music dictionary : Ao - Aq

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A.O.abbreviation of anno ordinis (Latin: in the year of the order - a calendar used by the Knights Templar which begins at the foundation of their order (1118 A.D.), so that 1118 is subtracted from the Christian Era date)
A/Oabbreviation of 'and others'
AOBabbreviation of 'any other business', 'at or below'
a.o.b.abbreviation of 'any other business', 'at or below'
a obscuras(Spanish) in the dark
AODabbreviation of 'acousto-optic device'
AoEabbreviation of Ausgabe ohne Editionsnummer (German: publication without an edition number)
AOFabbreviation of Afrique Occidentale Française (French: French West Africa)
a oídos sordos(Spanish) on deaf ears
a ojo(Spanish) approximately, roughly (approximately)
a ojo de buen cubero(Spanish) at a rough guess, at a random guess, by a rough estimate
a ojo de cubero(Spanish) by a rough estimate, roughly, by a rough guess
a ojos cegarritas(Spanish) squintingly, askance
a ojos cerrados(Spanish) with blind faith, blindfolded, on faith, on trust, sight unseen, trustingly, with one's eyes closed
a ojos vistas(Spanish) in plain daylight, before one's eyes, clearly, obviously, self-evidently, patently
A-OKabbreviation of 'all (system)s OK' (USA)
ao lado(Portuguese) de côté (French)
Äoline(German f.) Æoline Reed (organ register)
Äolisch(German n.) Æolian, Aeolic (pertaining to Aeolus, the god of the winds)
äolisch(German) Æolian, aeolian
Äolische Inseln(German pl.) Aeolians, Aeolian Islands
äolischer Modus(German m.) Aeolian mode
Äolsharfe(German f.) Æolian harp, wind harp
Äolsklavier(German n.) Æolian piano, aeolian piano
Äolus(German m.) Aeolus (Greek god of the winds)
Äon(German m.) aeon, eon
Äone(German m.) aeon
Aonianpoetical, pertaining to the Muses (a reference to Aonia which was the place where the Muses were said to reside)
a opción de él(Spanish) at his discretion
a opción de ella(Spanish) at her discretion
a opción de ellas(Spanish) at their discretion
a opción de ellos(Spanish) at their discretion
a opción del vendedor(Spanish) at seller's option
a opción nuestra(Spanish) at our option
a opción suya(Spanish) at your discretion, at his option, at her discretion, at her option, at his discretion
a/orabbreviation of 'and/or'
AORabbreviation of 'adult-oriented rock', 'album-oriented rock', 'album-oriented radio'
a orillas de(Spanish) by the side of, at the side of, on the banks of, on the shores of
Aorist(English, German m.) a form of a verb in some languages, such as Classical Greek, that expresses action without indicating its completion or continuation
Aorta(English, German f., Spanish f.) large artery leaving the heart. All blood pumped out of the left ventricle travels through the aorta on its way to other parts of the body
Aortastenose(German f.) aortic stenosis
Aortenklappe(German f.) aortic valve
Aortic stenosisa narrowing of the aortic valve in the heart. This restricts blood flow through the valve. The heart then needs to contract harder to pump blood into the aorta. Mild narrowing may not cause symptoms. More severe narrowing can cause symptoms and may lead to heart failure. Surgery to stretch or replace the valve may be needed
aortisch(German) aortic
a orza(Spanish) into the wind
a oscuras(Spanish) in the dark, darkling
Aostatal(German n.) Valle d'Aosta, Aosta Valley
Aosta Valleyor Valle d'Aosta, an Alpine valley that with its side valleys includes the Italian slopes of Mont Blanc and the Matterhorn
a otra parte(Spanish) elsewhere, someplace else, somewhere else
a otro perro con ese hueso(Spanish) no way! (familiar)
a otro sitio(Spanish) elsewhere
Août(French m.) August
à outrance(French) to the bitter end
in English usage, the phrase à l'outrance, although strictly incorrect in French, is more common
ap.abbreviation of 'apparent', apud (Latin: in the works of, according to)
a.p.abbreviation of 'author's proof'
Ap.abbreviation of 'April', 'apostle'
APAabbreviation for asociación de padres de alumnos (Spanish: Parent-Teacher Association, PTA)
Apa(Tokelau) a biscuit tin used as percussion
Apabhramsaa term from Hindustani classical music, the distortion of language
apabullante(Spanish) resounding, overwhelming, incredible, extraordinary, overpowering
apabullar(Spanish) to crush, to overwhelm, to bewilder, to intimidate (figurative)
apacentar(Spanish) to graze
apacentarse(Spanish) to graze
Apache(English, German m., Spanish m./f.) a warlike tribe of American Indians, a member of that tribe
(French m., German m.) ruffian (in the late nineteenth century, one associated with Paris and other larger French cities), someone who abuses women
Apache (dance)the Apache dance is a fast and violent dance in French vaudeville, supposedly between a Parisian gangster and his girl, associated in popular culture with Parisian street culture in the beginning of twentieth century
Apache (dance move)a Lindy Hop dance move in which the man guides the woman's arm around her back at waist level, taking that hand in his other hand. Typically, the man puts the woman's right hand behind her back, taking her hand in his right hand
Apache fiddlesee 'Navaho violin'
Apachenführer(German m.) Apache leader
Apaches, Lesa group of French musicians, writers and artists which formed around 1900
apachurrar(Spanish - Latin America) to squash (familiar)
Apacibilidad(Spanish f.) gentleness, peacefulness (calm)
apacible(Spanish) gentle (wind), mild (tempered, climate), calm (person, sea), placid (character)
apaciguador(Spanish) pacifying
Apaciguamiento(Spanish m.) appeasement
apaciguar(Spanish) to pacify, to calm, to calm ... down (someone), to relieve, to appease
apaciguar los ánimos(Spanish) to calm everyone down
apaciguarse(Spanish) to calm down, to become calm, to abate (storm), to die down (storm, wind)
Apadrinamiento(Spanish m.) sponsorship
apadrinar(Spanish) to sponsor, to be patron to, to be best man for, to be godfather to, to be godparent to, to be best man for, to support, to sponsor (project, person), to back (person, project), to launch (ship), to christen (ship), to act as padrino at (wedding)
apagadizo(Spanish) slow to burn
apagado (m.), apagada (f.)(Spanish) extinguished, dull (colour), off (electricity), out (cigarette, light), lifeless, sad, expressionless, spiritless, subdued, muffled (sound), mutted (colours), extinct (volcano)
la luz está apagada (Spanish: the light is (switched) off)
la televisión está apagada (Spanish: the TV is (switched) off)
el horno está apagado (Spanish: the oven is switched off)
the use of either hand to mute or cut short the sound of a guitar, a technique also referred to as parado (Spanish: stopped)
apagar(Spanish) to put out (fire), to turn off (light), to switch off (equipment), to quench (thirst), to blow out (candle), to muffle (sound), to soften (colour)
a pagar(Spanish) payable, outstanding
a pagar por cuotas(Spanish) in installments, on the installment plan
apagarse(Spanish) to go out (fire), to go out (light), to die way (sound), to pass away (figurative)
a página entera(Spanish) full-page, full spread
Apagón(Spanish m.) blackout, power cut
apaisado (m.), apaisada (f.)(Spanish) broadside, landscape (format of book), oblong
apaisé(French) calmed
Apaisement(French m.) appeasement, soothing
Apaisements(French m. pl.) reassurances
apaiser(French) to calm down, to soothe, to appease
apaisé(French) calmed, more peacefully
Apala(Nigeria) a style of talking drum percussion from the Ijebu region of Yorubaland in Nigeria, Apala music reached its peak of popularity in the 1960s
apalabrar(Spanish) to make a verbal agreement on, to engage
apalabrarse(Spanish) to come to a verbal agreement
a palabras necias oídos sordos(Spanish) turn a deaf ear to foolish words, dumb words usually fall on deaf ears, never listen to unwise advice, take no notice of the stupid things people say
Apalancamiento(Spanish m.) leverage
apalancar(Spanish) to lever up, to lever open, to jack up (car), to force open, to raise with a lever
apalancarse(Spanish) to settle (in) (familiar)
Apaleamiento(Spanish m.) beating, beat, be rolling in (money) (figurative)
apalear(Spanish) to winnow (grain), to beat, to thrash (beat), to beat the branches of (tree), to shovel, to be rolled in (figurative)
a palo seco(Spanish) without ceremony
(Spanish) (in music) an otherwise unaccompanied singing style that uses only the rhythmic beating of an upright stick on the ground as its accompaniment
apañado (m.), apañada (f.)(Spanish) handy, ingenious
Apanage(English, German f.) or, in English, appanage, any customary and rightful perquisite appropriate to your station in life
apañar(Spanish) to fix (colloquial), to rig, , to mend, to grasp, to take hold of, to cover up for (Latin America)
apañarse(Spanish) to get along, to manage
a pan de quince días hambre de tres semanas(Spanish) beggars can't be choosers
Apaño(Spanish m.) mend, repair
apantallado(Spanish - Mexico) stupid
apantallar(Spanish) to impress (Mexico), to fan (Argentina, Uruguay)
a pan y agua(Spanish) on bread and water
apapachar(Spanish) to cuddle (Cuba, Mexico), to stroke, to caress
Apapacho(Spanish m.) cuddle (Cuba, Mexico), caress
a papuchi(Spanish) on piggyback
Aparador(Spanish m.) sideboard, shop window
Aparato (s.), Aparatos (pl.)(Spanish m.) apparatus, machine, telephone, (TV) set, receiver (radio), device, instrument, aircraft, show, display, pomp, braces (plural form: for correcting teeth)
los aparatos (Spanish the apparatus, the equipment - in a gymnasium)
Aparato auditivo(Spanish m.) hearing aid
Aparato circulatorio(Spanish m.) circulatory system
Aparato del partido(Spanish m.) party machine (politics)
Aparato de radio(Spanish m.) radio set
Aparato de televisión(Spanish m.) television set
Aparato digestivo(Spanish m.) digestive system
Aparato ortopédico(Spanish m.) surgical appliance
Aparato reproductor(Spanish m.) reproductive system
Aparato respiratorio(Spanish m.) respiratory system
aparatosamente(Spanish) ostentatiously, spectacularly
Aparatos eléctricos(Spanish electrical appliances
Aparatosidad(Spanish f.) ostentation
aparatoso (m.), aparatosa (f.)(Spanish) ostentatious, showy (pompous), spectacular, bulky (voluminous), flamboyant (gesture, hat), dramatic
Aparcamiento(Spanish m.) parking, car park, parking lot (US)
Aparcamiento disuasorio(Spanish m.) overflow parking
aparcar(Spanish) to park
aparcar en doble fila(Spanish) to double-park
Apareamiento(Spanish m.) pairing off, mating
aparear(Spanish) to pair off, to mate, to match, to pair up
aparearse(Spanish) to match, to mate
aparecer(Spanish) to appear (person, symptom, mark, stain, spot), to come out (as when a magazine appears), to turn up (to appear after a period), to show up (colloquial), to appear (on television)
su nombre aparece en los títulos de crédito (Spanish: his name is on the credits)
mi nombre aparece en la lista (Spanish: my name appears on the list)
el pasaporte apareció un mes más tarde (Spanish: the passport turned up a week later)
aparecerse(Spanish) to appear, to turn up
aparecerse a ...(Spanish) to appear to ... (somebody: apparition, vision)
apareció con su hija(Spanish) he turned up with his daughter
aparejado (m.), aparejada (f.)(Spanish) ready, fitting
Aparejador (m.), Aparejadora (f.)(Spanish) quantity surveyor, foreman builder (US)
aparejar(Spanish) to saddle (horse), to harness (to a carriage, etc.)
Aparejo(Spanish m.) preparation, equipment, tack (for a horse), tackle (fishing), block and tackle (pulley)
aparenta 20 años(Spanish) she looks like she's 20
aparentar(Spanish) to feign, to look, to show off, to look impressive, to affect (feign, fake, imitate with the voice, pretend)
aparente(Spanish) apparent, obvious, seemed like, suitable (familiar)
a pares(Spanish) in pairs, in twos
Aparición(Spanish f.) appearance, apparition (vision of something supernatural)
Apariencia (s.), Apariencias (pl.)(Spanish f.) appearance, show (figurative)
un hombre de apariencia fuerte (Spanish: a strong-looking man)
las apariencias engañan (Spanish: appearances can be deceptive)
'aparima(Tahiti) a dance from Tahiti, usually danced by a group, that may be considered comparable with the Hawaiian hula or Tongan tau'olunga
apart(German) striking, strikingly, apart
apart.abbreviation of 'apartment'
¡aparta!(Spanish) move out of the way!
Apartadero(Spanish m.) lay-by, (rail) siding
Apartado(Spanish m.) section (of a piece of text), paragraph
apartado (m.), apartada (f.)(Spanish) separated, isolated, remote
se mantuvo apartado de la vida pública (Spanish: he stayed out of public life)
vive apartado de la familia (Spanish: he has little to do with his family)
Apartado de correos(Spanish m.) post-office box, PO box (used in postal addresses)
Apartado postal(Spanish m.) post-office box, PO box (used in postal addresses)
Apartamento(Spanish m.) flat, apartment (US)
Apartamento con cocina amueblada(Spanish m.) apartment with a fitted kitchen
Apartamento con servicio(Spanish m.) serviced apartment
Apartamiento(Spanish m.) separation, flat (apartment), apartment, seclusion
apartar(Spanish) to separate, to remove, to put aside
sus amigos lo apartaron del buen camino (Spanish: his friends led him astray)
apartar la vista(Spanish) to look away, to avert one's gaze
apartarse(Spanish) to leave, to abandon, to get out of the way, to move over, to move away, to stand aside, to cut oneself off
no se aparta de su lado (Spanish: he never leaves her side)
se apartó de su familia (Spanish: she drifted away from her family)
nos estamos apartando del tema (Spanish: we're getting off the subject)
no nos apartemos del tema (Spanish: don't go off the point)
apártate de ahí(Spanish) get away from there, come away from there
¡apártate de mi vista!(Spanish) get out of my sight!
aparta un poco de comida para él(Spanish) put a bit of food aside for him
Aparte(Italian m., Spanish m.) private exchange, aside, stage whisper
(Spanish m.) new paragraph
(German n.) stage whisper, aside
aparte(Spanish) apart, to one side (apart), on one side (apart), aside, as well, separate (for example capítulo aparte: separate chapter), separately, besides, anyway, special, separated
es un caso aparte (Spanish: he's a special case)
aparte de(Spanish) apart from, as well as
no tiene a nadie aparte de mí (Spanish: he has no one apart from me)
aparte de eso me encuentro bien(Spanish) apart from that I'm all right
aparte de esto(Spanish) aside from this, apart from this
aparte de hacerlos, los diseña(Spanish) as well as making them, she designs them
a parte equale(Italian) in two equal parts (e.g. two violins, two oboes, etc.)
