
Datum der Auftragserteilung(German n.) ordering date
Datum der Berichtigung(German n.) date of amendment
Datum der Herstellung(German n.) date of manufacture
Datum der Vereinbarung(German n.) date of agreement
Datum der Zahlung(German n.) payment date
Datum des Poststempels(German n.) date of postmark
Datum einer Verabredung(German n.) date of appointment
Datum eines Briefes(German n.) date of a letter
Datumgrenze(German f.) dateline
Datumsbereich(German m.) date range
Datumsformat(German n.) date format
Datumsgrenze(German f.) international date line
Datumstempel {m} der Post(German m.) postmark
Datumszeile (s.), Datumszeilen (pl.)(German f.) dateline
Datum wie auf dem Briefstempel(German n.) date as postmark
Dau(German f.) dhow
dau.abbreviation of 'daughter'
Daube (s.), Dauben (German pl.)(French f.) casserole, meat stew pressure steamed in red wine
(German f.) stave (of a barrel)
Dauer(German f.) duration, length (for example, of notes), continuance, endurance, permanence, length, continuity, length of time, life, period, perpetuity, term, amount of time
Dauer-(German) continuous, steady, continuant, perennial, permanent (prefix)
Daueranruf(German m.) permanent ringing
Daueranzeige(German f.) permanent advertisement
Dauerarbeitslosigkeit(German f.) chronic unemployment
Dauerarbeitsplatz(German m.) permanent job
Dauerarbeitsverhältnis(German n.) permanent employment, permanent position
Daueraufenthaltsberechtigung(German f.) right of permanent residence
Dauerauftrag (s.), Daueraufträge (pl.)(German m.) standing order, regular order, automatic bill payment, banker's order
Dauerausstellung(German f.) permanent exhibition, permanent collection
Dauerausstellungsfläche(German f.) permanent exhibition space
Dauerbefragung(German f.) continuous questioning
Dauerbeobachtung(German f.) continuous observation
Dauerbeschäftigung(German f.) permanent employment, permanent job
Dauerbeschwerden(German pl.) constant complaints
Dauerbetrieb(German m.) continuous operation, continuous service, long-term usage
Dauerbeziehung(German f.) permanent relationship
Dauerbrenner(German m.) long (passionate) kiss
Dauerbruch(German m.) fatigue failure (for example, in a metal beam)
Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit(German f.) duration of unemployment, length of unemployment, spell of unemployment
Dauer der Arbeitsunfähigkeit(German f.) period of disability
Dauer der Beschäftigung(German f.) duration of employment, duration of service, length of employment, period of employment
Dauer der Betriebszugehörigkeit(German f.) job tenure, seniority
Dauer der Garantie(German f.) period of the guarantee
Dauer der gegenwärtigen Beschäftigung(German f.) duration of present employment
Dauer der Haft(German f.) term of detention
Dauer der Invalidität(German f.) period of invalidity, period of disability
Dauer der Unternehmenszugehörigkeit(German f.) length of service with a company
Dauer der Versicherung(German f.) term of insurance
Dauer des Beschäftigungsverhältnisses(German f.) job tenure, length of service, seniority
Dauerdialyse(German f.) maintenance hemodialysis
Dauer eines Streiks(German f.) duration of a strike
Dauereinlage(German f.) lockup
Dauereinsatz(German m.) continuous operation, continuous running, continuous service
dauerelastisch(German) permanently elastic
dauerelastische Nahtdichtmasse(German f.) mastic seam sealant
Dauerentladung(German f.) permanent discharge
Dauerfahrkarte(German f.) travel pass
Dauerfavorit(German m.) all-time favourite
dauerfeucht(German) constantly damp
Dauerfreundschaft(German f.) lasting friendship
Dauergast(German m.) long-stay guest (hotel), long-stay resident (hotel), regular (pub)
Dauergebrauch(German m.) long-term use
dauergelockt(German) permed
Dauergeräusch(German n.) continuous noise
Dauergeschwindigkeit(German f.) sustained speed
dauergewellt(German) permed (hair)
Dauerglotzer (s.), Dauerglotzer (pl.)(German m.) couch potato (colloquial)
dauerhaft(German) stable, durable, durably, lasting, non-transient, permanent, uninterrupted, everlasting, substantial, enduring, firm (enduring), long-lasting, non-perishable, steady (enduring), strong, solid, permanently
dauerhafte Freundschaft(German f.) enduring friendship, lasting friendship
dauerhafte Güter(German pl.) durable goods
dauerhafte Konsumgüter(German pl.) consumer durables
dauerhafte Lösung(German f.) durable solution
dauerhafter Friede(German m.) lasting peace
dauerhafter Handel(German m.) continuous trading
dauerhafter Schutz(German m.) permanent protection
dauerhaftes Leiden(German n.) constant source of trouble
dauerhafte Speicherung(German f.) permanent storage
dauerhafte Tinte(German f.) permanent ink
dauerhafte Ware(German f.) durable goods
dauerhafte Wirkung(German f.) permanent effect, constant effect
dauerhaft gekennzeichnet(German) durably marked
Dauerhaftigkeit (s.), Dauerhaftigkeiten (pl.)(German f.) durability, permanence, stability, longevity
Dauerhaltbarkeit(German f.) durability
Dauerinvalidität(German f.) permanent disability, permanent invalidity
Dauerkarte(German f.) season ticket
Dauerkartenabsatz(German m.) season ticket sales
Dauerkonsum(German m.) long-term use
Dauerkonsument(German m.) long-term user
Dauerlauf (s.), Dauerläufe (pl.)(German m.) jog, endurance run
Dauerläufer(German m.) endurance runner
Dauerlaut(German m.) continuant
[entry provided by Michael Zapf]
Dauerleihgabe(German f.) permanent loan (for example, to a museum, gallery, etc.)
Dauerlösung(German f.) durable solution
Dauermagnet(German m.) permanent magnet
Dauermalaise(German f.) long-term malaise
Dauermarken(German pl.) definitives (postage stamps)
Dauermedikation(German f.) long-term medication, maintenance dose
Dauermieter(German m.) long-term tenant
Dauermilch(German f.) long-life milk
dauern(German) to last, to take (to last)
dauernd(German, literally 'enduring') continual, perennial, perennially, perpetually, continuing, abiding, always, constant, continually, lasting, permanent, perpetual, persistent, standing, constantly, continuously, continuous
dauernde Bedrohung(German f.) constant threat
dauernde Belastung(German f.) permanent burden
dauernde Einrichtung(German f.) permanency
dauernde Erwerbsunfähigkeit(German f.) permanent disability
dauerndes Gebettel(German n.) constant begging
dauerndes Gebimmel(German n.) continual ringing
dauernd fragen(German) keep asking
dauernd getrennt(German) permanently separated
dauernd in Betrieb(German) continuously running
dauernd Leidender(German m.) confirmed invalid
Dauerpropaganda(German f.) incessant propaganda
Dauerprüfung(German f.) endurance test, fatigue testing
Dauerregelung(German f.) permanent arrangement
Dauerregen(German m.) constant rain, continuous rain, incessant rain, steady rain
Dauerschaden(German m.) permanent damage, permanent impairment
Dauerschallpegel(German m.) continuous sound level
Dauerschaltung(German f.) permanent connection
Dauerscherz(German m.) running joke
Dauerschmerz(German m.) persistent pain
Dauerschuldverhältnis(German n.) continuing obligation
Dauerschwingung(German f.) steady oscillation, continuous oscillation
Dauerstatus(German m.) permanent status
Dauerstelle(German f.) permanent position
Dauerstellung(German f.) permanency, long-term appointment, permanent appointment, permanent position, permanent situation, permanent post
Dauerstress(German m.) permanent stress
Dauerstrich(German m.) continuous wave
dauert(German) lasts, continues
Dauertanzturnier(German n.) dance marathon
dauerte(German) lasted
Dauertest(German m.) endurance test, fatigue test
Dauerton(German m.) continuous tone
Dauerumlauf(German m.) recirculation
Dauerunterstreichung(German f.) continuous underscore
Dauerunterstützung(German f.) lasting support
Dauerurlaub(German m.) permanent vacation
Dauerverpflichtungen(German pl.) permanent obligations
Dauerversuch(German m.) endurance test
Dauervollmacht(German f.) continuing power of attorney
Dauerwelle (s.), Dauerwellen (pl.)(German f.) perm (hair treatment), permanent wave (hair style)
Dauerwellstäbchen(German n.) stack perm
Dauerwerbesendung(German f.) infomercial
Dauerwirkung(German f.) permanent effect
Dauerwohnraum(German m.) permanent residence
Dauerwurst(German f.) salami-type sausage
Dauerzustand(German m.) steady state, permanent condition
Daughter language(in historical linguistics) a language descended from another language through a process of genetic descent - for example, Norwegian is a daughter language of Old Norse
Daughter manuscripta descendent from a parent manuscript or exemplar. If two different manuscripts are descended from a common parent, they are said to be sister manuscripts
Da'uli-da'ulia xylophone from Nias, Indonesia, also found in Madagascar, consisting of three or four loose pieces of resonating wood, sometimes flat but often with a rounded cross section sometimes laid on the top of a wooden box, that rests across the legs of a seated player or across a hole in the ground, and which is struck with wooden mallets
Daum(German m.) thumb
Däumchen drehen(German) to twiddle one's thumbs, to kick one's heels (colloquial)
Däumelinchen(German n.) Thumbelina
Daumen (s./pl.)(German m.) thumb
Daumenabdruck(German m.) thumb print, thumb mark (often a substitute for a hand-written signature on early documents, etc.)
Daumenaufsatz(German m.) thumb position
Daumen drehen(German) to twiddle one's thumbs
Daumendrucktechnik(German f.) thumbing
Daumenkino(German n.) flip-book, flip book
Daumenklavier(German n.) thumb piano, kalimba, mbira, gourd piano
Daumenkuppe(German f.) thumb tip
Daumenlage(German f.) thumb position
Daumenloch(German n.) thumb hole
Daumenlutschen(German n.) thumb-sucking
Daumenlutscher(German m.) child sucking its thumb, thumbsucker, thumb sucker
Daumennagel (s.), Daumennägel (pl.)(German m.) thumbnail
Daumenregel(German f.) broad rule, rule of thumb
Daumenregister(German n.) thumb index
Daumenring(German m.) thumb-hold, anello del pollice (Italian m.), anneau de pouce (French m.)
Daumenschätzung(German f.) guesstimate
Daumenschraube (s.), Daumenschrauben (pl.)(German f.) thumbscrew, pilliwinks (plural form)
Daumenstock(German m.) thumbscrew
Daumenstütze(German f.) thumb rest
Daumenuntersatz(German m.) the action of passing the thumb under (the fingers)
da und dort(German) here and there
Daune (s.), Daunen (pl.)(German f.) downy feather, down (feather or feathers)
Daunenbett(German n.) eiderdown
Daunendecke (s.), Daunendecken (pl.)(German f.) down-filled duvet, eiderdown, eiderdown quilt, down quilt, down-filled continental quilt, duvet
daunendicht(German) down-proof (fabric), downproof (fabric)
Daunenfeder(German f.) down feather
da un paso atrás(Spanish) take one step back
da unsere Bestände ausgehen(German) as our stock is running low, as our stock is running out, as we are running out of stock
Da unsere Bestände fast geleert sind ...(German) As our stock is nearly exhausted ...
da unten(German) down there
Dauphin(French m.) dolphin (animal)
(French m., German m.) title given to the heir of the throne
Dauphiné(French, German f.) also Dauphiny or Dauphiné Viennois, a former province in southeastern France, roughly corresponding to the present departments of the Isère, Drôme, and Hautes-Alpes. The historical capital is Grenoble and the main towns Vienne, Valence, Die, Gap and Briançon. As Dauphiny the region was inhabited by the Allobroges and other Gaulish tribes in ancient times. The ruler of this region used the device of a dolphin on his coat of arms and, when surrendering the lordship in King Philippe VI the Fortunate (who reigned from 1328 until 1350), it was agreed that the heir to the throne of France would be known as le Dauphin
Dauphiné Alpen(German pl.) Dauphiné Alps
Dauphiné AlpsAlpes du Dauphiné (French), a group of mountain ranges in southeastern France, west of the main chain of the Alps
d'autant plus que(French) all the more so
DavadyensivkaUkrainian wind instrument. It is a diatonic double sopilka
d'avance(French) in advance
davantage(French) more, longer (period of time)
davantage de(French) more
davantage que(French) more than, longer than
Davanti(Italian m.) front
davanti(Italian) before, opposite, in front, front
davanti a(Italian) before, in front of
Davanzale(Italian m.) window sill
davanzo(Italian) more than enough
d'avenir(French) with prospects
Daventrya small chest of drawers with a sloping top for writing
David's-harfe(German f.) David's harp
David's harp(Genesis 4:21) in Hebrew kinnor, also known as King David's harp, is the national instrument of Israel
Davidsstern(German m.) Star of David
Davidstern(German m.) Star of David, Magen David
Davis StraitDétroit de Davis (French), a strait lying between mid-western Greenland and Baffin Island in the Canadian territory of Nunavut, named for the English explorer John Davis (1550-1605)
Davisstraße(German f.) Davis Strait
davon(German) from it, from them, by it, with it, with them, about it, of it, of them, therefrom (formal), thereof, of these, of this, of that, from that
davon abgesehen(German) apart from that, other than that
davon ausgehen, dass(German) to assume that
davon ausgehen, dass ...(German) to proceed on the assumption that ...
davonbleiben(German) to keep away
davondüsen(German) to jet off
davoneilen(German) to hurry away, to scuttle away, to hasten away
davonfahren(German) to drive away, to ride away, to pull away
davonfliegen(German) to fly away, to flap away (bird)
davonflitzen(German) to dart off, to dash away, to dash off, to scuttle off in a hurry
davongehen(German) to walk away
davongekommen(German) got away
davongelaufen(German) gone astray
davongemacht(German) made off
davongeschlichen(German) stolen away
davongetragen(German) carried away, borne away
Davon habe ich keine Kenntnis.(German) I have no knowledge of this.
Davon habe ich schon zur Genüge gehört!(German) I've already heard enough of that!
Davon hast du bald genug.(German) A little of it goes a long way.
davonhumpeln(German) to hobble off
davonjagen(German) to chase away, to scare away, to chase off
Davon kann keine Rede sein.(German) There can be no question of it.
davon kann nicht die Rede sein(German) nothing of the sort
davonkommen(German) to get away, to get off, to escape
davonkommend(German) getting away
davonkommen mit dem Leben(German) escape with one's life
davonlaufen(German) to run away, to run off, to walk off
Davonläufer(German m.) runaway
davonmachen(German) to make off
davonmachend(German) making off
davonreiten(German) to ride off
davonrennen(German) to run away, to run off
davonsausen(German) to hurtle off
davonschießen(German) to dart off
davonschleichen(German) to steal away, to sneak away, to sneak off, to creep away, to slink away, to slink off, to creep off
davonschleichend(German) stealing away
davonschlüpfen(German) to slip away
Davon stirbt man nicht gleich!(German) It won't kill you!
davonstürmen(German) to rush off
davonstürzen(German) to bolt, to burst away, to burst off, to flounce off
davontraben(German) to trot away, to trot off
davontragen(German) to carry off, to carry away, to carry home
davontragend(German) carrying away
davontrippeln(German) to trot away, to trot off
Davon zeugen ...(German) This is shown by ...
davonziehen(German) to pull away, to race away, to wander off, to romp away (with the race), to leave, to move off (procession)
davonzockeln(German) to trot away, to trot off
davor(German) before it, before that, beforehand, in front, in front of it, in front of that, in front of them, before then
Davor grault mir.(German) I dread it.
DavuiFijian shell trumpet
Davul, DavuliKosovar Albanian short wooden frame drum covered at each open end with leather, stretched with rope. It is played with two wooden drumsticks, one a heavy beater, known in Turkish as a tokmak (striking a skin made from cow hide, thus producing a low note), and the other a longer, thin stick called a called a çubuk (striking a skin made of thinner goat skin, producing a higher pitched note)
the Roma in Greece are known for zurna and davul duos (analogous to the 'shawm' and 'drum' partnership common in other Roma music)
davvero(Italian) really
Dawala stone bell found in Ethiopian monasteries, comprising two or three rectangular stone slabs up to five metres long, suspended from a log frame, that are struck with a stone. These resonant "bell stones" call the faithful to prayer at Ethiopian churches
Da war ich einfach platt!(German) You could have knocked me down with a feather! (colloquial)
da weitermachen, wo man aufgehört hat(German) to pick up where one left off
da wir erfolgreich waren(German) as we have been successful
Da wir gerade davon reden, ...(German) Speaking of which, ...
da wir noch nicht das Vergnügen hatten(German) as we have not had the pleasure
Da wir nun mal bei dem Punkt sind ...(German) As we are on the subject ...
Dawn song(also called an aubade): A genre of poetry common to Europe in which the poem is about the dawn or coming of dawn, or it is a piece of music meant to be sung or played outdoors at dawn
Dayak(German pl.) or Dyak, peoples indigenous to Borneo
Dayansee tabla
DayanandSwami Dayanand Saraswati (1824-83), founder of the Arya Samaj
Day dressdress suitable for shopping or business wear
DayeraUzbek frame drum, also known as dayereh
DayerehPersian and Uzbek frame drum
Daypartingin broadcasting, the practice of dividing the day into several parts, during each of which a different type of radio programming or television programming apropos for that time is aired. Programmes are most often geared toward a particular demographic, and what the target audience typically engages in at that time
Days of the week
one of the seven days into which each week is divided
MondaylunedíMontaglundilunesmaandagsegunda feiradies lunae
TuesdaymartedìDienstagmardimartesdinsdagterça-feiradies martis
WednesdaymercoledìMittwochmercredimiércoleswoensdagquarta-feiradies mercuri
ThursdaygiovedìDonnerstagjeudijuevesdonderdagquinta-feiradies iovis
FridayvenerdìFreitagvendrediviernesvrijdaysexta-feiradies veneris
samedisábadozaterdagsábadodies saturni
SundaydomenicaSonntagdimanchedomingozondagdomingodies solis
Dazio(Italian m.) duty, customs (office)
dazu(German) to it, to them, with it, with them, for it, thereto, to this, as well, in addition (to that), thereunto (archaic), along with it, for this purpose, to this end
dazu angetan(German) apt
dazu bringen, dass(German) to persuade
dazu ermutigt werden(German) to be emboldened
dazugeben(German) to add
dazu gedacht(German) designed to
dazugegeben(German) thrown in
dazugehören(German) to belong to it, to appertain, to appertain to, to be a dependency, to be among, to belong to them
dazugehörend(German) belonging to it, appertaining, appertaining to
dazu gehörend(German) inherent
Dazu gehören immer noch zwei.(German) It takes two to do that.
dazugehörig(German) appendant, corresponding, appertaining, appurtenant, associated, appropriate, proper, attendant, attached
dazugehörige Daten(German pl.) relevant data
dazugehöriger Deckel(German m.) corresponding lid
dazugehörige Seitenzahl(German f.) corresponding page number
dazugehörige Zahl(German f.) corresponding number
Dazugehörigkeitsgefühl(German n.) sense of belonging
dazugehört(German) belonged to it
Dazu gehört Zeit.(German) That requires time.
dazukommen(German) to arrive (on the scene), to be added
dazu kommen(German) to join in, to get around (to doing something), to get round (to doing something)
Dazu kommt, dass ...(German) Moreover ...
dazumalen(German) to paint in
dazu neigen(German) to have a tendency, to have a penchant, to be prone (to do something), to be inclined (to do something)
dazu noch(German) into the bargain
dazu passend(German) corresponding
dazu passende Farbe(German f.) corresponding colour
dazu passende Person(German f.) match
dazu passender Hut(German m.) a hat to suit
dazu passende Sache(German f.) match
dazurechnen(German) to add on, to add to it, to add to them
dazusetzen(German) to add
dazustoßen(German) to turn up (arrive), to join up with somebody
dazu tendieren(German) to be moving towards
dazutun(German) to add
dazu übergehen(German) to proceed to
dazu verdammt sein zu(German) to be doomed to, to be condemned to
dazwischen(German) between, between them, betwixt (archaic), interjacent, intermediate, in between, among them
dazwischenfahren(German) intervene (figurative)
dazwischenfahren(German) to intervene
dazwischenfahrend(German) intervening
dazwischenfunken(German) to mess up the works (colloquial)
dazwischengefahren(German) intervened
dazwischengeschaltet(German) intermediary
dazwischengeworfen(German) interjectional
dazwischenkommen(German) to come amiss, to intervene, to interfere, to crop up (figurative)
dazwischenkommend(German) intervening
dazwischen liegen(German) to lie in between
dazwischenliegend(German) lying in between, intermediary, intermediate
dazwischenreden(German) interrupt
dazwischen stehen(German) to stand between
dazwischenstellen(German) to interpose
dazwischenstellend(German) interposing
dazwischenstreuen(German) to intersperse
Dazwischentreten(German n.) intervention
dazwischentreten(German) to intervene (figurative), to go between, to act as a go-between
dazwischentretend(German) intermediating
dazwischenzwängen(German) to squeeze in
Db.abbreviation of 'double bass'
dBabbreviation of 'decibel' or Dezibel (German n.)
db, d.b.abbreviation of 'double bass'
dBAor dBa, abbreviation of 'decibels above a reference noise, adjusted', a unit for measuring noise
DBCabbreviation of 'Deaf Broadcasting Council'
DBEabbreviation of 'Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire'
D-beata drum beat, specifically a fast rock beat unique to Hardcore Punk, especially in its UK and European variants
  • D-beat from which this extract has been taken
dbl.abbreviation of 'double'
dbleabbreviation of 'double'
D.Bn., dbnabbreviation of 'double bassoon'
dbreabbreviation of diciembre (Spanish: December)
DBSabbreviation of 'direct broadcasting by satellite'
Dbyerkafrom Tibet, bells that are attached to the necks of cattle. A pellet in the form of a pebble or a piece of metal is placed inside each bell
  • Dbyerka from which this extract has been taken
DCabbreviation of 'death certificate', 'direct current' (electricity), 'District of Columbia' (US postcode), 'down centre' (of the stage) (theatre)
D.C.or DC (Italian: from the head) abbreviation of da capo (Italian: repeat from the beginning)
da capo
Dcabbreviation of Discantus (Latin)
d.C.abbreviation of depois de Cristo (Portuguese: after Christ, i.e. AD), dopo Cristo (Italian: after Christ, i.e. AD)
d.c.abbreviation of 'dead centre', 'direct-current' (electricity), 'double crotchet'
D.C. al fine(Italian) abbreviated form of da capo al fine meaning 'return to the beginning and end at the point marked by the word fine'
da capo al fine
D.C. al segno(Italian) abbreviated form of da capo al segno meaning 'return to the beginning and end at the point marked with a sign'
d.cap.abbreviation of 'double foolscap' (standard paper size)
DCCabbreviation of 'digital compact cassette'
Dcha.abbreviation of derecha (Spanish: right)
d.c.i.abbreviation of 'double column inch' (used to denote the size of advertisements in newspapers, etc.)
dcl.abbreviation of 'declaration'
d.col.abbreviation of 'double column' (used to denote the size of advertisements in newspapers, etc.)
