GP | after Graham Parlett the cataloguer of the music of Sir Arnold Bax (1883-1953) |
G.P. | (English, German f.) abbreviation of Generalpause (German: general pause), 'general pause' |
Gr. | abbreviation of 'great', 'grand', 'Greek' |
gr | abbreviation of gros (German: large, grand (French)) |
Grab (s.), Gräber (pl.) | (German n.) grave, sepulchre, tomb |
Grab- | (German) sepulchral |
Grabación | (Spanish f.) recording |
Grabado | (Spanish m.) engraving, print, illustration (in a book), recording (music, sound), enregistrement (French) |
Grabanlage | (German f.) tomb group, kerb sets |
grabar | (Spanish) to engrave, to record (on a disc, etc.) |
Grabarbeiten | (German pl.) excavation works |
Grabbau (s.), Grabbauten (pl.) | (German m.) tomb, sepulchral structure |
Grabbeigabe (s.), Grabbeigaben (pl.) | (German f.) burial object, funerary object, grave goods (plural form), grave furnishings (plural form), funerary goods (plural form)
grabbeln | (German) to grope about, to grope around |
Grabbelsack | (German m.) grab bag |
Grabbeltisch | (German m.) bargain bin |
Grabbezirk | (German m.) grave precinct, tomb precinct |
Grabdenkmal (s.), Grabdenkmäler (pl.) | (German n.) monument, funerary monument, sepulchral monument, gravestone |
Grabegabel | (German f.) garden fork, digging fork |
Grabble(s) | ornamental note(s) or short passages, either introduced by the performer, or indicated by the composer, in which case the notation signs are called grace notes, appoggiaturas, turns, etc. |
Graben (s.), Gräben (pl.) | (German m.) ditch, fosse, trench, rift, moat (castle), digging |
graben | (German) to trench, to sink (a trench), to burrow, to delve, to dig, to grub (to dig) |
Grabenbagger | (German m.) ditch excavator, trench digger |
Grabenbau | (German m.) trenching |
Grabenbruch | (German m.) rift valley, rift |
grabend | (German) digging, spading, trenching |
Grabendolch | (German m.) trench dagger |
Grabenfräse | (German f.) trench cutting machine |
Grabengräber | (German m.) ditcher (ditch digger) |
Grabenkampf (s.), Grabenkämpfe (pl.) | (German m.) trench warfare (also figurative), turf war |
Grabenkrieg | (German m.) trench warfare |
Grabenmesser | (German n.) trench knife |
Grabensohle | (German f.) ditch bottom |
Grabenverfüllung | (German f.) trench reinstatement (in-filling, back-filling) |
Grabenwand | (German f.) trench wall |
Gräber (s.), Gräber (pl.) | (German m.) digger |
Gräberfeld (s.), Gräberfelder (pl.) | (German n.) cemetery, burial site, burial ground, (prehistoric) grave field |
Grabesdunkel | (German n.) sepulchral darkness |
Grabesernst | (German m.) funereal gravity |
grabesernst | (German) with funeral gravity |
Grabeskälte | (German f.) deathly cold, sepulchral cold |
Grabeskirche | (German f.) Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Church of the Resurrection (Jerusalem) |
Grabeskunst | (German f.) funerary art |
Grabesluft | (German f.) sepulchral air |
Grabesrand | (German m.) edge of the grave |
Grabesruhe | (German f.) peace of the grave |
Grabesstille | (German f.) silence of the grave, funereal silence, sepulchral silence |
grabesstill sein | (German) to be as silent as a grave |
Grabesstimme | (German f.) sepulchral voice, funereal voice |
Grabestock | (German m.) digging stick |
Grabfigur (s.), Grabfiguren (pl.) | (German f.) tomb figure |
Grabfund | (German m.) grave find |
Grabgabel | (German f.) digging fork |
Grabgedicht | (German n.) epitaph (poetic) |
Grabgefäß | (German n.) funerary vessel |
Grabgesang | (German m.) dirge, funeral hymn |
Grabgewölbe | (German n.) catacomb, vault |
Grabhaus | (German n.) mausoleum |
Grabheiligtum | (German n.) tomb-sanctuary |
Grabhöhle | (German f.) burial cave |
Grabhügel | (German m.) burial mound, tumulus, grave mound, (ancient or prehistoric) barrow |
Grabinschrift (s.), Grabinschriften (pl.) | (German f.) epitaph, sepulchral inscription, inscription on a gravestone |
Grabkammer | (German f.) sepulchre, burial chamber, chamber tomb |
Grabkapelle | (German f.) funerary chapel |