aparter(German) more striking
a partes(Spanish) in parts
a partes iguales(Spanish) in equal shares, equally, fifty-fifty
aparteste(German) most striking
Apartheid(English, German f., from Afrikaans) the system of racial separation, particularly that between Europeans and non-Europeans, practised by the Government of South Afrian
Apartheidpolitik(German f.) apartheid policy
a partir de(Spanish) from, as from, as of, beginning with, starting from
à partir de(French) since
a partir de ahora(Spanish) from now on, from this moment on, from this time on, hereafter, hereinafter
a partir de ayer(Spanish) reckoning from yesterday
a partir de entonces(Spanish) from then on, thenceforth, thenceforward, thenceforwards
a partir de esa vez(Spanish) from that time on, from there on, ever since, since then, thenceforth, thenceforward
a partir de ese día(Spanish) from that day on, from that day
a partir de esta fecha(Spanish) starting today, from today, from and after this date
a partir de este momento(Spanish) from this time on, hereinafter
a partir de hoy(Spanish) as from today
a partir de mañana(Spanish) as from tomorrow
Apartment(English, German n.) or, in English, flat, a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house
Apartmenthaus(German n.) apartment house, block of flats
apartó los ojos(Spanish) he averted his eyes
Apasionado (m.), Apasionada (f.)(Spanish) lover (enthusiast), enthusiast
es un apasionado de la salsa (Spanish: he is very fond of salsa)
apasionado (m.), apasionada (f.)(Spanish) passionate, fervent, enthusiastic, biased (partial) (also biassed), impassioned
apasionado por la música(Spanish) very fond of music
Apasionamiento(Spanish m.) passion, enthusiasm
apasionante(Spanish) exciting, thrilling, enthralling, fascinating
apasionar(Spanish) to excite, to thrill, to fascinate, to enthrall
le apasiona la música (Spanish: she has a passion for music)
le apasiona el jazz (Spanish: he is mad about jazz)
le apasionan los libros (Spanish: he is mad about books)
no es un tema que me apasione (Spanish: the subject doesn't exactly fascinate me)
apasionarse(Spanish) to get excited, to beocme enthralled, to become enthusiastic, to be mad (excited), to become biased (become partial) (also biassed), to fall head over heels in love
se apasionó por ese trabajo (Spanish: she go really involved in that job)
apasionarse de(Spanish) to get excited about, to be made about, to become enthusastic about, to fall head over heels in love with
apasionarse por(Spanish) to get excited about, to be mad about, to become enthusastic about, to fall head over heels in love with
a paso acelerado(Spanish) at a brisk pace, at a rapid pace, fast, apace
a paso de buey(Spanish) at a snail's pace, very slowly
a paso de carga(Spanish) rashly, precipitately
a paso de maniobra(Spanish) at ease
a paso de tortuga(Spanish) at a snail's pace
a paso largo(Spanish) rapidly, quickly
a paso lento(Spanish) in a slow pace, at a crawl, at a slow pace, slow-pace
a paso lento pero seguro(Spanish) slowly but surely
a paso ligero(Spanish) at a quick pace, double quick
a paso llano(Spanish) smoothly
a paso rápido(Spanish) at a quick pace, at a rapid pace
a pasos agigantados(Spanish) by leaps and bounds
a pasos contados(Spanish) with measured steps
a paso tirado(Spanish) quickly, rapidly
a pasto(Spanish) in abundance, to excess, galore
a pata(Spanish) on foot (familiar and humorous)
a pata llana(Spanish) unaffectedly, plainly, simply
a pata pelada(Spanish) barefoot
Apate(German f.) Ate (goddess of criminal rashness and its punishment)
Apathiathe Stoic ideal of calmness in all circumstance an insensibility to pain, and absence of all exaltation at, pleasure or good fortune
Apathie(French f., German f.) apathy, emotionlessness, languor
Apathie Gottes(German f.) emotionlessness of God
apathique(French) apathetic
apathisch(German) apathetic, listless, apathetically, listlessly
Apatia(Italian f.) apathy
Apatía(Spanish f.) apathy
apatico(Italian) apathetic
Apático (m.), Apática (f.)(Spanish) apathetic person
apático (m.), apática (f.)(Spanish) apathetic
a patín(Spanish) by foot, on foot
Apátrida(Spanish m./f.) stateless person, unpatriotic person (South America)
apátrida(Spanish) stateless
Apatride(French m./f.) stateless person
a pausas(Spanish) at intervals
APCMabbreviation of anno post Christum natum (Latin: in the year after the birth of Christ)
apdabbreviation of 'approved'
apdo.abbreviation of apartado de correos (Spanish: PO Box)
Apeas in 'to ape' meaning to copy or to imitate
Apeadero(Spanish m.) (railway) halt
apear(Spanish) to fell (a tree), to dissuade, to overcome, to sort out (problem), to depose, to bring down, to knock down
apearse(Spanish) to get off (a vehicle), to alight, to get out
se apeó en Santiago (Spanish: he got off in Santiago)
apearse de ...(Spanish) to get off ... (something), to alight from ... (something)
a pecho abierto(Spanish) open-heart (surgery), frankly
a pecho descubierto(Spanish) defenseless, unarmed, undefended, sincerely, frankly
apechugar(Spanish) to push (with one's chest), to grin and bear it (familiar), to put up with (colloquial), to shoulder (blame, consequences, responsibilities)
apechugar con(Spanish) to put up with
apechugar con las consecuencias(Spanish) to put up with the consequences, to suffer the consequences, to shoulder the consequences
a pedazos(Spanish) in pieces, in bits
a pedibus usque ad caput(Latin) from feet to head
a pedido de(Spanish) at the request of, upon request of
a pedido del público(Spanish) by public request
a pedimento(Spanish) on request
a pedir de boca(Spanish) just perfect, according to one's wish, exactly as one wants it, to one's satisfaction, hunky-dory
apedrear(Spanish) to stone (to death), to throw stones at
apegado(Spanish) attached, devoted
apegado a(Spanish) attached to, devoted to
apegarse(Spanish) to become devoted, to become attached
apegarse a(Spanish) to become devoted to, to become attached to
Apego(Spanish m.) love, affection (familiar), fondness, importance (affection)
le tengo apego a esta ciudad (Spanish: I'm fond of this city)
les tiene poco apego a las cosas materiales (Spanish: he attaches little importance to material things)
apego a ...(Spanish) attachment to ... (something/somebody)
à peine(French) hardly, barely, scarcely
à peine entendu(French) barely audible
Apelación(Spanish f.) appeal
apelar(Spanish) to resort, to appeal
apelar a(Spanish) to appeal to, to resort to
apelar a ...(Spanish) to appeal to ... (something, somebody)
apelar ante(Spanish) to appeal to
apelar ante el Tribunal Supremo(Spanish) to appeal to the Supreme Court
apelar contra(Spanish) to appeal against
apelar de(Spanish) to appeal against
Apelativo(Spanish m.) name (particulaly, surname), form of address (linguistics)
Apelativo cariñoso(Spanish m.) term of endearment
apellidar(Spanish) to call
apellidarse(Spanish) to be called, to have as a surname
Apellido(Spanish m.) surname, last name, family name
Apellido de casada(Spanish m.) married name
Apellido de soltera(Spanish m.) maiden name
apelmazar(Spanish) to compress
apelmazarse(Spanish) to stick together (rice, pasta), to go lumpy (mattress, cushion, pillow, etc.), to get matted (hair), to become matted (hair)
a pelo(Spanish) bareback
apelo a tu sentido de la responsabilidad(Spanish) I'm appealing to your sense of responsibility
apelotonar(Spanish) to pile up, to put into a pile
apelotonarse(Spanish) to crowd together (various people)
apenar(Spanish) to pain, to sadden, to grieve
apenarse(Spanish) to be grieved, to be saddened, to be upset, to be sorry, to be embarrassed (Latin America)
se sintió apenado por su muerte (Spanish: he was saddened by her death)
se apenó mucho cuando lo supo (Spanish: he was very upset when he learned it, he was very sad when he learned of it)
a penas(Spanish) hardly, barely
apenas(Spanish) hardly, scarcely, as soon as (especially Latin America)
apenas el lunes la podré ir a ver(Spanish) I won't be able to go and see her until Monday (familiar: Mexico, Venezuela)
apenas había llegado cuando ...(Spanish) no sooner had he arrived than ...
apenas podíamos oírlo(Spanish) we could hardly hear him
apenas si(Spanish) hardly (familiar)
apenas va por la página 10(Spanish) he's only on page 10 (familiar: Mexico, Venezuela)
apencar(Spanish) to put up, to bear
apencar con(Spanish) to put up with
a pencazo limpio(Spanish) with one's fists
a pencazos(Spanish) with bare hands, with one's fists
apencó con la culpa a pesar de no haber participado en los hechos(Spanish) she took the blame despite not having taken part in the crime
apendejarse(Spanish - Latin America) to go soft in the head (colloquial)
Apéndice(Spanish m.) appendix (anatomy: English plural 'appendixes'), appendage (figurative), appendix (to a book, document, etc.: English plural 'appendices')
lo operaron del apéndice (Spanish: his appendix was removed)
Apendicitis(Spanish f.) appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix)
a pendón herido(Spanish) with all speed
Apennin (s.), Apenninen (pl.)(German m.) Apennines, Apennine Mountains
Apenninen-Halbinsel(German f.) Apennine Peninsula
Apentema(Ghana) a peg drum with antelope skin
a peón(Spanish) on foot
a peonza(Spanish) on foot
a peor andar(Spanish) at worst, at the worst
a pequeña escala(Spanish) on a small scale
aper(German - Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland) snow-free, snowless
apercevoir(French) to see
Apercibimiento(Spanish m.) warning
apercibir(Spanish) to warn, to notify, to threaten
apercibir de(Spanish) to warn of, to warn about
apercibirse(Spanish) to prepare, to provide oneself, to notice, to detect, to realize
se apercibieron de la falta de agua al poco de llegar (Spanish: soon after they arrived they realized how scarce water was)
apercibirse de(Spanish) to provide oneself with
Aperçu(German n., French m.) general view, general idea, insight, illuminating comment, appreciation, understanding, bon mot (French)
apergaminado (m.), apergaminada (f.)(Spanish) wrinkled (skin), wizened, leathery, parchment-like
Aperiodic soundsound that is periodic has a distinct pitch. An aperiodic sound is one which does not have an exactly-repeating waveform, and so is unable to give the sensation of a particular pitch, for example, most percussion instruments (drums, cymbals, triangle, etc.)
aperiodisch(German) non-periodic, untuned, acyclic, aperiodic
Aperitif(German m.) preprandial drink, pre-dinner drink, aperitive, appetizer
Apéritif(French m.) an alcoholic drink taken before a meal to stimulate the appetite, appetizer
Aperitivo(Spanish m.) aperitif (drink), appetizer (food), snack
nos invitaron a tomar el aperitivo (Spanish: they invited us for drinks before lunch, dinner, etc.)
apern(German - Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland) to thaw (snow)
Apero(German m./n. - Switzerland) aperitif
Apéro(German m./n. - Switzerland) aperitif
Apero (s.), Aperos(Spanish m.) utensil, instrument (tool, etc.), tool, implement, agricultural equipment (plural form)
Aperos de labranza(Spanish farming implements
a perpetuidad(Spanish) to perpetuity, in perpetuity
aperreado (m.), aperreada (f.)(Spanish) wearisome
últimamente ando muy aperreada (Spanish: lately my life has been very difficult)
Aperschnalzen(German n. - Austria) whipcracking
Aperspectivityin his book Ursprung und Gegenwart (published in English as The Ever-Present Origin), the German philosopher Jean Gebser (1905-1973) argued that the development of human culture (particularly the structure of consciousness) involves transitions through a series of stages, called archaic, magical, mythical (time is cyclical/rhythmic and space is enclosed), mental (time is linear, directed or "progressive" and space is the box-like homogeneous space of geometry - a vacuum) and integral. The integral phase was characterised by the overthrow of dualistic thinking, the reincorporation of the mythical and magical along with the rationalism of the Enlightenment, and a move from the perspectivity of the Renaissance (itself arising from the unperspectivity that had come before) to aperspectivity (time is incorporated into space, past, present and future become one undifferentiated whole). Gebser set himself to show that this change manifest itself not only in painting and architecture but also in music and the sciences
apersonarse(Spanish) to appear, to appear in person (Latin America)
apersonarse de ...(Spanish - Colombia) to take charge of ... (something), to take ... in hand (something)
Aperspektivität(German f.) aperspectivity
Aperté(French m.) private exchange, aside, stage whisper
à perte de vue(French) as far as the eye can see
aperto(Italian, literally 'open') clear, distinct, broad style
(Italian) open, without a mute, unstopped
in music for pianoforte, aperto means that the damper pedal should be pressed down
in fourteenth-century music, an alternative ending to a section
the inconclusive ouvert or aperto in the fourteenth- and fifteenth-century vocal forms corresponds to the prima volta or first time bar we use today. In turn, the more conclusive clos or chiuso corresponds to the seconda volta or second-time bar
Apertur(German f.) aperture
Apertura(Italian f.) aperture, opening, hole, beginning, spread, span (of an arch), aperture (photography)
(Spanish f.) opening (including inauguration), beginning, start, aperture (camera), openness, opening-up, liberalization
Aperturblende(German f.) pinhole, aperture diaphragm (camera)
Aperture(small) opening, hole
(in a wind-instrument) apertura (Italian f., Spanish f.), Mundspalt (German m.), Aufschnitt (German m.), lumière (French f.), ouverture (French f.), biseau (French m.)