dctabbreviation of 'document'
DDreference to the catalogue prepared by Denijs Dille of the juvenilia of Béla Bartók (1881-1945)
DDabbreviation of direttissimo (Italian: fast train), 'double demy' (a standard paper size), ' Doctor of Divinity'
ddabbreviation of 'dated', 'dedicated', 'delivered'
D.d.abbreviation of Deo dedit (Latin: gave to God)
d.d.abbreviation of dono dedit (Latin: given as a gift), de dato (Latin: today's date), 'due date', 'due day'
D-Day(English, German m.) the specified day for the Allied Invasion of Europe (6 Jun. 1944)
DDCabbreviation of 'Dewey Decimal Classification' (used for library books)
DDDabbreviation of dono dedit dedicavit (Latin: gave and consecrated as a gift)
D double flat
note D double flat
or re doppio bemolle (Italian), Deses (German), ré double bémol (French), the doubly flattened second degree of the scale of C major
D double sharp
note D double sharp
or re doppio diesis (Italian), Disis (German), ré double dièse (French), the doubly sharpened second degree of the scale of C major
DDRabbreviation of Deutsche Demokratische Republik, the former 'German Democratic Republic' (GDR: the former East Germany)
DDR-Bürger(German m.) citizen of the GDR (the former East Germany)
DDR-Führung(German f.) GDR leadership (of the former East Germany)
DDR-Regierung(German f.) GDR government (of the former East Germany)
DDSabbreviation of 'Dewey Decimal System' (library-book classification)
key of D major(German n.) the key of 'D major'
DEabbreviation of 'double elephant' (a standard paper size)
de(French) of, from, with, by, some, any
(Spanish) of, from, if
(French) abbreviated to d' when placed before a vowel
(French m.) dice, thimble, dado (archaic)
d.e.abbreviation of 'deckle edge'
Dea(Italian f.) goddess
de acá para allá(Spanish) to and fro
Deaconthe rank in the ministry below the priest, with a major role in the collection and distribution of alms
Deaconinga practice in some early American Protestant churches where the line of a hymn was read aloud before it was sung
de actualidad(Spanish) fashionable, current, of the moment, topical
de acuerdo a(Spanish) in accordance with
de acuerdo con(Spanish) in accordance with
Dead languagein linguistics, a dead language is one that does not change any more over time--it is "frozen" historically because it is no longer used in everyday discourse, but is instead learned only for ritual use, scholarly study, or the preservation of an ancient literature. Classical Latin and Sanskrit are two examples of dead languages. This situation contrasts with a living language, in which old words die out, new ones are added, and existing words change their meaning continuously over time from one generation to the next
Dead lightthe fixed, non-operable window section of a window unit
Deadline(English, German f.) in publishing, a time at which all copy for an edition must be submitted
in general, the date and/or time by which an action must be taken, or project (task, objective) completed
Deadlock(English, German m.) impasse, a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible
Dead notesee 'ghost note'
Dead notea dead stroke is achieved by holding the mallet on the instrument after the attack to dampen the vibration. Dead strokes are commonly notated with a plus sign (+) over the note. Ringing notes in a passage with dead strokes can be indicated with a circle (o) over them; this is not necessary but can help to clarify. "D.S." or staccato dots are other common indications for dead stroke. These notations are not standard and should be explained at the top of the score and part
de adorno(Spanish) for decoration, just for show
Dead pledgea mortgage of lands or goods, mortuum vadium
Dead rooma room with very thick sound absorbers, causing a very dull sound with no reverberation
Dead Sea Scrolls, Theperhaps the greatest archeological discovery of the present century, the first seven scrolls were found by a Bedouin in a cave near the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea, in 1947. These are now kept in the Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem
Dead spot (s.), Dead spots (pl.)a zone within the range of a radio transmitter where little or no radio signal can be received
a point in an auditorium or some other architectural space where because of destructive interference between direct, refracted and/or reflected standing sound waves there is an absence of sound
particular locations on the fingerboard where the sustain of a string is considerably shorter than for adjacent frets, an irregularity that is well-known among players of electric basses and guitars. Although it is often assumed that a dead spot is mostly a matter of resonance and cutoff frequencies, the issue may also be fret-related. In such cases, an adjustment to the fret can be sufficient to resurrect a dead-spot
Deafferentation painpain due to loss of sensory input into the central nervous system (for example, phantom limb pain)
Deafferenzierungsschmerz(German m.) deafferentation pain
Deaf, Music and thesee 'music and the deaf'
de ahí(Spanish) hence, from there (hence)
de ahí a la drogadicción solo hay un paso(Spanish) from there it's just a short step to becoming a drug addict
de ahí a que venga es otra cosa(Spanish) whether or not he actually comes is another matter
de ahí en adelante(Spanish) from then on
de ahí mi sorpresa(Spanish) hence my surprise
de ahí que(Spanish) so that
de ahí que hayan fracasado(Spanish) that is why they failed
de ahora(Spanish) today, of today (as in la juventud de ahora: Spanish: the youth of today, youth today, young people today, the young people of today)
de ahora en adelante(Spanish) from now on, in future
deaktivierbar(German) deactivatable
deaktivieren(German) to disable, to deactivate, to de-activate, to grey out, to deselect
deaktivierend(German) deactivating
deaktiviert(German) deactivated, deactivates, disabled, greyed out
deaktivierte(German) deactivated
Deaktivierung (s.), Deaktivierungen (pl.)(German f.) deactivation
Deaktivikation(German f.) deactivation
Deal(English, German m.) a particular instance of buying or selling
distribute, administer or bestow, as in small portions
softwood, wood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir)
Dealer (s.), Dealer (German pl.)(German m.) drug dealer, drugs dealer, drug pusher
de alivio(Spanish) tremendous (awful), awful (fright)
de alquiler(Spanish) for hire (car), to let (room, house), rented (house, room), for rent (television)
de alta calidad(Spanish) high-quality
de alto(Spanish) high (altitude)
de alto nivel(Spanish) high-level (meeting)
de altura(Spanish) high (of a building, wall), deep-sea (fishing), oceangoing (ship, fleet)
deambular(Spanish) to stroll
Deanthe dean of a cathedral controlled its services and with the chapter, supervised its fabric and property; a rural dean assisted the bishop in administering a sub-division of an archdeaconry
Dean and Chapteror D & C, the body responsible for the adminstration of a cathedral
de ancho(Spanish) wide
Mário de Andrade
a Brazilian poet, novelist, musicologist, art historian and critic, and photographer who was a pioneer in the field of ethnomusicology, his influence reaching far beyond Brazil
Deanerya group of parishes forming a subdivision of an archdeaconry; also referred to as a rural deanery
de antelación(Spanish) beforehand
de antemano(Spanish) beforehand, in advance
de antiguo(Spanish) from time immemorial
de antología(Spanish) excellent (very good), fantastic (colloquial), terrible (very bad)
de aquí(Spanish) from here
de aquí a ... dias(Spanish) in ... day's time
de aquí a julio(Spanish) between now and July
de aquí al ...(Spanish) from now until ... (date)
de aquí a un año(Spanish) a year from now
de aquí en adelante(Spanish) from now on
de aquí para allá(Spanish) up and down, to and from
de aquí para alli(Spanish) to and fro
de aquí que(Spanish) so that
de armas tomar(Spanish) formidable
de arriba abajo(Spanish) from top to bottom
de ascendencia peruana(Spanish) of Peruvian descent
Deasilrighthandwards, clockwise, as opposed to widdershins
Death bella bell was rung to notify the world of a death, but also as a memorial and a reminder of mortality
Deathcountrya country music genre, best described as traditional country music with a morbid anarchist Punk rock and Psychobilly attitude
Death gruntalso referred to as death growl, death vocal or cookie monster vocal, a singing style usually employed by vocalists of the death metal and black metal musical genres, but also can be heard in a variety of heavy metal subgenres. Stylistic similarities in vocals can be heard in grindcore and hardcore punk bands, among others. While melodic death metal, doom metal and gothic metal bands tend to modify the technique substantially
Death industrial'death industrial' can be described as having much of the same source sounds as power electronics, but used to create a deep atmospheric sound with some thematic similarity to doom or death metal. Often features a more flowing rhythm and deeper, less abrasive sound than power electronics
Death metal(English, German m./n.) a sub-genre of 'heavy metal' that evolved out of 'thrash metal' during the early 1980s
Deathrock(also 'death rock', 'death punk') the label applied to an offshoot of 'punk rock' which incorporates the imagery and themes of horror movies and first appeared in the United States during the late 1970s and early 1980s
a synonym for first generation 'gothic rock'
the label applied to 'modern' (post 1990) 'deathrock' bands which have a stronger 'post-punk' influence than the earlier 'deathrock' bands
the subculture surrounding the modern 'deathrock' music scene
Death rolein the theatre, a character who dies during the course of a play
Death waila mourning lament of Indigenous Australian peoples
de auditu(Latin) from hearsay
de aúpa(Spanish) wonderful, impressive, frightful, tremendous
de autos(Spanish) in question
la noche de autos (Spanish: the night in question)
de avanzada edad(Spanish) of advanced years, advanced in years
de ayer acá(Spanish) since yesterday
Debacleanglicised form of débâcle (French f.)
Débâcle(French f.) a rout, a stampede
although originally applied to catastrophic military defeats, the term is used to describe utter failure
de baja calidad(Spanish) low-quality
debajo(Spanish) below, lower (for example, 1 semitono debajo (Spanish: one semitone lower)), underneath
Debakel(German n.) debacle, débâcle (French f.)
de balde(Spanish) free of charge
Déballage(French m.) unpacking
déballer(French) to unpack, to spill out
de banlieue(French) suburban
Débarcadère(French m.) landing-stage
Débardeur(French m.) tank-top (garment)
Débarquement(French) disembarkation
débarquer(French) to disembark, to land, to turn up
Débarras(French m.) junk room
débarrasser(French) to clear
débarrasser de(French) to clear of
de base(French) basic
de bastidores(Spanish) back-stage
de batalla(Spanish) everyday
Débat(French m.) debate
Debate(English, Spanish m.) debate, a formal discussion
Debatte (s.), Debatten (pl.)(German f.) debate, argument, discussion, dispute
Debattierclub(German m.) debating society
debattieren(German) to debate, to argue, to discuss
debattierend(German) debating
debattieren über(German) to debate on
Debattierer (m.), Debattiererin (f.)(German) debater
debattiert(German) debated
debattierte(German) debated
débattre(French) to debate
débattre de(French) to discuss
débauche(French f.) debauchery, profusion
débaucher(French) to lay off
de beaucoup(French) by far
debe estar por ahí(Spanish) it must be around somewhere
debellare(Italian) to defeat
Deber(Spanish m.) duty
deber(Spanish) to owe
(Spanish) have to, must
Deberes(Spanish m. pl.) homework
deberse a(Spanish) to be due to
de biais(French) at an angle, indirectly (figurative)
debido(Spanish) due, proper
debido a(Spanish) due to
debil(German) mentally challenged, mentally deficient, mentally defective, moronic, retarded
débil(Spanish) weak, faint (noise), dim (light)
debile(Italian) languid, weak, faint, feeble, faible (French)
Débile(French m./f.) moron
débile(French, Spanish) languid, weak, feeble
(French) stupid
Debilidad(Spanish f.) weakness
debilitante(Italian) weakening
debilitar(Spanish) to weaken
debilitare(Italian) to weaken
debilitarse(Spanish) to weaken, to get weak
Debilität(German f.) debility
Debilityinfirmity, the state of being weak in health or body (especially as a result of old age)
Débit(French m.) (rate of) flow (of a liquid), turnover (of a shop), delivery (elocution), debit (in accounting)
Débit de boissons(French m.) licensed premises
Débit de tabac(French m.) tabacconist's shop
débiter(French) to cut up, to produce, to sell, to spout (words), to debit (accounting)
débité sur maille(French) nach dem Spiegel geschnitten (German), taglio radiale (Italian), quarter-cut, wood cut in a radial direction to form a wedge, rather like cutting a slice of cake
Débiteur (m.), Débitrice (f.)(French) debtor
Debitkarte(German f.) debit card
Debito(Italian m.) debt
Débito(Spanish m.) debit, debt
debito(Italian) due
Debitor(German m.) debtor
Debitore (m.), Debitrice (f.)(Italian) debtor
Debitzinssatz(German m.) overdraft interest rate
Debkesee dabkeh
Deblaa toná with religious overtones
Déblaiement(French m.) clearing
Deblasone of the variations of tonás, one of the oldest flamenco styles
Déblayage(French m.) clearing
déblayer(French) clear
Déblocage(French m.) freeing
débloquer(French) free (of charge)
DebocheBrazilian fusion of electric frevo and ijexá
déboires(French m. pl.) disappointments
de bois(French) wooden
déboiser(French) to clear (of trees)
déboîter(French) to dislocate (a joint), to pull out (in a vehicle)
Debole(Italian m.) weak point, weakness
debole(Italian) weak, feeble, dim, faint
Debolezza(Italian f.) weakness
de bolsillo(Spanish) pocket
debo marcharme(Spanish) I must go, I have to go
de bon aloi(French) wholesome (personality)
de bon coeur(French) with a good heart
débonnaire(French) gentle, gracious, kindly, affable
de bonne heure(French) early
de bonne grâce(French) having a good air about one, a good appearance, friendship, benevolence
de bonne qualité(French) of good quality, of high quality
debonaircheerful, self-assured, pleasant-mannered
de bon ton(French) in good taste
Deboralied(German n.) Song of Deborah
débordé(French) snowed under
débordé de(French) snowed under with
Débordement(French m.) overflowing
déborder(French) to overflow, to extend beyond
déborder de(French) overflowing with (happiness, etc.)
debosciato(Italian) debauched
de bote en bote(Spanish) packed
Debouchmarch out (as from a defile) into open ground, pass out or emerge (especially of rivers)
Débouché(French m.) opening, prospect (job), outlet, end, exit
déboucher(French) to uncork, to unblock, to emerge
déboucher de(French) to emerge from
déboucher sur(French) (road) to lead into
deboulés(French) (in ballet) rolar (Portuguese), synonymous with chaînés (French)
débourser(French) to pay out
déboussolé(French) disorientated, disoriented
debout(French) standing, up
déboutonné (m.), déboutonnée (f.)(French) unbuttoned, wearing informal dress, lacking in reserve, fond of making intimate confidences
déboutonner(French) to unbutton
de bracero(Spanish) arm in arm
débraillé(French) slovenly
débrancher(French) to unplug, to disconnect
Débrayage(French m.) stoppage, clutch (car, etc.)
débrayer(French) to stop work, to declutch (driving)
Debrecena city of eastern Hungary near the Romanian border east of Budapest, founded in the 14th century, and which was the provisional capital from 1944 to 1945
Debrecziner(English, German f.) a sausage similar to a Frankfurter, but spicier and with a coarser texture
Debrecziner (m.), Debreczinerin (f.)(German) inhabitant of Debrecen, native of Debrecen
Debreziner(German f.) debreziner (sausage)
Debridement(English, German n.) surgical removal of foreign material and dead tissue from a wound in order to prevent infection and promote healing
Debris(English, German m.) anglicised form of débris (French pl.)
Débris(French m. pl.) fragments, rubbish (in English, usually written 'debris')
de broma(Spanish) in fun
Débrouillard (m.), Débrouillarde (f.)(French) a survivor, resourceful person
débrouillard (m.), débrouillarde (f.)(French) resourceful
débrouiller(French) to disentangle, to sort out (a problem)
débroussailler(French) to clear (of brushwood)
de bruces(Spanish) face down, facing downwards
DebterasEthiopian ecclesiastical professionals who sing and perform a kind of liturgical dance to the accompaniment of drums, sistra and with prayer sticks (maqwamia)
Début(French m., English from the French) first public appearance or performance
(French m.) beginning, hence mouvement du début (French: at the original speed, at the same speed as at the beginning, tempo primo (Italian))
Debüt (s.), Debüts (pl.)(German n.) début
Debütalbum(German n.) debut album, first album
Debütant (m.), Debütantin (f.), Debütanten (, Debütantinnen ( debutant, debutant actor, novice, deb (colloquial: debutante)
Débutant (m.), Débutante (f.)(French) novice, beginner, an artist appearing for the first time
Debutante ballsee 'cotillion'
Debütantinnenparty(German f.) coming-out party
debutar(Spanish) to make one's debut
de but en blanc(French) point-blank
débuter(French) to begin, to start out, to play first
debütieren(German) to debut, to make one's debut, to come out (archaic: to go out into society)
Debutikusgeschwüre(German pl.) bed sores
Debütroman(German m.) first novel
Debütsingle(German f.) debut single
debuttare(Italian) to make one's début
Debutto(Italian m.) début
Dec.abbreviated form of decani (Latin: of the dean - in a cathedral, the dean's side of the choir), décembre (French: December), Decanus (Latin: dean), 'decimal', 'declaration', 'declension' (grammar), 'decoration', 'decorated', 'decrease', decrescendo (Italian: decrease loudness), 'December'
Déca(French m.) decaffeinated coffee
décacheter(French) to open
Decachord(German) a guitar-like instrument with ten strings
Decachordo(Italian m.) a harp or psaltery with ten strings, known in Hebrew as Hasur
Decachordon(Latin) a harp or psaltery with ten strings, known in Hebrew as Hasur
Décacorde(French m.) a guitar-like instrument with ten strings
Decad(in tuning theory) a chord of ten distinct tones, none of which is an octave transposition of another, is a decad
Década(Spanish f.) decade
Décade(French f.) ten days, decade
Décadence(French f.) decadence
Decadencia(Spanish f.) decline
Decadenta person who has fallen into a decadent state (morally or artistically)
Décadent(French m., German m.) decadent
décadent (m.), décadente (f.)(French) decadent
decadente(Italian, Spanish) decadent
Decadenza(Italian f.) decline, loss
decaer(Spanish) to decline, to weaken
Décafeiné(French m.) decaffeinated
décafeiné(French) decaffeinated
decaido(Spanish) depressed
Decaimiento(Spanish m.) decline, weakening
in music, decay (of a sound)
Decalshort for decalcomania, also known as 'Raps' or 'skins', a design that is fixed to some surface, a paper bearing the design which is to be transferred to the surface
Décalage(French m.) gap
Décalage horaire(French m.) time difference
Decalcomaniaanglicized form of décalcomanie
Décalcomanie(French f.) a decorative technique by which engravings and prints may be transferred to pottery or other materials
décaler(French) to shift
décalquer(French) to trace, to transfer a tracing
Decaméride1/3010 part of an octave, defined by Joseph Sauveur in 1696 as one tenth of an eptaméride
Decameron, The(subtitled Prencipe Galeotto) a collection of 100 novellas by Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), probably begun in 1350 and finished in 1353. It is a medieval allegorical work best known for its bawdy tales of love, appearing in all its possibilities from the erotic to the tragic. Many notable writers such as Chaucer are said to have drawn inspiration from The Decameron
Decamerone(Italian) Decameron, a collection consisting of ten parts, a period of ten days
de campaña(Spanish) field (kitchen, hospital)
decampare(Italian) to decamp
décamper(French) to clear off
Decania term applied in Anglican church music that refers to the half of the choir sitting on the dean's side of the church, that which sits on the right side of the congregation, i.e. the south side. The other half of the choir is referred to as the cantoris which is to the left of the congregation, i.e. the north side, nearest the cantor
Decano(Italian m., Spanish m.) dean
(Spanish m.) senior member
decantar(Spanish) to decant (wine)
decantare(Italian) to praise
Decantationthe act of gently pouring off a port, etc. (as from its original bottle) without disturbing the lees
décanter(French) to allow to settle
Décapant(French m.) chemical agent, paint stripper
décaper(French) to scrape down, to strip (a surface of paint)
decapitar(Spanish) to behead
decapitare(Italian) to behead
Decapitazione(Italian f.) beheading
décapotable(French) convertible
decappottabile(Italian) convertible
décapsuler(French) to take the cap of (jar, bottle, etc.)
Décapsuleur(French m.) bottle-opener
Decatiseto stabilise the properties of a fabric developed in finishing
Decaythe process by which a sound gradually disappears from the audible spectrum after the source has fallen silent; the time scale of this process is termed 'decay time' or 'period of reverberation'
decdabbreviation of 'deceased'
décédé(French) deceased
décéder(French) to die
deceduto(Italian) deceased
décelable(French) detectable
déceler(French) to detect, to reveal
decem(Latin) ten
décembre(French m.) December
DecembristRussian army officers who in December 1825 led about 3,000 soldiers in a protest against Nicholas I's assumption of the throne after his elder brother Constantine removed himself from the line of succession
décemment(French) decently
decena(Spanish f.) ten, about ten (approximately)
décence(French f.) decency
Decencia(Spanish f.) decency, honesty
Decenio(Spanish m.) decade
Decenne(Italian m./f.) ten-year old
decenne(Italian) ten-year old
décennie(French f.) decade
Decennio(Italian m.) decade
décent (m.), décente (f.)(French) decent
decente(Italian) decent
(Spanish) respectable (person), honest (person), modest (cost), clean, tidy
Décentralisation(French f.) decentralization
décentraliser(French) to decentralize
Decenza(Italian f.) decency
Decepción(Spanish f.) disappointment
decepcionar(Spanish) to disappoint
Déception(French f.) disappointment
Deceptive cadencealso called an interrupted cadence, a chord progression where the dominant chord is followed by a chord other than the tonic chord, usually the sixth chord or superdominant chord or submediant chord
Sir Jack Westrup in his article 'Parodies and Parameters' (Proc. Roy. Mus. Assoc. Vol. 100) points out that neither term, 'deceptive cadence' or 'interrupted cadence', is logical. The progression is not a cadance at all (Schoenberg suggested a better term would be 'deceptive progression') Furthermore, there is no rule that says that a dominant chord must be followed by a tonic chord, so there is no deception
Deceptive modulationa modulation that deceives the ear by leading to an unexpected harmony
décerner(French) to award
Décès(French m.) death
Decessio(Latin) reduction
decessit sine prole(Latin) died without issue (an expression found in genealogical works and family trees)
Decesso(Italian m.) death
Deceto(Spanish m.) a group of ten players (for example, a double string quintet)
décevant (m.), décevante (f.)(French) disappointing
décevoir(French) to disappoint
Déchaînement(French m.) outburst (of passion)
déchaîner(French) to unleash (violence), to arouse a good deal of (enthusiasm)
Déchant(French) descant
Décharge(French f.) volley of shots, salvo
Décharge électrique(French f.) electrical discharge
Déchargement(French m.) unloading
Décharge publique(French f.) rubbish tip
décharger(French) to unload, to discharge (weapon, accusation)
décharger de(French) to release from
décharné(French) bony
Déchéance(French f.) decay, decline, failure
Déchet(French m.) scrap, waste
Déchets(French m. pl.) refuse (waste)
Déchiffrage(French m.) decoding, deciphering
déchiffrer(French) to decode, to decipher
Dechiffrierbarkeit(German f.) decipherability
Dechiffrieren(German n.) decoding
dechiffrieren(German) to decipher, to decode, to decrypt
dechiffrierend(German) deciphering
Dechiffrierer(German m.) decipherer, decoder
Dechiffriermaschine(German f.) decoding machine
dechiffriert(German) deciphered
Dechiffrierung(German f.) deciphering, decipherment, decoding, decryption
déchiqueter(French) to tear to shreds
déchirant (m.), déchirante (f.) (French) heart-breaking
Déchirement(French m.) heart-break, split (conflict)
déchirer(French) to tear, to tear up, to tear off, to tear out, to tear apart, to split (as in 'ear-splitting sound')
Déchirure(French f.) tear
déchoir(French) to demean oneself
déchoir de(French) to lose, to fall from
de choix(French) choice
Dechsel(German f.) adz (US), adze
déchu(French) fallen
Decibéis(Portuguese) decibels, dB
Decibel(Italian m., English) or dB, the decibel is a logarithmic unit which is used in a number of scientific disciplines. In all cases it is used to compare some quantity with some reference value. Usually the reference value is the smallest likely value of the quantity. Sometimes it can be an approximate average value
in acoustics the decibel is most often used to compare sound pressure, in air, with a reference pressure (where 0 dB(SPL) = 20µPa, where µPa is an abbreviation of micro Pascals). The human range of hearing, called the 'audio frequency', can be correlated with this scale where 0 dB(SPL) is the threshold of hearing and 140 dB(SPL) is the threshold of pain which is approximately the same as the upper limit of hearing. References for sound intensity, sound power and sound pressure in water are amongst others which are also commonly in use
reference values:
sound pressure (in air)0.00002 = 2E-5 Pa (rms)Pa = Pascal; rms = root mean square
sound intensity0.000000000001 = 1E-12 W/m2W/m2 = Watt per metre squared
sound power0.000000000001 = 1E-12 WW = Watt
sound pressure (water)0.000001 = 1E-6 PaPa = Pascal
acousticians use the dB scale for the following reasons:
quantities of interest often exhibit such huge ranges of variation that a dB scale is more convenient than a linear scale. For example, sound pressure radiated by a submarine may vary by eight orders of magnitude depending on direction
the human ear interprets loudness on a scale much closer to a logarithmic scale than a linear scale
Décibel(French m.) decibel, dB
Decibelio (s.), Decibelios (pl.)(Spanish m.) decibel, dB
décidé(French) with decision, firmly, resolute, resolutely, determined, determinedly, decided, decidedly
Decidedlywith decision, firmly, resolutely, deciso (Italian), bestimmt (German), décidé (French)
de-ci de-là(French) here and there, to and fro, about
décidément(French) really, with decision, resolution
décider(French) to decide on, to persuade
décider de(French) to decide to
decidere(Italian) to decide, to settle (a question)
décider que(French) to decide that
decidersi(Italian) to make up one's mind
decidido(Spanish) decided, determined, resolute
decidir(Spanish) to decide, to settle (question)
decidir por votación(Spanish) to decide by ballot
decidirse(Spanish) to make up one's mind
Deciemmi(Finnish) the interval of a tenth
Deciem(Dutch) the interval of a tenth
decifrare(Italian) to decipher, to decode (coded message)
Decima(Italian, Swedish) (from the Latin, literally 'a tenth') an interval covering ten degrees of the scale, equivalent to an octave and a third
an organ stop pitched a tenth above the 8 ft. pitch stops
in Italian, the word decima adds a tenth to the name of any interval immediately following, thus, tertia (Italian: a third) becomes decima tertia (Italian: a thirteenth)
Décimaa poetic rhyme (ten-line octosyllabic stanza with a rhyming scheme ABBAACCDDC), both spoken and sung, common to the Spanish canción that later became popular in Spanish America, especially Venezuela, Panama and Puerto Rico. It serves as the traditional verse structure of the Cuban punto guajiro, the Puerto Rican seis con décima and, in Louisiana, of the Isleños, a people originally from the Canary Islands
it is also known as espinela, trovo, and rima en poesía, the themes range from the religious to love, death and mythology
(Spanish) the interval of a tenth
Decimal(English, Spanish m.) a number system employing base ten
decimal(Spanish) pertaining to a number system employing base ten (for example, decimal point, decimal place, etc.)
Décimal (m.), Décimale (f.)(French) decimal
décimal (m.), décimale (f.)(French) decimal
decimale(Italian) decimal
Decima nona(Latin, Italian) the interval of a nineteenth
Decima octava(Latin) the interval of an eighteenth
Decima ottava(Italian) the interval of an eighteenth
Decima quarta(Latin, Italian) the interval of a fourteenth
Decima quinta(Latin, Italian) the interval of a fifteenth
decimare(Italian) to decimate
Decima septima(Latin) the interval of a seventeenth
Decima sesta(Italian) the interval of a sixteenth
Decima settima(Latin) the interval of a seventeenth
Decima sexta(Latin) the interval of a sixteenth
Decima tertia(Latin) the interval of a thirteenth
Decima terzia(Italian) the interval of a thirteenth
Décimaux(French m. pl.) decimal
decime(Dutch) tenth
Decimein early to mid-1800's Puerto Rico, a skilled storyteller who performed narrative tales set to music, usually derived from the danza, so called for the story's rigidly metered 10-line stanzas, each line being formed of eight syllables
Décime(French) a tenth, decima
Decimettea composition for ten performers
Decimistaa person who writes or improvises décima
decimo(Italian) tenth
decimo (m.), decima (f.)(Italian) tenth
Décimo(Spanish m.) tenth, tenth part of a lottery ticket
décimo(Spanish) tenth
Decimoctavo(Spanish m.) eighteenth
decimoctavo(Spanish) eighteenth
Decimocuarto(Spanish m.) fourteenth
decimocuarto(Spanish) fourteenth
Decimole(German) a decuplet
Decimonono(Spanish m.) nineteenth
decimonono(Spanish) nineteenth
Decimonoveno(Spanish m.) nineteenth
decimonoveno(Spanish) nineteenth
Decimoquinto(Spanish m.) fifteenth
decimoquinto(Spanish) fifteenth
Decimoséptimo(Spanish m.) seventeenth
decimoséptimo(Spanish) seventeenth
Decimosexto(Spanish m.) sixteenth
decimosexto(Spanish) sixteenth
Decimotercero(Spanish m.) thirteenth
decimotercero(Spanish) thirteenth
Decimotercio(Spanish m.) thirteenth
decimotercio(Spanish) thirteenth
decimus(Latin) tenth
Decina(Italian f.) ten
Decir(Spanish m.) saying
decir(Spanish) to say, to tell
decir atrocidades(Spanish) to make silly remarks
decir bobadas(Spanish) to talk nonsense
decir disparates(Spanish) to talk nonsense
decir que no(Spanish) to say no
decir que si(Spanish) to say yes
decirse(Spanish) to be said
decisamente(Italian) resolutely
Decise scappatefound in the first violin part to Ponchielli's La Gioconda, also called 'Dance of the Hours', this instruction means to play decisively and with a strong sense of forward motion (i.e. rushed)
décisif (m.), décisive (f.)(French) decisive, clear, firm
Décision(French f.) decision
Decisión(Spanish f.) decision
Decisione(Italian f.) decision, firmness
Decisissimo(Italian) very decided, with extreme decision and firmness
décisivement(French) decisively
decisivo(Italian, Spanish, literally 'decisive') perform in a bold, decisive manner, decisive, firmly, boldly
deciso(Italian) decided, energetic, in a decided manner, firmly, with firmness, boldly
Deck (s.), Decks (pl.)(English, German n.) platform on a ship serving as a floor
Deckakt(German m.) mating
Deckanstrich(German m.) top coating
Deckarbeiter(German m.) roustabout
Deckbalken(German m.) beam
Deckbett(German n.) duvet, feather bed
Deckblatt (s.), Deckblätter (pl.)(German n.) flyleaf, bract, cover sheet, wrapper
Deckbrandsohle(German f.) sock lining, sock
Deckbürste(German f.) deck brush
Deckchen(German n.) doily
Decke (s.), Decke (pl.)(German f.) cover, table-cloth, blanket, rug, ceiling, manta, coat, quilt, spread (cover)
(German f.) table d'harmonie (French f.), tavola armonica (Italian f.), top, table or belly of the soundbox of a stringed instrument (the soundboard)
(German f.) the cover, or top, in those organ stops which are stopped, or covered
Deckel (s./pl.)(German m.) lid, top (bottle), cap (bottle), cover (book), roller-lid
(German m.) plate, cup, cuscinetto (Italian m.), plateau (French m.)
