music dictionary : Q - Qz

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Q(Italian f., French m.) the letter Q
Q.abbreviation of 'quantity', 'quarterly', 'quarter-page' (advertising), 'Quarto' (Shakespeare manuscript), 'question'
q(Italian f., French m.) the letter q
q.abbreviation of quintus, 'quarto', quasi (Latin: almost), 'quarter', 'quarterly', 'query', 'question', 'quire'
Qainatsee qayna
Qamothe qamo religious dance in Tibet came into being during conflict between Buddhism and the local Bon-po religion (the Black Sect). In the process of localizing Buddhism, Padmasambhava from Kashmir created a kind of religious dance to subdue the 'evil spirits' in monasteries by giving the local Tibetan dances Buddhist interpretations. This religious dance gradually became popular as qamo, a sorcerer's dance
Q&Aabbreviation of 'question and answer'
Qanounsee kanun
Qanúnsee kanun
Qaraamia mid twentieth-century musical genre from Somalia that originally involved 'call and response' between the singers, the oud player and the percussionist, but now had taken on a slicker, more accessible pop style
Qaraqebsee karkabas
Qaraqshsee karkabas
Qaraquebsee karkabas
Qarkebsee karkabas
Qarqabousee karkabas
QasabLebanese double-pipe
Qasa'edsee qasidah
Qasa'idsee qasidah
Qasbah(Arabic, 'piece of reed') Moroccan bamboo flute
in the Arab world, ney
Qasidah (s.), Qasa'ed (pl.)(Arabic, literally 'ode') or qasa'id (pl.), popular music form derived from Arabic poetry, found throughout the Arabic sphere of influence from Egypt to the Indonesian archipelago, lyrics originally in classical Arabic but embracing local languages with the expansion of Islam
Qassabasee qasbah
Qassidasee qasidah
Qatar(English, French m.) an oil-rich Arab country on the peninsula of Qatar, that achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1971
Qatarien (m.), Qatarienne (f.)(French) a native of Qatar
qatarien (m.), qatarienne (f.)(French) of or pertaining to Qatar
QavalAzerbaijani tambourine
Qawwali(Arabic, literally 'the one who says') a Sufi devotional musical genre, renowned for its lively delivery, popularly associated with Northern India and Pakistan but found all over Southern Asia wherever Muslim communities exist. A qawwali ensemble usually includes a male lead singer with a chorus of several men, a tabla and/or a dholak, a harmonium and the clapping of hands
Qayna (s.), Qiyân (pl.)(Arabic) or qainat, female slave-singers from pre-Islamic (jâhiliyah) Arab culture. These singing, wine-pouring courtesans had long been a fixture in the Mediterranean world. They were common in the households of the wealthy, but more of them worked for hire, entertaining passing customers all across the Arabian peninsula, and especially in the slave-market cities, most prominently Medina. Though usually not Arab girls, their art form was an Arabic cultural expression; most of the great singers of Islam were Persians or Africans who were born in the Arabian peninsula, or at least raised there
a ninth-century treatise by 'Amr Ibn Bahr Gâhiz (al-Jâhiz, or al-Djâhiz) written in Baghdad, the Epistle on Singing-Girls, satirizes the opportunities for profit through their exploitation. The one singing-girl specifically mentioned by Gâhiz is Abyssinian - that is, black. After noting that the prices for singing-girl slaves far exceeded those they would otherwise fetch were they not singers, he writes, "Who could reach anything like the price fetched by an Abyssinian girl, the slave of 'Awn, namely 120,000 dinars?" The Baghdad musician Ishâk al-Mawsilî said: "They used not to train beautiful [Arabic-looking] slave girls to sing, but they used only to train yellow and black girls. The first to teach valuable girls to sing was my father." In the Moslem world, qiyân had the opportunity to receive an education, learn literature, and possibly attain a lucrative concubinage; they worked as courtesans for the profit of their owners. Rich men owned large numbers of them; a description of an Umayyad festival in the early eighth century mentions "fifty singing girls with lutes behind a curtain while the famous Jamila sang and played her lute in front of the curtain."
it appears that the first professional musicians in al-Andalus (Moorish Spain) were qiyân. With the singing-girls came their musical instruments. Singers and instruments were to have a profound influence on thirteenth-century European music, and particularly on the troubadours. By the end of the tenth century, Sevilla was known as a center of training for qiyân, where they were trained not by men but by older women of Sevilla, and were sold for high prices to the kings of Maghrib and Ifrîkiya (Africa), along with "an accompanying register containing all [of the songs] she has memorized." He adds that if a qayna was a consummate artist who was "an expert in all instruments, and in all kinds of dance and shadow play, and comes with her instrument, along with [an entourage of] slave girls to beat the drum and play the reed for her," she could be sold for many thousands of dinars
QCabbreviation of 'Queen's Counsel'
qcmabbreviation of questionnaire à choix multiple (French m.: multiple choice question paper, multiple choice test)
q.d.abbreviation of quasi dicat (Latin: as if one should say), quasi dictum (Latin: as if said)
q.e.abbreviation of quod est (Latin: which is)
Q.E.D.abbreviation of quod erat demonstrandum (Latin: which was to be proved - often written at the end of a mathematical proof)
Qeejsee gaeng
Qengkarismall Korean gong
Q.E.Fabbreviation of quod erat faciendum (Latin: which was to be done)
Q.E.Iabbreviation of quod erat inveniendum (Latin: which was to be discovered, what was to be found out)
Qene Mahletthe division of Ethiopian Orthodox churches into three sections follows the pattern of the Jewish Temple. Every Church is divided into the Meqdes (the Holy of Holies where the altar is situated and which only the clergy may enter), the Qiddest or place of Communion and the Qene Mahlet where the singers perform
Q'eqchia Guatemalan instrumental style played on violin and guitar with a harp ensemble
Qewelsor qewals, musicians and singers of the Yazidi (or Yezidi) sect
Q.G.abbreviation of quartier général (French m.: headquarters - the equivalent abbreviation in English is HQ)
Q.I.abbreviation of quotient intellectuel (French m.: intelligence quotient - the equivalent abbreviation in English is IQ)
abbreviation of quoziente d'intelligenza (Italian m.: intelligence quotient - the equivalent abbreviation in English is IQ)
Qiangdi(China) the original name for the xiao, so called because it was associated with the Qiang people in Sichuan and Gansu provinces
Qigong(China) a wide variety of traditional cultivation practices that involve methods of accumulating, circulating, and working with qi, breathing or energy within the body. Qigong is practiced for health maintenance purposes, as a therapeutic intervention, as a medical profession, a spiritual path and/or component of Chinese martial arts
  • Qigong from which this extract has been taken
Qin(Chinese) one of the oldest and most sophisticated instruments of China, it is a seven string fretless zither often referred to in the West as 'The Scholar's Lute'
Qing(Chinese) originally called shi (stone) and minqiu (ringing bell) and similar to the bianzhong (reserved for royal music performance), the qing is a clapperless bell
Qin pipasee ruan
Qinputablature score collections for the Chinese musical instrument, the guqin
  • Qinpu from which this extract has been taken
Qinqiangalso dubbed Luantan, Qinqiang Opera is a local Chinese opera that mainly thrives in North China's Shaanxi Province, as well as its neighbouring northwestern regions, like Gansu and Qinghai provinces and the Ningxia Hui and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous regions
  • Qinqiang from which this extract has been taken
Qin xian(Chinese) strings, e.g. on a ruan
Qinzhengsee guzheng
Qin zhou(Chinese) tuning pegs, as on the erhu
QIPabbreviation of quiescat in pace (Latin: may (he or she) rest in peace)
Qiyânsee qayna
qkabbreviation of 'quick'
qlabbreviation of 'quintal' (100 kg)
Qldabbreviation of 'Queensland'
qltyabbreviation of 'quality'
qlyabbreviation of 'quarterly'
q.m.abbreviation of quomodo (Latin: by what means)
qnabbreviation of 'question', 'quotation'
qnt(s)abbreviation of 'quintet(s)'
qntyabbreviation of 'quantity'
Qq.abbreviation of 'Quartos' (Shakespeare manuscripts)
qq.abbreviation of 'questions'
qq.v.abbreviation of quae vide (Latin: which see - textual cross reference)
qr.abbreviation of 'quarter', 'quarterly', 'quire'
Q ratingad research rating that gauges how easily a celebrity is recognised, and how well the celebrity is liked
Qraqebsa form of castanets used by the Gwana of Morocco
Q.Sabbreviation of quantum sufficit (Latin: as much as suffices)
Qsbaha Moroccan flute (flute) associated with the Jilala Sufi brotherhood, known for their hypnotic and otherworldly music
qt(s)abbreviation of 'quartet(s)'
qt.abbreviation of 'quantity'
qtlyabbreviation of 'quarterly'
qtoabbreviation of 'quarto'
qtrabbreviation of 'quarter'
qtyabbreviation of 'quantity'
qu.abbreviation of 'quarter', 'querterly', 'query', 'question'
Qua(Latin) in so far as (it is), as being, in the capacity of
(Italian) here, hither
Qu'à cela ne tienne.(French) That's no problem.
Quacquerismo(Italian m.) Quakerism
Quacquero(Italian m.) Quaker
quacquero(Italian) Quaker
Quacksalber(German m.) quack
quad.abbreviation of 'quadraphonic', 'quadruplicate'
Quaderna(Italian f.) set of four numbers
Quadernariasee misura
Quadernetto(Italian m.) note book
Quaderno(Italian m.) part, number, pamphlet, exercise book, notebook, copy-book
Quadra(Italian f.) square sail
breve(Catalan f.) double whole note, breve
Quadragénaire(French m./f.) forty-year-old man, forty-year-old woman
quadragénaire(French) forty-year old
Quadragesima(Italian f.) Lent (the Christian period of fasting, prayer and almsgiving)
Quadragesima Sundaythe Sunday occurring after Ash Wednesday. In Roman Catholic tradition, it is the first Sunday during the holy season of Lent. Like on other Sundays of Lent, it is customary to dispense from the fast on Quadragesima, as Sundays are not counted among the forty days of Lent
Quadragésime(French f.) Lent (the Christian period of fasting, prayer and almsgiving)
quadragesimo(Italian) fortieth
Quadransee passamezzo moderno
Quadrangle(English, French m.) quadrilateral, a four-sided polygon
(English, French m.) or quad, a rectangular area surrounded on all sides by buildings
quadrangolare(Italian) quadrangular
Quadrangolo(Italian m.) quadrangle
quadrangulaire(French) quadrangular
Quadrantsee passamezzo moderno
(English, French m.) a measuring instrument for measuring altitude of heavenly bodies, a quarter of the circumference of a circle, (in architecture) a reference to a curve in a wall or a vaulted ceiling, a device for fastening the upper and the lower leaves of a Dutch door
Quadrante(Italian m.) quadrant, dial (of a watch)
Quadrante solare(Italian m.) sun-dial (portable)
Quadraphonicsa system of sound reproduction that uses four transmission channels
Quadraphonya system of sound reproduction that uses four transmission channels
Quadrare(Italian m.) square, ring (boxing)
quadrare(Italian) to square, to adjust, to balance, to fit in
Quadrasfour verse songs sung by a soloist and answered by the chorus, typical of capoeira regional
Quadrat(German n.) square
natural sign(German n.) natural sign, the sign placed before a note that is neither sharpened or flattened, usually to cancel a previously applied sharp or flat
natural sign(Latin) natural sign, the sign placed before a note that is neither sharpened or flattened, usually to cancel a previously applied sharp or flat
quadratisch(German) square
Quadratista (s.), Quadratisti (pl.)(Italian m./f.) an artist specialising in the transformation of interiors by trompe-l'oeil perspective painting
Quadratmeter(German m./n.) square metre
Quadratmusik(German f.) musica quadrata or 'square music', old mensurable music, so-called because of the shape of its note signs
Quadratnotation(German f.) Gregorian chant notation
Quadrato(Italian m.) square
quadrato(Italian) square, levelheaded (figurative), strong (figurative), sensible (figurative), shrewd (figurative), firm, sound
Quadratura(Italian f.) the transformation of interiors by trompe-l'oeil perspective painting, squaring, quadrature (mathematics, astronomy)
Quadrature(English, French f.) a class of painted mural decorations depicting architectural subjects, the construction of a square having the same area as some other figure
(English, French f.) (in astronomy) the arrangement of the earth, sun, and another planet or the moon in which the angle subtended at the earth between the sun and the third body, in the plane of the ecliptic, is 90°
Quadrature du cercle(French f.) squaring the circle (figurative: attempting the impossibile)
Quadreblesee quatreble
Quadrella(Italian f.) four-sided file, square tile
(Italian pl. f.) arrows (poetical)
Quadrello(Italian m.) square tile
quadrettare(Italian) to divide into squares, to chequer
quadrettato(Italian) squared, check (pattern)
Quadretto(Italian m.) small picture, small square (in a check pattern, on a chess-board, etc.)