sound can be generated by the flow of an air jet across an aperture (in a transverse flute) or by air passing between the small gap between the cane reed tip and mouthpiece (in a clarinet) or between two cane reeds (in a bassoon)
in photography, the lens diaphragm opening inside a camera's lens, which regulates the amount of light passing through onto the film or light-sensitive detector during the moment of exposure when the shutter curtain opens. The size of the aperture can be either fixed or adjustable. Aperture size is usually calibrated in f-numbers or f-stops, numbers which are engraved on the lens barrel: for example f/22, f/16, f/11, f/8.0, f/5.6, f/4.0, f/2.8, f/2.0, f/1.8, and so on, each f-number representing a certain quantity of light allowed through the lens
Apertus(Latin, literally 'open') a term applied to organ pipes that are open at the top, to distinguish them from stopped pipes that are closed at the top, also applied to an 'open' canon
apesadumbrar(Spanish) to upset, to sadden
apesadumbrarse(Spanish) to be upset
a pesar de(Spanish) in spite of, despite, despite of, notwithstanding, regardless of
a pesar de él(Spanish) in spite of him, despite him
a pesar de ella(Spanish) in spite of her, despite her
a pesar de ellas(Spanish) in spite of them, despite them
a pesar de ello(Spanish) in spite of that
a pesar de ellos(Spanish) in spite of them, despite them
a pesar de eso(Spanish) in spite of that, for all that, notwithstanding, still, yet, despite that
a pesar de la que(Spanish) in spite of what
a pesar de las que(Spanish) in spite of what
a pesar de lo que(Spanish) in spite of what, despite of what, notwithstanding what, though what
a pesar de los que(Spanish) in spite of what
a pesar del que(Spanish) in spite of what
a pesar del veredicto(Spanish) despite the verdict
a pesar de mí(Spanish) in spite of me, despite me
a pesar de nosotros(Spanish) in spite of us, despite us
a pesar de que(Spanish) in spite of the fact that, although, although even though, despite the fact that, notwithstanding, whether or not
a pesar de ser(Spanish) in spite of being
a pesar de ti(Spanish) in spite of you, despite you
a pesar de todo(Spanish) nevertheless, all the same, at all events, despite everything, for all that, none the less, nonetheless, notwithstanding, regardless of everything, still, the fact remains, then again, there again, yet
a pesar de todo eso(Spanish) regardless of everything, nonetheless
a pesar de todo lo que(Spanish) in spite of everything that, regardless of anything that, regardless of what
a pesar de todos los obstáculos(Spanish) in spite of all obstacles
a pesar de usted(Spanish) in spite of you, despite you
a pesar de vosotros(Spanish) despite you
a pesar mío(Spanish) in spite of me, against my better judgement, against my will, despite me
a pesar nuestro(Spanish) in spite of us, despite us
a pesar que el que(Spanish) though what
a pesar que la que(Spanish) though what
a pesar que las que(Spanish) though what
a pesar que lo que(Spanish) though what, in spite of what
a pesar que los que(Spanish) though what
a pesar suyo(Spanish) in spite of him, despite her, despite him, in spite of her, in spite of you, despite you
a pesar tuyo(Spanish) in spite of you, despite you
a pesar vuestro(Spanish) in spite of you, despite you
a peso de dinero(Spanish) at an exorbitant price
a peso de oro(Spanish) at an exorbitant price
a peso de plata(Spanish) at an exorbitant price
apestado (m.), apestada (f.)(Spanish) infested, crawling (infected), pestilent, pestilential
apestado de turistas(Spanish) crawling with tourists, infested with tourists
apestar(Spanish) to stink out, to pester, to stink, to infect with plague
apestar a ...(Spanish) to stink of ..., to reek of ... (something)
apestoso (m.), apestosa (f.)(Spanish) stinking, annoying
apetecer(Spanish) to long for, to appeal to, to be welcome, to feel like, to fancy (feel like)
apetecible(Spanish) attractive, desirable, tempting, inviting, appetizing, mouthwatering
a petición(Spanish) by request, at request, on demand, on request, to measure, to order, upon request
a petición de(Spanish) at the request of, at request of, at the instance of, by request of, on request of, on the request of, upon request of
a petición de la parte interesada(Spanish) upon request of interested party
a petición general(Spanish) by universal request
Apetito(Spanish m.) appetite, desire (figurative)
no tengo apetito (Spanish: I don't feel hungry, I'm not hungry)
tiene buen apetito (Spanish: he has a good appetite)
esta caminata me ha abierto el apetito (Spanish: this walk has given me an appetite)
siempre tiene apetito (Spanish: he's always hungry)
apetitoso (m.), apetitosa (f.)(Spanish) tempting, delicious, tasty, appetizing, mouthwatering
a petto a petto(Italian) face to face
à-peu-près(French m.) (vague) approximation
à peu près(French) pretty much, down the line, about (approximately), so (approximation)
à peu près le même(French) pretty much the same, about the same
à peu près pareil(French) pretty much the same
apeuré(French) scared
Apex(English, German m.) the highest point, the vertex
Apfel (s.) Äpfel (pl.)(German m.) apple
Apfelausstecher(German m.) apple corer
Apfelbaum (s.), Apfelbäume (pl.)(German m.) apple tree
Apfelbeere (s.), Apfelbeeren (pl.)(German f.) chokeberry
Apfelblüte(German f.) apple blossom
Apfelbranntwein(German m.) apple brandy
Äpfelchen (s.), Äpfelchen (pl.)(German n.) little apple
Apfelessig(German m.) cider vinegar
apfelförmig(German) apple-shaped
Apfelgarten(German m.) apple orchard
Apfelgrün(German n.) apple green
apfelgrün(German) apple-green
Apfelkelterei(German f.) apple-juice factory
Apfelkern(German m.) apple seed, apple core, apple pip
Apfelkompott(German n.) stewed apple, stewed apples
Apfelkorn(German m.) apple schnapps, apple liqueur
Apfelkraut(German n.) syrup made from apples
Apfelkuchen(German m.) apple tart, apple pie
Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen(German) to compare the incomparable, to compare apples and oranges, to compare apples to oranges
Apfelmost(German m.) cider
Apfelmus(German n.) applesauce, apple puree, apple sauce
Apfelpfannkuchen(German m.) apple pancake
Äpfel pflücken(German) to pluck apples, to pick apples
Apfelpflücker(German m.) apple picker
Apfelpresse(German f.) cider press
Apfelpüree(German n.) apple puree, apple sauce
Apfelregal(German, literally 'apple-register') reed stop in an organ, usually of 4 ft. pitch but sometimes of 8 ft. pitch, so named because the body of the pipe has at its top a round hollow 'swelling' with a number of small holes to let out the wind
Apfelrose(German f.) eglantine rose (Rosa rubiginosa), sweet briar (Rosa rubiginosa)
Apfelrotkohl(German m.) red cabbage with apples
Apfelsaft(German m.) cider, apple juice
Apfelsaftschorle(German f./n.) or Apfelschorle (German f.), apple spritzer, beverage made from diluting apple juice with carbonated water
Apfelschimmel(German m.) dappled horse, dappled-grey horse, dapple grey (horse)
Apfelschnaps(German m.) applejack
Apfelschorle(German f.) or Apfelsaftschorle (German f./n.), apple spritzer, beverage made from diluting apple juice with carbonated water
Apfelsine(German f.) orange
Apfelsinenhaut(German f.) orange peel (defective paintwork)
Apfelsinenschale(German f.) orange peel
Apfelsinenschaleneffekt(German m.) orange-peel effect (defect in paintwork)
Äpfel stehlen(German) to scrump for apples (colloquial)
Apfelstrudel(German, particularly Southern German where Strudel means 'flaky pastry') a sweetmeat made of cooked apple and flaky pastry
Äpfel tragen(German) to bear apples
Äpfelung(German f.) dapples (horses), dappling (horses)
Apfelwein(German m.) apple wine, cider
Apfelweinessig(German m.) apple cider vinegar
Apfelwein in Flaschen(German m.) bottled cider
aph.abbreviation of 'aphorism'
Aphaearesis (s.), Aphaeareses (pl.)or apheresis, rhetorically deleting a syllable (unaccented or accented) from the beginning of a word to create a new term or phrasing
Aphakiaabsence of the lens, usually after cataract extraction
Aphakie(German f.) aphakia
Aphärese(German f.) aphaeresis
Aphäresis(German f.) aphaeresis
Aphasia(from the Greek aphatos, speechless) loss of verbal understanding or expression (usually owing to brain damage)
Aphasie(German f.) aphasia (medicine)
Aphel(German n.) aphelion
Aphelionthe position in a heliocentric orbit at which the orbiting object is at its greatest distance from the Sun
Apherese(German f.) apheresis
Apheresissee aphaearesis
Aphereticadjectival form of aphaearesis
Aphesislinguistically, the omission of an unaccented syllable from the front of a word
aphone(French) voiceless
Aphoniaan inability to speak
Aphonie(French) aphonia, want of voice
(German f.) aphonia, aphony
Aphonyinability to speak, to lose one's voice
Aphorisma tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion, an adage
Aphorismus(German m.) aphorism
Aphorist(German) one given to aphoristic remarks
Aphoristiker (m.), Aphoristikerin (f.)(German) aphorist
aphoristisch(German) aphoristically, aphoristic
Aphoticpertaining to depths of the ocean below which no light penetrates
aphotisch(German) aphotic
Aphrodisiakum (s.), Aphrodisiaka (pl.)(German n.) aphrodisiac, aphrodisiac (agent)
aphrodisisch(German) aphrodisiac, Aphrodisian (pertaining to the Greek goddess Aphrodite)
Aphrodite(English, German f.) goddess of love and beauty and daughter of Zeus in ancient mythology (identified with the Roman goddess Venus)
Aphthathrush (the disease)
Aphthe(German f.) aphtha
Aphte(French m.) mouth ulcer
Aphthenseuche(German f.) foot-and-mouth disease
API abbreviation of Alphabet phonétique international (French: IPA - International Phonetic Alphabet)
a piacere(Italian) a bene placito (Italian), as you want, as you wish, ad libitum (Latin) (for example, whether or not to introduce a cadenza into a work, whether or not to follow strictly a particular rhythm), nach Belieben (German), frei im Vortrag (German)
a piacimento(Italian) as you want, as you wish, at pleasure, ad libitum (Latin) (for example, whether or not to introduce a cadenza into a work), nach Belieben (German), frei im Vortrag (German)
apiadarse(Spanish) to feel sorry, to take pity
apiadarse de ...(Spanish) to feel sorry for ... (someone), to take pity on ... (someone)
Apiario(Spanish - Latin America) apiary
Apiarycolonies, hives, and other equipment assembled in one location for beekeeping operations
Apiarium(German n.) apiary
à pic(French) sheer (very steep), (flow or run) straight to the bottom, (to arrive) just in time
Apicalsituated at the tip
of, relating to, or articulated with the tip of the tongue, as (t)
a pica seca(Spanish) by very hard and profitless work
Apice(Italian m.) apex
Ápice(Spanish m.) apex, tip, bit, shred
ese comentario no tiene ni un ápice de gracia (Spanish: that comment isn't a bit funny)
ápice(Spanish) anything
(Spanish) (in a negative phrase) nothing
a pico de jarro(Spanish) to excess
Apicultor(Spanish m.) bee-keeper
Apicultura(Spanish f.) bee-keeping, apiculture
a pie(Spanish) on foot, afoot, by foot, by shank's mare, by shank's pony
à pied(French) on foot
a pie de buque(Spanish) alongside the vessel
a pie enjuto(Spanish) dry-shod, running no risks, without risk
a pie firme(Spanish) with sure step, steadfastly, without moving, standing fast
a pie juntillas(Spanish) to the letter
a pie llano(Spanish) easily, without obstacles
a piena orchestra(Italian) for a full orchestra
a pie pelado(Spanish) in one's bare feet, barefoot
a pierna suelta(Spanish) without care
Apikal(German m.) tip (the end of on object)
apikal(German) apical
apilar(Spanish) to pile up, to put .. into a pile, to put into a pile
apilarse(Spanish) to pile up, to heap up
apiñar(Spanish) to pack in
apiñarse(Spanish) to crowd together, to be tightly packed, to be packed tight
a pincel(Spanish) on foot, by foot
Apio(Spanish m.) celery
apiolarse(Spanish) to wise up (colloquial, familiar, parts of Latin America)
a pique(Spanish) apeak
a pique de(Spanish) in danger of, in peril of
Apis(English, German m.) a sacred bull of the ancient Egyptians, acting as an intermediary between Ptah and humans
a pisón(Spanish) by ramming, by tamping
Apisonadora(Spanish f.) steamroller, roadroller
apisonar(Spanish) to roll, to steamroll, to tamp, to roll flat, to pack down (tamp)
Apisstier(German m.) Apis
a pistos(Spanish) in little amounts, sparingly
Apitherapythe medical use of honey bee products, which can include the use of honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom
Apitoa very loud whistle, usually of the 'pea' type. The modern-day apito has developed into a whistle capable of giving three notes. It has three distinct, complementary tones that are achieved by placing fingers over the side chamber holes in various combinations
apitoyer(French) to move (to pity)
Apitoiement(French m.) pity
Apizes(German pl.) apices (plural of apex)
ap. J-Cabbreviation of après Jésus-Christ (French: after Jesus Christ, AD)
Aplabbreviation of 'April'
aplacar(Spanish) to placate, to soothe, to calm, to quench (thirst), to assuage (calm, sooth, appease), to satisfy (hunger), to appease (hunger), to relieve (sadness)
supo aplacar los ánimos (Spanish: she was able to calm people down)
aplacarse(Spanish) to calm down
a placer(Spanish) at leisure
à plaisir(French) at pleasure, as required, ad libitum (Latin), a piacere (Italian), a piacimento (Italian), nach Belieben (German), frei im Vortrag (German), a placer (Spanish)
aplanadora(Spanish f. - Latin America) road roller, steamroller
Aplanamiento(Spanish m.) levelling, flattening, discouragement, dismay
aplanar(Spanish) to smooth, to level, to flatten, to roll (with a steamroller)
aplanarse(Spanish) to become smooth, to lose heart (person)
Aplanat(German m./n.) aplanatic lens
Aplanaticfree from, or corrected for, spherical aberration and chromatic aberration
aplanatisch(German) aplanatic
a plana y renglónline for line, just right
aplanir(French) to level, to smooth out
Aplasiathe complete or partial failure of any organ or tissue to grow
Aplasie(German f.) aplasia
aplastante(Spanish) overwhelming (advantage, victory), crushing (victory, blow), devastating (argument)
aplastar(Spanish) to crush, to squash (flatten), to flatten, to mash (make into a puré), to quash (revolt, rebellion), to overwhelm (rival), to devastate (morally)
aplastarse(Spanish) to flatten oneself
Aplastic anaemiaa rare disease in which the bone marrow is unable to produce adequate blood cells
aplastische Anämie(German f.) aplastic anaemia
à plat(French) flat (battery, tyre)
aplatanado (m.), aplatanada (f.)(Spanish) apathetic
aplatanarse(Spanish) to become lethargic
aplatir(French) to flatten (out)
à plat ventre(French) flat on one's face
aplaudir(Spanish) to clap, to applaud (also figurative)
Aplauso(Spanish m.) applause, praise (also figurative)
un aplauso para ... (Spanish: a round of applause for ...)
Aplausos(Portuguese) applause
Aplazamiento(Spanish m.) postponement, adjournment, deferment (payment)
aplazar(Spanish) to postpone, to put off, to adjourn, to fail (Latin America: student), to defer (payment)
Aplazo(Spanish - Latin America) fail (student)
a plazo(Spanish) in installments, on credit, on hire-purchase
a plazo fijo(Spanish) at a fixed term, fixed-term
a plazo intermedio(Spanish) intermediate term
a plazos(Spanish) in instalments, on credit, on the cuff, on the never-never
aplebeyarse(Spanish) to lower oneself
à plein(French) to the full
à pleine voix(French) with full voice, a voce piena (Italian), mit voller Stimme (German)
à plein jeu(French) with full organ, mit voller Orgel (German)
à plein son(French) with a full sound, mit voller Lautstärke (German)
à plein temps(French) full-time
a plena conciencia(Spanish) deliberately
a plena luz in broad daylight
a plena luz del día(Spanish) in broad daylight, in plain daylight
a plena luz del sol(Spanish) in broad daylight, in plain daylight
a plena producción(Spanish) at full production
a pleno día(Spanish) in broad daylight, in plain daylight
a pleno pulmón(Spanish) deeply (breathing)
a pleno rendimiento(Spanish) at full production, at full strength, in full production, up to full strength
a pleno sol(Spanish) right out in the sun, at high noon, in full sunshine, in the full sun
aplicable(Spanish) applicable
Aplicación(Spanish f.) application (cream, varnish, paint, method, use), application (Colombia, Venezuela: request), coat, imposition (sanction), implementation (plan)
aplicado (m.), aplicada (f.)(Spanish) diligent (person), hard-working, applied (as in applied science, etc.)
aplicar(Spanish) to apply, to impose, to allow, to put into practice, to attach
aplicar a una beca(Spanish) to apply for a scholarship
aplicar a un puesto(Spanish) to apply for a job
aplicarse(Spanish) to apply oneself, to work hard, to apply (law, regulation, code, etc.), to be applicable (law, regulation, rule, etc.)