Deckle edgethe uneven edge of a hand made paper. When pulp is poured onto a paper making screen and left to dry, the area that overlap the frame's bevel form a thin deckle. A sheet of paper with four deckle edges indicates it was made on a small screen, possibly by hand. If only two sides of a sheet of paper have deckle edges it means it was factory produced in a long role and then cut into sheets. For commercial printing the entire deckle is cut off to facilitate its passage through a press and proper registration. Papers with deckle edges are usually reserved for fine art printing that is done by hand. The edges of paper may be torn off in a manner that gives the illusion of a deckle
Deckelkorb(German m.) hamper
Deckellid(German n.) lid
deckeln(German) to cap
Deckelschraube(German f.) cover screw
Deckelung(German f.) cap
Decken (s./pl.)(German n.) mating (singular form), blankets (plural form), ceilings (plural form)
decken(German) to cover, to tile, to lay, to shield, to meet (a need), to defray (costs), to tup, to back, to blanket, to screen, to mate with
Deckenauslässe(German pl.) ceiling vents
Deckenbalken(German m.) ceiling beam
Deckenband(German m.) case binding
Deckenbeleuchtung(German f.) skylight, ceiling lighting, overhead lighting
Deckenbemalung(German f.) ceiling painting
Deckenbespannung(German f.) roof lining, headlining
Deckenbürste(German f.) ceiling brush
deckend(German) tiling, shielding
deckende Wasserfarben(German pl.) opaque water colours
Deckenebene(German f.) roof level
Deckeneffekt(German m.) ceiling effect
Deckeneinbau(German m.) paving (in a street)
Deckenfresko (s.), Deckenfresken (pl.)(German n.) ceiling fresco
Deckengemälde(German n.) ceiling fresco, ceiling panel
Deckengewölbe(German n.) ceiling vault
Deckenhalter(German m.) (roof) suspension bracket
Deckenheizung(German f.) overhead heating
Deckenhohlraum(German m.) ceiling void
Deckenlampe(German f.) ceiling lamp, ceiling light
Deckenleuchte (s.), Deckenleuchten (pl.)(German f.) ceiling light
Deckenlicht(German n.) ceiling light
Deckenluftauslass(German m.) ceiling diffusor
Deckenlüfter(German m.) ceiling fan
Deckenoberkante(German f.) ceiling height
Deckenoberlicht(German n.) roof light
Deckenpaneele(German f.) ceiling panel
Deckenplatte (s.), Deckenplatten (pl.)(German f.) ceiling tile
Deckenputz(German m.) ceiling plaster
Deckenstrahler(German m.) overhead heating
Deckentäfelung(German f.) panel of a ceiling
Deckentapete(German f.) ceiling paper
Deckenventilator(German m.) ceiling fan
Deckfarbe(German f.) body colour
Deckfracht(German f.) deck cargo
Deckgestein(German n.) overburden (the term used in mining to describe material that lies above the area of economic interest - for example, the rock and soil that lies above the coal seam)
Deckgewebe(German n.) epithelial tissue (for example, the skin and the linings of the various passages inside the body)
Deckglas(German n.) picture frame glass
Deckhaar(German n.) top layer of hair, top hair
Deckhaken(German m.) deck hook
Deckhelfer(German m.) roustabout (US: deckhand)
Deckhengst(German m.) stallion
Deckkraft(German f.) opacity
Deckladung(German f.) deck load, deck cargo
Decklein manual papermaking, a deckle is a belt used along with a mould to gather up woodpulp from a vat for pressing and drying into sheets. It helps to control the size of the paper produced. For this reason, paper with a feathered or soft edge is often said to have a "deckled" edge (as opposed to trimmed paper that has a cut edge)
Deckmantel (s.), Deckmäntel (pl.)(German m.) pretence (figurative), cloak
Deckname (s.), Decknamen (pl.)(German m.) pseudonym, alias, assumed name, code name, cover name (agent), handle (code name)
Deckoffizier(German m.) deck officer
Deckorganisation(German f.) cover organisation
Deckpassage(German f.) deck passage
Deckpassagier(German m.) deck passenger
Deckplanke(German f.) deck-plank
Deckschicht(German f.) top coat, cap, top layer, surface layer
Deckschuhe(German pl.) deck shoes
Deckshaus(German n.) deckhouse
Deckskante(German f.) deckrail
Decksladung(German f.) deck cargo
Deckslast(German f.) deck cargo
Decksluke(German f.) deck hatch
Deckstein(German m.) end stone, copestone, capstone
Deckstuhl(German m.) deck chair, deckchair
deckt auf(German) reveals, uncovers
deckte auf(German) revealed
deckte sich(German) coincided
deckt zu(German) covers
Deckung(German f.) marking (a man), guard (boxing), security (safety), backing, backup, convoy, cover, coverage, covering, insurance coverage, protection
Deckungsbestätigung(German f.) cover note (insurance)
deckungsgleich(German) congruent, coextensive (in area), conterminous, coincident
Deckungssumme(German f.) limit of liability, limit of indemnity, sum insured
Deckungszusage(German f.) cover note
Deckweiß(German n.) opaque white
decl.abbreviation of 'declension' (grammar)
declamando(Italian, respectively 'declaiming' and 'declaimed') in a declamatory style
declamar(Spanish) to declaim
declamare(Italian) to declaim
Declamationthe art of rendering words with the proper pronunciation, accentuation and expression, a mastery as necessary to being a professional singer as it is to being a professional speaker
Déclamation(French f.) declamation
declamato(Italian, respectively 'declaiming' and 'declaimed') in a declamatory style, with a correct and distinct enunciation
déclamatoire(French) in a declamatory style
deklamatorisch(German) declamatory
Declamatorya style where the words are treated with correct and distinct enunciation, declamato (Italian), deklamatorisch (German), déclamatoire (French)
Declamatory rhythmmelodic rhythm that mirrors the way a piece of text might be declaimed
Declamazione(Italian f.) declamation
declansee 'cancel'
declanchesee 'cancel'
Declaración(Spanish f.) statement
Declaración de renta(Spanish f.) income tax return
Déclaration(French f.) declaration, political statement
Déclaration d'impôts(French f.) tax return
déclarer(French) to declare, to register
de clase media(Spanish) middle-class
declassare(Italian) to downgrade
déclassé (m.), déclassée (f.)(French) relegated, downgraded (for example, from one's proper place in society)
déclasser(French) to relegate, to downgrade (hotel, ticket, etc.)
déclaver(French) to go out of the key
déclencher(French) to release, to set off, to launch, to trigger off (provoke)
Déclencheur(French m.) (photography) trigger
Déclic(French m.) click, trigger mechanism
Déclin(French m.) decline
Declinación(Spanish f.) (grammar) declension
Déclinaison(French f.) (grammar) declension
declinar(Spanish) to decline, to deteriorate
declinare(Italian) to decline, to go down, to set
Declined languagealso called a synthetic language, or an inflected language. A declined language is one in which word order is not as important in making meaning as the use of inflections or declensions - special endings stuck on the end of words - to indicate the case, or how each word functions. These endings are called declensions, a term that comes from the handwritten grammar charts used by medieval monks who create a series of angled or declined lines in specified patterns, and on these lines the students would write the correct word-ending as part of grammar exercises
décliner(French m.) to decline (refuse), to state ('say', 'express')
Declive(Spanish m.) slope, decline (figurative)
Declivio(Italian m.) slope
Déclivité(French f.) slope
de clocher(French) parochial
décocher(French) to fling (a blow), to shoot (a look)
Decoder(English, German m.) a machine that, or skilled individual who, converts a coded text into ordinary language
software that parses data from one format into a different format for use by another process (for example, to convert MP3 format files to WAV format)
a hardware or software system that translates data streams into video or audio information
in satellite broadcasting, a box which, normally together with a viewing card, makes it possible to view encrypted transmissions. If the transmissions are digital, the decoder is usually integrated in the receiver
décoder(French) to decode
decodieren(German) to decode
Decodierer(German m.) decoder, decrypter
decodiert(German) decodes, decoded
decodierte(German) decoded
décoiffer(French) to disarrange the hair of
décoincer(French) to free
decolorar(Spanish) to discolour, to fade
decolorarse(Spanish) to become discoloured, to fade
Decollage(English, German f.) the anglicised form of décollage (French m.), the removal of layers from a picture, revealing what is underneath. It is the reverse of collage
Décollage(French m.) take-off
see 'decollage'
decollare(Italian) to take off
décoller(French) to take off (plane)
(French) to unstick
Décolletage(French m.) to bare the shoulders, as for example with exposure of the neck and shoulders by wearing a low cut dress, the low-cut neck of a dress
Decolletebodice shape with a very low neckline traditionally worn on ball gowns and evening wear
Décolleté(French m., German n.) low neckline (of a dress, etc.)
décolleté(French) low-cut
décolletée(French) (a woman) wearing a low-cut dress which exposes the neck and shoulders
décolleté en pointe(French) V-neck
décolleté plongeant(French) plunging neckline
Decollo(Italian m.) take-off
Decolorant(French m.) bleach, bleaching agent
decolorant (m.), decolorante (f.)(French) bleaching
Decolorante(Italian m.) bleach, bleaching agent
decolorare(Italian) to bleach
Décoloration(French f.) bleaching
decoloré (m.), decolorée (f.)(French) faded , bleached, lightened (in colour)
décolorer(French) to fade (colour), to bleach (hair)
Décombres(French m. pl.) rubble
décommander(French) to cancel (an order, an invitation)
de compétition(French) competitive
decomporsi(Italian) to decompose
décomposé(French) unconnected, decomposed, incoherent
décomposer(French) to break up, to decompose, to contort (the face)
Décomposition(French f.) decomposition
Decomposizione(Italian f.) decomposition
Décompte(French m.) deduction, breakdown (e.g. detailed list)
décompter(French) to deduct
de concert(French) in unision
déconcerter(French) to disconcert
de confection(French) ready-made
decongelare(Italian) to defrost
Décongelation(French f.) thawing
décongeler(French) to thaw
décongestionner(French) to relieve congestion in
déconseillé(French) not advisable, inadvisable
de consommation(French) consumer (business)
décontenancer(French) to disconcert
décontracté(French) relaxed
Déconvenue(French f.) disappointment
Décor(French m.) set (cinema), scenery (theatre, countryside), decorative background of a work of art
Decoración(Spanish f.) decoration
Decorado(Spanish m.) set (in a theatre)
Decorador(Spanish m.) decorator
decorar(Spanish) to decorate
decorare(Italian) to decorate
Decoratedin architectural history, the second phase of Gothic in England, basically of the early 14th century, characterised by sinuous decorative forms and considerable surface decoration
Decorated initialin medieval manuscripts, this term refers to an introductory letter of a text division, embellished with some type of abstract design, i.e., a design not necessarily containing a picture (which would make it an inhabited initial) and not necessarily containing a scene from the story (which would make it an historiated initial). Unlike the latter two types, the adornment in a decorated initial has no overt connection to the material discussed or narrated in the book's contents
Décorateur (m.), Décoratrice (f.)(French) (interior) decorator
décoratif (m.), décorative (f.)(French) decorative
Decorationin music, printed embellishment or departures from the written score intended to enrich a performance and provide variety in a repeated passage
ferrules, covering the joints of tubing in brass instruments, often display some kind of decoration. The two most frequently used decorative features are engraved and impressed rings or lines. While engraving removes metal, impressing rearranges it. A sharp steel tool is used to engrave a ring, while impressing can be done with a rounded tool. Embossing rearranges metal to certain shapes with the help of forms by using pressure; no metal is removed. Coins, for example, are embossed
Décoration(French f.) decoration
(French f.) some French theorists have used this word for the 'signature'
Decorative period
these periods cannot be assumed to be exact as in different countries and regions taste changed at different rates:
c. 700 - c. 1150Romanesque
c. 1150 - c. 1500Gothic
c. 1450 - c. 1600Renaissance
c. 1600 - c. 1760Baroque and Rococo
c. 1760 - 1820Neo-classical
decorativo(Italian, Spanish) decorative
decorato con disegni(Italian) patterned (decorated with patterns)
Decoratore (m.), Decoratrice (f.)(Italian) decorator
Decorazione(Italian f.) decoration
Decorazione con stampino(Italian f.) stencil
décorer(French) to decorate
Decoro(Italian m.) decorum
(Spanish m.) decorum, respect
decoroso(Italian) dignified
decorrere(Italian) to run
Décor simultané(French m.) a stage-setting in which several different locations are visible at the same time
Decorso(Italian m.) passing, (medical) course
decorso(Spanish) proper, modest, honourable
décortiquer(French) to shell, to dissect (figurative)
Decorumthe requirement that individual characters, the characters' actions, and the style of speech should be matched to each other and to the genre in which they appear. This idea was of central importance to writers and literary critics from the time of the Renaissance up through the eighteenth century. Lowly characters, low actions, and low style, for instance, were thought necessary for satire. Epic literature, on the other hand, called for characters of high estate, engaging in great actions, and speaking using elevated, poetic diction
de côté(French, literally 'sideways') ao lado (Portuguese), in dance, used to indicate that a step is to be made to the side, either to the right or to the left
découler de(French) to follow from
Découpage(French m., German f.) cut-out (picture), continuity, cutting (of a film script), the division of a scenario into scenes
découper(French) to cut up, to carve (meat), to cut out
découpler(French) to uncouple
découplez(French) uncouple (an expression used in organ music)
découragé(French) discouraged
Découragement(French m.) discouragement
décourager(French) to discourage
décousu(French) falling apart (clothes), disjointed (ideas, thoughts, etc.), desultory, lacking in cohesion
Découvert(French m.) overdraft
découvert (m.), découverte (f.)(French) uncovered, bare (head, etc.), open (terrain)
Découverte(French f.) discovery
découvrir(French) to discover, to uncover, to see, to reveal
décrasser(French) to clean
Decreasing in speedritardando (Italian), abnehmendes Tempo (German), en retenant (French)
Decreasing in tonediminuendo (Italian), abnehmender Ton (German), en diminuant (French), en s'affaiblissant (French)
decrecer(Spanish) to decrease, to diminish, to subside (flood)
decreciendo(Spanish) decrescendo
décrepit (m.), décrepite (f.)(French) decrepit
decrepito(Italian) decrepit
decrépito(Spanish) decrepit
Décrepitude(French f.) decay
decres.abbreviation of decrescendo (Latin: decrease loudness)
decresc.abbreviation of decrescendo (Latin: decrease loudness)
Descrescendo(English, German n., from the Italian) in music, a steady reduction in volume
decrescendo(Italian) to get gradually softer, leiser werden (German), decreasing, abnehmend (German), en décroissant (French)
decrescere(Italian) to decrease, to go down (price), to subside (flood)
decrescendo(Italian) to get gradually softer
Décret(French m.) decree
Decretalpapal letter written in response to a question, then having the authority of law
decretar(Spanish) to decree
decretare(Italian) to decree
décreter(French) to decree
Decreto(Italian m., Spanish m.) decree
Decretorypertaining to an authoritative decree or final judgement
décrié(French) decried
décrire(French) to describe
Décrispation(French f.) lessening of tension
décroché(French) (telephone) off the hook
décrocher(French) to unhook, to get (familiar), to give up
décrocher le téléphone(French) to pick up the phone
décrochez la pédale(French) to raise or release the pedal (on a harp, etc.)
décroître(French) to decrease
décrue(French) going down (of river water)
Dectetan ensemble formed of ten musicians
déçu(French) disappointed
Decubitusa reclining position (as in a bed)
décuple de, le(French) ten times
décupler(French) to increase tenfold
Decupleta group of ten notes formed by the division of a bar or part of a bar into ten equal parts, usually so that the ten notes are performed in the time of eight of the same value, or to four notes of the next highest value
ded(s).abbreviation of 'dedicated to', 'dedication(s)', 'dedicate'
dédaigner(French) to scorn
dédaigner de faire(French) to consider it beneath one to do
dédaigneux (m.), dédaigneuse (f.)(French) scornful
Dédain(French m.) scorn
Dedal(Spanish m.) thimble
Dédale(French m.) maze, labyrinth
Dedalo(Italian m., Spanish m.) maze, labyrinth
dedans(French) inside
de demper plaatsen(Dutch) fix the mute
de derrière(French) back, rear, hind (leg of an animal)
de desear(Spanish) desirable
de devant(French) front
de dia(Spanish) by day
de diario(Spanish) everyday, ordinary
Dedica(Italian f.) damn
Dédicace(French f.) dedication, inscription
dédicacer(French) to dedicate, to inscribe
Dedicación(Spanish f.) dedication
dedicar(Spanish) to dedicate, to devote (time)
dedicare(Italian) to dedicate
dedicarse a la abogacía(Spanish) to practise law
dedicato(Italian) dedicated
Dedicatoria(Spanish f.) dedication, inscription
dédié(French) dedicated
dédier(French) to dedicate
Dedikation(German f.) dedication
Dedil(Spanish m.) finger-stall
Dedilhado(Portuguese) or digitação, fingering
Dedillo(Spanish m.) fingertip
dedito a(Italian) given to, engrossed in, addicted to
dedizieren(German) to dedicate
dediziert(German) dedicated
Dedo(Portuguese m., Spanish m.) finger, toe
Dedo anular(Spanish m.) ring finger
Dedo corazón(Spanish m.) middle finger
Dedo del pie(Spanish m.) toe
Dedo gordo(Spanish m.) thumb
Dedo índice(Spanish m.) index finger
Dedo meñique(Spanish m.) little finger
Dédommagement(French m.) compensation
dédommager(French) to compensate
dédommager de(French) to compensate for
Dedo pequeño(Spanish m.) little finger
Dedo pulgar(Spanish m.) thumb
de dos(French) from behind
de dos en dos(Spanish) two by two, in pairs
dédouaner(French) to clear through customs
dédoubler(French) to split into two
Deducción(Spanish f.) deduction
deducir(Spanish) to deduce, to deduct
Deductio(Latin) the ascending scale in the Aretinian system of solmisation
two chords of which the second resolves the dissonance of the first
Déduction(French f.) deduction
Déduction d'impôts(French f.) tax deduction
déduire(French) to deduct, to deduce (conclude)
Deduktion(German f.) deduction
deduktiv(German) deductive, deductively
deduktive Folgerung(German f.) deductive reasoning
deduktive Methode(German f.) deductive method
dedurre(Italian) to deduce, to deduct
deduzieren von(German) to deduce from
Deduzione(Italian f.) deduction
Deedlegal document establishing ownership of land or property
Deed polla deed made and executed by only one party (for example, for a person to register his or her change of name
Deejayor d.j., see 'disc jockey'
Dee jayingone of many alternative Jamaican terms for what in other parts of the world is called 'rapping'
Deel(Dutch) movement (section of an extended work, for example, a symphony), volume, part
Deeltonen(Dutch) partials, harmonics, overtones
Deepin music, low in pitch, profondo (Italian), Tief (German), ton bas (French)
Deep housea style of house music, usually relatively slow, with simple drum machine rhythms, a less thumpy bass drum sound, less pronounced hi-hats on the off-beat and and increased use of reverb, delay and filter effects
  • Deep House from which this information has been taken
Deep Listening®a concept developed by the American composer Pauline Oliveros an innovator in live electronic performance. Oliveros defines Deep Listening® a "listening in every possible way to everything possible to hear no matter what you are doing. Such intense listening includes the sounds of daily life, of nature, or one's own thoughts as well as musical sounds. Deep Listening® represents a heightened state of awareness and connects to all that there is. As a composer I make my music through Deep Listening."
Deep soulgritty, funky soul music that borrows equally from the fervour of Southern gospel and the hard-driving energy of R & B. It is distinguished by a passionate, gospel-tinged singer, punchy horns, chicken-scratch guitars, and tight rhythm sections
Deerhound(German m.) Scottish deerhound
Deern(German f. - northern Germany) lass, lassie (young girl)
Deësis(Greek) in art, a group representing Christ enthorned, the Virgin on one side and St. John on the other
Deeskalation(German f.) de-escalation
deeskalieren(German) to de-escalate
deeskalierend(German) calmingly, de-escalating
deeskaliert(German) de-escalated
Déesse(French f.) goddess
Deest (s.), Desunt (pl.)(from the Latin deesse meaning absent) placed after a catalogue abbreviation to indicate that this particular work does not appear in it
Defalso called daf, this large round frame drum without jingles is used in Turkey, Egypt, Kurdistan, Kosovo, Armenia, Greece and other countries and regions in the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Turkic countries
def.abbreviation of defunctus (Latin: deceased)
de fabricación artesanal(Spanish) handcrafted, farmhouse
de façon juste(French) in a fair way
de facto(Latin) something that is automatically accepted, as a matter of fact
Défaillance(French f.) weakness, black-out (fainting fit), failure (breakdown), flagging, exhaustion
défaillant (m.), défaillante (f.)(French) faint (person)
défaillir(French) to faint
défaire(French) to undo, to unpack (case), to take down, to rid
défait, défaite(French) ruffled (hair), haggard (look)
Défaite(French f.) defeat
Défaitisme(French m.) defeatism
Defaitismus(German m. - Switzerland) defeatism
Defaitist (m.), Defaitistin (f.), Defaitisten (pl.), Defaitistinnen ( - Switzerland) defeatist
Défaitiste(French m./f.) defeatist
défaitiste(French) defeatist
defaitistisch(German - Switzerland) defeatist
defalcare(Italian) to deduct
défalquer(French) to deduct (an amount)
Defamiliarizationthe literary theoretical term "defamiliarization" is an English translation for Shklovsky's Russian term ostranenie. Shklovsky coined the phrase in 1917 in his essay Art as Technique. In this artistic technique, a writer, poet, or painter takes common, everyday, or familiar objects and forces the audience to see them in an unfamiliar way or from a strange perspective
de fantasie(French) fancy
Defätismus(German m.) defeatism
Defätist (m.), Defätistin (f.), Defätisten (pl.), Defätistinnen ( defeatist
defätistisch(German) defeatist, in a defeatist manner
Default-Klausel(German f.) default clause
Défaut(French m.) fault, defect, flaw, lack, shortage
Défaveur(French f.) disfavour
défavorable(French) disfavourable
défavoriser(French) to put at a disadvantage
Défection(French f.) desertion
Defecto(Spanish m.) fault, defect
défectueux (m.), défectueuse (f.)(French) defective, faulty
Défectuosité(French f.) faultiness, fault (defect)
Defekt (s.), Defekte (pl.)(German m.) bug, failure, blemish, deformity, defect, malfunction, fault
defekt(German) damaged, defective, faulty, flawed, rogue
defekte Isolierung(German f.) faulty insulation
defektfrei(German) defect-free
Defektlokalisierung(German f.) debugging
Defektur(German f.) small industrial scale
defender(Spanish) to defend
defender a muerte(Spanish) to defend to the death
défendre(French) to defend, to forbid
Defensa(Spanish f.) defence
Défense(French f.) defence
(French f.) tusk (of an elephant)
défense de fumer(French) no smoking
Défenseur(French m.) defender
défensif (m.), défensive (f.)(French) defensive
defensiv(German) defensive, defensively
Defensive(German f.) defence
Defensivität(German f.) defensiveness
defensivo(Spanish) defensive
Defensor(Spanish m.) defender
Déference(French f.) deference
Deferencia(Spanish f.) deference
déferent (m.), déferente (f.)(French) deferential
deferente(Italian, Spanish) deferential
Deferenza(Italian f.) deference
déferer(French) to defer
déferer à(French) to defer to
deferire(Italian) to remit (legal)
déferler(French) to break (wave), to erupt (violence)
Deferred resolutionsee 'resolution'
Defezione(Italian f.) defection
Défi(French m.) challenge, defiance
Defibrillation (s.), Defibrillatoren (German pl.)(English, German f.) the equipment or process employed to restore a regular heart-beat
déficeler(French) to untie
Déficience(French f.) deficiency
Deficiencia(Spanish f.) deficiency
Deficiencia mental(Spanish m.) mental handicap
deficiendo(Italian) getting less (i.e. diminishing in volume, decreasing in force,), dying away, becoming quieter, diminuendo (Italian), scemando (Italian), abnehmend (German), en amoindrissant (French)
déficient(French) deficient
Deficiente(Italian m./f.) mental defective, half-wit (pejorative)
deficiente(Italian, Spanish) deficient, mentally deficient (medical)
deficiente mental(Spanish) mentally handicapped
Deficienza(Italian f.) deficiency, gap (lacuna), mental deficiency (medical)
Deficit(England, Italian m.) amount by which some quantity is too small, excess of liabilities over assets
Déficit(French m., Spanish m.) deficit
déficitaire(French) in deficit
de fide(Latin) (a matter of) faith, a doctrine considered an essential part of a religious belief
défier(French m.) to challenge, to defy (brave)
Défile(French m.) procession, parade (military), (continual) stream
(French m.) gorge (geological feature)
Défile de mode(French m.) fashion parade
Defilee (s.), Defileen (pl.), Defilees (pl.)(German n.) parade, march past
défiler(French) to march (past), to stream (of visitors)
(French) (images) flashing by
defilieren(German) to defile, to defilade, to file past, to march past
defilierend(German) defiling
defiliert(German) defiles, defiled
defilierte(German) defiled
défini(French) definite
Definición(Spanish f.) definition
definido(Spanish) defined
definieren(German) to define, to clarify (make clearer)
definierend(German) defining
definierendes Merkmal(German n.) defining characteristic
definiert(German) defined, defines
définir(French) to define
definir(Spanish) to define, to clarify (make clearer)
definire(Italian) to define, to settle (resolve)
definire con esattezza(Italian) to pinpoint
definire con precisione(Italian) to pin down
définissable(French) definable
definit(German) definite
definit(German) positive, negative
Definite pitchin music, a sound or note of definite pitch is one of which it is possible or relatively easy to discern the pitch or frequency of the fundamental, as opposed to sounds of indefinite pitch. Sounds with definite pitch have harmonic frequency spectra or close to harmonic spectra
definites Integral(German n.) definite integral
définitif (m.), définitive (f.)(French) final, definitive
Definition (s.), Definitionen (German pl.)(English, German f.) statement of meaning of a word, etc, defining
Définition(French f.) definition, clue (e.g. for a crossword puzzle)
definitionsgemäß(German) by definition
Definitionsproblem(German n.) definition problem, problem of definition
definitiv(German) definite, definitely, definitive
définitivement(French) permanently, definitively
definitivo(Italian, Spanish) definitive
definito(Italian) definite
definitorisch(German) by definition, definitional
Definizione(Italian f.) definition, settlement (resolution)
defizient(German) deficient
Defizienz(German f.) deficiency
Defizit (s.), Defizite (pl.)(German n.) deficit, deficiency, shortcoming, shortfall, red ink (colloquial)
defizitär(German) adverse, in deficit, deficient
Defizit aufweisen(German) to show a deficit
Defizitsyndrom(German f.) deficit disorder
Deflación(Spanish f.) deflation
Déflagration(French f.) explosion
deflagrieren(German) to deflagrate
Deflation (s.), Deflationen (German pl.)(English, German f.) deflating or being deflated, reduction of money in circulation
Déflation(French f.) deflation
deflationieren(German) to deflate
deflationiert(German) deflated
deflationistisch(German) deflationary
déflationniste(French) deflationary
deflatorisch(German) deflationary, deflationist
Deflazione(Italian f.) deflation
Deflectionthe property of being bent or deflected
defleda(Italian) deviate from
Deflektion(German f.) deflexion, deflection
Deflexion(English, German f.) deflection
Defloration(English, German f.) deflowering, an act that despoils the innocence or beauty of something
deflorieren(German) to deflower, to deflorate
deflorierend(German) deflowering
defloriert(German) deflowers, deflowered
deflorierte(German) deflowered
Defluoridationthe removal of excess fluoride in drinking water to prevent the staining of teeth
defluoridieren(German) to defluoridate
Defluoridierung(German f.) defluoridation
Deflusso(Italian m.) downflow, ebb (tide)
defokussieren(German) to defocus
defokussiert(German) out of focus, defocused
Defokussierung(German f.) defocussing
défoncer(French) to break down (a door, etc.), to dig up (ground, road), to break the springs (of a bed)
de fond(French) background (noise), long-distance (sport)
de fond en comble(French) from top to bottom
de force(French) forcibly
Deformación(Spanish f.) deformation, distortion (for example, TV picture)
deformar(Spanish) to deform, to distort
deformare(Italian) to deform, to distort (figurative)
deformarse(Spanish) to go out of shape
deformarsi(Italian) to lose its shape
Deformation(English, German f.) loss of shape, distortion, strain
Déformation(French f.) loss of shape, deformation, distortion
Déformation professsionnelle(French f.) an occupational disease, a peculiarity or weakness characteristic of a particular occupation or profession
Deformationsschwingung(German f.) bending vibration
deformativ(German) deformative
deforme(Italian, Spanish) deformed
(Spanish) ugly
déformer(French) to put out of shape, to deform (limb), to distort (ideas, etc.)