Quadretti(Italian) check (pattern)
Quadri(Italian m. pl.) diamonds (cards), pictures
Quadrichordan instrument, described by Jacobus of Liege (c. 1325), with four strings whose lengths satisfy the following recipe: an octave (12:6) between the outer notes, two fifths (12:8, 9:6), two fourths (12:9, 8:6), and a tonus or major second between the two middle notes (9:8), i.e. based on Pythagorean tuning which is described in medieval sources as being based on four numbers: (12:9:8:6)
Quadrichromie(French f.) four-colour printing process
Quadricinium(Latin) a composition in four parts
Quadricoloura printing process that uses four different printing plates capable of creating a natural looking image. It was most widely used with CYMK colours in offset printing though a number of shifting colour variations is possible
quadriennal (m.), quadriennale (f.)(French) quadrennial (four-year period)
Quadriennio(Italian m.) a period of four years
quadrifogliato(Italian) four-leaved
Quadrifoglio(Italian m.) four-leafed shamrock (supposedly, a sign of good luck)
Quadrifonia(Italian f.) quadraphony
Quadrifônico(Portuguese) quadraphonic
Quadriga (s.), Quadrigae (pl.)(Latin) a chariot drawn by four horses harnesses abreast
Quadriglia(Italian f.) quadrille (English), Quadrille (German f.), quadrille de contre danse (French m.) (named for the series of five or six contre-danses from which it is formed - Le pantalon (trousers), L'été (summer), La poule (hen), La Trénise (named for the Viennese dancing master), La pastourelle (shepherdess) and La Finale) was named after a card game for four players that appeared about 1740. Quadrilles, probably derived from the Cotillion, were first introduced in France about 1760. The word Quadrille means literally, to assemble four or more ladies and the same number of gentlemen to make a set. The dance became a popular feature of parties and celebrations hosted at the courts of Europe. In Italy, the dance moved into the regions, went through many changes and simplifications, before becoming a popular folk dance. Almost every village in Italy developed its own version of La Quadriglia, used to celebrate marriages, family events and victories
by the late 1810s, under siege from the 'Quadrille', dancing masters began to invent "new" forms of country dance, often with figures borrowed from the 'Quadrille', and giving them exotic names such as the Danse Ecossoise and Danse Espagnuole which suggested entire new dances but actually covered very minor variations in the classic form. A few of these dances became sufficiently popular that they survived through the entire nineteenth century
(Jamaica) this ballroom set dance was danced in Jamaica by the gentry during slavery. There are two styles - the 'Ballroom' and the 'Camp Style' - the former European, the latter the Creolized version. Mento Bands accompany these dances, playing a variety of traditional European tunes, except for the fifth figure which employs the mento, the first music created by Jamaicans themselves
Quadrilaterala four-sided polygon (examples include squares, rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, etc.)
Quadrilatère(French m.) quadrilateral
Quadrilatero(Italian m.) a shape that is four-sided, quadrilateral
quadrilatero(Italian) four-sided, quadrilateral
Quadrillage(French m.) (military) control
(French m.) squared (pattern), check (pattern), criss-cross or grid (pattern or layout)
Quadrille(French m., German f.) quadriglia (Italian f.)
(French m.) an obsolete square dance for four couples, containing five separate sets of figures
quadrillé (m.), quadrillée (f.)(French) squared (paper, etc.)
Quadrille des lanciers(French m.) lancers (a quadrille for eight or sixteen couples)
Quadrille flageoletsee flageolet
quadriller(French) to cover, to control, to mark out (paper) in squares, to criss-cross (with roads, paths, etc.)
Quadrille tanzen, eine(German) to dance a quadrille
Quadrillion(English, French m.) in US and modern UK, 1015 (a thousand trillion)
(English, French m.) formerly, in the UK, 1024 (a million trillion)
Quadrimestre(Italian m.) a period of four months
quadriparti (m.), quadripartie (f.)(French) or quadripartite (French), involving four parties, divided into or composed of four parts
Quadripartite(from Latin) in music, a composition for four voices, a quartet, a composition in four parts for voices or instruments
of a vault, each bay is divided into four sections by the vaulting ribs
Quadriphonie(French f.) quadraphony
quadriphonique(French) quadraphonic
Quadrisyllabe(French m.) quadrisyllable
quadrisyllabique(French) quadrisyllablic
Quadrisyllablea word consisting of four syllables
Quadrivio (s.), Qadrivivi (pl.)(Italian m.) meeting of four roads, cross-roads
Quadriviumone of the divisions of the seven liberal arts studied in medieval times
the mathematical four, the quadrivium
arithmetic, astronomy, geometry, and music
the rhetorical three, the trivium
grammar, logic, and rhetoric
Quadro(Italian m.) painting, square (pattern), sight, table, scene (in the theatre), description, summary, picture (literal and figurative), cadre (military)
(Portuguese) frame
in music, a work for four players or an ensemble made up of four players, a foursome (in other words, a quartet, one more than a trio, two more than a duet: for example, Quadro Nuevo - a German quartet playing tango, Quadro Amsterdam - a quartet whose members included of Gustav Leonhardt (keyboard), Anner Bylsma (cello), Frans Brüggen (flute/recorder) and Jaap Schröder (violin) or Quadro in G minor by Telemann - a work scored for recorder, violin, gamba and organ)
[entry prompted by Richard A. Pace]
natural sign(Italian m.) natural sign, the sign placed before a note that is neither sharpened or flattened, usually to cancel a previously applied sharp or flat
quadro(Italian) square, strong (figurative), sensible
Quadro d'autore(Italian m.) genuine master
Quadro di distribuzione(Italian m.) distribution board
Quadro musicale(Italian m.) tone painting
Quadroon'quadroon', 'octoroon' and, more rarely, 'quintroon' were historically racial categories of hypodescent used in Latin America and parts of the 19th century Southern United States, particularly Louisiana. The terms were also used in Australia to refer to people of mixed Aboriginal and European ancestry. Specifically, a quadroon is a person having one-quarter Black ancestry
Quadro pavansee passamezzo moderno
Quadrophonica sound system that uses four independent speakers (or sets of speakers), the fore-runner of today's 'Surround Sound'
Quadrophonie(German f.) quadraphony
Quadrophonytechnology used for recording and reproduction of stereo sound with four channels. There are two front speakers and two rear speakers in quadrophonic systems. In 1970s quadrophony was promoted as the next-generation standard expected to supercede two channel stereo
Quadrupede(Italian m.) quadruped
quadrupede(Italian) four-footed
Quadrupède(French m.) quadruped
Quadrupelfuge(German f.) quadruple fugue, a fugue with four subjects
Quadrupelkonzert(German n.) quadruple concerto (a concerto with four soloists)
Quadruple(English, French) four-fold
(French m.) (in music) quadruplet, quartina (Italian), Quartole (German)
(English, French) in music, a prefix indicating four elements
quadruple concertoconcerto for four solo instruments and an accompanying ensemble
quadruple counterpointcounterpoint with four melodies whch are mutually invertible
quadruple fuguea fugue with four subjects
quadruple metersee 'quadruple time'
quadruple stopa chord of four notes on a bowed stringed instrument
simple quadruple timethe time signatures 4/2, 4/4 or C, 4/8
compound quadruple timethe time signatures 12/4, 12/8, 12/16
Quadruple concertosee 'quadruple'
Quadruple counterpointsee 'quadruple'
Quadruple croche
demisemiquaver(French f., literally 'four hooks') a demisemiquaver (thirty-second note), a note one thirty-second the time value of a whole note or semibreve, Vierundsechzigstelnote (German)
Quadruple fuguesee 'quadruple'
Quadruple metersee 'quadruple'
Quadruple quavera demisemiquaver (thirty-second note), a note one thirty-second the time value of a whole note or semibreve
quadrupler(French) to quadruple, to increase four-fold
Quadruplés (, Quadruplées ( quadruplets, quads (four children in one confinement)
Quadruple stopsee 'quadruple'
Quadrupletquartina (Italian), Quartole (German), quadruple (French)
4 notes written in the time of 3 of the same note but also in the time of 3 beats of double the time value, for example: 4 quavers (eighth notes) in the time of 3 quavers (eighth notes); but sometimes (as in the example above) 4 semiquavers (sixteenth notes) in the time of 3 quavers (eighth notes)
Quadruple timethat time in which the bar contains four divisions or beats
quadruplicare(Italian) to quadruple, to multiply by four
quadruplice(Italian) quadruple, four-fold
Quadruplo(Italian m.) quadruple, in four parts
quadruplo(Italian) quadruple, four-fold
Quadruplum (s.), Quadrupla (pl.)(Latin) the fourth voice
(Latin) in quadruplum organum, the top line above the triplum (the second line from the top), duplum/motetus (the third line from the top) and tenor (the bottom line)
Quaere(Latin, 'inquire!') introducing a question or forming a memorandum that investigation is called for
Quaesitum (s.), Quaesita (pl.)(Latin) that which has to be decided or determined, the solution to a problem
Quaestor(Latin) public treasurer, any of several public officials of ancient Rome (usually in charge of finance and administration)
Quae vide(Latin) see these things
quaggiù(Italian) down here, here below, in this world
Quaglia(Italian f.) quail (small bird)
quagliarsi(Italian) to curdle (milk)
Quagliata(Italian f.) curds, junket
Quagliere (s.), Quaglieri (pl.)(Italian m.) found in Italy, Sicily and Malta, a duct hunting whistle, operated via a small air-filled pouch, that imitates the cry of the quail and is used as a lure. In Maltese whistle of a similar kind is known as the kwaljarin or kuljurin
Quaglio(Italian m.) rennet
Quai(French m.) platform (station), quay (port), embankment (river), wharf,
Quaila wind-instrument that mimics the sound of the bird of the same name
quaken(German) to quack, to croak (frog)
quäken(German) to screech, to whine (of a baby)
Quaker (m.), Quakeresse (f.)(French) Quaker
Quäker (m.), Quäkerin (f.)(German) Quaker
Quakerismthe Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as the Quakers, was founded in England in the 17th century as a Christian religious denomination by people who were dissatisfied with the existing denominations and sects of Christianity. Historians generally credit George Fox with being the principal co-founder or most important early figure. The Society of Friends is counted among the historic peace churches. Society members are known as Quakers or Friends
  • Quakerism from which this extract has been taken
Quakerisme(French m.) Quakerism
Qual (s.), Qualen (pl.)(German f.) torment, agony
qual.abbreviation of 'qualification', 'qualitative', 'quality'
qualche(Italian) some, a few, any
qualche cosa(Italian) qualcosa, something, anything
qualche volta(Italian) sometimes
qualcosa(Italian) something, anything
qualcos'altro(Italian) something else, anything else
qualcuno(Italian) someone, somebody, anyone, anybody, some
quale(Italian) what? which?