Aplique(Spanish m.) or apliqué (Spanish m.), wall light, overlay, appliqué
Aplomb(English, French m., German m.) balance, self-possession, self-assurance, steadiness, coolness
in music, with a precision in time and touch
à plomba line raised à plomb is perpendicular to the horizontal, while the sun shining à plomb lies directly overhead
(French) in music, 'firm', 'strictness of or exactness as to time'
aplomado(Spanish) self-confident, vertical
Aplomo(Spanish m.) (self-)confidence, aplomb, composure, verticality
a plomo(Spanish) plumb (true), true, straight down, vertically
a pluma(Spanish) pen-and-ink
a pluralidad de votos(Spanish) by a majority of votes
à plusieurs voix(French) for several voices, di piu voci(/i> (Italian), mehrstimmig (German), a varias voces (Spanish)
apmtabbreviation of 'appointment'
Apnea(Italian) want of breath, weakness of lungs
Apnoe(German f.) apnoea
Apnoea(Greek) want of breath, weakness of lungs, temporary cessation of breathing (often while asleep)
apnoisch(German) apneic, apnoeic
Apobaterion(Greek) a Greek parting song
a poca altura(Spanish) low-level
a poca distancia(Spanish) a short way off, within a short distance, within call
a poca distancia de(Spanish) a short distance from, a short distance off, a short way from, a short way off, within an inch of
apocado (m.), apocada (f.)(Spanish) timid, depressed, down (colloquial)
Apocalypseevents leading up to and culminating in the Last Judgement, as described in the Biblical Book of Revelations
Apocalipsis(Spanish f.) apocalypse
apocalíptico(Spanish) apocalyptic
Apocalyptic folka term that predates, but is related to, a genre called 'neofolk'
apocalíptico(Spanish) apocalyptic
Apocalyptismbelief in apocalyptic prophecies, especially regarding the imminent destruction of the world and the foundation of a new world
Apocamiento(Spanish m.) diffidence
apocar(Spanish) to belittle (person)
apocarse(Spanish) to feel small
Apocatastasis(Greek) reconstitution, restitution or restoration to the original or primordial condition
Apochromat(German m/n.) apochromat, apochromatic lens
Apochromatica lens combination in which chromatic aberration is corrected by bringing three colours to the same focus
apochromatisch(German) apochromatic
a poco(Spanish) in a short while, shortly, presently, shortly afterwards
(Spanish) you don't say, no kidding, don't say, really
(Italian) by degrees, gradually
a poco a poco(Italian) by degrees, little by little, gradually (the term is used in connection with a gradual increase or decrease of tone, or of speed), as in nach und nach ein wenig starker (German: gradually louder), allmählich (mit Vortragsbezeichnung) (German)
a poco a poco più animato(Italian) gradually quicker
a poco de (Spanish) shortly after
Apocopated rhyme and meterpoetic use of apocope to create a rhyming word at the end of a line or to balance the number of syllables to stay within metrical restraints, the latter type might be more accurately called apocopated meter rather than apocopated rhyme
Apocopedeleting a final sound, last syllable or one or more letters from the end of a word
Apócope(Spanish m. or f.) apocope, apocopated form
a poco più lento(Italian) a little more slowly
a poco più mosso(Italian) a little quicker
a poco rato(Spanish) shortly afterwards
a pocos lances(Spanish) in a very short time
a pocos pasos(Spanish) at a short distance, nearby, at a stone's throw
(Spanish) without difficulties, easily
apócrifo (m.), apócrifa (f.)(Spanish) unauthentic
Apocrisiarius(Latin) or anglicised to apocrisiary, a high diplomatic representative during Late Antiquity and the early medieval period. The 'purist' Latin term was responsalis (literally, he who answers). The closest modern equivalent is a papal nuncio, but the term apocrisiarius is a title still employed by the Anglican church
Apocrisiarysee apocrisiarius
Apocrypha(Greek apokryphos, literally 'hidden') Jewish or Christian additions to the Old and New Testaments excluded from the Canon, and particularly sections of the Bible which had no original Hebrew text extant when they were translated into Latin from the Greek. These were included in their proper place in the Bible in the Latin Vulgate version, but are relegated to a separate volume in a modern Bible
apocrypha is the plural of apocryphon although the singular form is rarely used. Indeed, it is common for apocrypha to be treated as singular, with apocryphas as the plural form
Apocryphalapplied to a story or anecdote, typical of the character of the protagonists but probably fictitious as to the event or events described
apodar(Spanish) to give a nickname to, to nickname, to call (name)
Apodeictic(Greek, literally 'showing what to prove') necessarily true, or logically certain
Apoderado (m.), Apoderada (f.)(Spanish) representative, agent, manager, proxy
nombrar a ... apoderado (Spanish: to give ... power of attorney)
apoderar(Spanish) to authorise
apoderarse(Spanish) to seize, to take, to take possession
apoderarse de ...(Spanish) to seize ..., to take ..., to take possession of ...
el pánico se apoderó de la ciudad (Spanish: the city was seized by panic)
se apoderó del control de la empresa (Spanish: he took control of the company)
apodiktisch(German) apodeictic, apodictic
apodiktisches Urteil(German n.) apodictic judgement
Apodnipna(Greek) Greek songs, sung after an evening meal
Apodo(Spanish m.) nickname
Apodosisthe clause expressing the consequence in a conditional sentence, often beginning with then, as "then I will" in "If you go, then I will."
Apodyterium(Latin, from the Greek) the dressing-room for those making use of the Greek or Roman baths
apog.abbreviation of 'apogee'
Apogäum(German n.) apogee
Apogeeclimax, peak
Apogée(French m.) apogee
Apogeo(Spanish m.) height (figurative)
estar en pleno apogeo (Spanish: to be at its height, to be at one's height)
Apokalypse (s.), Apokalypsen (pl.)(German f.) apocalypse
Apokalyptik(German f.) apocalypticism
apokalyptisch(German) apocalyptical, apocalyptically, apocalyptic
Apokatastasis(German f.) apocatastasis
Apokope(German f.) apocope
apokopieren(German) to apocopate
Apokrisiar(German m.) apocrisiary, apocrisiarius (Latin)
apokryph(German) apocryphal, spurious
Apokryphen(German pl.) Apocrypha
apokryphisch(German) apocryphal
apokryphische Schriften der Bibel(German pl.) Apocrypha
Apolide(Italian m./f.) stateless person
apolillado (m.), apolillada (f.)(Spanish) moth-eaten (clothes), worm-eaten (timber), antiquated (ideas), outdated (ideas, approach), fusty (ideas)
sus ideas están bastante apolilladas (Spanish: his ideas are quite outdated)
apolillarse(Spanish) to get moth-eaten, to get infested with woodworm
Apoliticalnot interested in or concerned with politics
apolítico (m.), apolítica (f.)(Spanish) non-political, apolitical
apolitisch(German) apolitical, apolitically
Apoll(German m.) Apollo
Apollo(English, German m.) also Apoll (German m.) or Apollon (German m.), in Greek mythology, the son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis. Apollo was the god of music (principally the lyre, and he directed the choir of the Muses) and also of prophecy, colonization, medicine, archery (but not for war or hunting), poetry, dance, intellectual inquiry and the carer of herds and flocks. He was also a god of light, known as Phoebus (radiant or beaming, and he was sometimes identified with Helios the sun god). He was also the god of plague and was worshiped as Smintheus (from sminthos, rat) and as Parnopius (from parnops, grasshopper) and was known as the destroyer of rats and locust, and according to Homer's Iliad, Apollo shot arrows of plague into the Greek camp. Apollo being the god of religious healing would give those guilty of murder and other immoral deeds a ritual purification. His attributes are the bow and arrows, on his head a laurel crown, and the cithara (or lyre) and plectrum. But his most famous attribute is the tripod, the symbol of his prophetic powers
Apollo (instrument)or Apollon, a lute-like instrument invented in 1678 by the French musician Promt. In paintings and other art works the lute is often associated with Apollo, angels, or Orpheus
Apollo Cluboriginally an American male singing organisation, equivalent to the Orphéon in France and the Männergesangverein in Germany, which later expanded to include choruses of mixed voices. A number now call themselves Glee Clubs
Apollo Dancealso known as Apollon Musagète, a ballet created after the mythical Greek God Apollo by Charles La Picq of San Francisco in 1848
see 'Apollon Musagète-Apollo' below
Apollo-lyrean obsolete instrument shaped like a lyre or small harp, 12" high, 6" broad, with 12 keys, which is played with a brass mouth-piece, like a horn, derived from Weinrich's Psalmmelodicon
Apollonsee Apollo (instrument)
see Apollo
Apollonianof or relating to Apollo or his cult
harmonious, measured, ordered or balanced in character
Apollonian lyresee Apollo-lyre
Apollonicona combination of an organ and an orchestrion, with 1,900 pipes, 5 manuals, a Venetian swell, a pedal keyboard and three barrels which was made by the partnership of Flight & Robson (London) between 1812 and 1817 (one source suggests it was not invented until 1828). It was to be played upon simultaneously by six performers
Apolloniona musical instrument inveneted by J.H. Voller
apollonisch(German) Apollonian
Apollon Musagetesee 'Apollo Dance'
Apollon Musagète-Apolloa ballet commissioned in 1927 by Mrs. Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge, for the Ballets Russes who gave its first performance in Paris, at the Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt, on June 12, 1928. The music was composed by Igor Stravinsky, who conducted the first performance, the choreography was by George Balanchine and the original sets and costumes were designed by André Beauchant (new costumes, by Coco Chanel, were used in 1929)
Apollo of PortugalLuis de Camoëns (1524-1580) author of the Lusiads, so called for the beauty of his poetry
Apologet (m.), Apologetin (f.)(German) apologist
Apologeticsthe branch of theology that is concerned with defending or proving the truth of Christian doctrines
Apologetik(German f.) apologetics
apologetisch(German) apologetical, apologetic, apologetically
Apologia(Greek) writing that seeks to defend opinion or conduct, usually of the writer but sometimes of somebody else
Apología(Spanish f.) defence, apologia, apology, a statement of justification
Apologie(French f., German f.) vindicatio, apologia
Apologistsomebody who defends or justifies something, somebody who argues to defend or justify a particular doctrine or ideology
Apologueanother term for a moral fable, particularly a beast fable
apoltronarse(Spanish) to get lazy, to settle oneself, to settle down, to sit tight, to stay put, to be ensconced
Apolytikionin the Orthodox rite, a dismissal hymn
Apongadrums from Madagascar
a poniente(Spanish) westwardly
a popa(Spanish) astern, aft
Apophänie(German f.) apophenia
Apophanticsthe study of the meaning of propositions
Apophantik(German f.) apophantics
Apophasisdenying one's intention to talk or write about a subject, but making the denial in such a way that the subject is actually discussed
apophatisch(German) apophatic, apophatically
Apopheniathe experience of seeing patterns or connections in random or meaningless data
Apophthegma (s.), Apophthegmata (pl.), Apophthegmen (pl.)(German n.) apothegm
Apophthegmata patrum(English, German pl. from Latin) in English 'Sayings of the Fathers', a collection of more than 1,000 brief stories about and sayings by the desert fathers. Some are terse aphorisms, others portray dramatic encounters in which young monks come to their elders, begging: "Abba, give me a word by which I might be saved." This collection, dating from the late fifth or early sixth century, is the best known and most influential work of desert Christian literature and has been preserved in a variety of ancient languages and editions
apophthegmatisch(German) apothegmatical, apothegmatically, apophthegmatic, apothegmatic
apoplecticof or causing a stroke, enraged
Apoplejía(Spanish f.) stroke, apoplexy
Apoplektiker (m.), Apoplektikerin (f.)(German) apoplectic
apoplektisch(German) apoplectically, apoplectical, apoplectic
apoplektischer Insult(German m.) apoplectic insult
Apoplexie (s.), Apoplexien (pl.)(German f.) apoplexy
Apoplexystroke, sudden paralysis caused by blockage or rupture of an artery in the brain
Apoptose(German f.) apoptosis
Apoptosisa normal process in a cell that leads to its death
apoquinar(Spanish) to fork out (familiar)
a poquito(Spanish) little by little
a poquitos(Spanish) bit by bit, in small portions
a por(Spanish) for
a por a y b por b(Spanish) point by point
aporetisch(German) aporetic
a porfía(Spanish) with competition, with rivalry, insistently, doggedly, with stubborn determination
Aporia(Greek, literally 'impassible path') a figure of speech in which the speaker expresses or purports to be in doubt about a question (also termed dubitatio), or deliberately talks about how he or she is unable to talk about something
Aporie (s.), Aporien (pl.)(German f.) aporia, aporiae (plural form), aporias (plural form)
aporrear(Spanish) to hit, to thump, to beat up (a person), to bang on (door), to thump on (door)
a porrillo(Spanish) in abundance, abundantly, galore
Aportación(Spanish f.) contribution, investment (in a company)
aportar(Spanish) to contribute, to invest, to pay contributions (to a social fund, etc.), to reach port (nautical)
a portata di mano(Italian) within reach
Aporte(Spanish m.) contribution (particularly to a social fund - for example, in the UK, National Insurance contribution)
apos.abbreviation of 'apostrophe'
aposentar(Spanish) to put up, to lodge
Aposento(Spanish m.) room, lodgings, chamber
se retiró a su aposento (Spanish: he retired to his room)
Aposiopese(German f.) aposiopesis
Aposiopesis (s.), Aposiopeses (pl.)(Greek) breaking off as if unable to continue, stopping suddenly in the midst of a sentence, or leaving a statement unfinished at a dramatic moment. Sometimes the interruption is an artificial choice the author makes for a dramatic effect
Apósito(Spanish m.) dressing (medical)
a pospelo(Spanish) against the grain, against the natural direction
a posse ad esse(Latin) from possibility to actuality
a posta(Spanish) on purpose, purposely
aposta(Spanish) on purpose, intentionally
apostar(Spanish) to bet, to post (place), to station (place)
te apuesto (a) que gana (Spanish: I bet (you) he wins)
apostar a las carreras(Spanish) to bet on the horses
apostar ... por ...(Spanish) to bet ... on ...
apostarse(Spanish) to station oneself, to bet
se apostarseon una comida (Spanish: they bet a meal on it)
Apostasie(German f.) apostasy
Apostasyabandonment of one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause
Apostat (s.), Apostatin (f.)(German) apostate
Apóstata(Spanish m.) renegade, apostate
Apostateperson abandons their religious faith, a political party, principles, or a cause
Apostel (s./pl.)(German m.) apostle
Apostelamt(German n.) apostleship, apostolate
Aposteldekret(German n.) Apostolic Decree
Apostelgeschichte(German f.) Acts of the Apostles, Acts
Apostelkonzil(German n.) Apostolic Council
Apostellehre(German f.) Didache, Teaching of the Twelve Apostles
Apostellöffel(German m.) apostle spoon
a posteriori(English, Spanish, from Latin, 'from what comes after', 'afterwards') inductive reasoning based on observation, from effect to cause, as opposed to presumptive or deductive reasoning (a priori) which seeks to argue from cause to effect
aposteriorisch(German) a posteriori (Latin)
Apostilalso apostille or postil, a marginal explanatory note, a gloss on a scriptural text (particularly on a gospel text), a method of verification for international documents
Apostill(German m.) apostille, apostil
Apostilla(Spanish f.) note, annotation, apostille
apostillar(Spanish) to add notes to, to annotate, to tag
Apostille(German f.) Apostil
see 'apostil'
Apostlethe word specially applied to the twelve disciples of Christ, those who were sent out to preach the gospel. Two others, Paul and Matthias (who took the place of Judas Iscariot) were added. Since ancient times, the term has been applied also to those sent among non-Christian peoples to preach the gospel - these number many hundreds
Apóstol(Spanish m.) apostle
Apostolado(Spanish m.) (religious) ministry, preaching
Apostolat(German n.) apostolate, apostleship
apostólico (m.), apostólica (f.)(Spanish) apostolic
Apostolicum(German n.) Apostles' Creed
Apostoliker(German pl.) Apostolic Brethren
Apostolikum(German n.) Apostles' Creed
apostolisch(German) apostolical, apostolically, apostolic
apostolische Nachfolge(German f.) apostolic succession
apostolische Sukzession(German f.) apostolic succession
Apostolische Väter(German pl.) Apostolic Fathers
Apostolischer Stuhl(German m.) Holy See, Apostolic See
apostolisches Glaubensbekenntnis(German n.) Apostles' Creed
Apostolizitat(German f.) apostolicity
Apostolo(Italian m.) apostle
Apostrofo(Italian m.) apostrophe, (')
Apóstrofo(Spanish m.) apostrophe, (')
Apostroph (s.), Apostrophe (pl.)(German m.) single quotation mark, apostrophe, inverted comma
Apostrophaalternatively, stropha or strophicus, a neume form, written like the apostrophe of vowel elision, that indicates a lightly, or delicately rendered note. The apostropha is always written in combination with other neumes. The correct interpretation of the apostropha is still a matter of debate
Apostrophe(English French f.) punctuation mark indicated by '
(French f.) sharp address
not to be confused with the punctuation mark, the act of addressing some abstraction or personification that is not physically present
apostropher(French) to address sharply
apostrophieren(German) to apostrophise
apostrophierend(German) apostrophising
apostrophiert(German) apostrophises, apostrophised
Apostrophierung(German f.) apostrophisation
a pote(Spanish) in abundance, galore
apoteósico (m.), apoteósica (f.)(Spanish) enormous, tremendous
Apoteosis(Spanish f.) apotheosis, finale (theatre)
Apothegmterse, witty, instructive saying, a maxim
Apothegmen, Apothegmata(German pl.) apothegms
Apotheke (s.), Apotheken (pl.)(German f.) apothecary (pharmacy), chemist's, (medical) dispensary, pharmacy, drugstore (US), apothecary's shop
Apothekenhelfer (m.), Apothekenhelferin (f.)(German) chemist's assistant
Apotheker (m.), Apothekerin (f.)(German) apothecary (archaic), (dispensing) chemist, druggist (US), pharmacist
Apothekerpreise(German pl., archaic) exorbitant prices
Apotheose(German f.) apotheosis
Apothéose(French f.) apotheosis
Apotheosisa person or an ideal that has been glorified or deified, or a work written in honour of such a person
Apothetos(Greek) a melody for the flute
Apotome(English, German f., from Greek, literally 'off-cut'; plural: apotomai) the Pythagorean chromatic semitone, ratio = 2187/2048, 114 cents, the difference between the 'whole-tone' (ratio = 9/8) and the limma, liemma, Pythagorean or diatonic semitone (ratio = 256/243), 90 cents
Apôtre(French m.) apostle
Apotropaicwarding off or turning away evil. In many cultures, elaborate artwork depicting monsters would be created to have an apotropaic affect
apotropäisch(German) apotropaically, apotropaic
apotropäischer Zauber(German m.) apotropaic magic, defensive magic
Apoyabrazos(Spanish m.) armrest
Apoyacabezas(Spanish m.) headrest
apoyado(Spanish) leaned, emphasised, gestützt (German), appoggiato (Italian), appoggiando (Italian), appuyé (French)
Apoyadura(Spanish f.) appoggiatura
Apoyadura breve(Spanish f.) short appoggiatura, acciaccatura
Apoyadura corta(Spanish f.) short appoggiatura, acciaccatura
Apoyadura doble(Spanish f.) double appoggiatura
Apoyadura larga(Spanish f.) long appoggiatura
apóyalo contra la pared(Spanish) lean it against the wall
Apoyandoto play notes on a guitar using the classical style 'rest stroke'. All picado passages are played apoyando
apoyar(Spanish) to lean, to rest, to base, to support, to back, to bear out (support a theory)
apoyar ... en ...(Spanish) to lean ... against ..., to rest ... against ..., to rest ... on ...