deformieren(German) to contort, to deform
deformierend(German) misshaping, distorting, deforming
Deformierer(German m.) falsifier
deformiert(German) misshapes, contorted, deformed, distorted, out of shape, malformed, misshapen
deformierte(German) misshaped
deformierter Stahl(German m.) deformed steel
Deformierung(German f.) deformation
Deformità(Italian f.) deformity
Deformität(German f.) deformity
defragmentieren(German) to defragment
defragmentierend(German) defragmenting
defragmentiert(German) defragmented
Defragmentierung(German f.) defragmentation
Defraudant(German m.) defrauder
defraudar(Spanish) to cheat, to disappoint, to evade (taxes, etc.)
defraudare(Italian) to defraud
défrayer(French) to pay the expenses of
de frente(Portuguese) en face (French)
défricher(French) to clear (ground for cultivation, etc.)
défroisser(French) to smooth out
Defroster(German m.) demister
deftig(German) hearty, hefty, solid, good and proper (colloquial)
deftige Mahlzeit(German f.) solid meal
Defunción(Spanish f.) death
Défunt (m.), Défunte (f.)(French) deceased
défunt (m.), défunte (f.)(French) late (i.e. dead)
Defunto (m.), Defunta (f.)(Italian) deceased
defunto (m.), defunta (f.)(Italian) deceased
deg.abbreviation of 'degree'
degagé(French) clear, free and easy (sound)
afastado (Portuguese), in dance, a term used when the foot is pointed in an open position with a fully arched instep
degagé (m.), degagée (f.)(French) unconstrained, informal (in manner or appearance), uncommitted (to a political or other philosophy)
Dégagement(French m.) giving off, clearing, freeing, clearing (space)
dégager(French) to give off (emit), to clear (of debts, etc.), to bring out (make prominent)
dégainer(French) to draw
de gaieté de cœur(French) light-heartedly, gladly
d'égal à égal(French) between equals, peer to peer (computer architecture)
dégarnir(French) to clear, to empty
Dégâts(French m. pl.) damage
Dégel(French m.) thaw
dégeler(French) to thaw out
Degen (s./pl.)(German m.) sword, épée, epee
(German m., dated) (doughty) warrior
Degeneración(Spanish f.) degeneration, degeneracy (moral)
degenerado(Spanish) degenerate
degenerar(Spanish) to degenerate
degenerare(Italian) to degenerate
Degeneration (s.), Degenerationen (German pl.)(English, German f.) degeneracy, degenerateness
Degenerationserscheinung(German f.) sign of degeneration
Degenerationskrankheit(German f.) degenerative disease
degenerato(Italian) degenerate
degenerativ(German) degenerative, worsening, degeneratively
degenerative Veränderungen(German pl.) degenerative changes
degenere(Italian) to degenerate
Dégénéré (m.), Dégénérée (f.)(French) degenerate (person)
dégénéré (m.), dégénérée (f.)(French) degenerate
dégénérer(French) to degenerate
degenerieren(German) to degenerate
degeneriert(German) degenerates, degenerately, degenerate, degenerated
degenerierter Mensch(German m.) degenerate, low life (colloquial: morally degenerate person)
Degenklinge(German f.) rapier blade
Degenscheide(German f.) scabbard
Degenspitze(German f.) rapier point
Degente(Italian m./f.) patient
degente(Italian) bedridden
dégingandé(French) gangling
dégivrer(French) to de-ice (car), to defrost (refrigerator)
deglacer(French) to deglaze
deglacieren(German) to deglaze
Deglazeto swill out a pan in which food has been fried with wine, stock or water in order to use the sediment for the sauce or gravy
déglingué(French) falling to bits
déglinguer(French) to knock about
deglutir(Spanish) to swallow
degnare(Italian) to deign
degnarsi(Italian) to condescend
degno(Italian) worthy, deserving (having merit)
degollar(Spanish) to cut someone's throat, to ruin (figurative)
dégonflé(French) flat (type), yellow (cowardly)
dégonfler(French) to let down, to deflate
dégouliner(French) to trickle
dégourdi(French) smart
dégourdir(French) to warm up (limbs, liquid)
Dégoût(French m.) disgust
dégoutant (m.), dégoutante (f.)(French) disgusting
dégouté(French) disgusted
dégouté de(French) sick of
dégoutir(French) to disgust
dégradant(French) degrading
degradar(Spanish) to degrade
degradare(Italian) to degrade
degradarse(Spanish) to lower oneself
degradarsi(Italian) to lower oneself (in status)
dégrader(French) to degrade, to damage
degradierbar(German) degradable
degradieren(German) to demote (military), to degrade (figurative), to unfrock (priest), to downgrade
degradierend(German) degrading, demoting, downgrading
degradiert(German) degrades, demotes, downgrades, demoted, degraded, downgraded
degradierte(German) degraded, downgraded, demoted
Degradierung (s.), Degradierungen (pl.)(German f.) degradation, demotion, abasement, debasement, reduction in rank
dégrafer(French) to unhook
degraisser(French) to skim off fat
de gran aceptación entre ...(Spanish) very popular with ..., very successful with ...
Degré(French m.) degree, step
Degré VII(French m.) leading note
Degré conjoint(French m.) conjunct movement
Degré (de la gamme)(French m.) (scale) degree
premier degrétonique
deuxième degrésus-tonique
troisième degrémédiante
quatrième degrésous-dominante
cinquième degrédominante
sixième degrésus-dominante
septième degrésensible (in a major scale)
sous-tonique (in a natural minor scale)
huitième degrétonique (octave)
Degreegrado (Italian m., Spanish m.), Grad (German m.), Stufe (German f.), degré (French m.), the position of a note in the scale, for example, G is the second degree in the scale of F
the eight degrees of the scale may be numbered using Arabic (1-8) or Roman (I-VIII or i-viii) numerals
1, i, Itonic (English)
tonique (French f.)
tonica (Italian f.)
nota fondamentale (Italian f.)
Tonika (German f.)
the key note
2, ii, IIsupertonic (English)
sus-tonique (French f.)
sopratonica (Italian f.)
Supertonika (German f.)
the note above the tonic
3, iii, IIImediant (English)
médiante (French f.)
mediante (Italian f.)
nota caratteristica (Italian f.)
modale (Italian)
Mediante (German f.)
the note between the tonic and dominant above (the middle of a perfect 5th counting up from the tonic)
4, iv, IVsubdominant (English)
sous-dominante (French f.)
sottodominante (Italian f.)
Subdominante (German f.)
the note a perfect fifth below the tonic
5, v, Vdominant (English)
dominante (French f.)
dominante (Italian f.)
Dominante (German f.)
the note a perfect fifth above tonic
6, vi, VIsubmediant (English)
superdominant (English)
sus-dominante (French f.)
sopradominante (Italian f.)
Submediante (German f.)
the note between the subdominant and tonic (the middle of a perfect 5th counting down from the tonic)
7, vii, VIIleading note (English)
leading tone (US)
subtonic (English)
(note) sensible (French f.)
sous-tonique (French f.)
(nota) sensibile (Italian f.)
sottotonica (Italian f.)
Leitton (German m.)
the note usually a semitone (half step) below the tonic, leads to the tonic (see note in blue below)
theorists made a distinction between 'leading note' (leading tone) and 'subtonic'. The name subtonic is reserved for the flattened or lowered 'leading note', so that the subtonic is a semitone or half step lower than the leading note (or leading tone)
8, viii, VIIItonic (English)
tonique (octave) (French f.)
tonica (Italian f.)
Tonika (German f.)
the key note
Degreea line or space on the staff
often used for a 'step', i.e. the interval of a second
Degree daysused to ascertain the energy used to heat a building
Degree in musicthe title, B.Mus., M.Mus., D.Mus., etc., conferred by a university upon a candidate who has passed the necessary examinations
Degrees, (gradually) bypoco a poco (Italian), allmählich (German), allmählig (German), peu à peu (French), graduellement (French)
Degrees, (stepwise) bydi grado (Italian), Schrittweise (German), degré conjoint (French)
Degré natural(French m.) natural degree (i.e. neither sharpened nor flattened)
de gré ou de force(French) whether he likes it or not
Degrés extrêmes(French m. pl.) see notes extrêmes
Degrés mobiles(French m. pl.) or notes mobiles, the sixth and seventh degrees of the scale, so called because according to the particular form of minor scale these notes may be altered (that is, raised or lowered)
dégressif (m.), dégressive (f.)(French) gradually lower
Degression(English, German f.) a descent by stages or steps
degressiv(German) declining, degressive, on a diminishing scale
Dégrévement d'impôts(French m.) tax reduction
Dégrévement fiscal(French m.) tax reduction
dégréver(French) to reduce the tax on
Dégringolade(French f.) a tumble, a rapid deterioration, a sudden fall
dégringoler(French) to tumble (down), to rush down, to deteriorate rapidly
dégrossir(French) to trim (tree, shrub), to rough out (a project)
déguerpir(French) to clear off
dégueulasse(French) disgusting, lousy (slang)
Déguisement(French m.) disguise, fancy dress (for carnival, a party, etc.)
déguiser(French) to disguise
Degungsee gamelan degung
Degung klasikthe term used for the core repertoire of gamelan degung, consisting of approximately 60 pieces
Degustación(Spanish f.) tasting
degustar(Spanish) to taste
degustare(Italian) to taste
Degustation(English, German f., anglicised form of dégustation (French)) sampling food, taking a small amount into the mouth to test its quality
Dégustation(French f.) tasting, sampling
Degustazione(Italian f.) tasting
déguster(French) to taste, to sample, to enjoy (savour)
de gustibus (non est disputandum)(Latin) there's no accounting for taste
Déhanchement(French) a stance characteristic of medieval statues in which one hip in raised and the other lowered
de haut en bas(French) with an air of conscious superiority
Dehesa(Spanish f.) pasture
Dehiscencein biology, the splitting open of, for example, a seed head that has reach maturity (i.e. becomes ripe)
in surgery, a person with wound dehiscence has a wound that has opened, or come apart, after it was surgically closed
dehnbar(German) elastic, ductile, dilatable, distensible, malleable, stretchy, tensile, dilative, expansible
dehnbarer(German) more elastic, more ductile, more dilatable, more distensible, more malleable, more stretchy, more expansible
dehnbarer Begriff(German m.) elastic term
Dehnbarkeit (s.), Dehnbarkeiten (pl.)(German f.) malleableness, distensibility, extensibility, tensibility, expansibility, expansibleness, ductility, stretch
dehnbarste(German) most elastic, most malleable, most dilatable, most stretchy
Dehnbüchse(German f.) expanding sleeve, expansion sleeve
Dehnbund(German m.) stretch waistband
Dehnen(German n.) traction, stretching
dehnen(German) to distend, to stretch, to widen, to expand, to strain, to elongate, to prolong
dehnend(German) distending, stretching, prolonging, lengthening (vowel), stirando, en s'étendant
Dehnfach(German n.) expanding compartment (in a handbag, briefcase, etc.)
Dehnfuge(German f.) expansion joint
Dehngefäß(German n.) bellows
Dehnhülse(German f.) expansion sleeve
Dehnmessstreifen(German m.) resistive wire strain, strain gauge
Dehnrate(German f.) expansion rate (material)
dehnt(German) stretches, distends, extends
dehnt aus(German) distends, expands
dehnte(German) distended
Dehnübungen(German pl.) stretching exercises
Dehnung (s.), Dehnungen (pl.)(German f.) elongation, distension, strain, lengthening, stretching, stretch
Dehnungsmessstreifen(German m.) strain gauge, strain gauge strip
Dehnungsstreifen (s./pl.)(German m.) stretch mark
Dehnungstrich(German m.) an extended bow stroke
Dehors(French m. pl.) exterior
dehors(French) outside
dehors, en(French, literally 'outside') emphasized, prominent
De hout wind(Dutch) woodwind
de hoy en adelante(Spanish) as of today, from today
Dehydration(German f.) dehydration
Dehydratisierung(German f.) dehydration
dehydrieren(German) to dehydrate, to desiccate
dehydriert(German) dehydrated, fluid-depleted
Dei(German m.) dey (the title given to the rulers of the Regency of Algiers (Algeria) and Tunis (Tunisia) under the Ottoman Empire from 1671 onwards)
Deicebathe trance cermonies of the Gnaoua Sufi brotherhood in Morocco. Music is an integral part of their spiritual tradition, in contrast to most other forms of Islam, which do not use music. This music is an attempt at reaching a trance state which inspires mystical ecstasy. The brothers hold hands in a circle and chant or dance. Sufi music is usually without rhythm
Deich (s.), Deiche (pl.)(German m.) dike, dyke, embankment, levee (US: flood protection embankments)
Deichbruch(German m.) bursting of a dike, dike burst, dike break, crevasse, breach in a dike
Deichkrone(German f.) dike summit, dike top
Deichschleuse(German f.) dike lock
Deichsel(German f.) pole, shaft, drawbar (of caravan or trailer), tongue (carriage, cart)
Deichselanhänger(German m.) pony trailer (US - colloquial)
Deichsel eines Wagens(German f.) shaft of a carriage
deichseln(German) to manipulate, to wangle (colloquial), to handle (an affair)
Deichwache(German f.) dike watch
Deicticrelating to or characteristic of a word whose reference depends on the circumstances of its use
Deidad(Spanish f.) deity
deificar(Spanish) to deify
Dei gratia(Latin) by the grace of God
Deimos(English, German m.) in Greek mythology, a son of Ares (Mars) and the personification of dread
dein(German) thine (archaic), thy (archaic or dialect), your
Dein Benehmen versetzt mich in Staunen.(German) I am astonished at your behaviour.
deine(German) yours, your
Deine Arbeit lässt viel zu wünschen übrig.(German) Your work leaves a lot to be desired.
deine Darstellung(German f.) your version
deine Fähigkeit unter Beweis stellen(German) to demonstrate your ability
Dein eigener Fehler!(German) That's your (own) fault!
deinem Rat folgend(German) at your advice
Deine Nase blutet.(German) Your nose is bleeding.
deiner(German) yours
deiner Gesundheit wegen(German) for the benefit of your health
deinerseits(German) for your part
deines(German) yours
Deine Schnürsenkel sind offen.(German) Your shoelace is untied.
Deine Schönheit ist unvergleichlich.(German) Your beauty is beyond compare.
deinesgleichen(German) your equals
deinesgleichen(German) people like you, people like yourself, your sort (colloquial), your type (colloquial), the likes of you (colloquial)
Deine Treue sollte ihm gelten.(German) Your loyalty should be to him.
deinetwegen(German) because of you, on your account, on account of you, for your sake, about you, on your behalf
deinetwillen(German) for you
Dein Finger blutet.(German) Your finger is bleeding.
dein Gewicht ändern(German) to alter your weight
Dein Hut sitzt nicht richtig.(German) Your hat isn't on straight.
dein Reich komme(German) thy kingdom come
deins(German) yours
Deinstallation(German f.) uninstalling
Deinstallationsprogramm(German n.) uninstaller
deinstallieren(German) to uninstall, to deinstall
De integro(Latin) repeat again from the beginning
Dein Tonfall gefällt mir nicht!(German) You are not striking the proper tone!
De inventione et usu musicae (c.1484)written by Johannes Tinctoris (c.1435-c.1511) and published in Naples, provides detailed information on musical instruments and musical practices of this period
Dein Wunsch ist mir Befehl.(German) Your wish is my command.