(Italian) what, what a, as, just as, such as
quale e quale(Italian) the same
quälen(German) to torment, to torture, to pester
quälend(German) agonizing
Quälerei(German f.) torture, agony
Quälgeist(German m.) pest
Qualifica(Italian f.) qualification, title, designation
qualificare(Italian) to qualify, to define
qualificarsi(Italian) to be placed
Qualificateur(French m.) (linguistics) qualifier
Qualificatif(German m., French m.) (descriptive) term, qualifier
qualificatif (m.), qualificative (f.)(French) qualifying
Qualificatif de l'intervalle(French m.) the quality of a harmonic or melodic interval, namely, major (French, majeur), minor (French, mineur), perfect (French, juste), augmented (French, augmenté), diminished (French, diminué) and occasionally sur-augmenté (French: double augmented) and sous-diminué (French: double diminished)
Qualification(English, French f.) an attribute that must be met or complied with and that fits a person for something, a restriction in meaning, a dependence on something else, modification (the grammatical relation that exists when a word qualifies the meaning of the phrase)
(French f.) description, label
Qualification de la composition des intervalles(French f.) intervallic descriptors, namely: diminué (French: diminished), mineur (French: minor), majeur (French: major), juste (French: perfect), augmenté (French: augmented)
Qualification professionnelle(French f.) professional qualification
qualificativo(Italian) qualifying
Qualificazione(Italian f.) qualification
qualifié (m.), qualifiée (f.)(French) qualified, skilled
(French) aggravated (judicial), blatant (figurative: hypocracy), sheer (figurative: robbery)
non qualifié (m.), non qualifiée (f.) (French: unskilled)
Qualifiera word or phrase that qualifies, limits or modifies the meaning of another word or phrase
one that has or fulfils all appropriate qualifications, for a position, office, or task
qualifier(French) to describe, to qualify
qualifier de(French) to describe as
qualifier pour(French) to qualify for (sport, etc.)
Qualifikation(German f.) qualification
qualifizieren(German) to qualify
qualifiziert(German) qualified, competent, skilled
Qualita(Italian f.) quality, property, profession, capacity, status, kind (specie)
Qualität(German f.) quality
qualitatif (m.), qualitative (f.)(French) qualitative
Qualitative changein linguistics, an alteration in the perceived quality of a sound or the basic nature of a sound
qualitativement(French) qualitatively
Qualitative metermeter that relies on patterns of heavily stress syllables and lightly stressed meters
Qualité(French f.) quality (product, etc.), occupation, position (post), capacity, skill
Qualité de vie, la(French f.) quality of life, the
Qualité de directeur(French f.) position as director
Qualité de marie(French f.) capacity as mayor
Qualité littéraire (s.), Qualités littéraires (pl.)(French f.) literary quality (s.), literary qualities (pl.)
Qualités de coeur(French f.) noble-heartedness
Qualités requises(French f.) necessary skills
Qualité supérieure(French f.) superior quality
Qualityspecie (Italian), qualification (French), a collective term for number of semitone (half-tones) in an interval (i.e. whether the interval is diminished, minor, major, augmented or perfect)
a term denoting the particular choice of third, fifth, and seventh in a chord, i.e. major, dominant, minor, tonic minor, half-diminished and diminished. While in music theory augmented major and augmented (dominant) are also considered 'qualities', in jazz music theory they are usually considered alterations
more generally, the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy a given need or requirement; also described as "fitness for purpose" or "value for money" as perceived by the customer or consumer
Quality (of tone)qualita (Italian), timbro (Italian), Tonfarbe (German), timbre (French, English), tone colour
Qualle(German f.) jellyfish
Qualm(German m.) (thick) smoke
qualmen(German) to smoke
qualmente(Italian) how, as
qualnabbreviation of 'qualification'
qualora(Italian) in case, when, whenever, if
qualsiasi(Italian) any, whatever
qualunque(Italian) any, whatever
qualvoll(German) agonizing
qualvolta(Italian) whenever
quand(French) when
quand bien même(French) even though, even if
quand le chat est loin, les souris dansent(French) when the cat's away the mice wil play (proverb)
quand les poules auront des dents(French) when pigs have wings (humorous)
quand même(French) all the same
quando(Italian) when, whenever, if, sometimes (as in quando ... quando ...: (Italian: sometimes ... sometimes ...))
Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue!(French) Speak of the devil!
Quanoonsee kanun
quant.abbreviation of 'quantitive', 'quantity'
quant à(French) as for, as to, as regards, regarding
quant à cela(French) as to that, as regards that, as far as that goes
Quant-à-moi(French m.) reserve (aloofness, mine)
quant à moi(French) as for me
Quant-à-soi(French m.) reserve (aloofness, his)
Quanti (, Quante ( how many, as
Quantième(French m.) day (of the month)
Quantifiabilitythe degree to which a thing can be quantified
Quantifiable(English, French) capable of being quantified
Quantificateur(French m.) quantifier
Quantification(English, French f.) a limitation imposed on the variables of a proposition (as by the quantifiers `some' or `all' or `no'), the act of discovering or expressing the quantity of something
Quantifier(English, French m.) a term occasionally applied to a numeral or another word denoting quantity when used as a modifier of another word (for example, in English, 'fifteen', 'many')
quantifier(French) to quantify, to quantize
quantique(French) quantum
Quantisationto quantise is to force all notes played to fall on the nearest beat specified. It shifts events (like note-on) to an exact rhythmic position
quantisieren(German) to quantize
Quantita(Italian f.) quantity, amount
Quantität(German f.) quantity
quantitatif (m.), quantitative (f.)(French) quantitative
Quantitativeexpressible as a quantity or relating to or susceptible of measurement, relating to the measurement of quantity
(of verse) having a metric system based on relative duration of syllables
Quantitative changein linguistics, an alteration in the length of a sound - particularly vowel sounds
quantitativement(French) quantitatively
Quantitative metermeter that relies not on the alternation of heavily stressed or lightly stressed syllables, but rather on the alternation of "long syllables" and "short syllables" (i.e., syllables categorized accordingly to the time interval it takes for the human mouth to pronounce the syllable)
Quantité(French f.) quantity (sum, number), amount
Quantité de(French f.) (when preceded by une) a great many, a lot of
Quantité de gens(French f.) (preceded by une) a great many people, a lot of people
Quantité d'indices(French f.) many signs, great number of signs
Quantité négligeable(French f.) negligible quantity, negligible amount, insignificant amount, minimal amount
quanto(Italian) how much, how many, what a lot of, how long, as much, so much, those who, all those who, as much as, as many as
quanto a(Italian) as for, as to, as regards, for
quanto è bello!(Italian) how nice!
quanto prima(Italian) soon, as soon as possible
Quantum (s.), Quanta (pl.)(Latin, French m., German n.) a quantity, a share, a quota, an apportionment
Quantum meruit(Latin) a fair recompense for services rendered where no rate of payment has been agreed
Quantum sufficitsee Q.S.
quantunque(Italian) though, although
Quantz fluteFrederick the Great, king of Prussia (1712-1786), one of history's most famous amateur musicians, maintained a superior eighteenth-century European court orchestra. It included among its principal players Karl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788), son of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Although a gifted amateur composer, Frederick was chiefly a passionate flute player. In 1741 he secured the services of Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773) to reside at the court as the king's personal music teacher, among other duties. Accomplished in all aspects of musicianship, Quantz eventually specialized in the flute. During the second quarter of the century he introduced improvements to the standard one-keyed instrument, including a second key and other innovative features. Although Quantz's well-known writings encouraged the use of his new two-keyed flute, his instrument had little success outside the area in which he lived. The majority of Quantz's flutes were made for his royal student, Frederick
quaquaginta(Latin) forty
quar.abbreviation of 'quarter', 'quarterly'
Quaranta(Italian m.) forty (number)
quaranta(Italian) forty
Quarantaine(French f.) about forty, quarantine
Quarantäne(German f.) quarantine
Quarante(French m.) forty
Les Quarantes (French m. pl.: the members of the French Academy)
Quarante-cinq tours(French m.) forty-five (r.p.m. record), EP (record)
Quarantena(Italian f.) quarantine
Quarantenaire(French m.) fortieth anniversary
quarantenaire(French) forty-year (period)
quarantenne(Italian) forty-year-old
Quarantesimo(Italian m.) fortieth
quarantesimo(Italian) fortieth
Quarantième(French m./f.) fortieth
quarantième(French) fortieth
quarantièmement(French) in the fortieth place
Quarantina(Italian f.) about forty, some forty, quarantine
Quarantottata(Italian f.) rash venture
Quarantotto(Italian) forty-eight
il Quarantotto (Italian: the risings of 1848, particularly those in Milan)
Quaresima(Italian f.) Lent (religious festival)
quaresimale(Italian) Lenten (of or pertaining to Lent)
quarenta(Catalan) forty
Quark(English, French m., German m.) a salt-free, soft cheese made from semi skimmed milk (the word is also used colloquially in German to mean 'rubbish')
Quarr Monasteryfounded in 1908 and established by French Benedictines fleeing persecution. As well as farming the monks are known for their music, painting, weaving, and carpentry
Quart(French m.) quarter, watch (on a ship), a beaker (of 1/4 litre capacity)
Quarta(Latin, Italian f., Catalan f., Portuguese f.) the interval of a perfect fourth, Quarte (German f.), quarte (French f.), cuarta (Spanish f.)
(Latin, Italian f., Catalan f., Portuguese f.) the fourth part or voice in a composition
Quarta corda(Italian f.) fourth string, on a violin this is the G string
Quartakkord(German m.) fourth chord
Quartal(German n.) quarter
Quartal chordschords built of the interval of a fourth; the fourth does not have to be perfect in quality; notation: 3x4 on B = 3 note quartal chord starting on B
Quartale(Italian m.) quarter of an actor's salary
Quartal harmonyin organum, or in any harmonic system, quartal harmony is that based upon the interval of a fourth although most Western music is based on the interval of a third (tertian harmony); quartal harmony has been used in some twentieth-century music and in jazz by McCoy Tyner of the John Coltrane Quartet in the 1960s
Quarta modi(Latin, Italian) the fourth degree of a scale, the subdominant
Quarta toni(Latin, Italian) the fourth degree of a scale, the subdominant
Quartbassfagotta larger fagott pitched a fourth below the standard instrument
on the various unusual sizes of Fagott : the Quintfagott is a fifth higher as the bassoon is, so an instrument "in c" with as the lowest note an F. The Quartfagott is, an instrument in b-flat going down to G, a fourth above the bassoon. Confusing can be that also a Quintbassfagott and a Quartbassfagott did exist, a fifth and a fourth lower than the regular bassoon. And then we had the Tenoroon or Octavfagott or Fagottino, one octave above the bassoon, and the Contrafagott one octave below
[information taken from the Contrabass-list 2 Jan 1998 Vol 1 No. 80]
Quart de finale(French) quarter-final
Quart d'heure(French) quarter of an hour
Quart de litre(French) quarter litre
Quart de mesure
crotchet rest orcrotchet rest(French m.) a crotchet rest, a quarter rest, a rest one quarter the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest
Quart de pausa
crotchet rest orcrotchet rest(Catalan f.) a crotchet rest (quarter rest) of which four equal the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest
Quart de queue(French m.) or crapaud (French), miniature grand piano (between 1.38 and 1.58 metre in length)
Quart de siècle(French) (preceded by un) a quarter century
Quart de son(French m.) quarter tone
Quart de soupir
semiquaver rest(French m.) a semiquaver rest, a sixteenth rest, a rest one sixteenth the time value of a whole note rest or semibreve rest, Sechzehntelpause (German)
Quart de ton(French m.) quarter tone
Quart de tour(French m.) quarter turn (of a screw, etc.)
Quart d'heure(French) quarter of an hour
Quarte(French f., German f.) (interval of a) fourth, quarta (Italian f.), cuarta (Spanish f.)
(French f.) quart (liquid measure = two pints)
Quarte de nazard(French f.) an organ stop identical with the fifteenth (i.e. two octaves above the diapason)
Quarte du ton(French f.) the fourth degree of a scale, the subdominant
Quarte juste(French f.) perfect fourth
Quartenakkord(German m.) a fourth chord
Quartenfolgen(German pl.) consecutive fourths
Quartenparallelen(German pl.) parallel fourths
Quarter-comma meantonethe most common meantone temperament in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and was sometimes used later. In this tuning the perfect fifth is tempered by one quarter of a syntonic comma in order to obtain just major thirds (5:4). It was described by Pietro Aron (also spelled Aaron), in his Toscanello de la Musica of 1523, by saying the major thirds should be tuned to be "sonorous and just, as united as possible." Later theorists Gioseffo Zarlino and Francisco de Salinas described the tuning with mathematical exactitude
Quarter-cutcutting timber radially
nach dem Spiegel geschnitten (German), débité sur maille (French), taglio radiale (Italian), wood cut in a radial direction to form a wedge, rather like cutting a slice of cake
Quarter note
crotcheta crotchet, a note one quarter the time value of a whole note or semibreve
Quarteron(French m.) small band, insignificant band, minor group
Quarteron (m.), Quarteronne (f.)(French) quadroon (a person having one-quarter Black ancestry)
Quarter rest
crotchet rest orcrotchet resta crotchet rest, a rest one quarter the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest, pausa di semiminima (Italian f.), soupir (French m.), Viertelpause (German f.), silencio de negra (Spanish f.), pausa de negra (Spanish f.), silencio de semiminima (Spanish m.), pausa de semiminima (Spanish f.)