apoyar en(Spanish) to lean against, to rest on, to lean on
apoyarse(Spanish) to lean, to rest
apoyarse en ...(Spanish) to be based on ..., to lean on ...
se apoya en los argumentos de Juan (Spanish: he bases his opinion on Juan's arguments)
apóyate en mí(Spanish) lean on me
Apoyatura(Spanish f.) appoggiatura
Apoyatura breve(Spanish f.) short appoggiatura, acciaccatura
Apoyatura corta(Spanish f.) short appoggiatura, acciaccatura
Apoyatura doble(Spanish f.) double appoggiatura
Apoyatura larga(Spanish f.) long appoggiatura
Apoyo(Spanish m.) support
Apoyo a ...(Spanish m.) support for ... (something)
App.abbreviation of 'Apostles'
app.abbreviation of 'apparatus', 'apparent', 'apparently', 'appended', 'appendix', applied', 'apprentice', approved', approximate', approximately'
appagare(Italian) to satisfy
Appagamento(Italian m.) fulfilment
Appalachen(German pl.) Appalachians, Appalachian Mountains
Appalachian dulcimerthe dulcimer is one of the few old American stringed instruments. It's ancestor, the scheitholt, was found in the late 1700s in Pennsylvania. The Appalachian people changed this instrument and came up with the dulcimer in the 1800s. The word dulcimer means 'sweet song', and that describes it well. The Appalachian dulcimer is shaped like an hourglass, or like a woman, as many say. In those days women playing a stringed instrument were not allowed to stand in front of the men. So, they played the dulcimer, which was played on the lap. Originally the dulcimer was strummed with a quill. It can be played with a pick, bowed, fingerpicked, or with a short piece of dowel called a 'noter'. Different playing styles are used to bring out different sounds. Many chords can also be played on this instrument. Dulcimers are handmade and very beautiful. Most dulcimers have three to five strings, and while tuning modes can vary, usually only the first string is used to play melody, while the other strings provide drone accompaniment and backing chords. The Appalachian dulcimer is named and designated as the official musical instrument of Kentucky (effective: June 21, 2001)
appallottolare(Italian) to roll into a ball
Appalto(Italian m.) contract
Appaltatore(Italian m.) contractor
appannare(Italian) to mist, to dim
appannarsi(Italian) to mist over, to grow dim
appar.abbreviation of 'apparatus', 'apparent', 'apparently'
apparaître(French) to appear
apparaître en personne(French) to appear in person, to make a personal appearance
Apparat, Apparate (German pl.)(French m.) pomp
(German m.) device, camera, (TV) set, telephone, gadget, apparatus, contrivance, instrument, machine, extension (telephone)
(Russian) the Soviet bureaucracy
Apparatchik(Russian) a member of the Soviet bureaucracy
Apparatemedizin(German f.) high-technology medicine
Apparato(Italian m.) apparatus
Apparatschik(German m.) mandarin (civil servant), apparatchik (from Russian) (disapproving)
Apparatur(German f.) apparatus, gadget, gadgetry, equipment
Apparatus (s.), Apparatus (pl.)(Latin) materials and instruments required for a specific purpose
Apparatus criticus (s.), Apparatus critici (pl.)(Latin) materials for the critical study of a document
apparecchiare(Italian) to prepare, to lay the table
Apparecchio(Italian m.) apparatus, device, (TV) set
Appareil(French m.) equipment, apparatus, telephone, appliance (electrical), brace (dentistry)
Appareil acoustique(French m.) hearing-aid
Appareil à jouer le piano(French m.) mechanical piano player, player action, apparecchio per suonare il pianoforte (Italian m.), Pianospielapparat (German m.), Einbauapparat (German m.), aparato para tocar el piano (Spanish m.)
Appareil de radiophonie (French m.) radio set, apparechio de radiofonia (Italian m.), Radioapparat (German m.), aparato de T S H (Spanish m.)
appareiller(French) to match
Appareils générateurs d'effets(French m. pl.) special-effects equipment
Appareil transpositeur(French m.) transposing apparatus, apparecho traspositore (Italian m.), Transponiervorrichtung (German f.), aparito transpositor (Spanish m.)
Apparel(from Old French) ornament, embellishment (a term used for decoration particularly that found on ecclesiastical vestments)
apparemment(French) apparently
Apparence(French f.) appearance
apparent (m.), apparente (f.)(French) apparent, conspicuous
apparente(Italian) apparent, look
apparenté(French) related, similar
Apparenza(Italian f.) appearance
appariscente(Italian) striking
apparire(Italian) to appear, to look
Appariteur(French m.) porter, attendant
Apparition(English, French f.) ghost, visible spirit
Apparition(French f.) appearance
Apparizione(Italian f.) apparition
Appartamento(Italian m.) flat, apartment
appartarsi(Italian) to withdraw
appartato(Italian) secluded
Appartement (s.), Appartements (pl.)(French m.) a suite of rooms, usually more luxurious than a flat
(German n.) flat, flatlet
Appartement d'à côté(French m.) next-door
Appartement de parade(French m.) a suite of elegant reception rooms
Appartement für Hochzeitsreisende(German n.) bridal suite
Appartement meublé(French m.) a furnished flat, particulary one provided by a lover for his mistress
Appartenance(French f.) membership
Appartenance à(French f.) membership of, belonging to
appartenere(Italian) to belong
appartenir(French) to belong
appartenir à(French) to belong to
Appassionamento(Italian) ardour, passion, great emotion, intensity of feeling
appassionare(Italian) to interest (deeply), to move
appassionarsi a(Italian) to become interested in
appassionatamente(Italian) ardently, passionately, with great emotion, with intensity of feeling
Appassionataor Sonata appassionata, the name customarily given to Ludgwig van Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op. 57 in F minor, which was originally entitled Grande Sonate pour Piano (1806)
appassionato (m.), appassionata (f.)(Italian) ardent, impassioned, passionate, passionately, passionné
appassionato di(Italian) passionate about, fond of (music, reading, etc.)
appassire(Italian) to wither
appauvrir(French) impoverished
appdabbreviation of 'approved'
Appear before the footlights, toto appear on stage
Appeau(French m.) bird pipe
Appelation(French f.) designation
Appelationsgericht(German n.) board of appeal
appeler(French) to call, to call for
Appel et réponse(French) call and response
Appell(German m.) roll call, appeal, plea, muster
(German m., literally 'appeal') a bugle or trumpet call, the same as Antreten (German: to fall in)
appell.abbreviation of 'appellative' (the use of the particular to denote the general, for example, of a proper name to denote a type of person)
Appell an(German m.) appeal to
appellare(Italian) to call
Appellation(German f. - Switzerland) appeal
Appellationsgericht(German n. - Switzerland) court of appeal, appellate court (archaic)
Appellativethe use of the particular to denote the general, for example, of a proper name to denote a type of person
appellatorisch(German) appellate, appellatory
appellierend(German) appealing to, appealing
appellierender Blick(German m.) appealing look
appelliert(German) appeals, appealed
appena(Italian) just, hardly, very litte, barely, scarcely, slightly
appena animando(Italian) slightly more animated
appena animato(Italian) slightly more animated
appena meno(Italian) slightly slower
appena sensibile(Italian) hardly audible
appenato(Italian) grieved, afflicted, as if distressed, an expression of suffering and melancholy
Appendektomie(German f.) appendectomy
appendere(Italian) to hang, to hang up
Appendice(Italian f.) appendix, literary page or column in a newspaper or jounal, footnote
Appendicealrelating to the appendix
Appendicista(Italian m.) a writer of literary pages or columns in a newspaper or jounal
Appendicite(French f., Italian f.) appendicitis
Appendicularrelating to arms or legs
Appendix (s.), Appendices (pl.)(English, German m., from Latin) referring to books, etc., a reference section at the end of a book
Appendizitis(German f.) appendicitis
appendizitisch(German) appendiceal
Appennini, gli(Italian) the Appennines
Appentis(French m.) lean-to
Appenzeller (m.), Appenzellerin (f.)(German) inhabitant of Appenzell
Apperail(French) in cooking, a prepared mixture
Appercezione(Italian f.) apperception, mental perception
Apperzeption(German f.) apperception
apperzipieren(German) to apperceive
appesantir(French) to weigh down
appesantire(Italian) to weigh down
appesantirsi(Italian) to become heavy
Appetencevariant of appetency
Appetencya feeling of craving something
Appetenz(German f.) appetency, appetence
Appetit(German m.) appetite
Appétit(French m.) appetite
appetitanregend(German) appetising
appetitanregendes Mittel(German n.) appetiser
Appetitanreger (s./pl.)(German m.) appetiser
Appetit bekommen(German) to get an appetite
Appetit erregen(German) to provoke appetite
Appetit haben(German) to have an appetite
Appetithäppchen(German n.) tapa (Spanish appetiser)
Appetithappen (s./pl.)(German m.) starter (colloquial), appetiser, dainty morsel, canapé, savoury, amuse bouche (also figurative), finger food (plural form)
Appetithemmer(German m.) appetite suppressant
appetitlich(German) dainty, appetising, delicious, appetisingly
appetitliche Nahrung(German f.) appetising food
appetitlicher(German) more delicious
appetitlicher Geruch(German m.) appetising smell
appetitliches Gericht(German n.) appetising dish
appetitliches Mittagessen(German n.) appetising luncheon
appetitlichste(German) most delicious
appetitlos(German) without appetite
Appetitlosigkeit(German f.) lack of appetite, anorexia
Appetit machen auf ...(German) to whet the appetite for ...
Appetitmacher(German m.) appetiser
appetitoso(Italian) tempting
appetitstimulierende Mittel(German pl.) appetite stimulants
Appetit stimulierende Mittel(German pl.) appetite stimulants
Appetitverlust(German m.) loss of appetite
Appetitverminderung(German f.) suppressed appetite
Appetitzügler(German m.) appetite suppressant
Appetizer(German m.) appetiser
appetto a(Italian) a petto a (Italian), opposite, in comparision with
Appezzamento(Italian m.) piece of ground, plot of land
appezzare(Italian) to piece together
Appia, Adolphe (1862-1928)see 'Music and the Art of the Theatre'
appianare(Italian) to level, to smooth, to remove (difficulties, obstacles)
Appianatola(Italian f.) plasterer's smoothing board
appiastrare(Italian) appiastricciare (Italian), to plaster
Appiattamento(Italian m.) flattening, levelling (used figuratively, for example, for salaries)
appiattari(Italian) to flatten, to hide
appiattarsi(Italian) to hide oneself, to crouch down, to cower, to squat
Appiccagnolo(Italian m.) a hook, a pretext (figurative)
appiccare(Italian) to hang (up), to fasten, to begin, to attach
appiccare il fuoco a(Italian) to set fire to
appiccare la ad uno(Italian) to play a trick on someone
appiccare lite(Italian) to bring a law-suit (against)
appiccarsi(Italian) to hang oneself, to attach oneself
(Italian) (of a disease, etc.) to attack, to spread
appiccaticcio(Italian) sticky, importunate (figurative), contagious (figurative)
appicciare(Italian) to kindle, to light, to string together (figurative)
appiccicare(Italian) to paste, to stick on, to palm off (figurative), to write things that do not agree, to deliver
appiccicare a(Italian) to palm off on, to be sticky
appiccicarsi(Italian) to stick together, to adhere
Appiccicaticcio(Italian m.) a patchwork, hotch-potch
appiccicaticcio(Italian) sticky, adhesive, contagious
appiccinire(Italian) to lessen, to belittle
appicciolire(Italian) to reduce in size, to diminish
Appicco(Italian) pretext, attachment
appie (di)(Italian) a pie (di) (Italian), at the foot (of)
appieno(Italian) fully, completely, quite
Appigionamente(Italian m.) letting
appigionare(Italian) to let
appigliarsi a(Italian) to get hold of, to stick to
Appiglio(Italian m.) foothold, pretext (figurative)
appioppare a(Italian) to palm off on, to give
appisolarsi(Italian) to doze off
appl.abbreviation of 'applicable', 'applied'
applanieren(German) to settle differences
applaudendo(Italian) applauding
applaudieren(German) to applaud, to clap one's hands, to acclaim
applaudierend(German) applauding
applaudiert(German) applauds, applauded
applaudir(French) to applaud
applaudire(Italian) to applaud
Applaudissement (s.), Applaudissements (pl.)(French m.) applause
Applaus(German m.) applause, acclamation(s), clapping of hands, plaudit
Applaus für ...!(German) Let's hear it for ...!