deionisieren(German) to deionise
deionisiert(German) deionised
Deipnosophistsomeone skilled at informal chitchat, particular that at the dinner-table
Deisma movement or system of thought advocating natural religion, emphasizing morality, and in the 18th century denying the interference of the Creator with the laws of the universe
Deismus(German m.) deism
Deist (m.), Deistin (German f.)(English, German) a person who believes in God but denies supernatural revelation
deistisch(German) deistic, deistical, deistically
De iure(Latin) by law, according to law
Deixis(English, German f.) use of language whose meaning depends at least in part on some element (role) of the context of the utterance or discourse
déjà(French) already, before
Dejación(Spanish f.) surrender
de jade(French) jade
deja de hacer aspavientos(Spanish) stop getting in such a flap
Dejadez(Spanish f.) abandon, laziness
dejado(Spanish) negligent
deja eso al alcance de mi vista(Spanish) put that where I can see it
dejamos atrás la ciudad(Spanish) we left the city behind us
dejamos el refugio al amanecer(Spanish) we left the refuge at dawn
déjà paru(French) already published
dejar(Spanish) to leave, to abandon, to lend, to let
dejar ... al azar(Spanish) to trust ... to chance (something)
dejar aparte(Spanish) to leave aside
dejar a un lado(Spanish) to leave aside
dejar de(Spanish) to stop
dejar en blanco(Spanish) to leave blank
dejar que ruede la bola(Spanish) to let things take their course
dejar de una pieza(Spanish) to leave speechless
dejar una señal(Spanish) to leave a deposit
déjà-vu(French) a term implying something new but that which, in some way, feels familiar, hackneyed
Déjà-vu-Erlebnis(German n.) déjà vu
Déjeuner(French m.) lunch, luncheon
déjeuner(French) to (have) lunch, to (have) breakfast
Déjeuner à la fourchette(French m.) a 'fork luncheon', substantial but informal, taken in the middle of the day
Dajo(Spanish m.) aftertaste, accent
déjouer(French) to thwart
de jure(Latin) according to law, by rights
Dekabrist(German m.) Decembrist
Dekabristenaufstand(German m.) Decembrist revolt
Dekade (s.), Dekaden (pl.)(German f.) decade
dekadent(German) decadent, decadently
dekadente Kunst(German f.) decadent art
dekadente Literatur(German f.) decadent literature
dekadente Person(German f.) decadent (person)
Dekadenz(German f.) decadence, decadency
dekadisch(German) decadic (of, or relating to a decimal system), to the base 10 (of a logarithm)
decadal (of or pertaining to the number ten, a group of ten things, or to a decade)
dekadisches Zahlensystem(German n.) decimal system
Dekalog(German m.) Decalogue (the biblical commandments of Moses)
Dekameron(German n.) Decameron (a collection of 100 novellas by Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio, probably begun in 1350 and finished in 1353)
dekameronisch(German) Decameronic (of, or pertaining to Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron)
Dekameter(German m./n.) in poetry, decameter, a line of verse consisting of ten metrical feet
Dekan (s.), Dekane (pl.)(German m.) dean, faculty director
Dekanat(German n.) deanery, deanship, church district, superintendent's district, dean's office (university), office of the dean (university)
Dekan der Fakultät(German m.) dean of the faculty
Dekanei(German f.) deanery (house)
Dekantation(German f.) decantation
Dekanter(German m.) decanter
Dekantieren(German n.) decantation
dekantieren(German) to decant
dekapitieren(German) to decapitate
Dekatieren(German n.) decatising
dekatieren(German) to decatise
dekken van de stem(Dutch) covering the voice
Dekko(Hindi) a look (at something)
deklamatierend(German) declaiming
deklamatiert(German) declaims, declaimed
deklamatierte(German) declaimed
Deklamation (s.), Deklamationen (pl.)(German f.) declamation
Deklamator (s.), Deklamatoren (pl.)(German m.) declaimer
deklamatorisch(German) declamatory
deklamieren(German) to declaim
deklamierend(German) declaiming
deklamiert(German) declaimed, declaims
deklamierte(German) declaimed
Deklaration (s.), Deklarationen (pl.)(German f.) declaration
deklarationsfrei(German) exempt from declaration (food additives)
deklarativ(German) declarative
deklaratorisch(German) declarative, declaratory
deklarieren(German) to declare
deklarierend(German) declaring
deklariert(German) declares, declared
deklarierte(German) declared
Deklarierung(German f.) declaration
deklassieren(German) to declassify, to outclass, to downgrade
deklassierend(German) declassing
deklassiert(German) declassifies, outclassed, declassified, déclassé (in status)
deklassierte(German) declassified
deklassifiziert(German) declassified
Deklination (s.), Deklinationen (pl.)(German f.) declension, declination
Deklinations-(German) declensional, declinational (prefix)
deklinierbar(German) declinable
deklinieren(German) to decline
deklinierend(German) declining
dekliniert(German) declines, declined
dekodieren(German) to decode
Dekodierung(German f.) decoding, decryption
Dekokt(German n.) decoction
dekoktieren(German) to decoct (archaic)
Dekolleté(German n.) low neckline, low-cut neckline, cleavage, decollete, décolleté neckline, décolletage
Dekolleté-BH(German m.) plunge bra, cleavage bra, décolleté bra, decollete bra
dekolletiert(German) décolleté
Dekolonisation(German f.) decolonisation
dekolonisieren(German) to decolonise
Dekolonisierung(German f.) decolonisation
dekompilieren(German) to decompile
Dekompressionskammer(German f.) decompression chamber
Dekompressionskrankheit(German f.) decompression sickness, caisson disease, diver's paralysis
dekomprimieren(German) to decompress, to unpack, to uncompress
dekomprimierend(German) decompressing
dekomprimiert(German) uncompressed, decompresses, decompressed
dekomprimierte(German) decompressed
Dekomprimierung(German f.) decompression
Dekonditionierung(German f.) deconditioning
dekongestiv(German) decongestive
Dekongestivum (s.), Dekongestiva (pl.)(German n.) decongestant (agent)
dekonjugiert(German) unconjugated
dekonsekrieren(German) to deconsecrate
dekonsekriert(German) deconsecrated
dekonstruieren(German) to deconstruct, to demolish, to take apart, to dismantle
Dekonstruktion(German f.) deconstruction, dismantling, demolition
Dekonstruktivismus(German m.) deconstructivism
Dekontamination(German f.) decontamination
dekontaminieren(German) to decontaminate
Dekontaminierung(German f.) decontamination
Dekor(German m./n.) décor, decor
Dekorateur (m.), Dekorateurin (f.), Dekorateure (pl.)(German) decorator, upholsterer, interior designer, window-dresser
Dekoration (s.), Dekorationen (pl.)(German f.) decoration, window-dressing, display, scenery (theatre) (plural form)
Dekorationsmaler(German m.) stage painter
Dekorationspapier(German n.) decoration paper
Dekorationsseidenpapier(German n.) decorating tissue (paper)
Dekorationsstoff(German m.) decorative fabric
Dekorationszwecke(German pl.) decorative purposes
dekorativ(German) decorative, ornamental, decoratively, ornamentally
dekorative Kleinigkeiten(German pl.) bric-à-brac
dekorative Kosmetika(German pl.) makeup
Dekorfliesen(German pl.) decor tiles
dekorieren(German) to decorate, to dress (shop window), to adorn
Dekoriermesser(German n.) decorating knife
dekoriert(German) decorates, decorated, distinguished
dekorierter Stil(German m.) decorated style
Dekorierung(German f.) decoration
Dekorpapier(German n.) alpha cellulose paper (used for book plates, calligraphy and booking printing, its acid free qualities providing protection when used as end papers in rare books)
Dekorsatz(German m.) decal set (set of transfers)
Dekorum(German n.) decorum
Dekrement(German n.) decrement
dekremental(German) decremental
dekrementieren(German) to decrement
Dekret (s.), Dekrete (pl.)(German n.) decree (ordinance)
dekretal(German) decretal
Dekretale (s.), Dekretalen (pl.)(German n., from epistola decretalis (Latin s.), epistolae decretales (Latin pl.)) decretal (in Canon law, a Papal letter which formulates decisions in ecclesiastical law)
dekretieren(German) to decree
dekretierend(German) decreeing
dekretiert(German) decreed
dekretierte(German) decreed
dekretorisch(German) decretive, decretory
Dekubitus(German m.) decubitus, bedsores, bedsore
Dekupiersäge(German f.) scroll saw, scrollsaw, fretsaw, fret saw
dekuvrieren(German) to expose, to uncover
del(Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) part, volume (of a periodical)
del.abbreviation of 'delete', delineavit (Latin: he (or she) drew it), delineaverunt (Latin: they drew it), 'delivered'
del, dell', della, delle, dello(Italian) of the
de la(French) of the, from the, than the
délacer(French) to undo
Délai(French m.) time-limit, wait, extension (of time)
délaisser(French) to desert
del alma(Spanish) bosom (as in su amigo del alma Spanish: his bosom friend)
Delamination(English, German f.) the separation of the layers of a laminar composite material as a result of repeated stress, or failure of the adhesive
(in gilding) the gesso of a water-gilded surface can delaminate from the wood surface of the object due to the shrinkage of the wood and/or adhesive failure. Layers of gesso or layers of gesso and clay can separate if the glue content of the different layers is not correct. Impurities between layers can cause trouble as well
de langue anglaise(French) English-speaking
de langue française(French) French-speaking
del año de la pera(Spanish) that's really ancient, that's really old-fshioned, that's really dated, that went out with the Ark (colloquial)
Delantal(Spanish m.) apron
delante(Spanish) in front, opposite
delante de(Spanish) in front of
Delantera(Spanish f.) front, front row (theatre, concert hall, etc.), advantage
Delantero(Spanish m.) forward
delantero(Spanish) front
de la part de(French) on behalf of
de la pointe(French), colla punta d'arco (Italian), alla punta d'arco (Italian), at the point or tip of the bow, an der Bogenspitze (German f.), an der Spitze (German), avec la pointe de l'archet (French), à la pointe (French), con la punta del arco (Spanish)
Délassement(French m.) relaxation, recreation
(French m.) a light entertaining composition
delatar(Spanish) to denounce
de la tête aux pieds(French) from head to toe
Delator(Spanish m.) informer
Delatore (m), Delatrice (f.)(Italian) (police) informer
de l'autre côté de(French) on the far side of
délavé(French) faded
de l'avue de(French) by the admission of (confession)
Delay(English, German n.) a device that delays an electrical signal, for example by extending the transmission time of a signal along a cable
délayer(French) to mix (with liquid), to drag out (an idea)
de la zona continental(Spanish) off the coast
del brazo(Spanish) arm in arm
del credere (agent)(Italian, literally 'belief' or 'trust') in English law, an agent who, selling goods for his principal on credit, undertakes for an additional commission to sell only to persons who are absolutely solvent. His position is thus that of a surety who is liable to his principal should the vendee make default
Dele(Fiji, Pacific Islands) or wate, a women's dance in which they sexually humiliated the corpses and captives
dele(Latin) delete, an instruction ot a printer (written on the proof of a printed work) that a letter, word, etc. is to be deleted
deleg.abbreviation of 'delegate'
Delega(Italian f.) delegation, proxy
Delegación(Spanish f.) delegation, branch
Delegado(Spanish m.) delegate, (commercial) agent, representative
delegar(Spanish) to deligate
delegare(Italian) to deligate
Delegat(German m.) delegate
Delegation (s.), Delegationen (German pl.)(English, German f.) group representing others
Délégation(French f.) delegation
Delegation von Aufgaben(German f.) delegation of tasks
Delegato(Italian m.) delegate
Delegazione(Italian f.) delegation
delegierbar(German) delegable
delegieren(German) to delegate
delegierend(German) delegating
delegiert(German) delegated
delegierte(German) delegated
Delegiertenkonferenz(German f.) delegate conference
Delegierter (m.), Delegierte (f.), Delegierte (pl.)(German) delegate
Delegierung(German f.) delegacy, delegation
delegitimieren(German) to delegitimise
Delegitimierung(German f.) delegitimisation
Délégué (m.), Déléguée (f.)(French) delegate
déléguer(French) to delegate
deleitar(Spanish) to delight
Deleite(Spanish m.) delight
delektabel(German) pleasant
deletéreo(Spanish) deleterious
deleterio(Italian) harmful
Deletion(English, German f.) omission, any process whereby sounds or words are left out of spoken words or phrases
(English, German f.) the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written or printed passage
(English, German f.) a music industry term referring to the removal of a record from a label's official catalogue
de l'étranger(French) from abroad
deletrear(Spanish) to spell (out)
Deletreo(Spanish m.) spelling
deleznable(Spanish) brittle, crumbly, weak (argument)
Delfin (s.), Delphine (German pl.)(German m., Spanish m.) dolphin
Delfinarium(German n.) dolphinarium
Delfino(Italian m.) dolphin
Delfi unit1/665 part of an octave, maybe used in Byzantine music theory. It is approximately 1/12 part of the syntonic comma and 1/13 part of the Pythagorean comma
Delftblau(German n.) Delft blue
Delft bluea very distinguishable hue used on tin glazed ceramics from Holland, first used in the city of Delft in the 17th century
Delfter Blau(German n.) delft blue
Delfter Fayence(German f.) Delftware, delftware, delft (ware)
Delfter Keramik(German f.) delft (ware)
Delftwareor Delft pottery, blue and white pottery made in and around Delft in the Netherlands and the tin-glazed pottery made in the Netherlands from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries
  • Delftware from which this entry has been taken
Delgadez(Spanish f.) thinness
delgado(Spanish) thin, slim
delgaducho(Spanish) skinny
Delhi(German n.) Delhi
Delhi-Bauch(German m.) Delhi belly (colloquial: diarrhoea)
Deliberación(Spanish f.) deliberation
deliberar(Spanish) to discuss, to decide, to deliberate
deliberare(Italian) to deliberate
deliberatamente(Italian) deliberately
Deliberatelywith intent, deliberato (Italian), entschlossen (German), delibérément (French)
Délibération(French f.) deliberation
deliberato(Italian) deliberate, deliberately, in a deliberate manner
délibéré(French) deliberate, determined
délibérément(French) deliberately, in a deliberate manner
délibérer(French) to deliberate
deberías atenuar el tono de tus críticas(Spanish) you should tone down your criticism
Delicadeza(Spanish f.) delicacy, frailty,tact
delicado(Spanish) delicate, sensitive, tactful, discreet
délicat (m.), délicate (f.)(French) delicate, tactful, particular
delicatam.abbreviation of delicatamente (Italian: delicately)
delicatamente(Italian) delicately
Delicate, Delicatelydelicato (Italian), con tenerezza (Italian), zart (German), avec délicatesse (French)
délicatement(French) delicately, tactfully
Délicatesse(French f.) delicacy, tact, refined execution, softness and smoothness
Délicatesses(French f. pl.) kind (attentions)
Delicatezza(Italian f.) delicacy, frailty, tact, refined execution, softness and smoothness
delicatissimamente(Italian) with extreme delicacy
delicatissimo(Italian) as delicately as possible
delicato(Italian) delicate, frail, soft (colour, mood), smoothly, in a delicate and refined manner, delicately
Délice(French m.) delight, a cut of fish (a neatly trimmed fillet)
Delicia(Spanish f.) delight
délicieux (m.), delicieuse (f.)(French) delicious, delightful (charming)
delicioso(Spanish) delightful, delicious, funny
délié(French, literally 'untied') staccato, detached
(French) delicate, light, easy, supple, free, fine, slender, nimble (agile)
délier(French) to untie, to free
Delignificationin pulpmaking, the removal of lignin, the material that binds wood fibres together
delikat(German) delicate, delicious, tactful, tactfully, dainty, cordon bleu (of cooking), subtly (flavoured, etc.)
delikate Angelegenheit(German f.) matter of delicacy
delikate Gesundheit(German f.) delicate health
delikater Punkt(German m.) delicate point
Delikatesse (s.), Delikatessen (pl.)(German f.) delicacy, fancy food, shop selling exotic foods (plural form)
Delikatessen(German pl., from the French délicatesse) a shop selling exotic foods, delicacies, fancy foods
Delikatessenfabrik(German f.) delicatessen factory
Delikatessengeschäft(German n.) delicatessen (shop)
Delikatessenhandlung (s.), Delikatessenhandlungen (pl.)(German f.) delicatessen shop
Delikatessenladen(German m.) delicatessen
Delikatessenlokal(German n.) delicatessen
Delikatessentheke(German f.) delicatessen counter
Delikatessenverkäufer(German m.) delicatessen-seller
Delikt (s.), Delikte (pl.)(German n.) delict, offence, tort
Deliktsrecht(German n.) law of torts
delimitar(Spanish) to delimit
delimitare(Italian) to delimit
Délimitation(French f.) demarcation
délimiter(French) to determine, to demarcate
Delincuencia(Spanish f.) delinquency
Delincuente(Spanish m.) delinquent
delincuente(Spanish) delinquent
Delineante(Spanish m.) draughtsman
delinear(Spanish) to outline, to draw
delineare(Italian) to outline
delinearsi(Italian) to be outlined, to take shape (figurative)
delineavit(Latin) (he/she) drew (it) (always followed by a name, appended to a drawing)
Délinquant (m.), Délinquante (f.)(French) delinquent
délinquant (m.), délinquante (f.)(French) delinquent
Delinquent (m.), Delinquentin (f.), Delinquenten (German pl.)(English, German) offender (usually a young offender)
delinquent(English, German) youthful offending, as in 'delinquent behaviour'
Delinquente(Italian m./f.) delinquent
Delinquenz(German f.) delinquency
Delinquenza(Italian f.) delinquency
delinquir(Spanish) to commit an offence
Deliquio(Italian m.) swoon
delirant(German) excited, delirious, frenzied, wild
délirant (m.), délirante (f.)(French) excited, delirious, frenzied, wild
delirante(Italian, Spanish) excited, frenzied, delirious
delirar(Spanish) to be delirious, to talk nonsense (figurative)
delirare(Italian) to be delirious
Délire(French m.) delirium, frenzy (figurative)
délirer(French) to be delirious, to rave
Delirien(German pl.) ravings
delirieren(German) to rave
delirierend(German) delirious
Delirio(Italian m., Spanish m.) delirium, madness, excitement, frenzy (figurative)
deliriös(German) delirious
Delirium (s.), Deliria (Latin pl.)(English, German n., from Latin) excitement, ecstasy, disorder involving incoherent speech, hallucinations, etc., caused by intoxication, fever, etc.
Delirium tremens(Latin) a form of derilium indiced by excessive consumption of alcohol (sometimes abbreviated to d.t.)
Délit(French m.) offence, crime
Delito(Spanish m.) offence, crime
Delitto(Italian m.) crime
delittuoso(Italian) criminal
Deliverables(English, German pl.) project targets that can be, or have been, achieved
Délivrance(French f.) release, deliverance, issue
délivrer(French) to free, to release, to issue
Delizia(Italian f.) delight
deliziare(Italian) to delight
deliziös(German) delicious (food)
delizioso(Italian) delicious, sweet, delightful
Delkredere(German n.) del credere
dell, dell', della, delle, dello(Italian) of the
Delle(German f.) dent, buckle, gouge, bump, ding (colloquial)
del montón(Spanish) middle-of-the-road (artist), average, ordinary, nothing special
de lo contrario(Spanish) otherwise
déloger(French) to force out
delogieren(German - Austria) to evict
Delogierung(German f. - Austria) eviction
de longue haleine(French) long and exacting (labour)
Delosthe Greek island which legend had it was the birthplace of Apollo, god of music and light
déloyal(French) disloyal, unfair
Delphin (s.), Delphine (pl.)(German m.) dolphin, porpoise
Delphinarium(German n.) dolphinarium
delphisch(German) Delphic, delphic (figurative)
Delrin®a high-molecular weight plastic made by Dupont Industries, often used in harpsichords for moulded jacks and for plectra
Delta(English, German n., Italian m., Spanish f.) triangular area of earth, alluvium, etc. at the mouth of a river
the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet (Δ, δ)
Delta bluesone of the earliest styles of blues music. It originated in the Mississippi Delta, a region of the United States that stretches from Memphis, Tennessee in the north to Vicksburg, Mississippi in the south, the Mississippi River on the west to the Yazoo River on the east. Slide guitar and harmonica dominate the instruments used. The vocals range from introspective and soulful to passionate and fiery
deltaförmig(German) delta-shaped
Deltamuskel (s.), Deltamuskeln (pl.)(German m.) deltoid (muscle)
Deltaplane(French m.) hang-glider
Deltaplano(Italian m.) hang-glider
Deltaschleifer(German m.) delta sander
Deltawerke(German pl.) Deltaworks
Deltaworksa series of constructions built between 1950 and 1997 in the southwest of the Netherlands to protect a large area of land around the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt delta from the sea. The works consist of dams, sluices, locks, dikes, and storm surge barriers. The aim of the dams, sluices, and storm surge barriers was to shorten the Dutch coastline, thus reducing the number of dikes that had to be raised
Deltiologythe study of postcards, a term coined by Randall Rhodes of Ashland, Ohio in 1945 during a period of renewed interest and research into postcards
del tutto(Italian) quite
deludere(Italian) to disappoint
Déluge(French m.) flood, downpour
Delusional jealousyalso called 'morbid jealousy', or 'Othello syndrome', a psychiatric disorder in which a person holds a delusional belief that their spouse or sexual partner is being unfaithful
Delusione(Italian f.) disappointment
de luxe(French) luxurious, superior, sumptuous
del verano (para) acá(Spanish) since the summer
Delyn(Welsh) the Welsh harp
DeMabbreviation of Deus misereatur (Latin)
dem(German) (to) the, (to) this, (to) whom
de maat slaan(Dutch) beat time
demacrado(Spanish) emaciated
Demagoge (m.), Demagogin (f.), Demagogen (pl.)(German) demagogue
Demagogie (s.), Demagogien (pl.)(German f.) demagogy, demagoguery
Démagogie(French m.) demagogy
Demagogo(Italian m., Spanish m.) demagogue
Démagogue(French m./f.) demagogue
demagogisch(German) demagogic, thumping (colloquial), demagogically, demagogical
demain(French) tomorrow
de main de maître(French) with a master's hand, with a master's touch
de mala muerte(Spanish) grotty, lousy, rotten (colloquial: room, building)
dem allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch entlehnt(German) borrowed from everyday language, borrowed from everyday speech
Démanché(French m.) shift (the movement of the hands from one position to another)
démancher(French) to change, or alter, the position of the hand
(French) to shift the left hand closer to the bridge, i.e. to a higher position
(French) to cross hands on the piano, making the left hand play the part of the right, and the right play that usually played by the left
Demandante(Spanish m./f.) plaintiff (in a legal action)
demandar(Spanish) to bring an action against
Demande(French f.) the subject of a fugue, dux, leading subject
(French f.) request, application (for a job), demand
Demande en mariage(French f.) proposal (of marriage)
demandé(French) in demand
demander(French) to ask for, to ask (the time), to apply for (job), to require
demander des comptes(French) to ask for an explanation
demander en mariage(French) to propose to
demander que(French) to ask that
demander si(French) to ask if, to wonder if
dem Anforderungsprofil entsprechen(German) to meet the job requirements
Démangeaison(French f.) itch, itching
démanger(French) to itch
de manière juste(French) in a fair manner
dem Anschein nach(German) seemingly, to all appearance, on the face of it, by all appearances
dem Ansuchen nachkommen(German) to comply with the request
Demant(German m.) diamond
démanteler(French) to break up
demanten(German) diamond
Démaquillant(French m.) make-up remover
Demarcación(Spanish f.) demarcation
demarcar(Spanish) to demarcate
demarcare(Italian) to demarcate
Démarcation(French f.) demarcation
Démarchage(French m.) door-to-door selling
Demarche(German f.) démarche (French f.)
Démarche(French f.) walk, gait, step
(French f.) mode of action, method of action, proceeding
Démarcheur (m.), Démarcheuse (f.)(French) door-to-door canvasser
Demarkation(German f.) demarcation
Demarkationslinie(German f.) demarcation line, green line
demarkieren(German) to demarcate
demarkierend(German) demarcating
demarkiert(German) demarcates, demarcated
demarkierte(German) demarcated
Demarkierung(German f.) demarcation
Démarrage(French m.) start
démarrer(French) to start (motor), to move off (depart), to get moving (figurative)
Démarreur(French m.) starter
demás(Spanish) rest of the, other, rest, others
Demasia(Spanish f.) excess, outrage, insolence
demasiado(Spanish) too much, too many, too
demaskieren(German) to unmask, to demask
demaskiert(German) unmasks, unmasked
Demaskierung(German f.) unmasking, demasking
démasquer(French) to unmask
dem Auge wehtun(German) to offend the eye
dem Augenschein nach(German) by all appearances
de mauvaise qualité(French) of poor quality, of low quality
dem Aussehen nach(German) in appearance
dem Bedarf angemessen(German) adequate to requirements
dem Bedarf der Studenten entsprechen(German) to accommodate students' needs
dem Beispiel folgen(German) to follow the lead, to follow suit
dem Bericht zufolge(German) according to the report
d'emblée(French) right away
dem Brauch entsprechend(German) conventional
dem Druck nachgeben(German) to yield to the pressure, to wilt under pressure
de mediana edad(Spanish) middle-aged
de medio fondo(Spanish) middle-distance (running race)
dem eigenen Ermessen anheim gestellt(German) discretionary
dem Eindruck unterliegen, dass ...(German) to be under the impression that ...
dem eine Vollmacht gegeben wird(German) donee (that to whom, or to which, a donation is made)
Dem einen ist's Speise, dem andern Gift.(German) One man's meat is another man's poison.
Démêlant(French m.) conditioner
Démêlés(French m. pl.) trouble
Déménagement(French m.) move, removal, moving house, moving one's good and chattels to another place
déménager(French) to move (house), to remove (furniture)
Déménageur(French m.) removal man
Démence(French f.) insanity
Demencia(Spanish f.) madness
dem Ende zugehen(German) to draw to a close, to run low (supplies)
De mensurabili musica (c.1240)associated with the most famous music theorist of the first half of the thirteenth century, Johannes de Garlandia (fl. c.1270-1320), De mensurabili musica defined and most completely elucidated the medieval rhythmic modes
dement(German) demented
Dément (m.), Démente (f.)(French) lunatic
dément (m.), démente (f.)(French) insane
demente(Italian, Spanish) demented, mad
dementer Greis (m.), demente Greisin (f.)(German) dotard
Dementi(German n.) denial, disclaimer
Démenti(French m.) denial, contradiction
Dementia(Latin) a form of insanity characterised by a loss of mental powers
Dementia praecox(English, German f., from Latin) split personality, schizophrenia (so-called because the symptoms tend to develop early in life)
dementieren(German) to deny, to disclaim
dementierend(German) disclaiming
dementiert(German) disclaims, denies
(German) disclaimed
dementierte(German) disclaimed
démentir(French) to refute, to belie
démentir que(French) to deny that
dementsprechend(German) corresponding, accordingly, appropriately, according to this, analogous, consequently, corrrespondingly, thus, to that effect, as appropriate
dementsprechend anwenden(German) to apply appropriately
dementsprechend benachrichtigen(German) to advise accordingly
Demenz(German f.) dementia
Demenza(Italian f.) madness
demenziell erkrankt(German) suffering from dementia
dem Erdboden gleichgemacht(German) levelled to the ground
dem Erdboden gleichmachen(German) to level to the ground, to make level with the ground, to level (building, trees, etc.)
dem Erfolg dienlich(German) conducive to success
dem Erfolg nachjagen(German) to aim at success
dem Erfolg nahe kommen(German) to come close to success
Dem Erfolgreichen winkt die Welt.(German) The world smiles on success.
dem ersten Anschein nach(German) prima facie
dem ersten Augenschein nach(German) at first sight
Demesure(French) in French chivalric literature, the equivalent of Latin immoderatio, namely excessive actions and uncontrolled passions. This trait contrasts with the mesure (the ability to follow a golden mean and not go to unreasonable extremes). In the literature of courtly love, a frequent debate is whether the ideal courtly lover should have mesure or demesure
démesuré(French) inordinate
Demeter(English, German f.) in Greek mythology, goddess of fertility and protector of marriage in ancient mythology, the counterpart of the Roman goddess Ceres
démettre(French) to dislocate (wrist, etc.)
démeublé(French) stripped of furniture
Demeure(French f.) residence
demeurer(French) to live, to remain
dem Gedächtnis anvertrauen(German) to commit to memory
dem Gedächtnis entfallen(German) to escape one's memory
dem Gedächtnis entschwinden(German) to slip one's memory
dem Gefühl vertrauen(German) to trust the feeling
demgegenüber(German) compared with this, on the other hand, in contrast, in comparison
demgemäß(German) corresponding, accordingly, according to that, correspondingly, hence, thus
dem Geschmack entsprechend(German) according to taste
dem Gesetz entsprechen(German) to comply with legal requirements
dem Gesetz entsprechend(German) lawful
dem Glück vertrauen(German) to trust to luck
dem Gottesdienst beiwohnen(German) to attend church
dem Grunde nach(German) on its merits, on his merits, on her merits, on their merits
dem Handelsbrauch folgend(German) customary
dem Heck am nächsten(German) aftermost
dem hervorragenden Rat folgen(German) to follow the excellent advice
Dem hielt er entgegen, dass ...(German) He objected that ... He countered that ...