Quarter tonea microtonal interval half that of a semitone
Antoine de Bertrand's first two volumes of chansons (Les amours de Pierre de Ronsard (4vv, 1576) (second edition 1578) - containing 35 chansons; Second livre des amours de Pierre de Ronsard (4vv, 1578) - containing 25 chansons) are settings of poems which describe the stages and incidents in a love affair gone sour. Some of the harmonic language used in the chansons is daring, and approaches the experimental level of Vicentino; Bertrand uses microtones, including quarter-tones, as an expressive device in some of the pieces. The most extreme example of this is the last seventeen measures of the chanson Je suis tellement amoureux, in which Bertrand completely avoids diatonic writing, using "only chromatic and enharmonic, with no mixture of diatonicism except in an interval in the bassecontre and another in the hautecontre, made to express the word 'death'". However, in a later edition of the same songs (published posthumously in 1587) he rewrote the music to avoid the quarter-tones; evidently they were too hard to sing. In the preface he also mentions that music is best when it appeals to the senses, and avoids mathematical subtleties
Quarter-tone accidentals
partial accidentials
from left to right: half-sharp, sharp, sharp-and-a-half, half-flat, flat, flat-and-a-half
Quartetquartetto (Italian m.), Quartett (German n.), quatuor (French m.), cuarteto (Spanish m.), quarteto (Portuguese m.)
a work for four independent parts, a body of players who would perform such a work
in jazz, a quartet might be a rhythm section of piano, bass and drums, together with a 'horn' (the generic jazz name for saxophones and trumpets)
Quarteto(Portuguese m.) quartet, cuarteto (Spanish m.), quartetto (Italian m.), quatuor (French m.), Quartett (German n.)
Quartett(German n.) quartet, cuarteto (Spanish m.), quartetto (Italian m.), quatuor (French m.)
Quartette(French m.) or quatuor (French m.), quartet (of musicians), cuarteto (Spanish m.), quartetto (Italian m.), Quartett (German n.)
(French m.) often used specifically, in French, for a jazz quartet, where quatuor (French m.) would be reserved for a piece of music for four players, or for a group of classical musicians (string quartet, wind quartet, piano quartet, etc.)
Quartettino(Italian m.) a short quartet
Quartetto(Italian m.) quartet, cuarteto (Spanish m.), quatuor (French m.), Quartett (German n.)
(Italian m.), a set of four nesting tables
Quartfagott(German n.) a smaller bassoon, a fourth above the pitch of the standard orchestral instrument
on the various unusual sizes of Fagott : the Quintfagott is a fifth higher as the bassoon is, so an instrument "in c" with as the lowest note an F. The Quartfagott is, an instrument in b-flat going down to G, a fourth above the bassoon. Confusing can be that also a Quintbassfagott and a Quartbassfagott did exist, a fifth and a fourth lower than the regular bassoon. And then we had the Tenoroon or Octavfagott or Fagottino, one octave above the bassoon, and the Contrafagott one octave below
[information taken from the Contrabass-list 2 Jan 1998 Vol 1 No. 80]
Quartfagotto(Italian m.) a small bassoon, a fourth above the pitch of the standard orchestral instrument
on the various unusual sizes of Fagott : the Quintfagott is a fifth higher as the bassoon is, so an instrument "in c" with as the lowest note an F. The Quartfagott is, an instrument in b-flat going down to G, a fourth above the bassoon. Confusing can be that also a Quintbassfagott and a Quartbassfagott did exist, a fifth and a fourth lower than the regular bassoon. And then we had the Tenoroon or Octavfagott or Fagottino, one octave above the bassoon, and the Contrafagott one octave below
[information taken from the Contrabass-list 2 Jan 1998 Vol 1 No. 80]
Quartflöte(German f.) a flute smaller than the standard instrument, pitched a fourth higher
Quartgeige(German f.) a smaller violin, a fourth higher in pitch than the standard orchestral instrument, also called the violino piccolo
Quarticello(Italian m.) quarter, quarter of an hour
Quartier (s.), Quartiers (French pl.)(French m., German n.) neighbourhood, district, area, quarter (district, part of an animal, pity), quarters (plural format: military barracks, etc.)
(French m.) segment (of fruit)
(German n.) accommodation
Quartier commerçant(French m.) shopping quarter, shopping district
quartier, de(French) local
Quartier de haut surveillance(French m.) high-security wing (of a prison)
Quartier de noblesse(French m.) degree of noble lineage (representing one generation)
Quartier des affairs(French m.) business district, business quarter
quartier, du(French) local
Quartiere(Italian m.) district, neighbourhood, flat, lodging(s.), ward, quarter (city), barracks, quarters (military)
Quartier général(French m.) headquarter
Quartierino(Italian m.) small flat
Quartier latin(French m.) 'Latin quarter' of Paris, the district on the left bank of the Seine inhabited by students, artists and writers
Quartier réservé(French m.) red-light district
Quartier résidentiel(French m.) residential quarter, residential district
Quartier toléré(French m.) the district in a city of town where the licensed brothels are located
Quartile(English, French m.) (in statistics) any of three points that divide an ordered distribution into four parts each containing one quarter of the scores
Quartina(Italian f.) quadruplet, quatrain (verse)
Quartino(Italian f.) quarter of a litre, pint, small clarinet
Quarto(Italian m.) fourth, quarter, the fourth voice or part in a musical composition
(English, Italian m.) a term from early bookmaking, the size of a book whose pages are made by folding a sheet of paper twice to form four leaves. On a single sheet, the page visible on the right-hand side of an open book or the 'top' side of such a page is called the recto side (Latin, 'right'), and the reverse or 'bottom' side of such a page (the page visible on the left-hand side of an open book) is called the verso side
although a quarto volume is typically about 12" x 9" (approx. 30 x 23 cm), roughly the size of most modern magazines, quarto sizes include 15" × 11" (approx. 38 x 28 cm) (imperial quarto), 11" x 8.75" (approx. 28 x 22 cm) (demy quarto, or demy 4to), to 7" × 6" (approx. 19.7 x 15.2 cm) (pot quarto), according to the size of the original sheet. A sheet folded in quarto (also 4to or 4º) is folded in half twice at right angles to make four leaves. It is also called 'eight-page signature'
quarto(Italian) fourth
(French) fourthly
Quarto d'aspetto
semiquaver rest(Italian m.) a sixteenth rest, a rest one sixteenth the time value of a whole note rest or semibreve rest
Quarto di tuono(Italian m.) quarter tone
Quartogenito(Italian m.) fourth born, fourth child
quartogenito(Italian) fourth born, fourth child
Quartole(German f.) quadruplet
Quartolet(French m.) quadruplet (i.e. four notes in the time of six notes of the same specie)
Quartsextakkord(German m.) six-four chord (second inversion of a triad)
quartus(Latin) fourth
Quartz(English, French m., German m.) a very hard mineral composed of silica, SiO2, found worldwide in many different types of rocks, including sandstone and granite
Quarzo(Italian m.) quartz
Qua se(Latin) in itself, by its own nature
quasi(Latin) as if, apparently but not really, virtually, a kind of
(Italian) as if, almost, nearly, quasi-, in the manner of, just as, as it were, about
(French) almost, nearly, near
any person exercising powers similar to those of a judge would be sitting in a quasi-judicial capacity
quasi allegretto(Italian) like an allegretto
quasi certitude(French) near certainty
quasi guitarwhere a violin or viola is held sideways against the body and strummed like a guitar
quasi guitara(Italian) where the strings of a violin or viola are strummed like a guitar, as is called for in the 4th movement of Rimsky-Korsakov's Capriccio Espagnol (Scena e canto gitano), where the violins are instructed to play pizzicato "quasi guitara"; the music here consists of three- and four-note chords, which are fingered and strummed much like the instrument being imitated
  • Pizzicato from which the piano entry has been taken
Quasihemidemisemiquaveralternative name for 'semihemidemisemiquaver' or 'one hundred and twenty-eighth note'
quasi mai(Italian) hardly ever, as if
quasiment(French) almost, nearly
Quasimodo, la(French f.) or le dimanche de Quasimodo (French m.), Low Sunday
Quasimodo Sundaythe first Sunday after Easter Sunday, though having no official liturgical name, is colloquially labelled 'Quasimodo Sunday' as the first phrase of the Introit is Quasi modo geniti infantes.... Even though Latin is no longer used widely in the celebration of the Mass, the traditional names remain for purposes of organisation of the calendar
quasi niente(Italian) almost nothing, barely audible, fast nichts (German), presque rien (French)
quasi obscurité(French) near darkness
quasi recitativo(Italian) in the style of a recitative (as in an opera)
quasi una fantasia(Italian) as if it were a fantasia
quasseln(German) to jabber
Quassia(English, Italian f.) a shrub or tree found in the tropical areas of Malaysia and the Americas. Its wood is traditionally used to make tonics and apéritifs. Fizzy drinks such as bitters are flavoured with quassine which is the bitter extract of quassia
quassù(Italian) up here
Quaste(German f.) tassel
Quaternaire(French m.) Quaternary (period)
quaternaire(French) quaternary, of or pertaining to the geological period, the Quaternary
Quaternario(Italian m.) line of four syllables
quaternario(Italian) quaternary, of or pertaining to the geological period, the Quaternary
Quaternarythe geologic time period after the Neogene Period, spanning 1.805 +/- 0.005 million years ago to the present. The Quaternary includes two geologic epochs: the Pleistocene and the Holocene Epoch. The 1.8 - 1.6 million years of the Quaternary represents the time during which recognisable humans existed
the status of the Quaternary is currently the subject of an ongoing debate
Quatorze(French m.) fourteen
quatorze(French) fourteen
quatorze juillet, le(French m.) the Fourteenth of July (in France, Bastille Day, a national public holiday)
Quatorzième(French m./f.) fourteenth
quatorzième(French) fourteenth
quatorzièmement(French) fourteenthly, in the fourteenth place
Quatrain(English, French m.) also sometimes used interchangeably in English with 'stave', a poem, or a stanza within a poem, that consists always of four lines. It is the most common of all stanza forms in European poetry and is used with every possible rhyming pattern (though rarely with the last line left unrhymed), but in English often rhyming in an ABAB pattern
Quatre(French m.) four
quatre(French, Catalan) four
Quatreblea voice pitched a fifth above the treble, a term associated with music of the Medieval and Renaissance periods
Quatre-heures(French m.) (children's) afternoon tea
Quatre-huit, (mesure à)(French m.) common time (meter in music)
Quatre-mains(French f.) four hands
Quatre quatresee mesure à quatre quatre
quatret(Catalan m.) quadruplet
Quatre-vingt-dix(French m.) ninety
quatre-vingt-dix(French) ninety
quatre-vingt-dixième(French) ninetieth
quatre-vingtième(French) eightieth
Quatre-vingt-onze(French m.) ninety-one
quatre-vingt-onzième(French m.) ninety-first
Quatre-vingts(French m.) eighty
quatre-vingts(French) eighty
Quatre-vingt-un(French m.) eighty-one
Quatre-vingt-unième(French m.) eighty-first
Quatricinium(Latin) a composition in four parts (the term often applied to works for four brass instruments)
Quatrième(French m./f.) fourth
quatrième(French) fourth
Quatrième corde(French f.) fourth string, on a violin this is the G string
quatrièmement(French) fourthly, in the fourth place
Quatsch(German m.) nonsense, rubbish
quatschen(German) to talk, to natter, to squelch (water)
Quatsch machen(German) to fool around, to do a silly thing
quatschnaß(German) soaking wet
quatto(Italian) crouching, cowering, squat
quatto quatto(Italian) quietly, very quiet, almost silent
quattordicenne(Italian) fourteen-year-old
quattordicesimo(Italian) fourteenth
Quattordici(Italian m.) fourteen, 14th
quattordici(Italian) fourteen, 14th
hemidemisemiquaver(Italian f.) a hemidemisemiquaver, a sixty-fourth note, a note one sixty-fourth the time value of a whole note or semibreve
Quatrillion(French m.) quadrillion (UK), septillion (US)
Quattrinaio(Italian m.) rich man, miser
Quattrino (s.), Quattrini (pl.)(Italian m.) farthing, money (plural form)
Quattro(Italian m.) four, 4th
quattro(Italian) four, 4th
quattrocchi(Italian) face to face
quattrocentesimo(Italian) four hundredth
Quattrocentista (s.), Quattrocentisti (pl.)(Italian m./f.) artist or writer of the 15th century
Quattrocento(Italian m.) four hundred
quattrocento(Italian) four hundred
Quattrocento, il(Italian m., literally 'four hundred', a shortened form of mille quattrocento) the fifteenth century in Italian art and literature. The term is often used of the new style of art that was characteristic of the Early Renaissance, in particular works by Masaccio, Brunelleschi, Donatello, Botticelli, Fra Angelico and others. It was preceded by il Trecento and followed by il Cinquecento, il Siecento and il Settecento
Quattrocento, le(French m.) il Quattrocento (Italian m.)