Applauso(Italian m.) applause
Apple(German Apfel, French Pomme, Dutch Appel, European Species: Malus domestica (Orchard apple), M. sylvestris (Crab Apple): Average Weight: 48 pounds per cubic foot) Apple wood is hard and strong, but not weather resistant. It is used for tool handles and small carvings and takes a deep polish
Apple of discordthe origin of the 'apple of discord' has its roots in ancient Greek mythology and, in particular, the cause of the Trojan War which had as its roots the marriage between Peleus and Thetis, a sea-goddess. Peleus and Thetis had not invited Eris, the goddess of discord, to their marriage celebrations. Univited, the goddess stormed into the wedding banquet and threw a golden apple onto the table. The apple belonged to, Eris said, whomever was the fairest. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite each reached for the apple. Zeus proclaimed that Paris, prince of Troy and thought to be the most beautiful man alive, would act as the judge. Hermes went to Paris, and Paris agreed to act as the judge. Hera promised him power, Athena promised him wealth, and Aphrodite promised the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris favoured Aphrodite, and she promised him that Helen, wife of Menelaus, would be his wife
Apple of one's eyeoriginally the pupil of the eye, but later a phrase applied to any very precious or much loved person or thing
applicabile(Italian) applicable
applicare(Italian) to apply
applicarsi(Italian) to apply oneself
Applicationthe art of fingering, the way of fingering on a musical instrument
Applicative definitiona definition applying or capable of being applied
Applicatur(German) a term originating from the eighteenth century, the art of fingering, the way of fingering on a musical instrument
Applicatura(Italian f.) the art of fingering, the way of fingering on a musical instrument
Applicazione(Italian f.) application, enforcement
Applied artsthe arts concerned with making objects with functional purposes, but for which aesthetic concerns are significant. The applied arts may include architecture, interior design, the design of manufactured items, ceramics, metalwork, jewelry, textile, glass, furniture, graphics, clocks and watches, toys, leather, arms and armor, musical instruments, etc. Commercial art may be considered a branch of applied art. The applied arts are usually contrasted with the fine arts (drawing, painting, sculpture, fine printmaking, etc.), which are seen as serving no purpose other than providing an aesthetic experience. Most of the applied arts might also be described as design. The distinction between the applied and the fine arts did not emerge strongly until the time of the Industrial Revolution (about 1775-1875), and accompanied a growing secularization of art and the emergence of a need felt by some artists to replace dying spiritual values with purely aesthetic values, setting art apart from the rest of life. Nevertheless, some have emphasized the importance of craft and regard the distinction between the fine and the applied arts as false and undesirable. Even to those who see it as important to make this distinction, many objects make it very difficult because their purposes are so dominated by their aesthetic ones
Applied dominantsynonymous with secondary dominant
Applied musican American term for the study of the performance of music (also called 'performance studies') rather than of the theory
Applikation(German f.) administration, application
Applikationen(German pl.) appliqué, appliqués
Applikationsstickerei(German f.) appliqué work
Applikator (s.), Applikatoren (pl.)(German m.) applicator
Applique(French f.) wall lamp
Appliqué(French) decorative application of one fabric to another, often with floral and leaf patterns, but can be of any design and are stitched around the edge
appliqué(French) painstaking
appliquer(French) to apply
applizieren(German) to apply, to administer, to do appliqué, to appliqué
applizierend(German) appliqueing
appliziert(German) appliques, appliqued
appoggiando(Italian, literally 'leaning on') leaning, stützend (German), en appuyant (French), portamento (Italian), legato (Italian), playing smoothly, stressed, drawing out, held on, dwelling upon
the term indicates the gliding from a note to the next one, as portamento. Also, in the case of repeated notes or chords, the effect is that of mezzo staccato
appoggiare(Italian) to put, to back, to support (for example, the voice)
appoggiarsi(Italian) to lean against, to rely on
appoggiato(Italian, literally 'leaned against') gestützt (German), appuyé (French), portamento (Italian), legato (Italian), played smoothly, stressed, drawn out, dwelt upon, sustained, col portamento di voce (Italian)
the term indicates the gliding from a note to the next one, as portamento. Also, in the case of repeated notes or chords, the effect is that of mezzo staccato
Appoggiatura (s.), Appoggiature (pl.)port de voix (French), note d'agrément (French), langer Vorschlag (German), veränderlicher Vorschlag (German), apoyadura (Spanish), apoyatura (Spanish)
(Italian f., meaning 'leaning') a note preparatory to another or to a chord acting as an unprepared suspension, see for example 'single appoggiatura' and 'double appoggiatura'
prior to the mid-eighteenth century, the appoggiatura was a feature of musical ornamentation, and there were many types:
accented appoggiaturaa grace note that takes the accent and a small part of the time value from the following principal note
long appoggiatura
veränderlicher Vorschlag
also called the variable appoggiatura, taking the accent and half the time value of a following undotted principal note, or the accent and two thirds of the time value of a following dotted principal note, associated with music of the baroque period
short appoggiatura
kürzer Vorschlag
taking the accent but only a quarter or eighth of the time value of the following principal note
unaccented appoggiaturanot taking the accent but taking an eighth of the time value of the preceding principal note, to which it is smoothly bound
Appoggiatura breu(Catalan f.) short appoggiatura, acciaccatura
Appoggiatura di sopra(Italian f.) appoggiatura from the note above (the principal)
Appoggiatura di sotto(Italian f.) appoggiatura when the note below the principal
Appoggiatura doble(Catalan f.) double appoggiatura
Appoggiatura doppia(Italian f.) double appoggiatura
Appoggiatura inferiore(Italian f.) appoggiatura when the note below the principal)
Appoggiatura llarga(Catalan f.) long appoggiatura
Appoggiatura lunga(Italian f.) long appoggiatura
Appoggiatura superiore(Italian f.) appoggiatura from the note above (the principal)
Appoggiature(French f.) or appogiature, (both forms are used in French) appoggiatura
Appoggiature brève(French f.) short appoggiatura, acciaccatura
Appoggiature courte(French f.) short appoggiatura
Appoggiature double(French f.) double appoggiatura
Appoggiature longue(French f.) long appoggiatura
Appoggio(Italian m.) support
appoggio sulla maschera(Italian m.) voice or breath support
Appogiature(French f.) or appoggiature, (both forms are used in French) appoggiatura
Appogiature brève(French f.) short appoggiatura, acciaccatura
Appogiature courte(French f.) short appoggiatura
Appogiature double(French f.) double appoggiatura
Appogiature longue(French f.) long appoggiatura
Appoint(French m.) contribution
Appointements(French m. pl.) salary
apporre(Italian) to affix
Apport(French m.) contribution
apportare(Italian) to bring, to cause
apporter(French) to bring
apportieren(German) to fetch (of a dog), to retrieve (of a hunting dog)
Apporto(Italian m.) contribution
apposer(French) to affix
Apposition(English, German f.) placing side by side two nouns, the second of which serves as an explanation of the first
apposito(Italian) proper
apposta(Italian) on purpose, specially
appr.abbreviation of 'apprentice'
Appreciablesignificant, considerable
appréciable(French) appreciable
Appreciateesteem highly, value, be grateful for, understand, recognize (danger), rise in value
Appreciationfavourable or grateful recognition, sensitive estimation or judgement, rise in value
Appréciation(French f.) appreciation, appraisal (evaluation)
Appreciation of musicsee 'musical appreciation'
apprécier(French) to appreciate, to appraise (evaluate)
apprécier ... à sa juste valeur(French) to get a fair picture of ...
Apprehendseize, arrest, understand, perceive
appréhender(French) to dread, to fear, to apprehend (arrest)
Apprehensionuneasiness, dread, understanding, arrest, capture
Apprehension testa test of shoulder stability
Apprehensionstest(German m.) apprehension test
Appréhension(French f.) apprehension
Apprehensiveuneasily fearful
apprendere(Italian) to understand, to learn
Apprendista(Italian m./f.) apprentice
appréndre(French) to learn, to hear of
appréndre à faire(French) to learn to do
appréndre que(French) to learn that, to hear that
Apprensione(Italian f.) apprehension
apprensivo(Italian) apprehensive
Apprenti (m.), Apprentie (f.)(French) apprentice
Apprenticea person who learns an art, craft or business by studying with and working for a master
Apprenticeshipa specified amount of time in which a person, called an apprentice, becomes bound by legal agreement to work for another, his master, in return for instruction in an art, a craft, or a business. Once an apprentice completes his term of apprenticeship he would be called a journeyman. He would become a master in his turn only when recognized masters judge an example of his work as worthy to have been made by a master - a masterpiece. The apprenticeship system was common across Europe when guilds were strong in the Middle Ages until the arrival of the Industrial Revolution (about 1775-1875)
Apprentissage(French m.) apprenticeship, learning
appresso(Italian) near, behind
appresso ...(Italian) published by ...
apprestare(Italian) to put in order, to make fit for use, to prepare, to make playable
apprestarsi(Italian) to get ready
apprêté(French) affected
appretieren(German: modern spelling of appretiren) to put in order, to make fit for use, to glaze
most usual meaning today is in connection with the stiffening or starching of clothing
[comment supplied by Michael Zapf]
appretiren(German: now considered an archaic spelling, the modern form is usually appretieren) to put in order, to make fit for use
apprezzabile(Italian) appreciable
Apprezzamento(Italian m.) appreciation, opinion
apprezzare(Italian) to appreciate
apprivoiser(French) to tame
approabbreviation of 'approval'
approbateur (m.), approbatrice (f.)(French) approving
Approbation(English, French f.) an expression of warm approval, praise, official approval
approbiert(German) licensed (professionally), approbated
Approccio(Italian m.) approach
approchant (m.), approchante (f.)(French) close, similar
Approche(French f.) approach
approché(French) approximate
approcher(French) to move near, to move nearer, to approach
approcher de(French) to move near to, to move nearer to
approdare(Italian) to come to something (figurative)
approfittare di(Italian) to take advantage of
approfondi(French) thorough
approfondir(French) to deepen, to make a thorough study of
approfondire(Italian) to deepen
approfondirsi in(Italian) to make a thorough study of
approprarsi(Italian) to take possession, suit
approprato(Italian) appropriate
appropriate speed(tempo) giusto (Italian), richtiges Tempo (German), (temps) juste (French)
approprié(French) appropriate
approssimare(Italian) to approach
approssimarsi(Italian) to draw near
approssimativamente(Italian) approximately
approssimativo(Italian) approximate
approuver(French) to approve, to approve of, to agree with
approvare(Italian) to approve, to approve of
Approvazione(Italian f.) approval, acceptance
Approvisionnement(French m.) supply
approvisionner(French) to supply
Approvvigionamento(Italian m.) supplying, provisioning
Approvvigionamenti(Italian m. pl.) provisions
approvvigionare(Italian) to supply
approvvigionarsi(Italian) to stock up
approx.abbreviation of 'approximate', 'approximately'
Approximal(English, German) contiguous, adjacent, next to each other
approximatif (m.), approximative (f.)(French) approximate
Approximation algorithma randomised algorithm that achieves an approximation ratio of ρ(n)
Approximationsalgorithmus(German m.) approximation algorithm
Approximationstheorie(German f.) approximation theory
Approximation theorya branch of mathematics concerned with how functions can best be approximated with simpler functions
approximativ(German) proximate (closest in degree, spacial order or temporal order especially in a chain of causes and effects)
approximativement(French) approximately
approximierbar(German) approximable
approximieren(German) to approximate
Approximierung(German f.) approximation
Approximierungsrechnung(German f.) approximate computation
appsabbreviation of 'appendices' (plural of appendix)
apptabbreviation of 'appoint', 'appointment'
apptdabbreviation of 'appointed'
Appui(French m.) support, (window) sill, back (support someone)
Appui du souffle(French m.) voice or breath support
Appuntamento(Italian m.) appointment, date
appuntare(Italian) to take notes, to fix, to pin, to sharpen
Appunto(Italian m.) note, reproach
appunto(Italian) exactly
appurare(Italian) to verify
appuyé (m.), appuyée (f.)(French) leaned, emphasised, gestützt (German), appoggiato (Italian), appoggiando (Italian), apoyado (Spanish)
trille appuyé (French: a term applied in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by some musicians to a shake that is commenced and prepared by the note below the principal note)
appuyer(French) to support (for example, to support the voice), to lean , to rest, to press
appuyer sur(French) to press (on), to stress
appx(s)abbreviation of 'appendix' (singular), 'appendices' (plural)
Apr.abbreviation of 'April'
Apraxiaa disorder characterized by a decreased ability to carry out sequences of movement even though motor and sensory functions are intact. In apraxia of speech, an individual has difficulty producing sequences of sounds in words and will sometimes appear to be struggling to produce a word. In adults, it is a result of known brain damage; whereas in children, its cause is as yet unknown
Apraxie(German f.) apraxia
APRCabbreviation of anno post Romam conditam (Latin: in the year after the foundation of Rome)
âpre(French) harsh, bitter
âpre au gain(French) grasping
apreciable(Spanish) appreciable, worthy, substantial, considerable, noticeable
Apreciación(Spanish f.) appreciation, interpretation, appraisal (determination of value), assessment, consideration, opinion
Apreciación musical(Spanish f.) musical appreciation
apreciado (m.), apreciada (f.)(Spanish) valued (friend)
su piel es muy apreciada (Spanish: its fur is highly prized)
apreciar(Spanish) to value, to appreciate, to be fond of (person), to see (observe)
para apreciar la magnitud de los daños (Spanish: in order to appreciate the extent of the damage)
apreciarseto be noticeable
se aprecia un cambio en los valores morales de la sociedad (Spanish: we can see a change in the moral values held by society)
apreciativo(Spanish) appreciative
Aprecio(Spanish m.) appraisal, esteem (figurative)
a precio de coste(Spanish) at cost-price
a precio de costo(Spanish) at cost-price, at cost
a precio de descuento(Spanish) at a discount, at a discounted price
a precio de ganga(Spanish) at a bargain price, at bargain price
a precio del mercado(Spanish) at market
a precio de mercado(Spanish) at market price, at the market
a precio fijo(Spanish) fixed-price
a precio reducido(Spanish) cut-price, cut-rate, at a discount price, at a discount, at reduced price, cheaply
a precios constantes(Spanish) at constant prices, in real terms
a precios corrientes(Spanish) at current prices, in current prices
a precios de fábrica(Spanish) at manufacturer's prices
a precios reducidos(Spanish) at reduced prices
a preguntas tontas oídos sordos(Spanish) a stupid question deserves a stupid answer
aprehender(Spanish) to seize
Aprehensión(Spanish f.) capture, seizure (capture)
apremiante(Spanish) urgent, pressing
apremiar(Spanish) to urge, to compel, to press (pressing matter), to hurry up, to be urgent
me están apremiando para que lo termine (Spanish: they are putting pressure on me to get it finished)
estamos apremiados de tiempo (Spanish: we are pushed for time, we are short of time)
el tiempo apremia (Spanish: time is getting on, time is pressing, time is short)
a première vue(French) at sight, at first sight, a primera vista (Spanish), a prima vista (Italian), a libro aperto (Italian), vom Blatte (German), auf den ersten Blick (German), à livre ouvert (French)
Apremio(Spanish m.) urgency, obligation
a premio(Spanish) at a premium
aprender(Spanish) to learn
aprender a hacer ...(Spanish) to learn to do ... (something)
aprenderse(Spanish) to learn by heart
me la aprendí de memoria (Spanish: I learnt it by heart)
Aprendiz (m.), Aprendiza (f.)(Spanish) apprentice, trainee
Aprendizaje(Spanish m.) apprenticeship, learning, training period, traineeship
Aprendiz de mecánico(Spanish) apprentice mechanic
Aprensión(Spanish f.) apprehension, fear, squeamishness
me da aprensión ver sangre (Spanish: I get squeamish at the sight of blood)
aprensivo (m.) aprensiva (f.)(Spanish) apprehensive, fearful
es muy aprensivo (Spanish: he's such a worrier)
après(French) after, beyond, afterwards, later
Apresador(Spanish m.) captor
Apresamiento(Spanish m.) capture
apresar(Spanish) to seize, to capture, to arrest, to catch
après avoir fait(French) after doing
après coup(French) after the event, late in the day, as an afterthought
après-demain(French) the day after tomorrow
a presentación(Spanish) on presentation, at sight, on demand
après-guerre(French m.) post-war period
a presión(Spanish) under pressure, pressurized
après-midi(French m./f.) afternoon
Après-midi d'un faune, L(French, 'The Afternoon of a Faun') a musical composition for orchestra by Claude Debussy that was first performed in 1894, conducted by Gustave Doret. It was inspired by the poem L'après-midi d'un faune by Stéphane Mallarmé and later formed the basis for the ballet of the same name by Vaslav Nijinsky. The composition is one of Debussy's most famous works and is considered a turning point in the history of music
Après-Ski(German n.) après-ski
Après-Ski-Lokal(German n.) après-ski bar
après-ski(French) the dancing and drinking that follows any kind of recreation, particularly, skiing
aprestar(Spanish) to prepare
aprestarse(Spanish) to prepare
aprestarse a hacer ...(Spanish) to prepare to do ... , to get ready to do ...
aprestarse para ...(Spanish) to prepare for ..., to get ready for ...