Dem Himmel sei Dank!(German) Thank heavens!
dem Hund Bewegung verschaffen(German) to exercise the dog
Demi (m.), Demie (f.)(French) half, meio (Portuguese)
demi (m.), demie (f.)(French) half, meio (Portuguese)
Demi-bâton(French m.) a two bar rest, breve rest (double rest), see 'multi-rests'
Demi bémol(French) or bémol barré, quarter-tone flat
Demi-cadence(French m.) or cadence à la dominante, an imperfect or half cadence, ending on the dominant instead of on the tonic
Demi-caractère(French) in ballet, a dance based on a national or traditional dance, but employing classical steps
Demi-castor(French) an upper-class prostitute
Demi-cercle(French m.) semicircle
Demi dièse(French) or dièse barré, quarter-tone sharp
demi-diminué (m.), demi-diminuée (f.)(French) half-diminished
Demi-ditonesee 'semi-ditone'
Demie(French f.) half-hour
Demi-frère(French m.) stepbrother
demi glace(French) in cookery, a refined espagnol sauce
Demi-heptaméride1/602 part of an octave, defined by Joseph Sauveur in 1696 as one half of an eptaméride
Demi-heure(French f.) half-hour, half an hour
Demi-jeu(French m.) a term meaning 'to play at half strength', equivalent to the Italian expressions mezza voce and mezzo forte
Demi-jour(French) half-light
de mil amores(Spanish) with (the greatest of) pleasure
Demilune(English, German f.) or, in English, 'demi-lune' or 'ravelin', a triangular fortification or detached outwork in front of the bastions of a fortress
Demi-mesure(French m.) half a bar
De minimis(Latin) with respect to trifles
Demimondaine(French) a polite 19th-century term that was often used the same way we might use the term "mistress" today. In the 19th century it primarily referred to a class of women on the fringes of respectable society supported by wealthy lovers (usually each had several). The term is also used to refer to these women as a group, and the social circles they moved in
Demimonde(English, German f., from French f.) the class of women of doubtful reputation and standing, on the fringes of society
minim rest(French m.) a minim rest (half rest), a rest half the value of a semibreve rest (whole rest)
Demi-pension(French) half-board (an arrangement at a lodging where only some meals are regularly eaten)
Demi-plié(French m., literally 'half-bend') in dance, a position in which the knees are half bent
Demi-pointe(French) meia ponta (Portuguese), in ballet, a position of the foot in which the heel is raised until the line of the foot is at about 45° to the horizontal
Demi-pointes, sur les(French, literally 'half-points, on the') in dance, when a dancer stands high on the balls of the feet and under part of the toes. It is also used in the singular, sur la demi-pointe
Demi-quart de soupir
demisemiquaver rest(French m.) a demisemiquaver, a thirty-second rest, a rest one thirty-second the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest
Demiquaveralternative name for 'semiquaver'
dem Irrtum unterliegen, dass ...(German) to labour under the misapprehension that ...
démis (m.), démise (f.)(French) dislocated
Demi-saison(French) spring or autumn (fashions), a light overcoat (for wearing in the spring or autumn)
démis de ses fonctions(French) removed from his post
demi-sec(English, German) a French term applied to sparkling wine or champagne
demisemiquavera thirty-second note, a note one thirty-second the time value of a whole note or semibreve, biscroma (Italian), Zweiunddreissigstel(note) (German), triple croche (French)
Demisemiquaver rest
demisemiquaver resta thirty-second rest, a rest one thirty-second the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest, pausa di biscroma (Italian), Zweiunddreissigselpause (German), demi-quart de soupir (French)
Demi-soeur(French f.) stepsister
quaver rest(French m.) a quaver rest (eighth rest), a rest one eighth the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest
Demission(English, German f.) resignation
Démission(French f.) resignation
démissionner(French) to resign
Demister(English, German m.) heater that removes mist from the windshield of a car
Demitab(from French demi, half) in paper sizing, demitab or demi-tab is 5.5" x 8.5", equal to half a sheet of 11" x 17" tabloid size paper. However, in actual circulation, the demitab size of 8" x 10.5" is more common
Demi-tasse(French) a small after-dinner coffee-cup
the French term, meaning 'half cup', refers to the bowls concentrated consommé is served in, and also to Italian coffees such as espresso
Demi-toilette(French) (a woman's) evening dress, elaborate but less so than grande-toilette
Demi-ton(French m.) semitone, half step, half tone, interval of a minor second, Halbton (German)
Demi-ton chromatique(French m.) chromatic semitone (chromatic half-tone), chromatischer Halbton (German)
Demi-ton diatonique(French m.) diatonic semitone (diatonic half-tone), diatonischer Halbton (German)
demi-tone(French) producing a very soft tone, playing with restraint, underplaying
Demi-tour(French m.) about turn, U-turn
Demiurg(German m.) demiurge
Demiurgea subordinate deity, who, in some philosophies, is the creator of the universe
demi-voix(French, literally 'half voice') an instruction to sing very quietly
dem Kampf aus dem Wege gehen(German) to avoid fighting
dem Kampfe zugetan(German) warlike (aggressive)
dem König seine Aufwartung machen(German) to attend upon the king
dem Krieg nahe(German) on the verge of war
dem Laster ergeben(German) addicted to vice
dem Laster frönen(German) to wallow in vice
dem Laster wieder verfallen(German) to relapse into vice
dem Leben viel abverlangen(German) to ask a lot of life
dem Maßstab entsprechen(German) to be up to standard
dem Meer Land abgewinnen(German) to reclaim land from the sea
dem Mond zugekehrt(German) facing the moon
dem Muster entsprechend(German) as per sample
demnach(German) according to that, consequently, thus, so, according to this
demnächst(German) soon, shortly, upcoming, in the near future
demnächst stattfindend(German) upcoming (event)
dem namentlichen Aufruf antworten(German) to answer to one's name
dem Nennbetrag zustimmen(German) to agree on a nominal sum
dem Nordpol entgegengesetzt(German) Antarctic
Demo(English, German f.) a demo version or demo of a song (shortened from the word "demonstration") is one recorded for reference rather than for release. A demo is a way for musicians to approximate their ideas on tape or disc, and provide an example of those ideas to record labels, producers or other artists. Musicians often use demos as quick sketches to share with bandmates or arrangers; in other cases a songwriter might make a demo to send to artists in hopes of having the song professionally recorded, or a music publisher may need a simple recording for publishing or copyright purposes
Demoaufnahme(German f.) demo tape, demo recording
Demo-Aufnahme(German f.) demo tape, demo recording
Demoband(German f.) demo tape
démobiliser(French) to demobilise
demobilisieren(German) to demobilise
demobilisierend(German) demobilising
demobilisiert(German) demobilises, demobilised
Demobilisierung (s.), Demobilisierungen (pl.)(German f.) demobilisation
Democideterm coined by political scientist R. J. Rummel for "the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder." Rummel created the term as an extended concept to include forms of government murder that are not covered by the legal definition of genocide, and it has found currency among other scholars
  • Democide from which this extract has been taken
Democracia(Spanish f.) democracy
Demócrata(Spanish m./f.) democrat
Démocrate(French m./f.) democrat
démocrate(French) democratic
democratico(Italian) democratic
democrático(Spanish) democratic
Démocratie(French f.) democracy
démocratique(French) democratic
Democrazia(Italian f.) democracy
Demodeantique, out of fashion
Démodé(French) old-fashioned, out of fashin, not up-to-date
demodiert(German) demoded
Demo discsee 'demo'
Demodulation(English, German f.) also, in English, 'detection'. in electronics, the reception or detection of a signal by extracting it from the carrier wave
Demodulator(English, German m.) also, in English, 'detector' or 'detection unit', a rectifier that extracts modulation from a radio carrier wave, detection unit, detector
demodulieren(German) to demodulate
Demograf (m.), Demografin (f.)(German) demographer
Demografie (s.), Demografien (pl.)(German f.) demography
demografisch(German) demographical, demographic, demographically
demografischer Wandel(German m.) demographic change
Demograph (m.), Demographin (f.)(German) demographer
Demographie (s.), Demographien (pl.)(German f.) demography
demographisch(German) demographic, demographically, demographical
demographische Forschung(German f.) demographic research
demographische Merkmale(German pl.) demographic characteristics
demographischer Wandel(German m.) demographic change
Démographie(French f.) demography
démographique(French) demographic
Demoiselle(German f.) damsel (archaic), young lady, spinster
Démoiselle(French f.) damsel (archaic), young lady, spinster
Démoiselle d'honneur(French f.) bridesmaid
Demokrat (m.), Demokratin (f.), Demokraten (pl.), Demokratinnen ( democrat
Demokratie (s.), Demokratien (pl.)(German f.) democracy
demokratisch(German) democratic, democratically
demokratisieren(German) to democratise
demokratisierend(German) democratising
demokratisiert(German) democratises, democratised
demokratisierte(German) democratised
Demokratisierung(German f.) democratisation
Demokratisierung der Arbeitswelt(German f.) industrial democracy
Demokrit(German m.) Democritus (460-370 BC), Greek philosopher who developed an atomistic theory of matter
demoler(Spanish) to demolish
Demolición(Spanish f.) demolition
demolieren(German) to wreck, to trash, to demolish
demolierend(German) demolishing
demoliert(German) demolished
demolierte(German) demolished
démolir(French) to demolish
demolire(Italian) to demolish
Démolition(French f.) demolition
Demolizione(Italian f.) demolition
Démon(French m.) demon
démoniaque(French) fiendish
Démon, le(French m.) the Devil
Demone(Italian m.) demon
Demonio(Italian m., Spanish m.) devil, demon
Demonophobiafear of spirits or demons
Demonophobie(German f.) demonophobia
demonstr.abbreviation of 'demonstrative' (of an adjective or pronoun: indicating the person or thing referred to, for example, 'this', 'that', 'those')
Demonstrant (m.), Demonstrantin (f.), Demonstranten (pl.)(German) demonstrator, protester, picket, marcher (in a demonstration)
Démonstrateur (m.), Demonstratrice (f.)(French) demonstrator
demonstratieren(German) demonstrate
démonstratif (m.), démonstrative (f.)(French) demonstrative
Demonstration (s.), Demonstrationen (German pl.)(English, German f.) display (for example of the capabilities of a musical instrument prior to its purchase), march (in support or in protest)
Démonstration(French f.) demonstration, show (of force)
Demonstration gegen den Krieg(German f.) antiwar demonstration
Demonstrationsanlage(German f.) pilot plant
Demonstrationsrecht(German n.) right to demonstrate
Demonstrationszwecke(German pl.) demonstration purposes
demonstrativ(German) ostentatious, ostentatiously, pointed, pointedly, demonstrative (grammar)
Demonstrativeof an adjective or pronoun: indicating the person or thing referred to, for example, 'this', 'that', 'those'
demonstrativer Konsum(German m.) conspicuous consumption
Demonstrativpronomen(German n.) demonstrative pronoun
Demonstrativum(German n.) demonstrative pronoun
demonstrieren(German) to demonstrate
demonstrieren vor(German) to picket
demonstrierend(German) demonstrating
demonstriert(German) demonstrated, demonstrates
demonstrierte(German) demonstrated
Demontage (s.), Demontagen (pl.)(German f.) disassembly, dismantlement, removal, dismantling, disassemblement, demolition
démonter(French) to take apart, to dismantle, to take down (an installation), to disconcert (figurative)
demontierbar(German) removable
Demontieren(German n.) disassembly
demontieren(German) to dismantle, to disassemble, to strip
demontierend(German) dismantling
demontiert(German) dismantles, dismantled
demontierte(German) dismantled
Demonym(English, German n.) a type of taxonym, a name of a people that refers to the place they come from, such as the Assyrian, or the Briton
Demophobiaan irrational dislike of crowds
Demophobie(German f.) demophobia
dem Opfer die Schuld geben(German) to blame the victim (victim-blaming)
Demora(Spanish f.) delay
Demoralisation(German f.) demoralisation
démoraliser(French) to demoralise
demoralisieren(German) to demoralise
demoralisierend(German) demoralising
demoralisiert(German) demoralises, demoralised
Demoralisierung(German f.) demoralisation
Demoralizzare(Italian) to demoralize
demorar(Spanish) to delay, to stay on
demorarse(Spanish) to be a long time
De mortuis nihil nisi bene.(Latin) Say nothing but good of the dead.
De mortuis nil nisi bene.(Latin) Say nothing but good of the dead.
Demoskopie(German f.) opinion research, opinion poll, public opinion survey
demoskopisch(German) demoscopic
(c.385-322 BC)
Athenian statesman and orator
Demosthenicof or relating to Demosthenes or his oratory
demosthenisch(German) Demosthenic
Demostración(Spanish f.) demonstration, show
demostrar(Spanish) to demonstrate, to show, to prove
demostrar agradecimiento(Spanish) to show gratitude
demostrativo(Spanish) demonstative
Demo tapesee 'demo'
Demotivation(German f.) demotivation
demotivieren(German) to discourage
demotivierend(German) demotivating
demotiviert(German) demotivated
demotiviert sein(German) to be demotivated
Demozid(German m./n.) democide
dem Papier anvertrauen(German) to commit to paper, to commit to writing
dem Patienten empfehlen(German) to advise the patient
demper(Dutch) to mute
demper-pedaal(Dutch) damper pedal (on a piano)
dempers(Dutch) dampers
dem Phönix gleich(German) phoenix-like
dem Plan entsprechend(German) according to schedule
dem Plan folgend(German) according to plan
dem Plan voraus(German) ahead of schedule
dem Preis zustimmen(German) to agree on a price
dem Problem ausweichen(German) to evade the issue
dem Rat folgend(German) following the advice
dem Rauschgift verfallen(German) to become addicted to drugs
dem Redner das Wort entziehen(German) to ask the speaker to stop (close his speech)
dem Ruf der Natur folgen(German) to answer the call of nature, to answer a call of nature
dem Ruf schaden(German) to damage one's reputation
dem Ruin entgegen gehen(German) to be heading for ruin
dem Schein nach(German) on the face of it, to all appearances
dem Schicksal verfallen(German) doomed
demselben Ziel zustrebend(German) converging
dem Sieg nahe kommen(German) to come close to victory
dem Standard entsprechen(German) to come up to scratch (colloquial), to be up to par, to meet the standard
dem Standard nachkommen(German) to comply with the standards
dem Standard nicht entsprechen(German) to fall short of the standards
dem Standard nicht entsprechend(German) non-standard
dem Sturm standhalten(German) to withstand the storm
dem Sturm trotzen(German) to confront the storm, to brave the storm
dem Thron entsagen(German) to abdicate the throne
dem Titel nach(German) titular
dem Tod begegnen(German) to have a brush with death
dem Tod ein Schnippchen schlagen(German) to cheat death (literally)
dem Tod ins Auge blicken(German) to stare death in the face
dem Tod ins Angesicht blicken(German) to look death in the face
dem Tod (noch einmal) von der Schippe springen(German) to cheat death (literally)
dem Tod von der Schippe springen(German) to be snatched from the jaws of death
dem Trend nicht folgen(German) to buck the trend
de mucho alimento(Spanish) very nutritious
de muerte(Spanish) fantastic, great
de muerte natural(Spanish) of natural causes (of a natural death)
Demungthe lowest of the three one-octave Javanese sarons
démuni(French) impoverished
démuni de(French) without
démunir de(French) to deprive of
dem Untergang geweiht(German) doomed, ill-fated (ship)
dem Unwetter trotzen(German) to brave the storm
dem Urbild entsprechend(German) archetypical
Demut(German f.) humility, lowliness, humbleness
demüthig(German) meek, humble, humbly, suppliantly, abject, poor in spirit, submissive, cap in hand, adjectly, lowly
demütig(German) meek, humble, humbly, suppliantly, abject, poor in spirit, submissive, cap in hand, adjectly, lowly
demütig anflehen(German) to humbly beseech
demütig bitten(German) to supplicate
demütigen(German) to humiliate, to mortify, to abase, to humble
demütigend(German) humbling, mortifying, abasing, mortifyingly, humiliating
demütiger(German) humbler
demütigste(German) humblest
demütigt(German) humbles, mortifies, humbler
demütigte(German) humbled, mortified
Demütigung (s.), Demütigungen (pl.)(German f.) indignity, mortification, humiliation, abasement
Demütigung vermeiden(German) to avoid humiliation
de muziek begon te spelen(Dutch) the band struck up (a tune), the band began to play
dem Vergleich standhalten(German) to stand comparison, to sustain comparison
dem Vergnügen hingegebenes Leben(German n.) life given to pleasure
dem Verhältnis entsprechend(German) proportional
dem Vertrag entsprechend(German) contractual, conventional
dem Vertreter gezahlter Betrag(German m.) amount paid to an agent
dem Volke bekannt geben(German) to announce to the people
dem Wandel unterliegen(German) to be subject to change
dem Wasser angehörend(German) aquatic
dem weltlichen Leben entsagen(German) to renounce the worldly life
dem Wettbewerb standhalten(German) to defy competition
dem Wetter ausgesetzt(German) exposed to the weather
dem Wetter aussetzen(German) to weather
dem Wetter trotzen(German) to brave the weather
dem Willen Gottes gehorchen(German) to conform to God's will
dem Wind draußen lauschen(German) to listen to the wind without, to listen to the wind outside
Demyelinisation(German f.) demyelination
demyelinisierend(German) demyelinating
demyelinisierende Krankheit(German f.) demyelinating disease
Demyelinisierung(German f.) demyelination
demyelisieren(German) to demyelinate
Demy quartosee 'quarto'
démystifier(French) enlighten
dem Zeitplan voraus(German) ahead of schedule
dem Ziel zuwider sein(German) to defeat its own end
dem Zufall überlassen(German) random
dem Zufall vertrauen(German) to trust to chance
demzufolge(German)as a result, accordingly, as a consequence, in consequence, in consequence of, whereby, stating, hence, therefore, consequently
dem zufolge(German) as a result of which, according to which
dem Zug seines Herzens folgen(German) to follow one's heart
dem Zweck angepasst(German) adapted to its purpose
dem Zweck angepaßt(German, old form) adapted to its purpose
den(German) the, this one, that one, this, whom
Den.abbreviation of 'Denmark'
den Absatz fördern(German) to promote sales
den Absprung wagen(German) to risk making the break (figurative)
den Abwasch machen(German) to do the washing up, to do the dishes
den Abzug betätigen(German) to pull the trigger
den Adler machen(German) to spread-eagle
den Akzent setzen auf(German) to put the emphasis on
den Alarm auslösen(German) to set off the alarm
den Alarmknopf drücken(German) to press the panic button (figurative)
den Amtseid ablegen(German) to be sworn in, to swear the oath of office
den Amtseid leisten(German) to swear the oath of office
den anderen die Show stehlen(German) to steal the show
den anderen voraus(German) ahead of the rest
den Anfang bezeichnen(German) to signify the beginning
den Anfängen wehren(German) to nip things in the bud (figurative)
den Anforderungen entsprechen(German) to be up to the mark, to be up to standard, to come up to the requirements, to meet the requirements, to be up to scratch (colloquial)
den Anforderungen für eine Stelle genügen(German) to qualify for a position
den Anforderungen genügen(German) to pass muster (figurative)
den Anforderungen gerecht werden(German) to meet the requirements
den Anforderungen nachkommen(German) to meet the demands
den Angriff zurückschlagen(German) to beat off the attack
den Anlass feiern(German) to celebrate the occasion
den Anschein erwecken(German) to purport
den Anschein haben(German) to seem likely
den Anschluss erreichen(German) to catch the connection
den Anschluss verpassen(German) to miss the connection, to miss the boat, to miss the bus (colloquial)
den Anstand wahren(German) to observe the proprieties, to preserve appearances
den Anstandswauwau abgeben(German) to play gooseberry
den Anstandswauwau spielen(German) to play gooseberry
den Appetit anregen(German) to quicken the appetite, to whet the appetite, to stimulate the appetite
den Appetit stärken(German) to sharpen the appetite
den Appetit stillen(German) to assuage the appetite
den Appetit wiedergewinnen(German) to recover one's appetite
den Arbeitsbeginn registrieren(German) to clock in, to clock in
den Arbeitsschluss stempeln(German) to clock out
den Argumenten nachgeben(German) to yield to arguments
den Argwohn bekräftigen(German) to strengthen one's suspicion
Denarius (s.), Denarii (pl.)(Latin) an ancient Roman gold or silver coin, more recently a penny (in the latter sense usually abbreviated to d.)
den Arm in einer Schlinge tragen(German) to carry his arm in a sling
Denaro(Italian m.) money
den Arzt befragen(German) to seek medical advice
den Arzt kommen lassen(German) to send for the doctor
den Arzt rufen(German) to call in the doctor, to send for the doctor
den Ast absägen, auf dem man sitzt(German) to bite the hand that feeds you
den Atem anhalten(German) to hold one's breath
den Atem nehmen(German) to choke
de nature à(French) likely to
dénaturer(French) to distort (the facts)
denaturieren(German) to denaturate, to denature, to denaturise
denaturiert(German) denatured, denaturised
denaturierte Form(German f.) denatured form
Denaturierung(German f.) denaturation, denaturing
Denaturierungsmittel(German n.) denaturing agent
den Auflagen entsprechen(German) to comply
den Aufstieg schaffen(German) be promoted
den Auftakt bilden (zu)(German) be a prelude (to)
den Auftrag bekommen(German) to get the contract, to win the contract, to be awarded the contract
den Auftrag erhalten(German) to secure the order
den Auftrag fertig stellen(German) to complete the order
den Auftrag zur Regierungsbildung erhalten(German) to be given the task of forming a government
den Auftrag zurückziehen(German) to cancel the deal
den Aufwand wert(German) worthwhile
den Aufwasch machen(German) to do the dishes
den Aufzug holen(German) to summon the lift
den Augenblick genießen(German) to savour the moment
den Außenhandel fördern(German) to promote foreign trade
den Ausgang abwarten(German) to await the outcome
den Ausgang versperren(German) to obstruct the exit
den Ausschlag geben(German) to decide, to tip the scales, to turn the balance, to tip the balance (figurative)
den Ausweg in der Gewalt suchen(German) to resort to violence
den Bann brechen(German) to break the spell
den Bart abscheren(German) to shave one's beard
den Bart versengen(German) to singe the beard
den Bau behindern(German) to impede the construction
den Bau unterbrechen(German) to discontinue construction
den Bauch einziehen(German) to suck in one's stomach
den Becher bis zur bitteren Neige leeren(German) to drain the cup
den Bedarf decken(German) to supply the need, to meet needs, to meet requirements, to satisfy demand, to meet the needs, to satisfy needs
den Bedarf decken von(German) to satisfy the needs of
den Bedarf erfüllen(German) to meet needs
den Bedingungen zustimmen(German) to agree to the terms
den Bedürfnissen angepasst(German) adapted to fit the needs
den Beginn eines neuen Zeitalters ankündigen(German) to herald (in) a new age
den Beitrag erhöhen(German) to raise the subscription
den Besitzer wechseln(German) to change hands
den besten Ausblick haben(German) to obtain the best view
den Betrieb einschränken(German) to limit operations
den Betrieb einstellen(German) to close a place of business, to withdraw the service
den Betrieb fortsetzen(German) to continue an operation
den Beweggrund vermuten(German) to surmise the motive
den Beweis erbringen(German) to supply evidence, to produce evidence, to furnish proof
den Bezug zur Realität verlieren(German) to lose one's grip on reality
den Bezug zur Wirklichkeit verlieren(German) to lose one's grip on reality, to lose touch with reality
den Bildschirminhalt verschieben(German) to scroll the screen (on a computer, etc.)
den Bissen verschlingen(German) to champ at the bit
den Blasebalg treten(German) to blow the bellows
den Blick senken(German) to look down
den Blick trüben(German) to blur the vision
den Blicken ausgesetzte Situation(German f.) exposed situation
den Blinker setzen(German) to indicate (when driving)
den Blutdruck messen(German) to check blood pressure
den Blutfluss einschränken(German) to restrict blood flow
den Blutfluss stoppen(German) to staunch the flow of blood
den Bock zum Gärtner machen(German) to set a thief to catch a thief
den Boden aufnehmen(German) to mop the floor
den Boden bereiten(German) to sow the seeds (figurative)
den Boden bohnern(German) to beeswax (polish) the floor
den Boden frei machen(German) to clear the ground
den Boden küssen(German) to kiss the earth
den Boden mit Teppich belegen(German) to carpet the floor
den Boden mit Wasser bespritzen(German) to splash the floor with water
den Boden scheuern(German) to scour the floor
den Boden schrubben(German) to scrub the floor
den Boden wachsen(German) to wax the floor
den Bogen führen(German) to bow
den Bogen heraus haben(German) to have the hang of it
den Bogen raushaben(German) to know the ropes
den Bogen streichen(German) to bow
den Bogen überspannen(German) to overdo things, to stretch it, to stretch things, to overstep the mark (figurative)
den bösen Blick haben(German) to have the evil eye
den Braten aufschneiden(German) to carve the joint
den Braten riechen(German) to smell a rat (colloquial)
den Brautstrauß fangen(German) to catch the bride's flowers, to catch the bridal bouquet
den Briefkasten entleeren(German) to clear the letterbox
den Briefkasten leeren(German) to clear the letter-box
den Bund fürs Leben schließen(German) to tie the knot (marry)
den Bus verpassen(German) to miss the bus
den Champagner aufmachen(German) to crack open the bubbly
den Christbaum schmücken(German) to decorate the Christmas tree
den Clown spielen(German) to play the fool, to clown, to play the buffoon
den Dampf abdrehen(German) to cut off the steam, to shut off the steam
den Dampf absperren(German) to shut off the steam
den Dienst durchführen(German) to conduct the service
den Dienst quittieren(German) to quit, to quit the service
den Dingen auf den Grund gehen(German) to get to the bottom of things
den Dolch in der Hand(German) at daggers drawn
den Dreck wegbürsten(German) to brush off the dirt
den Dreh herausfinden(German) to find the key
den Dreh heraushaben(German) to have the knack of something
den Dreh raushaben(German) to have got the knack
den Dreh rauskriegen(German) to get the knack (colloquial), to find the key
Dendrochronologie(German f.) dendrochronology
Dendrochronologythe science of dating the age of wood by analysis of the growth rings in the grain. In the case of violins, fakes often use wood that is found to be too young to have been available during the lifetime of the supposed maker
Dendrologen(German pl.) dendrologists
den Durchschnitt ermitteln(German) to average out
den Durst löschen(German) to slake the thirst
denegar(Spanish) to refuse
Dénégation(French f.) denial
den Ehrenplatz einnehmen(German) to take pride of place
den Eid abnehmen(German) to swear in
den Eigentümer wechseln(German) to change hands, to change ownership
den Eindruck machen(German) to give the impression
den Eindruck vermitteln, dass ...(German) to imply that ... to convey the impression that ...
den einen oder anderen(German) one or two
den einfachsten Weg nehmen(German) to cut corners (colloquial) (figurative)
den Eingang bestätigen(German) to acknowledge the receipt
den Einkauf erledigen(German) to do the shopping
den Einlass verweigern(German) to refuse admission
den Einsatz erhöhen(German) to up the ante, to up the stakes, to raise the stakes (also figurative)
den Einsatz nachher besprechen(German) to debrief
den Elementen trotzen(German) to brave the elements
den Empfang bescheinigen(German) to receipt
den Empfang bestätigen(German) to acknowledge, to receipt, to acknowledge receipt of something
den Empfang bestätigt(German) receipted
den Empfang eines Paketes bestätigen(German) to sign for receipt of a parcel
denen(German) those
den Engpass überwinden(German) to clear the bottleneck
den entscheidenden Sprung wagen(German) to make a plunge
den erforderlichen Raum reservieren(German) to reserve the necessary space
den Erfordernissen entsprechen(German) to fit the requirements
den Erhalt der Ware quittieren(German) to sign for receipt of goods
den Erklärungen folgen können(German) to make some sense of the explanations
den ersten Platz knapp verfehlen(German) to come in a close second
den ersten Preis gewinnen(German) to win the first prize, to draw first prize
den ersten Schritt tun(German) to make the first move
den ersten Spatenstich machen(German) to cut the first sod, to turn the first spadeful of earth
den ersten Spatenstich tun(German) to turn the first sod
den ersten Stein werfen(German) to cast the first stone
den ersten Treffer landen(German) to draw first blood
den ersten zuerst bedienen(German) first come, first served
den Erwartungen entsprechen(German) to answer one's expectation, to come up to expectations, to meet one's expectations
den Erwartungen entsprechend(German) according to expectations, up to one's expectations
den Erwartungen gerecht werden(German) to live up to expectations
den Erwartungen nicht entsprechen(German) to fall short of one's expectations
den Erwartungen widersprechen(German) to run counter to expectations
den Faden einer Geschichte brechen(German) to break the thread of a story
den Faden verlieren(German) to lose the thread
den Fahrplan ändern(German) to alter the time-table
den Fall annehmen, dass ...(German) to suppose that ...