Quattromila(Italian m.) four thousand
quattromila(Italian) four thousand
Quattro stagioni(Italian f.) The Four Seasons, by Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
quattuor(Latin) four
quattuordecim(Latin) fourteen
Quatuor(French m.) quartet (a group of musicians, a musical work for such a group), cuarteto (Spanish m.), quartetto (Italian m.), Quartett (German n.)
Quatuor à cordes(French m.) string quartet
Quatuor à vent(French m.) wind quartet
Quatuor brillant(French m.) from the establishment of the genre by Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) the earliest quartets were written with the first violin part being almost like that for a solo instrument, the other three players (second violin, viola and cello) being reduced to the role of mere accompanists. This type of writing persisted well into the nineteenth century
Quatuor concertant(French m.) from the late eighteenth century, a style of string quartet writing where all four parts are given equal status
Quatuor de bois(French m.) woodwind quartet (for example, flute, oboe, clarinet and basson)
Quatuor de bois et cuivres(French m.) quartet of woodwind and brass
Quatuor de clarinettes(French m.) clarinet quartet
Quatuor de cuivres(French m.) brass quartet
Quatuor de guitares(French m.) guitar quartet
Quatuor de saxophones(French m.) saxophone quartet
Quatuor de tubas(French m.) tuba quartet
Quatuor pour le fin du temps(French m.) a musical work written and premiered in Stalag VIII-A, the POW camp where the composer Messaien, clarinettist Henri Akoka, cellist Etienne Pasquier and violinist Jean Le Boulaire were interned in 1940
Quatuor vocal(French m.) vocal quartet
Quavercorchea (Spanish), croma (Italian), croche (French), eighth note (US), Achtel (German), Achtelnote (German)
quaveran eighth note, one eighth the time value of a whole note or semibreve
Quaver restsilencio de corchea (Spanish), pausa di croma (Italian), demi-soupir (French), eighth rest (US), Achtelpause (German)
quaver restan eighth rest, a rest one eighth the time value of a whole rest or semibreve rest
Qudi(China) a transverse bamboo flute, with a bamboo membrane over a resonance hole, which produces a buzzing effect. It is popular mainly in the southern part of the Yangtze River and has a clear elegant sound
  • Qudi from which this information has been taken
que(Spanish) who, whom, which, that
(French) that, than, whom, which, when, what, what a, what a lot of, why, whom
qué(Spanish) what, how
Que.abbreviation of 'Quebec'
que, qu'(French) that, than, whom, which, when, what, what a, what a lot of, why, whom
¡qué aburrimiento!(Spanish) what a bore!
¡qué abuso de confianza!(Spanish) what a nerve! (colloquial)
¡qué alegría verte!(Spanish) it's great to see you!
¡qué alivio!(Spanish) what a relief!
¡qué alto estás!(Spanish) haven't you grown!
¿qué ancho tiene?(Spanish) how wide is it?
¡que aproveche!(Spanish) enjoy your meal! bon appétit! (French) Guten Apetit! (German)
¡qué asco!(Spanish) how disgusting! how revolting!
¡qué asco de tiempo!(Spanish) what foul weather! what lousy weather!
¿qué aspecto tiene?(Spanish) what does he look like?
¡qué asquerosidad de trabajo!(Spanish) what a rotten job!
¡qué atrocidad!(Spanish) how terrible! how awful! how atrocious! how barbarous!
¡qué atropellado eres!(Spanish) you always do things in such a rush!
Québec(French m.) Quebec
le Québec (French m.: (the province of) Quebec)
Québécois(French m.) music from the French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec
(French m.) Quebec French
Québécois (m.), Québécois (f.)(French) a native of Quebec
québécois (m.), québécois (f.)(French) of or pertaining to Quebec
Quebec traditional musicthe Canadiens inherited a rich tradition of songs and dances from northern France, namely the regions of Île-de-France, Picardy, Normandy, Poitou, and Brittany
Quebrada(Spanish f.) gorge, pass
Quebrada(Spanish m.) fraction (in mathematics)
quebradizo(Spanish) fragile
quebrado(Spanish) broken, bankrupt
Quebradura(Spanish f.) fracture, gorge
quebrantar(Spanish) to break, to weaken
Quebranto(Spanish m.) loss, damage
quebrar(Spanish) to break
(Spanish) to go bankrupt
quebrarse(Spanish.) to break
Quechua(Spanish m./f.) Quechuan
quechua(Spanish) Quechuan
Quecksilber(German n., literally 'quicksilver') mercury
que conste que(Spanish) believe me
Queda(Spanish f.) curfew
¿queda algo de comer?(Spanish) is there any food left?
¿queda algo de pan?(Spanish) is there any bread left?
quedar(Spanish) to stay, to remain, to be, to be left
quedar aislado(Spanish) to be cut off
quedar bien(Spanish) to come off well
quedar bordado(Spanish) to come out very well
quedar con(Spanish) to arrange to meet
quedar en(Spanish) to agree to
quedar en nada(Spanish) to come to nothing
quedar por(Spanish) to remain to be
quedarse(Spanish) to stay
quedarse atrás(Spanish) to fall behind
quedarse bizco(Spanish) to be dumbfounded
quedarse boquiabierto(Spanish) to be amazed
quedarse de una pieza(Spanish) to be dumbfounded
quedarse tan ancho(Spanish) to behave as if nothing has happened
quedas avisado(Spanish) you've been warned
¡que Dios nos ampare!(Spanish) may the Lord help us!
Que dites-vous?(French) I beg your pardon? What did you say?
Queen Annedaughter of James II, her reign extended from 1702 to 1714
Queen Anne's footstoolreferring to an apocryphal story involving Queen Anne and its architect Thomas Archer, a name given to the church of St. John, Smith Square, Westminster, which since 1969 has been a popular London concert hall
Queenophonesee couesnophone
Queensland(English, French m.) a state in northeastern Australia
Queercorea style of hardcore punk with gay and lesbian-themed lyrics
¿qué es aquello que se ve allá?(Spanish) what's that over there?
Que faire?(French) What is to be done?
Que faites-vous dans la vie?(French) What do you do for a living?
Quegli(Italian m.) he, the one
Quehacer(Spanish m.) job
Quehaceres domésticos(Spanish m.) household chores
Queja(Spanish f.) complaint, moan
¡qué jaleo se armó!(Spanish) there was a real commotion
quejarse(Spanish) to complain, to moan
quejarse de(Spanish) to complain about, to moan about
que je sache, (pas)(French) as far as I know, (not)
Quejido(Spanish m.) moan
Quejiossee quejumbre
quejoso(Spanish) complaining
Quejumbrecry of anguish in flamenco singing
quel (m.), quelle (f.)(French) what, which, what, who, whoever, whatever, whichever, whatever
que la lumière soit(French) let there be light
Quelbemusic performed on the Virgin Islands by scratch bands. The quelbe and the quadrille, music and dance, are hybrids of their eighteenth- and nineteenth-century European counterparts and African rhythms. Though much has changed through the centuries, both are an important part of contemporary Virgin Islands culture
quelconque(French) any, some, ordinary (banal), poor (mediocre)
un quelconque or une quelconque (French: any, the least, the slightest)
quel dommage(French) what a shame
Que le meilleur gagne.(French) May the best man win.
que le Seigneur ait pité de lui!(French) (may) the Lord have mercy upon him
que les sirva de advertencia(Spanish) let it be a warning to them
Quelle (s.), Quellen (pl.)(German f.) source, reference, spring (water)
quelle chance!(French) what (a stroke of) luck!
quelle charmants enfants!(French) what charming children!
quelle coïncidence!(French) what a coincidence!
quelle connerie!(French) how stupid!
quelle courage!(French) what courage!
quelle dommage!(French) what a pity!
quelle imbécile!(French) what a fool!
quellen(German) to well, to well up, to pour, to swell, to bulge
quellen aus(German) to pour from
Quellenforschung(German f.) the inestigation of sources (of literary works, etc.), often work considered both unprofitable and stultifying
quelle sale temps!(French) what rotten weather!
quelle surprise!(French) what a surprise!
quelle temps!(French) what weather!
quelle toupet!(French) what (a) nerve!
Quelli(Italian) those (ones)
quelli(Italian) those, those ones
Quello(Italian) that (one)
quello(Italian) that, that one, the one, he, she
quello che(Italian) what
Quel métier faites-vous?(French) What do you do for a living?
quelque(French) certain, some, about
quelque ... ans(French) about ... years
quelque autre(French) some other, some more
quelque autre chose(French) something else, anything else
quelque chose(French) something, anything
quelque chose a boire(French) something else
quelque chose d'autre(French) something else
quelque chose de(French) something
quelque chose d'extraordinaire(French) something extraordinary
quelque comme(French) something like
quelquefois(French) sometimes, occasionally, at times
quelque lourds (que)(French) however heavy
quelque part(French) somewhere
quelque part dans un coin(French) in a corner somewhere
quelque peu(French) rather, somewhat, something of, a bit of
quelque peu déçu(French) rather disappointed, somewhat disappointed
quelque ... que(French) or quelque ... qu', whatever, whichever, however
quelques(French) few, some
quelques autres(French) some others, a few others
quelques centaines (de)(French) a few hundred
quelques centaines de personnes(French) a few hundred people
quelques enfants(French) a few children, some children
quelques feuilles de papier(French) a few sheets of paper
quelques instants(French) a few moments
quelques milliers (de)(French) a few thousand
quelques milliers de personnes(French) a few thousand people
quelques poèmes(French) a few poems, some poems
quelques-uns (m.), quelques-unes (f.)(French) some, a few, a very few
quelques-uns de nos lecteurs(French) a few of our readers, some of our readers
quelque temps(French) some time
quelqu'un(French) someone, somebody, anyone, anybody
quelqu'un d'autre(French) someone else (different), somebody else (different)
quelqu'un de plus(French) someone else (additional), somebody else (additional), one more person
quelqu'un de sûr(French) somebody reliable
quelqu'un d'important(French) somebody important
Quel temps fait-il?(French) How's the weather?
Quels temps nous vivons!(French) What times we live in!
quemado(Spanish) burnt, bitter
Quemador(Spanish m.) burner
Quemadura(Spanish f.) burn
quémander(French) to beg for, to fish for (compliments, information), to angle for (seek indirectly)
Quémandeur (m.), Quémandeuse (f.)(French) beggar
quemar(Spanish) to burn, to set fire to
quemarse(Spanish) to burn oneself, to burn up (consume), to get sunburnt
¡que me aspen si ...!(Spanish) (I'm) darned if I ...
¿qué médico la atiende?(Spanish) which doctor usually sees you?