Apresto(Spanish m.) stiffener
après tout(French) after all
apresuradamente(Spanish) hurriedly, in a hurry
apresurado (m.), apresurada (f.)(Spanish) in a hurry, hurried, hasty, quick, rushed
Apresuramiento(Spanish m.) hurry
apresurar(Spanish) to hurry, to speed up (process), to quicken (pace)
apresurarse(Spanish) to hurry up
¡apresúrate!(Spanish) hurry up!
après-vente(French) after-sales
apretado (m.), apretada (f.)(Spanish) tight (also colloquial), difficult, stingy, mean, narrow, cramped (tight, narrow), crabbed (handwriting), busy, squashed (together), tight-fisted (colloquial)
me queda muy apretado (Spanish: it is too tight for me)
apretar(Spanish) to tighten, to press (button, accelarator, pedal, lever), to squeeze (person, arm), to grip (arm, handle), to press down, to pull (trigger), to press in, to be too tight (clothes), to put pressure on (press), to put one's foot on (accelerator), to be too tight, to clench, to tighten, to grit (teeth)
me aprietan los zapatos (Spanish: these shoes are too tight for me)
el vestido le aprieta (Spanish: the dress is too tight for her)
el calor ha apretado en julio (Spanish: it was really hot in July)
donde aprieta el zapato (Spanish: where the problem is)
apretar el paso(Spanish) to hasten, to hurry
apretarle las clavijas a ...(Spanish) to put the screws on ... (someone)
apretarse(Spanish) to crowd together, to squeeze together, to squash together
apretarse el cinturón(Spanish) to tighten one's belt, to cut costs
apretarse los machos(Spanish) to steel oneself
apreté los dientes(Spanish) I gritted my teeth
apretó al niño contra su pecho(Spanish) he clasped the child to his breast, he clutched the child to his breast
Apretón(Spanish m.) squeeze, hug, crush
Apretón de manos(Spanish m.) handshake
se dieron un apretón de manos (Spanish: they shook hands)
apretujado (m.), apretujada (f.)(Spanish) cramped
tuvimos que comer todos apretujados (Spanish: we had to eat all squashed together round the table)
apretujar(Spanish) to squeeze, to crush
no me apretujes, que me haces daño (Spanish: don't squeeze me so hard, you're hurting me)
me apretujaron mucho en el tren (Spanish: I got squashed on the train)
apretujarse(Spanish) to squash together, to squeeze together
a prevención(Spanish) spare, emergency, reserve
Aprieto(Spanish m.) difficulty
Aprikose (s.), Aprikosen (pl.)(German f.) apricot, apricot (tree)
Aprikosenbaum(German m.) apricot tree
aprikosenfarben(German) apricot-coloured
April(German m.) April
Aprilabend(German m.) April evening
Aprile(Italian m.) April
April fish(English, from the French, poisson d'avril) a name applied to the victim of a practical joke on April Fools Day (All Fools Day) in France
Aprilmorgen(German m.) April morning
Aprilnacht (s.), Aprilnächte (pl.)(German f.) April night, night in April
Aprilschauer(German m.) April shower
Aprilscherz(German m.) April fool hoax, April Fools' joke
Apriltag (s.), Apriltage (pl.)(German m.) day in April, April day
Aprilwetter(German n.) April weather
Aprilwoche (s.), Aprilwochen (pl.)(German f.) week in April
a prima(Spanish) at a premium
a prima giunta(Italian) at once, at first sight
a prima noche(Spanish) just after dark
a prima vista(Italian) (playing some written music) at sight, at first sight, a primera vista (Spanish), a libro aperto (Italian), vom Blatte (German), à livre ouvert (French), à première vue (French)
a primera faz(Spanish) at first sight
a primera hora(Spanish) at first hour, early, first thing
a primera hora de(Spanish) early in
a primera hora de la mañana(Spanish) first thing in the morning
a primera hora en la mañana(Spanish) very early in the morning, first thing in the morning
a primera luz(Spanish) at first light, at daybreak, at first daylight
a primera noche(Spanish) just after dark
a primeras horas de la mañana(Spanish) early in the morning
a primeras luces(Spanish) at first appearances, at first glance
a primer aspecto(Spanish) at first sight
a primera vistaat first sight, at a cursory glance, at first glance, at first look, at first view, by sight, on the face of it, when first examined, at a guess, at first blush, at the first blush, prima facie
(Spanish) (playing some written music) at sight, at first sight, a prima vista (Italian), a libro aperto (Italian), vom Blatte (German), à livre ouvert (French), à première vue (French)
a primero de año(Spanish) at the beginning of the year
a primer vistazo(Spanish) at first glance, at first blush
a primo tempo(Italian) tempo 1, im ersten Zeitmaß
a principio de año(Spanish) at the beginning of the year
a principio de mes(Spanish) at the beginning of the month, beginning of the month
a principios de(Spanish) at the beginning of, around the beginning of, early in
a principios de abril(Spanish) early April
a principios de agosto(Spanish) early August
a principios de año(Spanish) at the beginning of the year
a principios de Diciembre(Spanish) early December
a principios de enero(Spanish) early January
a principios de febrero(Spanish) early February
a principios de julio(Spanish) early July
a principios de junio(Spanish) early June
a principios de marzo(Spanish) early March
a principios de mayo(Spanish) early May
a principios de Noviembre(Spanish) early November
a principios de octubre(Spanish) early October
a principios de septiembre(Spanish) early September
a principios de setiembre(Spanish) early September
a principios del año próximo(Spanish) early next year
a principios del ejercicio(Spanish) at the start of the year, at the beginning of the year
Apriori(German n.) a priori
A priori(French m.) apriorism, preconception
a priori(English, Spanish, French from Latin) a priori, beforehand, from what goes before (see also: a posteriori)
(English, French) at a guess (figurative)
apriorisch(German) a priori
Apriorisman a priori principle, a preconception
Apriorismus(German m.) apriorism
aprioristisch(German) a priori
aprire(Italian) to open, to turn on (light), to unlock, to open up
aprirsi(Italian) to open, to split, to confide
aprirsi con(Italian) to confide in
a prisa(Spanish) quickly, fast, hurriedly
aprisa(Spanish) quickly
aprisionar(Spanish) to imprison, to trap
apr. J-Cabbreviation of après Jésus-Christ (French: after Jesus Christ, AD)
a proa(Spanish) fore
a proa del mástil(Spanish) before the mast
Aprobación(Spanish f.) approval, endorsement, approval, passing (motion, law)
Aprobado(Spanish m.) pass (education)
aprobar(Spanish) to approve (of), to pass (examination, law), to sanction
aprobar un examen(Spanish) to pass an exam
a producto avícola(Spanish) by force
a producto de gallina(Spanish) by force
Apron(derived from Old English napron) an industrial or domestic utility garment worn on the front of the body (usually below the waist and sometimes also above the waist) usually tied behind the back with thin strips of cloth (called 'apron strings'), to protect one's clothing from splashes, spills, wear and tear
Apron stagethat part of the stage between the curtain and the orchestra pit, or where there is a proscenium, that part of the stage in front of the proscenium. Where there is no proscenium, virtually the entire stage becomes as apron stage (also known as a thrust stage)
aprontarse(Spanish - Latin America) to get ready
apropos(German) on the subject of, by the by, by the way
à-propos(French m.) timeliness, presence of mind (figurative), aptness, suitability
à propos(French) pertinent, pertinently, opportune, opportunely, in the nick of time, by the by, about
apropos ...(German) talking of ..., speaking of ...
à-propos, avec(French) fittingly, aptly, suitably
à propos be bottes(French) by the way, to change the subject
à propos de(French) speaking of, all about, apropos of, about (concerning)
à propos de rien(French) while I think of it
a proposito(Italian) by the way
a propósito(Spanish) to the point, pertinent, to the purpose, on purpose, intentionally, by choice, by design, deliberately, of set purpose, purposely, wilfully, apropos, designedly, by the way, by the by, come to it, incidentally, that reminds me
a propósito de(Spanish) in relation to, with regard to, apropos of, on the subject of, with respect to, apropos
a proposito di(Italian) with regard to
à-propos, manque d'(French m.) irrelevance
apropriado (m.), apropriada (f.)(Spanish) appropriate, suitable
el discurso fue muy apriopriado a la ocasión the speech (Spanish: was very fitting for the occasion)
apropriarse(Spanish) to appropriate, to take
apropriarse de ...(Spanish) to appropriate ..., to take ... (something)
a propuesta de(Spanish) on the motion of, as proposed by
a prorrata(Spanish) at pro-rata, rateable, pro rata, at pro-rata, in proportion, proportionately, rateably
a prorrateo(Spanish) pro rata
Aprosexiaan abnormal inability to pay attention, characterized by a near-complete indifference to everything
Aprosexie(German f.) aprosexia
Aprosodiaa neurological disorder which causes a complete or partial loss of prosodic elements of speech production or reception. Prosodic elements of speech include pitch inflections and other features that indicate emotional tone - such as anger, contempt, joy, parody, etc. Loss of the ability to speak with appropriate prosodic cues is referred to as expressive aprosodia. Loss of the ability to understand prosodic cues in spoken language is referred to as receptive aprosodia
Aprosodie(German f.) aprosodia
aprovechable(Spanish) usable
Aprovechado (m.), Aprovechada (f.)(Spanish) opportunist (pejorative), scrounger (pejorative)
aprovechado (m.), aprovechada (f.(Spanish) opportunistic, diligent (show application), resourceful (ingenious), selfish (egotistic), thrifty (economic), hard-working, well-spent, well-planned
Aprovechamiento(Spanish m.) advantage, use
aprovechamos la ocasión para explicarle nuestro proyecto(Spanish) we seized the opportunity to explain our project to him
aprovechar(Spanish) to take advantage of, to make use of, to be useful, to make the most of, to use
es espacio mal aprovechado (Spanish: it's a waste of space)
hemos aprovechado mucho el rato (Spanish: we've done a lot in a short time)
aprovecharse(Spanish) to make the most of
aprovecharse de ...(Spanish) to take advantage of ... (something, somebody)
se aprovechó de Juan (Spanish: she took advantage of Juan)
aprovéchate de mi buen humor y pídeme lo que quieras(Spanish) make the most of my good mood and ask for anything you want
aprovechen ahora, que son jóvenes(Spanish) make the most of it now, while you're young
aproveché para venir a verte(Spanish) I thought I'd take the opportunity to come and see you
aprovecho la ocasión para decirles que ...(Spanish) I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that ...
aprovisionar(Spanish) to supply, to provision
aprovisionar con(Spanish) to supply with
aprovisionar de(Spanish) to supply with
aprovisionarse de ...(Spanish) to stock up with ... (something)
Aproximación(Spanish f.) approximation, closeness (proximity), consolation prize (in a lottery)
aproximadamente(Spanish) roughly, approximately
aproximado (m.), aproximada (f.)(Spanish) approximate, rough, estimated
aproximar(Spanish) to bring near, to bring together (figurative: people), to bring ... closer (together), to put nearer
aproximarse(Spanish) to come closer, to approach
se aproximó a mí (Spanish: she came up to me)
aproximarse a ...(Spanish) to come close to ... (something)
aproximó la mesa a la ventana(Spanish) she moved the table over to the window, she brought the table over to the window
a prudente distancia(Spanish) at a safe distance, at arm's length, at arm's reach
a prueba(Spanish) (have something) on approval, (have something) on trial, (put something) to the test, on a trial basis, on probation
a prueba de accidentes(Spanish) accidentproof, crashproof
a prueba de ácido(Spanish) acid-resistant
a prueba de ácidos(Spanish) acid-resistant
a prueba de agentes atmosféricos(Spanish) weatherproof
a prueba de agua(Spanish) impermeable, waterproof, water-fast, water-repellent, water-resistant
a prueba de aguanieve(Spanish) sleetproof
a prueba de atascamientos(Spanish) jamproof, jam-resistant
a prueba de bala(Spanish) bulletproof
a prueba de balas(Spanish) bulletproof
a prueba de bomba(Spanish) shellproof
a prueba de bombas(Spanish) shellproof, bombproof
a prueba de calor(Spanish) heatproof
a prueba de caracoles(Spanish) snail-proof
a prueba de chaparrones(Spanish) showerproof, shower-resistant
a prueba de choque(Spanish) shockproof
a prueba de choques(Spanish) shockproof
a prueba de corrientes de aire(Spanish) draught-proof, draught-proofed, draughtproof
a prueba de cortocircuito(Spanish) short-circuitproof
a prueba de cortocircuitos(Spanish) short-circuitproof
a prueba de embotellamientos(Spanish) jamproof, jam-resistant
a prueba de error(Spanish) errorproof
a prueba de escape(Spanish) leakproof, escape-proof
a prueba de escapes(Spanish) leakproof
a prueba de escarcha(Spanish) frost-proof, frostproof
a prueba de explosiones(Spanish) explosion-proof
a prueba de fallas(Spanish) failsafe
a prueba de falsificación(Spanish) forgery-proof
a prueba de filtración(Spanish) leakproof, watertight, staunch
a prueba de fractura(Spanish) shatterproof
a prueba de fuego(Spanish) fireproof, fireproofed, flameproof
a prueba de fuga(Spanish) escape-proof, leakproof
a prueba de fugas(Spanish) leakproof
a prueba de fugas de líquido(Spanish) leak-proofed
a prueba de gas(Spanish) gastight, gasproof
a prueba de gérmenes(Spanish) germproof
a prueba de golpes(Spanish) shockproof
a prueba de goteo(Spanish) dripproof, drip-resistant
a prueba de goteras(Spanish) leakproof
a prueba de granada(Spanish) shellproof, bombproof
a prueba de granadas(Spanish) bombproof
a prueba de grasa(Spanish) greaseproof, grease-resistant
a prueba de herrumbre(Spanish) rustproof, rust-proof
a prueba de humedad(Spanish) humidity-proof, moisture-proof
a prueba de humo(Spanish) smokeproof
a prueba de idiotas(Spanish) idiot-proof
a prueba de impacto(Spanish) impact-proof, impact-resistant, shatter-proof
a prueba de impactos(Spanish) impact-proof, impact-resistant
a prueba de impericia(Spanish) foolproof
a prueba de incendio(Spanish) fireproof, fire-resistant
a prueba de incendios(Spanish) fire-proof, fire-resistant, flameproof, flame-resistant
a prueba de inmersión(Spanish) immersion-proof
a prueba de ladrones(Spanish) burglar-proof
a prueba de la intemperie(Spanish) weatherproof, weather-resistant
a prueba del ambiente(Spanish) environment-proof
a prueba de lima(Spanish) file-hardened
a prueba de lluvia(Spanish) rainproof, rain-resistant
a prueba de luz(Spanish) lightproof
a prueba de mal uso(Spanish) foolproof
a prueba de manipulación(Spanish) tamperproof
a prueba de niños(Spanish) childproof
a prueba de óxido(Spanish) rustproof, rust-proof
a prueba de pinchazos(Spanish) puncture-proof, punctureless
a prueba de polillas(Spanish) mothproof
a prueba de polvo(Spanish) dust-proof, dustproof, dusttight
a prueba de rayos(Spanish) lightning-proof
a prueba de robo(Spanish) burglarproof, burglar-proof
a prueba de robos(Spanish) burglarproof
a prueba de ruido(Spanish) noiseproof, soundproof
a prueba de ruidos(Spanish) noiseproof, soundproof
a prueba de sacudidas(Spanish) shakeproof, shake-resistant
a prueba de salpicaduras(Spanish) splashproof, splash-resistant
a prueba de sol(Spanish) sunproof, sunfast
a prueba de sonido(Spanish) soundproof
a prueba de tontos(Spanish) foolproof, easy-to-use, fool-proof, idiot-proof
a prueba de vapores(Spanish) vapourproof
a prueba de viento(Spanish) windproof, wind-resistant
a prueba de villanos(Spanish)
Aprumo(Portuguese) aplomb
Apse(from the Latin, absis 'arch', 'vault' - sometimes written apsis, the plural apses) in architecture, a semicircular recess covered with a hemispherical vault. In Romanesque, Byzantine and Gothic Christian abbey, cathedral and church architecture, the term is applied to the semi-circular or polygonal section of the sanctuary at the liturgical east end beyond the altar. Geometrically speaking, an apse is either a half-cone or half-dome
  • Apse from which this extract has been taken
Apside (s.), Apsiden (pl.)(German f.) apsis
Apsidenchöre(German m. pl.) cori spezzati
Apsidiole(English, German f.) a small apsidal chapel, especially one projecting from an apse. There are often several chapels projecting from the apse
Apsis(English, German f.) the point of greatest or least distance of the orbit of a celestial body from a centre
(English, German f.) apse
Apsisschiff(German n.) apse aisle
aptabbreviation of 'apartment'
apte(French) capable
apte à(French) capable of
Aptitud(Spanish f.) suitability, ability, flair
Aptitude(English, German f.) an inherent ability, a talent, intellectual quickness (when learning, etc.), intelligence
apto (m.) apta (f.)(Spanish) capable, suitable, able, appropriate
apto.abbreviation of apartamento (Spanish m.: apartment - although in South America the correct abbreviation is dpto. for departamento - this abbreviation can also be used in Spain)
apto para(Spanish) suitable for, appropriate for
apto para el servicio militar(Spanish) fit for military service
apud(Latin) in the works of, according to
a puerta cerrada(Spanish) behind closed doors, secret, closed-doors, privately, secretly, in camera, undercover
a puertas cerradas(Spanish) behind closed doors, private, at closed doors, in camera
Apuesta(Spanish f.) bet, wager
Apuesto(Spanish m.) smart
apuesto (m.), apuesta (f.)(Spanish) good-looking, handsome
Apulien(German n.) Apulia, Puglia
a pulmón batiente(Spanish) at the top of one's lungs
a pulso(Spanish) freehand
a puñados(Spanish) by the handful, by handfuls, in handfuls
a puñaladas(Spanish) with a knife
apuñalar(Spanish) to stab
Apunamiento(Spanish m. - South America) altitude sickness, mountain sickness
apunarse(Spanish - South America) to get altitude sickenss, to get mountain sickness
a puñetazo limpio(Spanish) with one's fists, with a fistfight
a puñetazos(Spanish) with one's fists
a puño cerrado(Spanish) with the fists
a puño limpio(Spanish) bare-knuckle
a puño pelado(Spanish) barehanded
apuntaba el siglo(Spanish) the century was dawning
Apuntación(Spanish f.) note
a punta d'arco(Italian) at, or with, the tip (or point) of the bow, mit der Spitze des Bogens (German)
a punta de(Spanish) by dint of, by means of, through a great deal of
a punta de lanza(Spanish) rigorously, meticulously
a punta de pala(Spanish) in large quantity
a punta de pistola(Spanish) at gun point
apuntado(Spanish) sharp
Apuntador (m.) Apuntadora (f.)(Spanish) prompter (theatre)
apuntalar(Spanish) to shore up, to brace, to prop up, to underpin (building)
Apuntamiento(Spanish m.) aiming, note
apuntar(Spanish) to aim (with a gun), to point (indicate), to point at, to point out, to make a note of, to note down, to put ... down, to sharpen, to prompt (theatre), to indicate, to suggest
apuntar a ...(Spanish) to point to ...