den falschen Baum anbellen(German) to bark up the wrong tree
den falschen Beruf wählen(German) to choose the wrong job
den falschen Preis angeben(German) to misprice
den falschen Ton treffen(German) to hit the wrong note (figurative), to strike the wrong note (figurative), to set the wrong tone (figurative)
den Fehdehandschuh aufnehmen(German) to pick up the gauntlet
den Fehlbetrag decken(German) to make up the deficit
den Fehler anzeigen(German) to show the error
den Feind angreifen(German) to attack the enemy, to engage (with) the enemy
den Feind in einer Schlacht besiegen(German) to defeat the enemy in a battle
den Feind schlagen(German) to beat the enemy
den Fernseher anmachen(German) to turn on the television
den festgelegten Rahmen sprengen(German) to depart from tradition
den Finger einklemmen(German) to pinch the finger
den Finger in die Wunde legen(German) to bring up a painful subject
den Flammen anvertrauen(German) to commit to the flames
den Flammen übergeben(German) to commit to the flames
den Flattermann bekommen(German) to get really nervous
den Fluss entlang(German) along the river
den Fluss überqueren(German) to cross over the river
den Fortschritt aufhalten(German) to impede progress, to bar progress
den Fortschritt beschleunigen(German) to accelerate the progress, to quicken the progress
den Fortschritt blockieren(German) to obstruct the progress
den Führerschein abgeben müssen(German) to be banned from driving
den Führerschein erwerben(German) to get one's driver's licence
den Führerschein verlieren(German) to lose one's licence
den Fuß verrenken(German) to sprain one's ankle
den Fußboden aufnehmen(German) to mop the floor
den Fußboden aufwischen(German) to mop the floor
den Fußboden wischen(German) to wipe the floor
Dengaku noh(Japanese) originally ritual dances in the rice fields and added acrobatics, juggling and other entertainment that had their origin in Sangaku, a variety performance from China, this performance art form gradually developed until there were professional Dengaku performers who performed to entertain court aristocrats and high-ranking warriors. In its mature form, this art form was known as Dengaku Noh
den ganzen Abend damit zubringen(German) to make an evening of it
den ganzen Abend lang(German) all evening, all the evening
den ganzen Abend verplaudern(German) to spend the whole evening chatting
den ganzen Morgen lang(German) all the morning, all-morning
den ganzen nächsten Monat(German) all next month, the whole of next month
den ganzen Sommer lang(German) all through the summer
den ganzen Tag(German) all day, all day through, the whole day
den ganzen Tag andauernd(German) daylong
den ganzen Tag arbeiten(German) to operate all day
den ganzen Tag auf der faulen Haut liegen(German) to idle away one's time
den ganzen Tag geöffnet(German) open all day
den ganzen Tag lang(German) all day long, all the day, all the day long, all throughout the day, throughout the day, all day
den ganzen Verkehr zum Erliegen bringen(German) to stop all the traffic
den ganzen Weg(German) all that way
den ganzen Weg entlang(German) all along the way
den ganzen Weg hierher(German) all this way
den ganzen Winter lang(German) all the winter, all winter long
den Garaus machen(German) to kill off
den Garten wässern(German) to water the garden
den Gashaupthahn zudrehen(German) to turn the gas off at the mains
den Gast zum Verweilen einladen(German) to invite the guest to stay
den Gefahren der See trotzen(German) to brave the perils of the sea, to defy the perils of the sea
den Gefallen erwidern(German) to return the favour
den Gegenbeweis führen(German) to rebut
den Geist aufgeben(German) to conk out (colloquial), to give up the ghost (humorous: of a machine), to pack up (colloquial: machine, car, etc.), to die (of a machine, battery, etc.)
den Geist aufgebend(German) conking out (colloquial)
den Geist aufgegeben(German) conked out (colloquial)
den Geist aus der Flasche lassen(German) to let the genie out of the bottle
den Geist beruhigend(German) spirit-soothing
den Geist entspannen(German) to relax the mind
den Geist fordern(German) to exercise the mind
den Geist mit Wissen versorgen(German) to stock the mind with knowledge
Den Gelehrten ist gut predigen(German) A word to the wise
Dengeln(German n.) thinning, sharpening (of a scythe by hammering out irregularities)
dengeln(German) to sharpen, to whet, to hone
den Gerüchten zufolge(German) according to rumours
den Geschäftsleiter sprechen wollen(German) to ask for the manager
den Geschlechtstrieb steigernd(German) aphrodisiac
den Geschmack verderben(German) to vitiate the taste
den Geschmack verfeinern(German) to refine the taste
den Geschmack verletzen(German) to offend the taste
den Gesetzen entsprechen(German) to conform to laws
den Gesichtskreis erweitern(German) to broaden one's mind, to improve one's mind
den Gezeiten standhalten(German) to weather the storms of time
den Gezeiten unterworfen(German) tidal
Denggunga gamelan type which is found in the courts of Cirebon, on Java's north coast. This tradition predates Sundanese degung by several centuries
den Gipfel erreichen(German) to attain the summit, to reach the top, to top
den Glanz nehmen(German) to take off the shine
den Glanz wegnehmen(German) to deaden
den Glauben verlieren(German) to lose faith
den gleichen Namen tragen(German) to share the same name
den Gleichstand erzielen(German) to draw level
Denglisch(English, German n.) German language full of English words and phrases (colloquialL the German equivalent of the French Franglais)
den Gnadenschuss geben(German) to finish off
den Gnadenstoß geben(German) to finish off
den Gordischen Knoten durchhauen(German) to cut the Gordian knot
den Gordischen Knoten durchtrennen(German) to cut the Gordian knot
dengoso(Spanish) affected, finicky
den Gottesdienst besuchen(German) to attend church
den großen Herrn spielen(German) to blow one's own horn
den großen Macker markieren(German) to throw one's weight around
den großen Mann spielen(German) to act big, to put on airs
den Grund herausfinden(German) to identify the reason
Dengue(Spanish m.) affectation
Dengue feveran infectious disease of the tropics transmitted by mosquitoes and characterised by rash and aching head and joints
Dengue-Fieber(German n.) dengue fever
den Gurt anziehen(German) to tighten the girth
den Gürtel enger schnallen(German) to tighten one's belt (also figurative), to pull in one's belt
den guten Dingen nachjagen(German) to aim for the good things in life
den guten Ruf bewahren(German) to maintain the reputation
Den Haag(German n.) The Hague (a city in the Netherlands)
den Hafen erreichen(German) to reach port
den Hafen verlassen(German) to leave port, to leave the harbour, to clear the harbour
den halben Lohn(German) half the pay
den halben Preis zahlen(German) to pay half-price
den Handel beschränken(German) to restrict trade
den Handel einstellen(German) to stop trading
den Handel fördern(German) to promote trade
den Handel unterbinden(German) to stop trading
den Handel unterbindend(German) anti-trade
den Handel wieder aufnehmen(German) to resume trading, to revive trade
den Handel wiederbeleben(German) to reanimate trade
den Haushalt führen(German) to keep house
den Haushalt sanieren(German) to balance the budget
den Helden spielen(German) to act the hero, to act the part of the hero
den Himmel erleuchten(German) to light up the sky
den Hintereingang nehmen(German) to go in the backway, to go in by the backdoor
den Hintern versohlen(German) to spank
den höchsten Anforderungen entsprechen(German) to meet the highest requirements
den höchsten Nutzen stiften(German) to have the most useful effect
den höchsten Stand erreichen(German) to reach its peak
den Höchstwert erreichen(German) to achieve the highest level
den Höhepunkt erreichen(German) to culminate
den Höhepunkt erreicht haben(German) to be at one's zenith
den Hörer abheben(German) to answer the telephone
den Hörer abnehmen(German) to pick up the phone, to lift the receiver (of a telephone), to answer the telephone
den Hörer auf die Gabel knallen(German) to bang the phone down on the hook
den Hörer auflegen(German) to ring off, to put down the receiver
den Hörer wieder auflegen(German) to put down the phone
den Horizont absuchen(German) to search the horizon
den Hosenboden voll kriegen(German) to get a smacked bottom
den Hügel hinauf(German) up the hill, uphill
den Hund ausführen(German) to walk the dog
den Hund einschläfern(German) to put the dog down
den Hunger stillen(German) to stave off hunger
den Hustenreiz unterdrücken(German) to suppress the need to cough, to suppress the urge to cough
den Hut herumreichen(German) to pass the hat round
den Hut hinhalten(German) to hold out a tin cup (figurative)
den Hut ziehen(German) to pull off one's hat
dénicher(French) to dig up (find), to flush out
Denier(English, French, German n.) a unit of weight employed for measuring silk, and later, nylon yarn (the lower the number, the finer the yarn)
denigrar(Spanish) to denigrate
denigrare(Italian) to denigrate
Dénigrement(French m.) denigration
dénigrer(French) to denigrate
Denim(English, German m.) a coarse twilled cloth, usually cotton, used for jeans, overalls and work uniforms
Denimbluse(German f.) denim blouse
Denimhose(German f.) denim trousers
Denimrock(German m.) denim skirt
Denimstoff(German m.) denim fabric
de niño(Spanish) as a child
den Installateur bestellen(German) to arrange for the plumber
Denis d'or(French, literally 'golden Dionysus') also Denisdor and Denydor) in the broadest sense, the first electric musical instrument in history. It was invented and constructed by the Czech theologian Václav Prokop Divis (1698-1765) at his parish in the Moravian town Prímetice near Znojmo in the south-east of what is now the Czech Republic. He was also a pioneer of research into electricity, being most famous for having invented the lightning rod in Europe, contemporaneously with but independently of Benjamin Franklin
Dénivellation(French f.) slope
den Jackpot gewinnen(German) to hit the jackpot, to win the jackpot
den Kampf fortsetzen(German) to continue the struggle
den Kampf gegen den Feind eröffnen(German) to engage the enemy
den Kampf gewinnen(German) to win the day
den Kampf verlieren(German) to lose the day
den Kampfgeist erhöhen(German) to raise the spirit
den Kampfgeist stärken(German) to raise the morale
den Kanal voll haben(German) to be fed up to here
Den Kandidaten wird nahegelegt ...(German) Candidates are advised ...
Denk an mich!(German) Keep me in mind!
Denkansatz(German m.) approach, maxim
Denkanstoß(German m.) food for thought
Denkarbeit(German f.) mental work, serious thinking
den Karren (gründlich) in den Dreck fahren(German) to get things in a (complete) mess, to get things into a (complete) mess
den Karren vor das Pferd spannen(German) to put the cart before the horse
Denkart(German f.) mindset, way of thinking
den Kauf abschließen(German) to clinch the deal
den Kauf beabsichtigen(German) to contemplate buying
Denkaufgabe(German f.) brain-teaser (colloquial)
den Kauf wert(German) worth buying
den Kaufpreis erstatten(German) to refund the purchase price
denkbar(German) conceivable, conceivably, imaginable, imaginably, thinkable, surmisable
(German) also sehr or äußerst, extremely
denkbar sein(German) to be on the cards
Denkbarkeit(German f.) conceivableness
Denkbild(German n.) notion
Denkblase(German f.) thought bubble
Denkblockade(German f.) mental block (a barrier to thinking)
Denk daran!(German) Bear that in mind!
Denk darüber noch mal nach!(German) Think twice!
Denk doch mal nach!(German) Think about it!
den Kehraus machen(German) to bring down the curtain, to call it a day
Denken(German n.) reasoning, thinking, thought
denken(German) to think, to guess, to believe (colloquial), to conclude (colloquial), to hold an opinion, to opine, to figure (colloquial)
denkend(German) thinking, thinkingly
Denken Sie einfach an ...(German) Think of this in terms of ...
Denken Sie nur!(German) Just imagine!
Denker (m.),Denkerin (f.), Denker (pl.)(German) thinker
Denkereien(German pl.) musings
denkerisch(German) intellectual
Denkerstirn(German f.) lofty brow
Denkfabrik(German f.) think tank (politics)
denkfähig(German) intelligent, capable of thinking
Denkfähigkeit(German f.) cogitation
denkfaul(German) too lazy to think, mentally lazy
Denkfaulheit(German f.) mental laziness
Denkfehler (s./pl.)(German m.) error in reasoning
Denkfigur(German f.) figure of thought, trope (an expression that departs from the accepted literal sense or from the normal word order in order to extend the meaning of words)
Denkform(German f.) thought form
Denkfrage(German f.) brain twister (a difficult or involved question)
Denkfreiheit(German f.) freedom of thought
Denkgebäude(German n.) intellectual edifice
Denkhemmung(German f.) inhibited thinking
den Kinderschuhen entwachsen(German) to come of age
den kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner finden(German) to find the lowest common denominator
Denkmal (s.), Denkmäler (pl.)(German n.) memorial, monument, landmark
Denkmalamt(German n.) Antiquities and Monuments Office (in Germany)
Denk mal drüber nach.(German) Think it over.
denkmalgeschützt(German) protected as a historic monument, heritage-protected, listed (as on a register of siginifcant historical monuments)
denkmalgeschütztes Gebäude(German n.) listed building
denkmalgeschütztes Gebiet(German n.) conservation area
Denkmalpfleger(German m.) curator of monuments
Denkmalschutz(German m.) protection of historic buildings and monuments, preservation of sites of historic interest, protection of historical buildings and monuments
denkmalschutzwürdig(German) worthy of preservation
Denkmalstatus(German m.) landmark status (building, monument, etc.)
Denkmechanismus(German m.) mechanism of thinking
Denkmünze(German f.) commemorative medal
Denkmuster(German n.) thought pattern
Denk nicht weiter daran.(German) Don't give it another thought.
den Köder schlucken(German) to take the bait
den Koffer hinauftragen(German) to carry the trunk up the stairs, to carry the trunk upstairs
den Koffer hinuntertragen(German) to carry the trunk down the stairs, to carry the trunk downstairs
den Kontakt mit der Realität verlieren(German) to lose one's grasp on reality
den Kontakt mit der Wirklichkeit verlieren(German) to lose one's grasp on reality
den Kontakt verloren haben(German) to be out of touch
den Kontakt zur Realität verlieren(German) to lose touch with reality
den Kopf abschlagen(German) to decapitate
den Kopf aus der Schlinge ziehen(German) to get out of a tight spot, to save one's neck, to cheat the gallows
den Kopf bedecken(German) to cover one's head
den Kopf ducken(German) to duck one's head
den Kopf hängenlassen(German) to be downcast figurative)
den Kopf herumwerfen(German) to turn one's head (quickly)
den Kopf hinhalten(German) to carry the can (colloquial: to take the blame)
den Kopf in den Nacken legen(German) to put one's head back
den Kopf in den Nacken werfen(German) to throw back one's head
den Kopf in den Sand stecken(German) to bury one's head in the sand
den Kopf neigen(German) to bow one's head
den Kopf riskieren(German) to stick one's neck out
den Kopf ruckartig bewegen(German) to bob one's head
den Kopf verlieren(German) to lose one's head
den Kopf waschen(German) to shampoo
den Kopf wiegen(German) to shake one's head (slowly)
den Kopf zur Tür reinstecken(German) to stick one's head in at the door (colloquial)
den Kopf zurücklehnen(German) to lean back one's head
den Kopf zurückwerfen(German) to cock one's head
den Körper verkrampfen(German) to convulse the body
den Körperkonturen angepasster Stuhl(German m.) contour chair
den Kosten nachgehen(German) to keep track of costs
Denkpause(German f.) break, adjournment
Denkprozess (s.), Denkprozesse (pl.)(German m.) thinking process, thought process
den Kragen nach oben klappen(German) to turn one's collar up
den Kragen nach oben stülpen(German) to turn up one's collar
den Krankenwagen rufen(German) to call the ambulance
den Kredit entziehen(German) to withdraw credit facilities
den Kredit zur Verfügung stellen(German) to make the credit available
den Kreislauf beenden(German) to break the cycle
Denkrichtung(German f.) school of thought, line of thought (direction)
den Krieg begleitende Übel(German pl.) evils attendant on war
den Krieg erklären(German) to declare war
den Krieg zu Ende führen(German) to carry the war to its conclusion
Denkrunde(German f.) brainstorming
Denkschrift (s.), Denkschriften (pl.)(German f.) memoir, exposé, memorandum, position paper
Denkschule(German f.) school of thought
Denksportaufgabe(German f.) teaser, quiz, brain-teaser (colloquial), brain-twister (colloquial)
Denkspruch(German m.) motto
Denkst du ans Heiraten?(German) Are you contemplating marriage?
Denkst du gerade das gleiche wie ich?(German) Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Denkste!(German) Not a bit of it! (colloquial)
Denkstein(German m.) memorial stone
Denkstörung(German f.) thought disorder
Denkstruktur(German f.) thought structure
denkt daran!(German) remember!, don't forget!
denkt daran(German) remembers
denkt nach(German) cogitates, deliberates, meditates
denkt neu durch(German) rethinks
denkt vorher aus(German) preconceives
den Kuchen anschneiden(German) to cut the cake
den Kuchen schneiden(German) to cut the cake
den Kühlschrank plündern(German) to raid the fridge
den Kundenbedürfnissen zugeschnitten(German) custom-built, custom-designed, custom-tailored (garment)
Denk- und Handlungsweise(German f.) thinking and acting
den Kurs ändern(German) to alter one's course, to change course
den Kurs bestimmen(German) to fix the price
den Kurs einhalten(German) to keep going in the same direction
den Kurs halten(German) to hold one's ground
den Kurs in die Höhe treiben(German) to force up the price
den Kurs nennen(German) to name a price
den kürzeren ziehen(German) to get the worst of it, to come off second best, to draw the short straw (figurative), to get the short straw (figurative)
den kürzesten Weg nehmen(German) to cut corners (figurative) (colloquial)
Denkvermögen(German n.) intellectual power, intellectual capacity
Denkvorgang(German m.) mental process
Denkweise(German f.) way of thinking, mentality, thought, mindset, mind, mode of thought
denkwürdig(German) memorable, memorably, commemorable, notable, noteworthy
denkwürdiger Tag(German m.) memorable day
Denkwürdigkeit (s.), Denkwürdigkeiten (pl.)(German f.) eventfulness, memorability, memorableness, memorabilia (plural form), commentaries (plural form)
Denkzettel(German m.) one in the eye
den Laden dichtmachen(German) to shut up shop
den Laden fest im Griff haben(German) to run a tight ship
den Laden schmeißen(German) to run the show (colloquial)
den Lärm abstellen(German) to cut the noise
den Lauf der Dinge abwarten(German) to await the course of events
den Lauf der Dinge aufhalten(German) to stem the tide
den Lauf stoppen(German) to obstruct the flow
den Lebensunterhalt verdienen(German) to earn one's bread and butter
den letzten Atemzug nehmen(German) to draw one's last breath
den letzten Platz einnehmen(German) to take last place
den lieben langen Tag(German) the whole blessed day, the blessed day, the livelong day
den Liefertermin festlegen(German) to set the delivery date
den Löffel abgeben(German) to kick the bucket (slang), to turn up one's toes (colloquial), to bite the dust (colloquial)
den Lohn ernten(German) to reap the reward(s)
den Lückenbüßer spielen(German) to be used as a stopgap
den Mammon verehren(German) to worship Mammon
den Marschallstab im Tornister haben(German) to be a potential leader of men
den Märtyrer spielen(German) to act the martyr, to play the martyr
den Märtyrertod sterben(German) to be martyred
den Maßstab setzen(German) to set the benchmark
den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt stellend(German) anthropocentric
den Mindestanforderungen entsprechen(German) to meet the minimum requirements
den Mitbewerbern voraus(German) ahead of one's competitors
den Mittagsschlaf halten(German) to take a siesta, to have a siesta
Den möchte ich sehen, der das fertigbringt.(German) I defy anyone to do it.
den Modetrend bestimmen(German) to set the fashion
den Moment nutzen(German) to take advantage of the moment
den Mond anbellen(German) to bark at the moon, to bay at the moon
den Mond anheulen(German) to howl at the moon
den Morgen verpennen(German) to waste away the morning
den Müll rausbringen(German) to put the rubbish out, to put the garbage out, to put the trash out, to take out the trash, to take out the garbage
den Mund aufhaben(German) to have one's mouth open
den Mund aufmachen(German) to pipe up (begin to speak)
den Mund aufreißen(German) to gape
den Mund aufsperren (vor)(German) to be agape (with)
den Mund ausspülen(German) to rinse out one's mouth
den Mund halten(German) to button (up) one´s lip, to keep one's mouth shut, to hold one's tongue, to bite one's tongue (colloquial), to keep mum
den Mund spitzen(German) to purse one's lips
den Mund spülen(German) to rinse one's mouth
den Mund verziehen(German) to screw up one's mouth
den Mund voll nehmen(German) to brag, to talk big (colloquial)
den Mund zu voll nehmen(German) to bite off more than one can chew
Den muss man nicht vorstellen.(German) He needs no introduction.
den Mut bewahren(German) to bear up against misfortune
den Mut dämpfen(German) to dampen the spirits
den Mut haben(German) to have the guts (courage), to have the nerve (courage)
den Mutigen spielen(German) to play the hero
den Mut nicht verlieren(German) to keep a stiff upper lip
den Mut sinken lassen(German) to quail (shake)
den Mut verlieren(German) to become demoralised, to lose heart, to lose courage, to bottle out (slang)
den Mut zusammennehmen, ... zu tun(German) to get up the nerve to do ...
den Mutigen spielen(German) to play the hero
denn(German) for (since), because, since (because), in as much as
den Nachlass sichern(German) to preserve the estate
den nächsten Patienten empfangen(German) to see the next patient
den nackten Hintern zeigen(German) to moon (colloquial), to show one's naked backside
den Nachweis liefern(German) to furnish proof, to give proof
den Nagel auf den Kopf treffen(German) to hit the nail (right) on the head, to hit the bull's eye (figurative), to be dead on (colloquial)
den Namen des Herrn missbrauchen(German) to take the Lord's name in vain
den Namen eines Dichters verehren(German) to venerate the name of a poet
den Namen feststellen(German) to secure the name
den Narren spielen(German) to play the fool
den Naturgesetzen gehorchend(German) amenable to the laws of physics
den natürlichen Flusslauf erhalten(German) to preserve a river
den Nerv haben(German) to have the nerve (courage)
den Niedergang beschleunigen(German) to precipitate the ruin
den Nimbus rauben(German) to debunk
dennoch(German) nevertheless, however, still, yet, anyhow, all the same (nevertheless), notwithstanding
den normalen Geschäftsweg gehen(German) to go through (the) normal channels
den Oberbefehl führender Offizier(German m.) officer in command
den Oberkörper freimachen(German) to strip to the waist, to strip to one's waist
den Ochsen hinter den Pflug spannen(German) to put the cart before the horse
den Offenbarungseid leisten(German) to admit complete failure
den Ölstand kontrollieren(German) to check the oil level
den Ölverbrauch reduzieren(German) to decrease the amount of oil used
denom.abbreviation of 'denomination' (religion)
dénombrer(French) to count, to enumerate
Denominación(Spanish f.) denomination
denominado(Spanish) called
Denominador(Spanish m.) denominator
denominar(Spanish) to name
denominare(Italian) to name
Denomination(English, German f.) a group of religious congregations having its own organisation and a distinctive faith
(English, German f.) designation, appellation (identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others)
Dénomination(French f.) designation, appellation (identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others)
Denominator(English) a common trait or characteristic
(English, German m.) in fractions that are written in the form 'a/b', 'a' is called the numerator and 'b' is called the denominator
Denominatore(Italian m.) denominator
Denominazione(Italian f.) denomination
dénommé ... (m.), dénommée ... (f.)(French) (the) said ... (person or thing)
dénoncer(French) to denounce, to tell on
Dénonciateur (m.), Dénonciatrice (f.)(French) informer, tell-tale
Dénonciation(French f.) denunciation
den operativen Betrieb aufnehmen(German) to commence operations
den Ort tauschen(German) to change places
den Ort wechseln(German) to change place
de nos jours(French) of our times (always preceded by a proper name), nowadays
denotar(Spanish) to denote
denotare(Italian) to denote
Denotat(German n.) denotatum
Denotationthe minimal, strict definition of a word as found in a dictionary, disregarding any historical or emotional connotation
denotativ(German) denotative
Denotatuman actual object referred to by a linguistic expression
dénoter(French) to denote
Denouement(from dénouement, French m.) a term that refers to the outcome or result of a complex situation or sequence of events, an aftermath or resolution that usually occurs near the final stages of the plot in a play, novel or other work of literature
Dénouement(French m., literally 'unknotting', 'unwinding') conclusion, outcome (often the climax of an opera), the final solution (of a mystery)
dénouer(French) to unknot, to undo
de novo(Latin) anew, afresh, again
dénoyauter(French) to stone, to pit (US)
den Ozean befahren(German) to sail the ocean
den Park durchqueren(German) to cut across the park
den Parteien wird empfohlen ...(German) parties are recommended ...
den Personalbestand verringern(German) to downsize staff
den Plan ändern(German) to alter the plan
den Platz übernehmen(German) to stand in
den Platz wechseln(German) to change places
den Plural zu ... bilden(German) to form the plural of ...
den Po kreisen lassen(German) to move one's bottom in circles
den Polizisten fragen(German) to ask the policeman
den Po rausstrecken(German) to stick out one's bottom
den Posten übernehmen(German) to take over as
den Preis angeben(German) to state the price
den Preis anpassen(German) to adjust the price
den Preis anzeigen(German) to show the price
den Preis berechnen(German) to calculate the price
den Preis bestimmen(German) to set the price
den Preis davontragen(German) to bear away the prize
den Preis drücken(German) to beat down the price, to drive down the price, to get the price down
den Preis eines Artikels reduzieren(German) to make a reduction on an article
den Preis ein wenig kürzen(German) to cut the price a little
den Preis erhöhen(German) to mark up, to put up the price
den Preis festlegen(German) to establish the selling price
den Preis halten(German) to hold the price, to maintain the price
den Preis herabsetzen(German) to cut the price, to reduce the price, to mark down the price
den Preis heruntersetzen(German) to reduce the price
den Preis hinaufsetzen(German) to mark up the price
den Preis in die Höhe treiben(German) to drive up the price
den Preis senken(German) to lower the price, to bring down a price
den Preis zahlen(German) to pay the price
den Prolog vortragen(German) to deliver the prologue
den Prozess beschleunigen(German) to expedite the proceedings
den Prozess machen(German) to put on trial
den Prozess verschleppen(German) to delay the proceedings
den Prozess wieder aufnehmen(German) to resume proceedings
den Puls beschleunigen(German) to cause the pulse to quicken, to quicken the pulse
den Punkt erreichen, an dem es kein Zurück mehr gibt(German) to reach the point of no return
den Punkt erreichen, von dem an es kein Zurück mehr gibt(German) to reach the point of no return
den Purpur tragen(German) to wear the purple
den Putz erneuern(German) to resurface
den Rahmen ausdehnen(German) to extend the scope, to widen the scope
den Rahmen der Diskussion sprengen(German) to go beyond the scope of the discussion
den Rahmen einengen(German) to limit the scope
den Rand abschneiden(German) to cut the edges
den Rasen gießen(German) to water the lawn
den Rasen mähen(German) to mow the lawn
den Rasen rechen(German) to rake the lawn
den Rasen walzen(German) to roll the lawn
den Raum betreten(German) to enter the room
den Raum lüften(German) to air the room
den Rausschmiss kriegen(German) to get the boot (colloquial)
den rechten Augenblick abwarten(German) to bide one's time
den rechtlichen Kram erledigen(German) to do the legal bit (colloquial)
den Rechtsanwalt befragen(German) to seek legal advice
den Rechtsweg beschreiten(German) to go to law, to take legal action
Denrée(French f.) foodstuff
den Regeln entsprechen(German) to conform to rules
den Regeln entsprechend(German) according to the rules
den Regeln folgen(German) to comply with the rules
den Regeln gehorchen(German) to comply with the regulations, to conform to rules
den Reibach teilen(German) to divide the spoils
den Reifendruck überprüfen(German) to check the tyre pressure
den Reigen anführen(German) to lead off
den Reigen beschließen(German) to bring up the rear
den Reigen eröffnen(German) to lead off
den Reißverschluss aufkriegen(German) to get the zip open
den Reißverschluss aufmachen(German) to unzip
den Reißverschluss aufmachend(German) unzipping
den Reißverschluss zumachen(German) to zip up, to zip
den Rekord aufstellen(German) to beat the record
den Rekord brechen(German) to break the record
den Rekord halten(German) to hold the record
den Restbetrag teilen(German) to split the remainder
den Rest bezahlen(German) to pay off the balance, to pay the remainder, to pay the rest (what remains unpaid)
den Rest erledigen(German) to do the rest
Den Rest können Sie sich denken...(German) You know how that story goes...