Quem quaeritis(Latin, 'Whom do you seek?') this Latin expression comes from the Vulgate New Testament when the angel addresses the women coming to visit Christ's empty tomb. In the medieval church, this phrase was part of the Roman Catholic liturgy as part of the Easter Introit and read aloud in church each year
Quena(Spanish f.) also kena, a South American folk instrument from the Andes mountains (Bolivia, Peru), similar to a flute, made out of cane, 25 to 50 cm. long with five or six finger holes and a thumb hole. The player produces a sound by blowing across a sharp notch in the upper rim, It is commonly heard as a solo instrument and in ensembles. Pre-Columbian versions have been found dating back to 900 BC and were made of bone and clay
Quenacholarger and lower pitched quena
Qu'en-dira-t-on(French m.) gossip
Quenelle (s.), Quenelles (pl.)(English, French f.) an oval-shaped ball of meat or fish reduced to a paste, seasoned and fried
que n'es-tu venu me voir?(French) why didn't you come to see me?
quengeln(German) to whine, to grizzle (baby)
Quenillaa smaller and higher pitched quena
Que non!(French) not at all! certainly not!
¿qué nos deparará el futuro?(Spanish) what will the future bring?
Quenotte(French f.) (baby talk) tooth
Quenouille(French f.) distaff (a staff for holding flax, tow or wool during spinning)
Que oui!(French) yes indeed! quite so!
¡qué poco agradecido eres!(Spanish) you're so ungrateful!
quer(German) across, crosswise, diagonally
Querbalken(German m.) (in music) a beam
Querceta(Italian f.) grove of oaks, oak-plantation
Querceto(Italian m.) grove of oaks, oak-plantation
Quercia (s.), Querce (pl.)(Italian f.) oak, oak-tree
quercino(Italian) oaken, oak
Quere nach, der(German) across, crosswise
Querela(Italian f.) legal action, complaint, action (at law)
querelare(Italian f.) to bring a legal action against
Querella(Spanish f., Italian f.) quarrel, dispute
Querelante(Italian m.) plaintiff
querelare(Italian) to bring a legal action again, to prosecute
querelarsi(Italian) to complain, to take legal proceedings
Querelle(French f.) quarrel (dispute)
Querelle d'Allemand(French f.) quarrel over nothing
Querelle d'amoureux(French f.) lover's tiff
Querelle de famille(French f.) family quarrel, family squabble
Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes(French, literally 'quarrel of the ancients and the moderns') a literary and artistic quarrel in France that heated up in the early 1690s and shook the Académie française. It opposed those who believed that writers could do no better than used the ancient writers as models for their works and those who believed that modern scholarship allowed modern man to surpass the ancients
Querelle des Bouffonssee guerre des bouffons
quereller(French) to scold
querelleur (m.), querelleuse (f.)(French) quarrelsome
querer(Spanish) to want, to love, to need
querer decir(Spanish) to mean
querfeldein(German) across country
Querflöte(German f., literally 'the cross-flute') transverse flute, 'cross'-flute, flauta travesera (Spanish f.), flauto traverso (Italian m.), flûte traversière (French f.)
quergestreift(German) horizontally striped
Querido(Spanish m.) darling, lover
querido(Spanish) dear, love
Querimonia(Italian f.) complaint, lament
querköpfig(German) awkward
Querlatte(German f.) crossbar
Querleiste(German f.) fret
Quern songGaelic working song, sung while grinding grain with a stone or quern to produce min bhrath, min bhrathain, quern meal
Queroseno(Spanish m.) kerosine
Querpfeife(German f.) small cross-flute, fife, piffaro (Italian m.), piffero (Italian m.), fiffaro (Italian m.), fiffero (Italian m.), fifre (French m.)
Querschiff(German nt.) transept
Querschnitt(German m.) cross-section
querschnittsgelähmt(German) paraplegic
Querstand(German m.) false relation, in harmony
Quersteg(German m.) cross-stay
Querstraße(German f.) side-street
Querstrich (s.), Querstriche (pl.)(German m.) leger lines, ledger lines, cross (in typography)
Querubin(Spanish m.) cherub
querulo(Italian) querulous, complaining
Querulousfretful, habitually complaining, peevish
Querverweis(German m.) cross-reference
ques.abbreviation of 'question'
Quesadilla(Spanish f.) cheesecake
¡que se repita!(Spanish) encore!
Quesito(Italian m.) question, query, examination question, problem
Queso(Spanish m.) cheese
Questasee questo
questa è musica per le mie orecchie(Italian) that's music to my ears
Qu'est-ce que cela peut bien te faire?(French) What could that possibly matter to you?
Qu'est-ce que tu deviens?(French) What have you been up to?
Qu'est-ce que tu racontes (là)?(French) What on earth are you talking about? What on earth are you saying?
Qu'est-ce qu'il raconte?(French) What's he talking about?
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?(French) What's wrong?
Questeur(French m.) quaestor (Latin)
Questi(Italian m.) this man, this person
Question(English) query, challenge, interrogatory remark, doubt, an informal reference to a proposal of marriage (as in 'pop the question')
(French f.) query, matter, issue
questionare(Italian) to dispute, to quarrel
Questionario(Italian m.) set of questions, questionnaire
Question d'actualité(French f.) topical question
Question de confiance(French f.) vote of confidence
Question de temps(French f.) question of time, matter of time
Question de vie ou de mort(French f.) matter of life or death
Question d'heures(French f.) matter of hours
Questione(Italian f.) question, matter, problem, quarrel (legal), issue, dispute, action at law
Question économique(French f.) economic question
Question écrite(French f.) written question
Questionnaire(English, French f.) a series of questions designed to elicit information from a number of people, especially for statistical purposes
Questionnaire à choix multiple(French f.) multiple choice question paper
questionner (sur)(French) to question (about)
Questionneur (m.), Questionneuse (f.)(French) questioner (person putting a question)
Question orale(French f.) oral question
Question piège(French f.) trick question
Question sociale(French f.) social question
Question subsidiaire(French f.) tiebreaker (a question asked in order to break a tie in a competition)
questn.abbreviation of 'questionnaire'
questo (m.), questa (f.), questi (, queste ( this (s.), these (pl.), this one (s.), these ones (pl.), the latter (s./pl.)
questoggi(Italian) today
Quest operaan opera in which the characters take part in a test or a difficult journey
Questore(Italian m.) chief of police
Questua(Italian f.) begging (for charity), collection of alms
questuare(Italian) to beg, to seek for alms
Questura(Italian f.) police-headquarters
Questurino(Italian m.) policeman, police officer
Quête(French f.) collection (in church), quest (for example, search for the Holy Grail, seeking work, hunt for a place to live), pursuit (of perfection, etc.)
¿qué te apetece desayunar?(Spanish) what would you like for breakfast?
¿qué te apuestas?(Spanish) what do you bet?
quêter(French) to collect money, to take the collection, to seek (after), to fish for (compliments, information), to angle for (seek indirectly), to try to win (favour, etc.)
quêter pour (les orphelins)(French) to collect for (orphans)
Quêteur (m.), Quêteuse (f.)(French) collector (in the street, at church)
¡qué tipo más antipático!(Spanish) what a horrible man!
Quetsche(French f.) a kind of dark-red plum
quetschen(German) to squash, to squeeze, to crush, to mash (food)
Quetschung(German f.) bruise
Quetschwunde(German f.) bruise
Queue(French f.) tail, tail end, bottom, handle, stalk (fruit), stem (flower), rear (train), queue, line (of people)
(French f.) abbreviation of piano à queue, a grand piano
the tail-piece of stringed instruments such as the violin, violoncello, viol, etc.
(French f.) stem or tail (of a note)
(German n.) cue
Queue d'aronde(French f.) dovetail
Queue de billiard(French f.) (billiard) cue
Queue de cheval(French f.) ponytail
Queue de la note(French f.) stem (of a note)
Queue-de-morue(French f.) (medium) paintbrush, tails (type of coat), tail coat
Queue-de-pie(French f.) tails (coat), tail coat
Queue-de-rat(French f.) round file
queue de vache(French) reddish-brown (colour of hair)
queuter(French) to go wrong, to backfire (tactics)
queuter à un examen(French) to fail an exam, to flunk an exam
qui(French) who, which, that, whom, whoever, anyone who
qui(Italian) here, hither
Quiá(Spanish) never! surely not!
QuicaBrazilian friction drum
qui chante juste(French) on key
Quicio(Spanish m.) frame
Quick, Quicklyallegro (Italian), schnell (German), hastig (German), vite (French)
Quick Change Fourone of the two-couple figures danced in a circle of four people traditionally associated with square dancing
Quickerpiù allegro (Italian), più mosso (Italian), schneller (German), plus vite (French)
quicklebendig(German) very lively
Quicksetcuttings or slips of a plant suitable for hedges, a hedge consisting of these plant cuttings or slips
Quickstepa dance popular in the 1920s in duple meter, a version of the foxtrot
a fast march
Quick-time dancesdances in the Scottish country dance tradition that feature fast tempos, quick movements and a lively feel, namely, reels, hornpipes and jigs
quiconque(French) whoever, anyone
Quicunque vult(Latin, 'whoever wishes') the Athanasian creed (so called from its first words)
qui dentro(Italian) in here, in, inside, within, by
Quid nunc(Latin, 'what now?') a term for a noisy busybody or gossip
Quid pro quo(Latin, 'something for something') a favour for a favour, a fair equivalent
Quiebra(Spanish f.) bankruptcy, break, collapse (figurative)
Quiebro(Spanish m.) dodge
quieken(German) to squeal, to squeak (mouse)
quien(Spanish) who, whom
quién(Spanish) who, whom
¿quién actúa en esa película?(Spanish) who's in the movie?, who's in the film?
quienquiera(Spanish) whoever
¿quién se anima a decírselo?(Spanish) who's going to be brave enough to tell him?
¿quién te autorizó?(Spanish) who gave you permission?
quiere aparentar que no le importa(Spanish) he's trying to make out he's not bothered about it
¿quieres algo de beber?(Spanish) do you want something to drink, do you want anything to drink?
¿quieres tomar algo?(Spanish) would you like a drink? would you like something to drink? would you like something to eat?
quiero aclarar que ...(Spanish) I want to make it clear that ...
quiero decirte algo(Spanish) I want to tell you something
quiescente(Italian) quiescent
Quiescenza(Italian f.) quiescence, retirement
Qui est à l'appareil?(French) Who is calling?
Quieta non movere(Latin) let sleeping dogs lie
Quietanza(Italian f.) receipt
quietanzare(Italian) to receipt, to give a receipt for
quietare(Italian) to quiet, to quieten, to soothe, to calm
quietarsi(Italian) to quiet, to quieten down, to become quiet
Quiete(Italian f.) quiet, quietness, calm, stillness, rest, peace
quietschen(German) to squeal, to creak
Quiete(Italian f.) quiet
Quietisimo(Italian m.) Quietism
Quietisma form of religious mysticism requiring withdrawal from all human effort and passive contemplation of God
Quietlyquieto (Italian), ruhig (German), tranquillement (French)
quieto(Italian) quiet, still, calm, serene, restful, tranquil, peaceful
quieto(Spanish) still, motionless, calm
Quietud(Spanish f.) stillness
Quiétude(French f.) quietude, calm, tranquillity
Quietus(Latin, short for quietus est) a discharge from some office or from a debt
the term is also used to mean a release from life (i.e. death)
Quignon de pain(French m.) chunk of break
qui intorno(Italian) hereabout(s)
Quijada(Spanish f.) or quyada (French), jawbone, vibraslap
(Spanish f.) mâchoire (anatomical)
Quijada (de burro)(Spanish f.) the dried jawbone of a dead donkey ornamented with bells used as a percussion instrument in Spanish America, especially in Peru. It is struck with the palm for a soft sound or scraped with a stick
Quijongoa single-string bow and gourd resonator from Costa Rica
Quilate(Spanish m.) carat
Qu'il dit!(French) that's his story! that's what he says! so he says!
Qu'il entre!(French) Show him in, Tell him to come in.