apuntarse(Spanish) to put one's name down, to score (triumph), to chalk up (victory), to achieve
apuntarse a ...(Spanish) to enroll on ..., to sign up for ... (something)
apuntarse al paro(Spanish) to register as unemployed, to sign on (colloquial)
apuntarse en ...(Spanish) to enroll on ..., to sign up for ... (something)
Apunte (s.), Apuntes (pl.)(Spanish m.) note, sketch (art, theatre, TV), notes (plural form), handout (prepared text, plural form), outline, entry
a punto(Italian) precise, exact, punctually, correctly, exactly, in strict time
(Spanish) just in time, on time, at the verge
a punto de(Spanish) about to, a short way from, a short way of, at the point of, at the verge of, on the point of, on the verge of, upon the verge of, within an ace of
a punto de caerse(Spanish) about to fall, off balance, ramshackle
a punto de caramelo(Spanish) finished
a punto de dar el último suspiro(Spanish) at one's last gasp, at death's door
a punto de dispararse(Spanish) on a hair trigger
a punto de incubar(Spanish) about to incubate, broody
a punto de morirse(Spanish) at the point of death
a punto de ocurrir(Spanish) about to happen, in the wind
a punto de pasar(Spanish) about to happen
a punto de perder la paciencia(Spanish) at one's wits' end, at one's wit's end, on the verge of losing one's patience
a punto de suceder(Spanish) about to happen, in the pipeline
a punto fijo(Spanish) for sure, exactly, with certainty
a punto largo(Spanish) roughly, carelessly
a punto que(Spanish) just as
apuradamente(Spanish) with difficulty
apurado (m.), apurada (f.)(Spanish) difficult, hard up, in need, exhausted, precise, carefully done, in a hurry, awkward, difficult, embarrassed
se vio muy apurado para contestar las preguntas (Spanish: he was hard put to answer the questions)
si te encuentras apurado, dímelo (Spanish: if you run into any difficulties, let me know)
apurado de ...(Spanish) short of ... (something)
apurado de trabajo(Spanish) overwhelmed with work
apurar(Spanish) to exhaust, to finish, to drain, to annoy, to embarrass
apurarse(Spanish) to worry, to hurry (up) (Latin America)
¡apúrate!(Spanish - Latin America) hurry up!
apúrate que voy atrasado(Spanish - Latin America) hurry up, I'm late
à pur et à plein(French) pure and simple, completely, without any doubt
Apuro(Spanish m.) tight spot, difficult situation, embarrassment, hardship, want, hurry (Latin America)
a puro(Spanish) by dint of
a puro de(Spanish) by dint of
apuró la cerveza y se fue(Spanish) he finished (off) his beer and left
a puros golpes de suerte(Spanish) through sheer luck, through sheer strokes of luck
Apuviiva(Finnish) ledger line, leger line
AQabbreviation of 'accomplishment quotient', 'achievement quotient' (used in psychology)
Aq. dest.abbreviation for aqua destillata (Latin: distilled water)
Aqköl(German n.) Akkol (a town in northern Kazakhstan, located 100 km north of the national capital Astana)
Aquaculturefarming of plants and animals that live in water, such as fish, shellfish and algae
Aqua destillata(German n., from Latin) distilled water
Aquädukt(German m./n.) conduit, aqueduct
Aqua fortis(Latin, literally 'strong water') or acqua forte (Italian), nitric acid
Aquakultur(German f.) aquaculture
Äquallage(German f.) pitched to match the range of the human voice, i.e. at 8' pitch
old German organ-builders sometimes used the prefix Aequal to indicate a stop of unison (8') pitch. When used alone, it indicated an 8' Principal. Wedgwood lists the name Chormass as a synonym for Aequal. Adlung writes: "[Principal] is also called Aequalprincipal because it matches the range of the human voice. It is likewise called Chormassprincipal and Chormass is probably understood to be the same as 8' because it has the same pitch as the human voice"
Aquamanile(English, German f. from Latin) in Christian liturgical usage, an aquamanile (plural aquamanilia or simply aquamaniles) is a special ewer for the ritual washing of hands
Aquamarin(German m.) aquamarine
aquamarin(German) aquamarine, cyan
Aquamarinea member of the beryl family, like emeralds. Aquamarine is transparent blue or sea-green
Aquaphobiaa morbid fear of drowning
Aquaphobie(German f.) aquaphobia
Aqua pura(Latin) pure water
Aqua regia(Latin, literally 'royal water') a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acids which will dissolve gold and platinum
Aquarell (s.), Aquarelle (pl.)(German n.) water-colour, aquarelle (French f.)
Aquarelle(French f., literally 'water-colour') delicately textured
(French f.) a method of painting in which a pen-and-ink drawing is tinted with a wash of water-colour
Aquarellfarbe(German f.) watercolour
aquarellieren(German) to paint in watercolours
aquarelliert(German) painted in watercolours, watercoloured
Aquarell malen(German) to paint in watercolours
Aquarellmaler (m.), Aquarianerin (f.)(German) watercolourist, water colour artist
Aquarellmalerei(German f.) painting in watercolours
Aquarienpflanzen(German pl.) aquarium plants
Aquarium (s.), Aquaria (pl.)(Latin) a glass tank for keeping fish and other water-creatures
Aquarium (s.), Aquarien (pl.)(German n.) aquarium, fish tank, tank (for fish), aquaria (plural form)
Aquatintthe name given to a process of engraving in which the engraver, rather than working on the plate, places over it a layer of resin or other substance impervious to strong acid. The engraver then draws his lines through the layer exposing the plate below. Upon completion, a strong acid, aqua fortis, is applied to the surface etching away where the resistant-layer has been partially removed. The result is more general and softer than that of direct etching into the plate itself
Aquatinta(German f.) aquatint
aquatisch(German) aquatically, aquatic
Äquator(German m.) equator
Äquatordurchmesser(German m.) equatorial diameter
äquatorial(German) equatorial, equatorially
Äquatorialguinea(German n.) Equatorial Guinea
Äquatorialguineer (m.), Äquatorialguineerin (f.), Äquatorialguineer (pl.), Äquatorialguineerinnen ( Equatoguinean, Equatorial Guinean
äquatorialguineisch(German) Equatoguinean, of Equatorial Guinea, Equatorial Guinean
Äquatorialsonnenuhr(German f.) equatorial dial, equatorial sundial
äquatornah(German) near-equatorial
Äquatorradius(German m.) equatorial radius
Äquatorsonne(German f.) equatorial sun
Äquatortaufe(German f.) crossing-the-line ceremony
Äquatorumfang(German m.) equatorial circumference
à quatre(French) for four, a quartet, a quattro (Italian), zu viert (German), vierfach besetzt (German), in vierstimmiger Besetzung (German)
à quatre cordes(French) for four strings, a quattro corde (Italian), auf vier Saiten (German), vierchörig (German)
à quatre mains(French) for four hands (on a single instrument), a term applied to the performance of piano or organ duets, a quattro mani (Italian), zu vier Händen (German), vierhändig (German - keyboard music)
à quatre pattes(French) on all fours
à quatre seuls(French) for four solo voices or solo instruments alone (i.e. without accompanying instruments)
à quatre voix(French) for four voices or parts, a quattro voci (Italian), für vier Stimmen (German), vierstimmig (German), a cuatro voces (Spanish)
a quattro(Italian) for four voices or instruments, a quartet, zu viert (German), vierfach besetzt (German), in vierstimmiger Besetzung (German), à quatre (French)
a quattr'occhi(Italian) tête-à-tête (French), two people, face to face, in a private conversation
a quattro gambe(Italian) on all fours
a quattro mani(Italian) for four hands (on a single instrument), a term applied to the performance of piano or organ duets, à quatre mains (French), zu vier Händen (German), vierhändig (German - keyboard music)
a quattro parti(Italian) in four parts, à quatre voix (French), für vier Stimmen (German), vierstimmig (German)
a quattro soli(Italian) for four solo voices or solo instruments alone (i.e. without accompanying instruments)
a quattro voci(Italian) for four voices or parts, à quatre voix (French), für vier Stimmen (German), vierstimmig (German), a cuatro voces (Spanish)
Aqua vitae(Latin, literally 'water of life') brandy, whisky, any distilled spirit, eau de vie (French), aquavit, usquebaugh (Irish)
a que(Spanish) I bet
a qué(Spanish) at what
¿a qué altura de Serrano vive?(Spanish) how far up Serrano do you live?
¿a que conmigo no te atreves?(Spanish) I bet you wouldn't dare take me on
a qué hora(Spanish) at what time, at which time
¿a qué hora abren la taquilla?(Spanish) at what time does the box office open?
¿a qué hora amanece?(Spanish) at what time does it get light?
aquejado (m.), aquejada (f.)(Spanish) suffering
aquejado de, aquejada de(Spanish) suffering from]
aquejar(Spanish) to trouble
aquel (m.), aquella (f.), aquellos (, aquellas ( that, those, former (first of two)
aquél (m.), aquélla (f.), aquéllos (, aquéllas ( that one, those, the former (first of two)
aquel ambiente me era ajeno(Spanish) that environment was alien to me, that environment was foreign to me
aquel individuo(Spanish) that man
aquellas palabras me llegaron al alma(Spanish) I was deeply touched by those words
aquellas señoras(Spanish) those women
aquello(Spanish) that, that business
aquello fue el colmo(Spanish) that was the limit
aquello que te dije el otro día(Spanish) what I told you the other day
a qué lugar(Spanish) where, whither
a quemarropa(Spanish) point-blank, quick-fire, at point-blank range, at close range
a que no(Spanish) I bet you don't
¡a que no me alcanzas!(Spanish) I bet you can't catch me! (colloquial)
a que no te atreves(Spanish) I bet you wouldn't dare
a qué se debe(Spanish) what's the reason of, why, what's the occasion of, what's the reason behind
a qué se debe la ocasión(Spanish) what's the occasion now
a que sí(Spanish) you can bet on it
a qué te dedicas(Spanish) what do you do
a qué viene eso(Spanish) what's the point
aquí(Spanish) here
aquí abajo(Spanish) down here
aquí arriba(Spanish) up here
äquidistant(German) equidistant
a quién(Spanish) who, to whom, whom
¿a quién buscas?(Spanish) whom are you looking for?
a quien concierna(Spanish) to whom it may concern, whom it may concern
a quien corresponda(Spanish) to whom it may concern, whom it may concern, as interest may appear
a quien cuida la peseta nunca le falta un duro(Spanish) look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves
a quien Dios ama le llama(Spanish) whom the gods love die young
a quien Dios quiere para sí poco tiempo lo tiene aquí(Spanish) whom the gods love die young
a quiénes(Spanish) to whom, who, whom
a quien interese(Spanish) to whom it may concern
a quien le corresponda(Spanish) to whom it may concern
a quién le importa qué(Spanish) who cares what
a quién le toca(Spanish) whose move is it, whose turn is it
a quién le toca el turno(Spanish) whose move is it
a quién le toca jugar(Spanish) whose play is it, whose move is it, whose turn is it
a quién le toca la movida(Spanish) whose move is it
a quién le toca mover(Spanish) whose move is it
a quien no le sobra pan no críe can(Spanish) never spend your money before you have it
a quien pueda corresponder(Spanish) to whom it may concern
a quien pueda interesar(Spanish) to whom it may concern, whom it may concern
a quien saber no quiere no hay maestro que lo enseñe(Spanish) there is no way to teach the unwilling
a quien se denominará(Spanish) hereinafter called
Aquiescencia(Spanish f.) acquiescence, agreement, consent
aquietar(Spanish) to calm, to calm down
Äquifinalität(German f.) equifinality (in the study of systems, the recognition that different initial states can lead to similar end states)
aquí fuera(Spanish) out here
Aquila(Latin) a lectern (in a church)
Äquilibrierung(German f.) equilibration (reshaping of the occlusal surfaces of teeth to create harmonious contact relationships between the upper and lower teeth)
Äquilibrist (m.), Äquilibristin (f.)(German) equilibrist (a performer who does tricks of balancing, as for example, a tightrope walker)
Aquilinelike an eagle (for example, a sharp hooked nose)
aquilono(Italian) aquiline
Aquilosamiento(Spanish m.) paralysis
aquilosar(Spanish) to paralyze
aquilosarse(Spanish) to become paralyzed
à qui mieux mieux(French) each one more so than the other (outdoing), each one louder than the other (shouting), each one harder than the other (striking)
aquí mismo(Spanish) right here
äquinoktial(German) equinoctial
Äquinoktial-(German) equinoctial (prefix)
Äquinoktialsturm (s.), Äquinoktialstürme (pl.)(German m.) equinoctial storm, equinoctial gale
Äquinoktium (s.), Äquinoktien (pl.)(German n.) equinox (either of the two instants during the year when the Sun is directly over the Earth's equator and the day and night are both of identical duration)
äquipollent(German) equipollent (of equal authority, value, equivalent)
Aquisgrán(Spanish m.) Aachen
Aquitainian organumalso called 'St. Martial organum', twelfth-century medieval organum from Aquitaine, south-west France, particularly associated with the Abbey of St. Martial, Limoges, in which an ornate upper voice moves more quickly above the lower original plainchant and in which the cadences are the perfect unisons, fourths, fifths and octaves (also called 'florid' or 'melismatic' organum)
Aquitanien(German n.) Aquitaine
aquitanische Mehrstimmigkeit(German f.) Aquitainian organum
Äquivalent(German n.) quid pro quo, equipollent, equivalent
äquivalent(German) equipollent, equivalent
Äquivalenz(German f.) equivalence (the state or condition of being equivalent, equality)
äquivok(German) equivocal (open to two or more interpretations and often intended to mislead, ambiguous)
Äquivokation(German f.) equivocation (a statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth or that is intentionally vague)
aquí y allá(Spanish) here and there
a quo(Spanish) from which
à quoi bon?(French) what's the use?