den Rest später liefern(German) to deliver the remainder later
den Rest teilen(German) to split the remainder
den Rest zahlen(German) to pay the balance, to pay the difference
den Rhythmus diktieren(German) to dictate the rhythm (figurative)
den Rhythmus klatschen(German) to clap (out) the rhythm
den Rhythmus vorgeben(German) to dictate the rhythm (figurative)
den richtigen Ton treffen(German) to hit the right note (figurative), to strike the right note (figurative), to set the right tone
den Rohrstock schwingen(German) to carry the big stick, to swing the cane
den Rosenkranz beten(German) to say a rosary
den Rost wegkratzen(German) to scour the rust
den roten Teppich ausrollen(German) to bring out the red carpet (also figurative), to roll out the red carpet (also figurative)
den Rotstift ansetzen (bei)(German) to make cuts (in)
den Rubikon überschreiten(German) to cross the Rubicon
den Rücken frei haben(German) to be free of any obligations
den Rücken kehren(German) to leave
... den Rücken zudrehen(German) turn one's back on ...
den Rückwärtsgang einschalten(German) to select reverse gear
den Rückzug abschneiden(German) to cut off the retreat
den Ruf beflecken(German) to sully the reputation
den Ruf beschmutzen(German) to defile the reputation
den Ruf eines Gegners zerstören(German) to assassinate a rival's character
den Ruf schmälern(German) to cheapen the reputation
den Ruf wahren(German) to maintain the reputation
den Ruhm beflecken(German) to sully the fame
den Ruhm begründen(German) to explain the fame
dens.abbreviation of 'density'
den Saal räumen(German) to clear the hall
den Saal verlassen(German) to walk out of the room
den Sachverhalt darstellen(German) to state the facts
den Sachverhalt herausfinden(German) to make out the facts
den Sachverhalt verwechseln(German) to confuse the issue
den Sachverhalt vortragen(German) to state the facts
den Saustall aufräumen(German) to clean up the mess (pejorative)
den Schädel einschlagen(German) to batter the skull in, to brain
den Schaden ersetzen(German) to make good the damage
den Schaden feststellen(German) to ascertain the damage, to assess damages
den Schaden schätzen(German) to appraise the damage
den Schall betreffend(German) sonic
den Schatten suchen(German) to seek the shade
den Schein wahren(German) to keep up appearances, to save appearances
den Scheinwerfer auf ... richten(German) to throw the spotlight on ...
den Schelm im Nacken haben(German) to be up to mischief
den Schlaf stören(German) to break the sleep
den Schlag abwehren(German) to ward off the blow, to cushion the blow, to deaden the force of a blow
den schlechten Teil herausschneiden(German) to cut out the rotten part
den Schleier ablegen(German) to cast off the veil
den Schleier fallen lassen(German) to drop the veil
den Schleier lüften(German) to lift the curtain, to raise the veil
den Schleudersitz auslösen(German) to bail out
den schlimmsten Teil erledigen(German) to break the back of a task
den Schluckauf haben(German) to have the hiccups
den Schluss bilden(German) to form the tail (of a procession, queue, etc.)
den Schlüssel zur Kasse haben(German) to control the purse-strings
den Schnabel halten(German) to keep one's trap shut (colloquial), to keep one's mouth shut
den Schnee vor sich herpeitschen(German) to whip up the snow (of wind)
den Schock ein wenig abfedern(German) to cushion the blow
den Schock ein wenig abmildern(German) to soften the blow
den Schriftverkehr führen(German) to maintain correspondence
den Schritt tun(German) to take the plunge
den Schritt verlangsamen(German) to decrease the pace
den Schritt wechseln(German) to change step
(den) Schutt wegräumen(German) to clear away the rubble
den Schutz des Rechts beanspruchen(German) to claim the protection of the law
den Schutz nutzen(German) to avail oneself of the protection
den Schwanz einziehen(German) to draw in one's horns
den Schwarzen Peter weitergeben(German) to pass the buck
den Schwung verlieren(German) to run out of steam (colloquial)
dense(English, French) thick, compact
den Segen erteilen(German) issue the blessing
denselben Zweck erfüllen(German) to serve the same purpose
d'ensemble(French) general (idea, etc.)
den Sendebetrieb einstellen(German) to go off air (radio station)
den Shimmy tanzen(German) to shimmy
Den Sho(Japanese) also called hansho, suspended cast-iron bells, used for signaling during prayer and for calling Buddhists to worship
den Sicherheits bestimmungen entsprechen(German) to meet the safety requirements
den Sicherungshebel umlegen(German) to take the safety catch off
Densidad(Spanish f.) density
den Siedepunkt erreichen(German) to reach boiling point (figurative)
den Sieg das Tages erringen(German) to win the day
den Sieg davon tragen(German) to be victorious
den Sieg davontragen(German) to carry the day, to bear the palm, to carry off the victory, to gain the victory, to win the day, to win the victory
den Sieg erringen(German) to achieve victory, to carry off the prize, to come out the winner, to be victorious
den Sieg für sich beanspruchen(German) to claim the victory
den Sieg für sich in Anspruch nehmen(German) to claim the victory
den Sieg für sich reklamieren(German) to claim the victory
den Sieg sichern(German) to ensure victory
den Sieg vor Augen haben(German) to be on the verge of a victory
Densimetrie(German f.) densimetry
den Sinn der Versammlung verstehen(German) to gather the sense of the meeting
den Sinnen schmeicheln(German) to please
den Sinn erfassen(German) to catch the meaning, to get the idea
den Sinn herausfinden(German) to make out the meaning
den Sinn nicht begreifen(German) to miss the point
den Sinn rüberbringen(German) to convey the meaning
den Sinn verdrehen(German) to pervert the meaning
den Sinn verfehlen(German) to miss the point
den Sinn vermitteln(German) to convey the meaning
den Sinn verstehen(German) to sense the meaning, to catch the point
den Sinn von ... ins Gegenteil verkehren(German) to twist the meaning of ... right around
Densità(Italian f.) density
Densité(French f.) density
Densitometer(English, German n./m.) in printing, a device for measuring the closeness of substance at a specific location on film or printed product, either by reflected or transmitted light. Densitometers vary in their sophistication and the number of features provided, such colour, black-and-white, read-out memory, computer printout etc.
Densitometrie(German f.) densitometry
Densitythe number of different sounds at a time within a given time and spatial interval, inversely proportional to frequency and time. The triad C, E, G is relatively thin in a high register compared to the same triad in a low register, i.e., as the frequency of pitch lowers the density increases
the number of different sounds within a given time
or optical density', the ability of a material to absorb light. The less reflective, the higher the density and the more dark and opaque it appears
den Sitz anpassen(German) to adjust the seat
Frances Densmore
an American ethnographer and ethnomusicologist. She was born in Red Wing, Minnesota, and specialized in Native American music and culture
denso(Italian, Spanish) thick, dense
den Spalt schließen(German) to bridge the gap
den Spaß verderben(German) to spoil the party
den Speichelfluss anregen(German) to salivate
den Spezifikationen entsprechen(German) to meet the specifications
den Spieß umdrehen(German) to turn the tables
den Sprung wagen(German) to take the plunge
den Stab brechen(German) to pronounce sentence of death
den Stab über ... brechen(German) to condemn ... (outright)
den Stand halten(German) to maintain a position
den Standard erhöhen(German) to raise the standard
den Standard heben(German) to raise the standard
den Standort ändern(German) to relocate
den Standort bestimmen(German) to locate
den Standpunkt vertreten, dass(German) to take the view that
den Standpunkt wechseln(German) to shift one's ground
den Stängel einer Blume abschneiden(German) to cut off the stalk of a flower
den starken Mann markieren(German) to throw one's weight about, to be a bit of a bully
den starken Mann mimen(German) to act tough (colloquial)
den Start von ... signalisieren(German) to signal the start of ...
den Status anerkennen(German) to acknowledge the status
den Status einer Vorschrift haben(German) to have prescriptive status
den Staub abwischen(German) to wipe off the dust
den Staub von einem Buch blasen(German) to blow the dust off a book
den Staub wegblasen(German) to blow the dust off
den Stecker herausziehen(German) to unplug
den Stecker ziehen(German) to pull the plug
den Stein ins Rollen bringen(German) to set the ball rolling, to get the ball rolling
den Stellenwert bekommen, der einem zusteht(German) to enjoy the status one deserves
den Stempel von ... tragen(German) to bear the stamp of ... (figurative)
den Stiefel lecken(German) to bootlick
den Stier bei den Hörnern packen(German) to take the bull by the horns
den Stil ändern(German) to vary one's style
den Stil beeinflussen(German) to affect the style
den Stil reinigen(German) to chasten the style
den Stil verfeinern(German) to refine the style
den Strand entlang(German) along the beach
den Strand entlangflanieren(German) to amble along the beach
den Streik absagen(German) to call off the strike
den Streik beenden(German) to abandon the strike, to declare the strike off
den Strom abdrehen(German) to cut off the power
den Strom abschalten(German) to power off, to break contact, to cut off the current, to break the current
den Strom anschalten(German) to power on
den Stromkreis unterbrechen(German) to break the circuit
den Stuhl ablassen(German) to lower the chair
den Stuhl nach oben fahren(German) to move the chair upwards
den Stürmen des Marktes standhalten(German) to weather market cycles
den Sturz abfangen(German) to break one's fall
Dent(French f.) tooth, cog
Dentadura(Spanish f.) teeth
Dentadura postiza(Spanish f.) denture, false teeth
den Tag anbrechen(German) to break (dawn, the morning)
den Tag verpennen(German) to sleep through the day
den Tag erleben, an dem ...(German) to see the day when ...
den Tag festlegen(German) to decide on the day
den Tag verfluchen, an dem ...(German) to rue the day that ...
den Tag verpennen(German) to waste away the day
den Tag verschlafen(German) to sleep the day away
den Tag verwünschen, an dem ...(German) to rue the day that ...
dentaire(French) dental
den Takt angeben(German) to dictate the rhythm (figurative)
Dental(German m.) dental consonant
dental(English, German, Spanish) pertaining to teeth, pertaining to a speech sound
Dental-Amalgam(German n.) dental amalgam
Dentalassistent (m.), Dentalassistentin (f.)(German, Switzerland) dental assistant
Dentalbehandlungsstuhl(German m.) dental chair
Dentalgia(English) a toothache, also known as 'odontalgia' or, less frequently, as 'odontalgy', an aching pain in or around a tooth
Dentalgie(German f.) dentalgia
Dentalhygiene(German f.) dental hygiene
Dentalhygienefachkraft(German f.) dental hygienist
Dentalhygieniker (m.), Dentalhygienikerin (f.)(German) dental hygienist
Dentalkeramik(German f.) dental ceramics
Dentallaut(German m.) dental (dental consonant), dental sound
Dental suffixa -d or -t ending typically added to English weak verbs (i.e, "regular verbs") in the past tense and the past participle form. For instance, "I walk, I walked, I have walked." Here, the -d ending is a dental suffix. This contrasts with the English strong verbs (i.e., so-called "irregular verbs") which indicate the past tense and the participle form by a change in the stem's vowel. For instance, "I break, I broke, I have broken."
Dentalwachs(German n.) dental wax
den Tanz eröffnen(German) to lead the dance
den Tarif festsetzen(German) to fix the tariff
dentario(Italian) dental
Dentata(Italian f.) bite
den Tatsachen entsprechend(German) in accordance with the facts
den Tatsachen ins Auge sehen(German) to face (up to) the facts, to wake up and smell the coffee
den Tatsachen nach(German) de facto
Dent de scie(French f.) saw-tooth wave form
Dente(Italian m.) tooth, prong
Dente del giudizio(Italian m.) wisdom tooth
Dente di sega(Italian m.) saw tooth (wave)
den Tee umrühren(German) to stir one's tea
den Tee ziehen lassen(German) to let the tea brew
den Teig gehen lassen(German) to let the dough prove
dentelé(French) jagged
Dentelle(French f.) lace
an ornamental pattern or border resembling lace, especially in bookbinding)
Dentellière(French f.) (female) lace-maker
den Teppich schampunieren(German) to shampoo the carpet
den Termin einhalten(German) to meet the deadline, to observe the deadline
den Termin überschreiten(German) to exceed the deadline
den Test bestehen(German) to stand the proof
den Teufel austreiben(German) to exorcise the devil
den Teufel durch Beelzebub austreiben(German) to replace one evil with another
den Teufel herbeirufen(German) to summon the devil
den Teufel mit Beelzebub austreiben(German) to replace one evil with another
den Teufelskreis durchbrechen(German) to break the cycle
den Text vergessen(German) to forget the lyrics
den Thron besteigen(German) to accede to the throne, to ascend the throne, to ascend to the throne
Dentier(French m.) denture
Dentiera(Italian f.) denture
Dentifrice(French m.) toothpaste
Dentifricio(Italian m.) toothpaste
Dentifrico(Spanish m.) toothpaste
den Tisch abdecken(German) to clear the table
den Tisch abräumen(German) to clear the table
den Tisch abwischen(German) to wipe the table
den Tisch decken(German) to lay the cloth, to set the table, to lay the table
den Tisch frei machen(German) to clear the table
den Tisch leeren(German) to clear the table
den Tisch wischen(German) to wipe the table
Dentist (m.), Dentistinnen (pl.)(German) a person who diagnoses, prevents, and treats teeth and gum problems
Dentista(Italian m./f., Spanish m./f.) dentist
Dentiste(French m./f.) dentist
den Titel eines Herzogs führen(German) to bear the title of duke
Dentition(French f.) teeth
den Tod einer Person verschulden(German) to be the death of a person
den Tod feststellen(German) to record the death
den Tod finden(German) to meet one's death
den Tod überlisten(German) to cheat death
dentoid(English, German) tooth-shaped
dentolabial(English, German) formed by the teeth and the lips, or representing a sound so formed
dentolingual(English, German) said with tongue touching top teeth, describing a speech sound pronounced or articulated with the tongue touching the teeth on the top jaw
den Ton ändern(German) to alter one's tone, to change one's tune
den Ton angeben(German) to give the pitch, to give the note, to set the tone, to monopolise the conversation, to call the tune
[clarified by Michael Zapf]
den Ton ausspinnen(German) filar la voce
den Ton halten(German) to hold the note, to pause upon the note
den Toten Respekt erweisen(German) to show some respect for the dead
den Toten Respekt zollen(German) to show some respect for the dead
den Tower of London besichtigen(German) to visit the Tower of London
den Tränen freien Lauf lassen(German) to weep freely
den Tränen nah sein(German) to be on the verge of tearfulness, to be on the verge of tears
den Tränen nahe(German) near to tears, on the verge of tears
den Tränen nahe kommen(German) to come near to tears
den Tränen nahe sein(German) to be verging on tears
den Trend bestimmen(German) to set the trend
den Trend brechen(German) to break the trend
den Tresor öffnen(German) to open the vault
den Tresor schließen(German) to close the vault
den Tritt wechseln(German) to change feet, to change step
Dentro(Italian m.) inside
dentro(Italian, Spanish) in, inside, indoors
dentro de(Spanish) in
dentro de poco(Spanish) soon
Dents du bonheur(French) or diastème (French m.), diastema, which is a term that, in humans, is most commonly applied to an open space between the upper incisors (front teeth). It happens when there is an unequal relationship between the size of the teeth and the jaw
den Überblick behalten(German) to stay on top of things
den Überblick behalten über(German) to keep track of
den Überblick verlieren über(German) to lose track of
den Übergang markieren(German) to mark the transition
den Überseehandel fördern(German) to promote overseas trade
den üblichen Rahmen sprengen(German) to break the mould (figurative)
denudare(Italian) to bare
denudarsi(Italian) to strip
dénudé(French) bare
dénuder(French) to bare
dénué de(French) devoid of
Dénuement(French m.) destitution
de nueve metros de altura(Spanish) nine metres high
den Umbau eines Hauses genehmigen(German) to permit the rebuilding of a house
den Umfang der Tätigkeiten einschränken(German) to reduce the scale of operations
den Umfang der Wissenschaft erweitern(German) to amplify the scope of science
den Umgang mit ... pflegen(German) to associate with ..., to keep company with ...
den Umriss anzeigen(German) to contour
den Umsatz eines Artikels vorantreiben(German) to push the sale of an article
den Umsatz steigern(German) to boost sales, to increase sales
den Umstand, dass(German) the fact that
den Umständen angepasst(German) adapted to circumstances
den Umständen anpassen(German) to adjust to new conditions
den Umständen entsprechend(German) according to circumstances, as the case may be, conforming to circumstances, under the circumstances
Denuncia (s.), Denunzia (Italian pl.)(Italian f., Spanish f.) declaration, charge, (income tax) return, report, accusation
denunciar(Spanish) to report (a crime), to denounce, to indicate
denunciare(Italian) to denounce, to declare, to accuse
den und den(German) also die und die or das und das, such and such (colloquial)
den Unschuldigen spielen(German) to assume an air of innocence, to play the innocent
den Unterricht besuchen(German) to attend school, to attend classes
den Unterschied ausgleichen(German) to adjust the difference
den Unterschied bemerken(German) to distinguish the difference
Denunziant (m.), Denunziantin (f.), Denunzianten (pl.), Denunziantinnen ( denunciator, informer, whistle-blower (colloquial)
den Urlaubsplan aufstellen(German) to draw up the holiday plan, to draw up the holiday rota
den Ursachen auf den Grund gehen(German) to probe the causes of something
denutrito(Italian) underfed
Denutrizione(Italian f.) malnutrition
Denunziant(German m.) informer
denunzieren(German) to denounce, to inform on (be an informer)
denunzierend(German) denunciatorily, denunciatory, denunciating
denunziert(German) denunciated
Denunzierung(German f.) denunciation
den Vamp spielen(German) to vamp (woman)
den Verdacht haben, dass ...(German) to suspect that ...
den Vergleich ertragen(German) to bear comparison
den Verkehr behindern(German) to obstruct the traffic
den Verkehr meiden(German) to avoid traffic
den Verkehr regeln(German) to control the traffic
den Verkehr sperren(German) to block the traffic
den Verkehr zum Halt bringen(German) to bring the traffic to a stop
den Verliebten spielen(German) to be lovey-dovey
den Verlockungen nachgeben(German) to give in to temptation
den Verlockungen unterliegen(German) to yield to temptation
den verlorenen Pfad wiederfinden(German) to locate the lost path
den Verlust ausgleichen(German) to make up for losses
den Verlust berechnen(German) to calculate the loss
den Verlust übernehmen(German) to bear the loss
den Versand beschleunigen(German) to hasten the dispatch
den Versand der Ware veranlassen(German) to arrange for goods to be sent
den Verstand schärfen(German) to sharpen the mind
den Verstand verlieren(German) to lose one's mind, to lose one's reason, to lose one's senses, to lose one's sanity, to lose one's marbles (colloquial)
den Verstand verloren haben(German) to be out of one's mind
den Versuch aufgeben(German) to abandon the attempt
den Vertrag nicht einhalten(German) to fail to fulfil the contract
den Vogel abschießen(German) to take the biscuit (colloquial)
den vollen Betrag zahlen(German) to pay in full
den vollen Namen schreiben(German) to write one's name in full
den Vorgang behindern(German) to obstruct the progress
den Vorgang beschleunigen(German) to accelerate the progress
den vorgeschlagenen Vergleich akzeptieren(German) to accept the settlement proposed
den Vorhang aufziehen(German) to draw the curtain
den Vorhang fallen(German) to ring down the curtain
den Vorhang fallen lassen(German) to drop the curtain
den Vorhang niedergehen lassen(German) to ring down the curtain
den Vorhang zuziehen(German) to draw the curtain
den vorherigen Zustand wiederherstellen(German) to undo
den vorherigen Zustand wiederherstellend(German) undoing
den vorherigen Zustand wieder herstellend(German) undoing
den Vorrang haben(German) to take precedence over
den Vorsatz fassen, ... zu tun(German) to make a resolve to do ..., to make up one's mind to do ..., to resolve to do ..., to make a resolution to do ...
den Vorsatz haben, ... zu tun(German) to (firmly) intend to do ...
den Vorschlag billigen(German) to approve of the proposal, to be in sympathy with the proposal
den Vorschriften entsprechen(German) to conform to requirements
den Vorschriften nachkommen(German) to comply with the regulations, to satisfy the regulations
den Vorschriften nicht entsprechend(German) illegal
den Vorsitz freigeben(German) to vacate the chair
den Vorsitz führen(German) to take the chair, to act as a chairperson, to be in the chair, to chair a meeting, to moderate (a meeting), to occupy the chair, to preside, to preside over a meeting, to act as chairman, to chair
den Vorsitz führend(German) presiding
den Vorsitz haben(German) to preside
den Vorsitz übernehmen(German) to take the chair
den Vorsprung verlieren(German) to lose the earlier advantage
den Vorteil nutzen(German) to press home the advantage, to take advantage
den Vorteil wahrnehmen(German) to take advantage
den Vorzug bekommen(German) to get the nod (colloquial)
den Vorzug erhalten(German) to be preferred
den Wagen vorbeibringen(German) to bring the car round
den Wagen waschen(German) to wash the car
den Wagen wechseln(German) to change cars
den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen(German) to not see the wood for the trees
den Wasserhaupthahn absperren(German) to turn the water off at the mains
den Wasserstrahl brechen(German) to break the spout
den Wechsel unterschreiben(German) to sign the draft
den Wechselkurs ausgleichen(German) to adjust for the exchange rate
den Wecker auf ... Uhr stellen(German) to set the alarm (clock) for ... o'clock
den Weg bereiten(German) to pave the way (figurative)
den Weg bereitet(German) pioneered
den Weg der Mitte gehen(German) to take a middle course
den Weg ebnen(German) to smooth the way
den Weg entlang gehen(German) to walk along the track
den Weg finden(German) to find the way
den Weg freimachen(German) to blaze the way, to clear the way (for something to happen)
den Weg freimachen für(German) to open the way for, to open the way to
den Weg für ... bereiten (figurative)(German) to set the stage for ... (figurative)
den Weg kennen(German) to know the way
den Weg markieren(German) to blaze the trail
den Weg nach Hause leuchten(German) to light the way back home
den Weg sperren(German) to block the way
den Weg versperren(German) to bar the way, to obstruct the path, to obstruct the way
den Wehrdienst ableisten(German) to do one's military service
den Weihnachtsbaum schmücken(German) to decorate the Christmas tree
den Weisungen entsprechen(German) to comply with the instructions
den Weisungen folgend(German) according to orders
den Weisungen nach(German) according to instructions
den Wellen ausgeliefert(German) at the mercy of the waves
den Wellen überlassen(German) to set adrift, to turn adrift
den Wert bemessen(German) to assess
den Wert bestimmen(German) to assess
den Wert ermitteln(German) to appraise
den Wert festsetzen(German) to assess, to assess the value, to set the value
den Wert feststellen(German) to assess
den Wert heben(German) to enhance the value
den Wert mindern(German) to reduce the value
den Wert schätzen(German) to appraise, to assess the value, to estimate, to estimate the value, to value
den Wert steigern(German) to increase the value
den Wettbewerb ausschalten(German) to eliminate competition
den Wettbewerb beeinträchtigen(German) to impair competition
den Wettbewerb behindern(German) to restrict competition
den Wettbewerb beleben(German) to increase competition, to intensify competition
den Wettbewerb einschränken(German) to restrict competition
den Wettbewerb verzerren(German) to distort competition
Den wievielten (Tag) haben wir heute?(German) What day of the month is this?
den wilden Tieren vorgeworfen werden(German) to be thrown to wild beasts
den Winter überdauern(German) to overwinter
den Winter verbringen(German) to overwinter
den Wirt um die Zeche prellen(German) to do a runner (colloquial)
den Worten Taten folgen lassen(German) to suit the action to the word (literary)
den Wunsch haben, ... zu tun(German) to be desirous of doing ...
den Wunsch nach einem Kind verspüren(German) to feel broody (colloquial: of a woman)
den Zähler ablesen(German) to read the meter
den Zahlungen nachkommen(German) to meet the payments
den Zapfenstreich blasen(German) to sound the tattoo
den Zauber brechen(German) to break the spell
den Zauberstab schwenken(German) to wave the magic wand
den Zehnten bezahlen(German) to pay tithes
den Zehnten bezahlend von(German) tithing
den zehnten Jahrestag feiern(German) to celebrate the 10th anniversary
den Zeiger voranrücken(German) to advance the hand of a clock
den Zeiten voraus(German) ahead of the times
den Zeitplan einhalten(German) to stay on schedule
den Zins festlegen(German) to fix the interest
den Zinssatz erneut festlegen(German) to fix the interest rate anew
den Zinssatz herabsetzen(German) to lower the interest rate
den Zoll senken(German) to reduce the tariff
den Zug erreichen(German) to catch the train
den Zug verpassen(German) to miss the train
den Zugang sichern(German) to ensure access
den Zugang versperren(German) to block access, to obstruct the access
den Zugang verweigern(German) to bar access
den Zusammenbruch verursachen(German) to cause the breakdown
den Zuschlag erhalten(German) to be awarded the contract
den Zuschlag erteilen(German) to accept a bid, to accept a tender
den Zustand erhalten(German) to preserve the state of things
den Zweck ändern(German) to alter one's purpose
den Zweck erfüllen(German) to serve the purpose
den Zwecken dienen(German) to serve the needs
den zweiten Platz belegen(German) to come in second place, to come second
den zweiten Schritt vor dem ersten tun(German) to try to run before one can walk, to put the cart before the horse (figurative)