Quilismatwo or three semicircular loops, never found in isolation, this is one of the very special neumes, sometimes referred to as 'serrated' note. It mainly features in rising melodies, such as the pes or scandicus. It is generally interpreted as a transition note, which means that it has to be performed quickly and smoothly. According to recent findings, though, there is a melodic consequence as well: the quilisma neume mostly appears on semitone intervals
Quillthe plectrum of a harpsichord jack that actually plucks the string, traditionally made from the hard stem from a feather, but today more often made from a synthetic material such as nylon (Delrin) or Celcon. On some instruments leather or even metal has been used
to fit plectra, for example, to 'quill in Delrin'
Quilla(Spanish f.) keel
Quille(French f.) keel (of a boat), skittle
Quillsan alternative name for the 'pan pipes or 'panflute'
Quilt canzonaa term used to describe a canzona in which the composer introduces many short contrasting elements so tending to disturb the unity usually found in music of the period. Some composers will ameliorate this tendency by setting the whole work over a basso ostinato or by employing a unifying 'motiv'. Consider Biber's first quintet sonata, for two violins, two violas and cello. This work, conceived as a single concept, is divided into eight segments with little or no pause between them: 2 bars (measures) of allegro in 3/2; 20 bars (measures) of adagio 3/2; 11 bars (measures) of allegro 4/4; 20 bars (measures) of adagio 3/2; 11 1/2 bars (measures) of allegro 4/4; 7 1/2 bars (measures) of adagio 4/4; 18 bars (measures) of grave 6/4; and 8 bars (measures) of adagio 6/4. It is held together by a 'motiv' and a mournfully descending theme which recurs in a different guise with each adagio. This theme appears first in B minor then in D major, next in F# major, and finally in B minor again. The piece ends with a final statement of the three-note 'motiv' sounded over the tierce de Picardie
Quilteda term used to describe an undulating pattern in the grain of some woods, in particular maple
a padding technique enclosing a layer of wadding between two pieces of fabric, held in place by sewing a diamond pattern over fabrics
Quimera(Spanish f.) illusion (figurative)
Quimica(Spanish f.) chemistry
Quimico(Spanish m.) chemist
quimico(Spanish) chemical
qui mieux est(French) what's even better
Quinario(Italian m.) a line of five syllables
Quincailler, Quincaillière(French) hardware dealer
Quincaillerie(French f.) hardware, hardware shop
Quincalla(Spanish f.) hardware, trinket
Quince(Spanish m.) fifteen
quince(Spanish) fifteen
quince días(Spanish) fortnight
quince días a prueba(Spanish) two-week trial period, fortnight's trial period
Quincena(Spanish f.) fortnight
quincenal(Spanish) fortnightly
quinci(Italian) hence, from here, on this side
quincuagésimo(Spanish) fiftieth
Quincunxan arrangement of five objects with one at each corner of a rectangle or square and one at the centre
quindecim(Latin) fifteen
quindi(Italian) then, therefore, hence, from here, thence, on that side, afterwards
quindicenne(Italian) fifteen years old
Quindicesima(Italian) or quinta dicesima, a double octave or a 15th, for example a la quindicesima meaning 'at the double octave'
an organ stop sounding two octaves above the unison stops
Quindicesima alta(Italian) play two octaves higher than written
Quindicesima bassa(Italian) play two octaves lower than written
quindicesimo(Italian) fifteenth
Quindici(Italian m.) fifteen
quindici(Italian) fifteen
Quindicina(Italian f,) about fifteen, fifteen day's pay, fortnight's wages
una quindicina (di giorni) (Italian f.: a fortnight)
quindicinale(Italian) fortnightly
quindi innanzi(Italian) henceforth
quindicinale(Italian) fortnightly
qui ne dit mot consent(French) he who is silent consents, silence implies consent
qui n'entend qu'une cloche n'entend qu'un son(French) one should hear both sides of an argument, hear the other side and believe little
Qui ne risque rien n'a rien.(French) Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Quinientos(Spanish m.) five hundred
quinientos(Spanish) five hundred
Quinino(Spanish m.) quinine
Quinquagenario(Italian m.) a man of fifty
quinquagenario(Italian) fifty-year-old
quinquagesimo(Italian) fiftieth
quinquaginta(Latin) fifty
Quinqué(Spanish m.) oil-lamp, shrewdness (figurative)
Quinqueniala period of five years, a five-year period
Quinquenio(Spanish m.) quinquenial, five-year (period)
quinquennal (m.), quinquennale (f.)(French) quinquenial, five-year (period, plan)
quinquennale(Italian) quinquenial, five year (period, plan)
Quinquennio(Italian f.) quinquenial, a period of five years
Quinquennium (s.), Quinquennia (pl.)(Latin) a period of five years
Quint(of a bell) the perfect fifth partial (above the prime) of a tuned bell
Quintthe interval of a fifth
a prefix to the name of some instruments indicating that they sound a fifth above or below the standard instrument, for example, quintfagott
an organ stop sounding a fifth (or sometimes a fifth plus an octave) above the written note, that is the second overtone, for example, 51/3 ft. to 8ft. pitch
the E string of the violin
quint.abbreviation of 'quintuplicate'
Quinta (s.), Quinte (Italian pl.)(Latin) synonymous with Quintus
(Spanish f., Italian f., Catalan f.) quint
(Spanish f.) villa (house)
(Italian f., Spanish f., Portuguese f.) fifth (musical interval), quinte (French), Quinte (German)
(Italian f.) fifth class, fifth form, wings (plural form - theatre), flies (plural form - theatre)
Quinta aumentada(Spanish f.) an interval of an augmented fifth
Quintabschluss(German m.) a semi-cadence, a close on the dominant
Quinta decima(Italian f., literally 'a fifth above the tenth') an interval of a fifteenth
Quinta del lupo(Italian f.) wolf fifth
Quintadenain the organ, a flute stop voiced to sound its third partial prominently
(Latin) synonymous with Quintatön
Quinta dicesimaquindicesima
Quinta disminuída(Spanish f.) an interval of a diminished fifth
Quintaedunain the organ, a flute stop voiced to sound its third partial prominently
Quintaesencia(Spanish f.) quintessence
quintage(French) overblowing
Quinta falsa(Latin) an interval of a false or diminished fifth
Quinta justa(Spanish f.) an interval of a perfect fifth, quinte juste (French)
Quintal(English, Spanish m.) hundred kilograms (100 kg)
Quintal (s.), Quintaux (pl.)(French m.) quintal (100 kg)
Quintal chordschords built of the interval of a fifth; the fifth does not have to be perfect in quality
Quintale(Italian m.) quintal (= 100 kg)
Quintale inglese(Italian m.) hundredweight (= 112 lb.) (abbreviation cwt.)
Quintal harmonyharmony based on the interval of a fifth, rather than thirds or, in quartal harmony, fourths
Quinta modi(Latin, Italian f.) the fifth degree of the scale, the dominant
Quinta vacía(Spanish f.) power chord
Quintaton(French) a manual organ stop of 8 ft. pitch, a stopped diapason of rather small scale that produces a twelfth as well as a fundamental note
the same register is found as a pedal stop at 16 ft. and 32 ft. pitch
Quintatön(German) an organ stop of stopped pipes which sound a twelfth with the fundamental tone
Quinta toni(Latin, Italian f.) the fifth degree of the scale, the dominant
Quint-bassan organ pedal stop
Quintbassfagott(German n.) a larger fagott pitched a fifth below the standard instrument
on the various unusual sizes of Fagott : the Quintfagott is a fifth higher as the bassoon is, so an instrument "in c" with as the lowest note an F. The Quartfagott is, an instrument in b-flat going down to G, a fourth above the bassoon. Confusing can be that also a Quintbassfagott and a Quartbassfagott did exist, a fifth and a fourth lower than the regular bassoon. And then we had the Tenoroon or Octavfagott or Fagottino, one octave above the bassoon, and the Contrafagott one octave below
[information taken from the Contrabass-list 2 Jan 1998 Vol 1 No. 80]
Quinte(German f., French f.) the interval of a fifth, quinta (Italian, Spanish), Quinte (German)
(German, French f.) organ stops of various pitches which sound a fifth (or sometimes a fifth plus an octave) higher than the foundation stops
(German) the E string on a violin
(French f.) the fifth part in a string ensemble, and, by extension, the instrument that would play that part, usually the first viola
(Italian f. pl.) wings (sides of a stage), flies (theatre)
Quintecento(Italian, literally 'five hundred', a shortened form of mille quintecento) the sixteenth century in Italian art and literature
Quinte de viole(French f.) the viola
Quinte de toux(French f.) coughing fit
Quinte diminuée(French f.) diminished fifth, flattened fifth
Quinte di motto retto(Italian f. pl.) consecutive fifths
quinteggiare(Italian) overblowing
Quinte octaviante(French f.) octave quint, the twelfth
Quinte juste(French f.) perfect fifth, quinta justa (Spanish)
Quintenfolgen(German) consecutive fifths
Quintenparallelen(German) parallel fifths
Quintenzirkel(German m.) circle of fifths
quinter(French) to sing in fifths
Quinternaor quintere, an obsolete species of guitar, also called chiterna
it has been suggested that Agricola used the term quinterna for a guitar a century before Praetorius
Quinternesee quinterna
Quinterno(Italian m.) five sheets (paper), quire (24 or 25 sheets), copy-book
Quintes cachées(French f. pl.) hidden fifths
Quintes consécutives(French f. pl.) consecutive fifths
Quintessenza(Italian f.) quintessence
Quintetquintetto (Italian m.), Quintett (German), quintuor (French m.), quintette (French m.), quinteto (Spanish m.)
a work for five independent parts, a body of players who would perform such a work
in jazz, any group of five players, usually containing a drum set (pedal bass, snaredrum sometimes brushed, and top hat and brushed cymbals), string bass or electric bass, and groups of one or two of the following instruments, guitar, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet or trombone
the standard woodwind quintet consists of one player each on flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and French horn
the standard brass quintet has two trumpets, French horn, trombone, and tuba
Quinteto(Spanish m., Portuguese m.) quintet, quintetto (Italian m.), Quintett (German n.), quintette (French), quintuor (French m.)
Quinteto con clarinete(Spanish m.) clarinet quintet, a group made up of one clarinet and four stringed instruments
Quinteto de cuerdas(Spanish m.) string quintet, a group of five stringed instruments
Quinteto de metal(Spanish m.) brass quintet, a group of five brass instruments
Quinteto de piano(Spanish m.) piano quintet, a group of five instruments of which one is a piano
Quinteto de vientos(Italian m.) wind quintet, a group of five wind-instruments
Quintett(German n.) quintet, quintetto (Italian m.), quintette (French m.), quintuor (French m.), quinteto (Spanish m.)
Quintette(French m.) quintet, quintetto (Italian m.), Quintett (German n.), quintuor (French m.), quinteto (Spanish m.)
Quintetto(Italian m.) quintet, Quintett (German n.), quintette (French m.), quintuor (French m.), quinteto (Spanish m.)
seventeenth century(German n.) bassoon sounding a fifth below the standard bassoon, which was also called the Quintbassfagott
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries(German n.) or fagottina, bassoon sounding a fifth above the standard bassoon
on the various unusual sizes of Fagott : the Quintfagott is a fifth higher as the bassoon is, so an instrument "in c" with as the lowest note an F. The Quartfagott is, an instrument in b-flat going down to G, a fourth above the bassoon. Confusing can be that also a Quintbassfagott and a Quartbassfagott did exist, a fifth and a fourth lower than the regular bassoon. And then we had the Tenoroon or Octavfagott or Fagottino, one octave above the bassoon, and the Contrafagott one octave below
[information taken from the Contrabass-list 2 Jan 1998 Vol 1 No. 80]
Quintfuge(German f.) a fugue at the fifth
Quintgedact(German) an organ stop of the stopped diapason species sounding the fifth above
quintieren(German) to sing in parallel fifths, to overblow at the fifth
Quintilla(Spanish f.) five-line stanza
Quintillo(Spanish m.) quintolet
Quintina(Italian f.) quintuplet, quintolet (French), cinquillo (Spanish)
Quintino(Italian m.) fifth part of a litre
Quinti-tubean instrument later called the alto-ophicleide, produced in 1817 by the Paris instrument maker Jean-Hilaire Asté (1775-1840) (also known as Halary)
Quintosmallest and highest pitched lead drum of the three tumbadoras used in the rumba styles. Its role is improvisational - it interacts with the vocals and dancers as well as playing solo features
(Spanish m., Italian m.) fifth
quinto(Spanish, Italian) fifth
quinto (m.), quinta (f.)(Italian) fifth
Quintogenito(Italian m.) fifth child
Quintoier(French) see quinter
Quintoire(French) an obsolete term for the descant
Quintole(German f.) quintuplet
quintolet(French m.) quintuplet, quintina (Italian), cinquillo (Spanish), quintillo (Spanish)
Quintona hybrid instrument in use during the eighteenth century, a cross between the violin and the viol, with the body of a violin, but the sloping shoulders of the viol, and bearing five strings tuned, from lowest to highest, g, d', a', d'', g''
Quintoyer(French) see quinter
Quintparallelen(German pl.) parallel fifths
Quintroon'quadroon', 'octoroon' and, more rarely, 'quintroon' were historically racial categories of hypodescent used in Latin America and parts of the 19th century Southern United States, particularly Louisiana. The terms were also used in Australia to refer to people of mixed Aboriginal and European ancestry. Specifically, a quintroon has one parent who is an octoroon and one white parent
Quintsaite(German f.) treble string (E string) of a violin
Quintsextakkord(German m.) six-five chord (the first inversion of a seventh chord)
Quintuor(French m.) quintet, quintetto (Italian m.), Quintett (German n.), quintette (French m.), quinteto (Spanish m.)
Quintuplea prefix indicating five elements
quintuple(French) fivefold
Quintuple meteror 'quintuple time', the time signatures 5/4 or 5/8, usually grouped as either (3+2) or (2+3) but occasionally with only a single accent on the first beat of the bar
quintupler(French) to increase five-fold
Quintuple timequintuple meter
five notes played in the time of four (as in the example above) or six, according to the time signature
quintuplice(Italian) five-fold
quintus(Latin) fifth
Quintus(Latin) the fifth voice in a sixteenth-century composition having five or more vocal parts, sometimes a 'descant' or 'countermelody' added above the usual four voices when it is called quinta (pars or vox being understood)
a roving part which might be a second soprano, alto, tenor or bass, hence its alternative name vagans
Quintus decimus(Latin, literally 'a fifth above the tenth') the interval of a fifteenth
(German) an organ stop of 2 2/3 ft. pitch
Quinzaine(French f.) fortnight
Quinze(French m.) fifteen
quinze(Catalan, French) fifteen
Quinze jours(French m.) fortnight, two weeks
Quinzième(French) the interval of a fifteenth
quinzième(French m.) fifteenth
Quiosco(Spanish m.) bandstand (in a park, etc.), kiosk, summerhouse (in garden)
Quiosco de música(Spanish m.) bandstand (in a park, etc.)
qui parle(French) who talks
qui plus est(French) furthermore
Quiproquo(French m.) misunderstanding
Quirechoir, body of singers
that part of a church where the choristers sit
also called a 'gathering' or 'booklet', a bundle of rectangular parchment sheets, folded and stitched to form a section of a book prior to binding. In manuscripts written after 1400, the quires are often systematically labelled in order to help the bookbinder place them in the correct order. They provide important evidence for the history of specific manuscripts. Missing pages cut out of a quire show modern scholars evidence of ancient censorship, and the markings of the quire can show that books have been rebound or taken apart and "recycled" into new books. A full folio (a simple sheet of parchment or paper), folded in half forms 4 writings surfaces. Each surface is called a page. The folded folio is called a bifolio. One of the halves of the folded folio (bifolio) would be a leaf (which has two surfaces, a front and back, or two pages). When these folded folios are joined we have a "gathering" or a quire
QuiribillosColombian bamboo rattle
Quirinale(Italian m.) Quirinal Palace
Quirinal Palaceknown in Italian as the Palazzo del Quirinale or simply the Quirinale, the official residence of the President of the Italian Republic on the Quirinal Hill, the tallest of the seven hills of Rome
Quiristera chorister
Quironimia(Spanish f.) chironomy, cheironomy
quirúrgico(Spanish) surgical
Quis custodiet (ipsos custodes?)(Latin) who will control those who are in authority?
Qui se marie à la hâte se repent à loisir.(French) Marry in haste, repent later.
Qui se ressemble s'assemble(French) Birds of a feather flock together
Qui se sent morveux, qu'il se mouche.(French) If the shoe fits, wear it.
Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête.(French) As you sow, so shall you reap.
Qui s'excuse s'accuse(French) he who makes excuses admits responsibility, a guilty conscience needs no accuser
quisiera hacer una aclaración(Spanish) I'd like to make one thing clear
Qui si ferma a piacimento(Italian) if you wish, stop here
Quisquilianworthless, trivial, consisting of trash and rubbish
Quisquilla(Spanish f.) trifle, shrimp
Quisquille(Italian f. pl.) trifles, idle disputes
quisquilloso(Spanish) irritable, fussy
Quistione(Italian f. pl.) synonymous with questione
Quitamanchas(Spanish m.) stain remover
quitando(Spanish) apart from
Quitanieves(Spanish m.) snow plough
Quitanza(Italian f. pl.) synonymous with quietanza
quitar(Spanish) to remove, to take off, to steal
quitarse(Spanish) to be removed, to take off
quitarse de(Spanish) to stop
quitarse de en medio(Spanish) to get out of the way
Quitasol(Spanish m.) sunshade
QuitiplásVenezuelan percussion instrument made from bamboo. Bamboo tubes of various lengths are struck against the ground crating a unique sound that in Spanish sounds like qui-ti-plá
Qui tollis(Latin) a part of the Gloria
Quittance(French f.) receipt
Quitte(German f.) quince
quitte(French) quits
quitte à faire(French) even if it means doing
quitte envers(French) quits with
quitter(French) to quit, to leave
quittieren(German) to receipt, to sign for, to greet with
quittiren(German, archaic spelling) to receipt, to sign for, to greet with
quitt sein(German) be quits
Quittung(German f.) receipt
qui va là?(French) who goes there? who's there?
Qui va lentement va sûrement.(French) More haste less speed.
Qui veut la fin veut les moyens.(French) The end justifies the means.
quivi(Italian) here, there
qui vicino(Italian) near here, near by
Qui viveas in on the qui vive (Latin: keep a sharp look out, be on the alert)
Qui vivra verra.(French) Time will tell, What will be will be.
qui vous savez(French) you-known-who
quizá(Spanish) perhaps
quizás(Spanish) perhaps
Quod est(Latin) which is
Quodlibet(Latin, literally 'what pleases') a word that has two meanings. In philosophy or theology a quodlibet was an exercise in argument or disputation, a scholastic debate, a term in use between about 1377 and 1868. In music, a quodlibet is a fanciful combination of airs, a fantasia, a medley, a Dutch concert, a potpourri, a collection of different tunes or fragments of composition brought together as a joke
(French m.) gibe
Quod vide (s.), Quae vide (pl.)(Latin) which see, commonly abbreviated q.v. (s.), or qq.v. (pl.)
quoi(French) what, which
Quoi de neuf?(French) What's new?
Quoindressed stone at the corner of a building
quoique(French) though, although
quoi que(French) whatever
quoi que ce soit(French) anything
Quo jure?(Latin) by what right?, by what authority?
Quolibet(French m.) gibe
Quondam(Latin) that was formerly, that used to be, at one time, former, late, deceased
Quoniam tu soluspart of the Gloria
quor.abbreviation of 'quorum'
Quorum(Latin, 'of whom') a term for the minimum number of members that must be present to constitute a valid meeting
Quórum(Spanish) quorum
quot.abbreviation of 'quotation', 'quote'
Quota(Italian f., from the Latin quota (pars), literally ' how great (a part)') instalment, height, odds, part, share, hill (on a map)
quotare(Italian) to quote (a price), to assess (value)
the distinction between quotation and allusion has long been problematic. Four conditions must be met for a quotation:
the pitch pattern corresponds to a preexisting pattern in the musical literature (rhythm does not have to reflect this correspondence)
the composer sets this pattern in relief
it can be documented that the composer was familiar with the work or passage in question
the extramusical context of the composer's work is reflected by that of the quoted work
Quotation musicmusic that parodies another work or works, presenting them in a new style or guise
Quotazione(Italian f.) quotation
Quote(German f.) proportion
Quot homines, tot sententiae(Latin) every man has his own opinion
Quotidianeveryday, commonplace, mundane, ordinary, routine
Quotidiano(Italian m.) daily (paper)
quotidiano(Italian) daily, everyday
Quotidien(French m.) daily (paper)
quotidien (m.), quotidienne (f.)daily, everyday (banal)
quotidiennement(French) daily
Quotingsee 'interpolation'
Quoto(Italian m.) quotient
Quo vadis?(Latin) where are you going?
Quoziente(Italian m.) quotient
Quoziente d'intelligenza(Italian m.) intelligence quotient, IQ
Qupuzsee kopuz
Quyada(French f.) quijada (Spanish), jawbone, vibraslap
(China) a general name for a variety of spoken and sung arts which dates way back in China's long history. Research has shown that there are 400 forms of quyi that are popular in different parts of China. It became a special art form after undergoing a long period of development and evolution from oral literature and songs:
daguaccompanied sung narrative
Suzhou pingtana general term denoting Suzhou pinghua and tanci, namely, storytelling and ballad singing in the Suzhou dialect. Flourishing in Suzhou, it also enjoys great popularity in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces as well as in Shanghai, the biggest metropolis in East China
paiziqusung narrative
pingshuspoken narrative in which performer wore a gown and sat behind a table, with a folded fan and a gavel (serving as a prop to strike the table as a warning to the audience to be quiet or as a means of attracting attention in order to strengthen the effect of the performance, especially at the beginning or during intervals). The performers talk in Putonghua (standard Chinese, based on the Beijing dialect)
quinshucombines singing with speech but without musical accompaniment
xiangshengspoken comic cross-talk, in which the performer must act, without external direction, according to the structure of the story, and the arrangement of the acts, scenery, and setting in order to portray the feeling, tone, and other nuances of the roles
guzicispoken versified storytelling to the accompaniment of a drum
kuaishuhalf sung and half spoken to musical accompaniment
kuaibanshuderived from kuaishu, kuaibanshu is half sung and half spoken to musical accompaniment provided by a pair of bamboo clappers
luoguhuhalf sung and half spoken to musical accompaniment
chunluohalf sung and half spoken to musical accompaniment
danxianBeijing danxian, also known as danxianpaiziqu, is accompanied on a stringed instrument and an octagonal drum. The performer sings and plays the drum to please himself or herself as much as to please others. The small drum is covered with snakeskin, with holes on seven sides. Two brass strips are attached to each hole. When the storyteller shakes the drum, the brass strips resound
daoqingchanting folk tales to the accompaniment of simple percussion instruments
Fengyang huaguflower-drum based sung narrative
bawangpianclapper dancing
cihuaa type of verse with tonal patterns from folk music
gucifrom northern China, storytelling accompanied by a stringed instrument
haolaibaoalso called haolibao, a singing and storytelling form of quyi popular with the Mongolian people, which dates back to the twelfth century. The singers accompany themselves on the sihu, a four-stringed instrument
yabuganfrom Inner Mongolia, one of the forms of Mongolian quyi known as haolaibao, specifically one in which the singer makes musical sounds with the voice, and then produces words to match a tune. Yabugan is divided into solos and duets, and further into narration, satire, and the singing of praises
errenzhuana duet form, also known as bengbeng, it originated in the three provinces of Northeast China - Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongiiang. It involves story telling, singing, and dancing between two performers. Its vocal music is based on that of the northeastern folk songs
dasitana form of quyi popular among the Uygur people in Xinjiang. The chief singer accompanies himself on the rewalu, dutaer, danboer or shadaer (all stringed instruments), while musicians beat the hand drum or stone chimes
QVreferring to the catalogue prepared by Horst Augsbach of music by Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773)
q.v.quod vide (Latin: which see - textual cross reference)
q.v. usually indicates a reference to something elsewhere in the current paper, chapter, book, etc.
cf. would be more appropriate for a reference to a different paper, book, etc.
QWERTYreference to a standard keyboard in English-speaking countries (from the first six of the upper row of keys on a typewriter)
qyabbreviation of 'query'
Qyamanchaor kamancha or kemenche, a 4 stringed spiked fiddle. It is played on the knee with a horse-hair bow which is tightened with the hand while playing. The body of in the shape of a parabola
Qytelia small wooden spoonlike instrument, like the guitar, but with only two strings