Grabkirche | (German f.) basilica |
Grabkomplex | (German m.) tomb complex |
Grabkranz | (German m.) funeral wreath |
Grabkraut | (German n.) (evergreen) box (tree / shrub) |
Grabkreuz | (German n.) grave cross |
Grabkrone | (German f.) burial crown |
Grabkunst | (German f.) sepulchral art |
Grablage | (German f.) burial place |
Grablegung | (German f. - rare) interment |
Grablicht | (German n.) memorial candle |
Grablied | (German n.) dirge, funeral song |
Grabmal (s.), Grabmale (pl.), Grabmäler (pl.) | (German n.) tomb, monument, sepulchral stone, gravestone |
Grabmal des unbekannten Soldaten | (German n.) Tomb of the Unknown Soldier |
Grabmalereien | (German pl.) tomb paintings |
Grabmalkunst | (German f.) sepulchral art |
Grabmonument | (German n.) funerary monument |
Grabpfahl | (German m.) burial pole (Austrialia: Aboriginal) |
Grabpflege | (German f.) care of the grave, care of graves |
Grabplatte | (German f.) memorial slab, tombstone slab, ledger (slab of stone on a grave), gravestone (lying), grave slab, memorial plate |
Grabplatz | (German m.) cemetery plot |
Grabraub | (German m.) grave robbery, grave robbing |
Grabräuber (m.), Grabräuberin (f.), Grabräuber (pl.) | (German) grave robber, tomb raider |
Grabräuberei | (German f.) grave robbery |
Grabrede | (German f.) committal service, funeral oration, eulogy |
Grabschänder (m.), Grabschänderin (f.) | (German) grave desecrator |
Grabschändung | (German f.) desecration of a grave, grave desecration |
grabschen | (German) to snatch, to grope, to grab |
grabschen nach | (German) to grab at |
Grabschrift | (German f.) epitaph |
Grabstätte | (German f.) grave, tomb, gravesite, sepulchre, burial ground, burial place, burial site, burying place |
Grabstein (s.), Grabsteine (pl.) | (German m.) gravestone, tombstone, headstone, sepulchral stone |
Grabstein aus Granit | (German m.) granite tombstone, granite headstone |
Grabstein aus Marmor | (German m.) marble tombstone, marble headstone |
Grabstele | (German f.) sepulchral stele, tomb stele |
Grabstelle | (German f.) plot (in graveyard) |
Grabstichel | (German m.) etching needle |
Grabstock | (German m.) digging stick |
Grabtempel | (German m.) funerary temple |
Grabtyp | (German m.) tomb type |
Grabtypus | (German m.) tomb type |
Grabung (s.), Grabungen (pl.) | (German f.) excavation, dig, diggings (plural form) |
Grabungsbefunde | (German pl.) excavation findings |
Grabungsbericht | (German m.) excavation report |
Grabungsergebnisse | (German pl.) excavation results |
Grabungsfläche | (German f.) excavation area, dig area |
Grabungsfund | (German m.) archaeological find |
Grabungsjahr | (German n.) year of excavation |
Grabungsleiter (m.), Grabungsleiterin (f.) | (German) excavation leader, excavation director, site director |
Grabungsmannschaft | (German f.) excavation team |
Grabungsplatz | (German m.) excavation site |
Grabungsresultate | (German pl.) excavation results |
Grabungsschnitt | (German m.) section |
Grabungsstätte | (German f.) excavation site, dig (site), archeological site |
Grabungstagebuch | (German n.) site notebook |
Grabungsteam | (German n.) excavation team |
Grabwerkzeuge | (German pl.) digging tools |
Grace (s.), Graces (pl.) | the gift of God inhering in the soul, by which men are enabled to perform righteous acts |
in music, vocal or instrumental embellishments or ornaments |
grâce à | (French) thanks to |
Gracefully | with grace or elegance, gazioso (Italian), con grazia (Italian), anmutsvoll (German), anmuthsvoll (German), zierlich (German), gracieusement (French) |
Gracejo | (Spanish m.) wit |
Grace note (s.), Grace notes (pl.) | floritura (Spanish), florero (Spanish), abbellimento (Italian s.), abbellimenti (Italian pl.) fioritura (Italian), fioriture (French), agrément (French), ornement (French), Verzierung (German s.), Verzierungen (German pl.), Vorschläge (German), Vorschlagsnoten (German) |
vocal or instrumental embellishments or ornaments |
Grace note, short | see 'short grace note' |
Gracht (s.), Grachten (pl.) | (German f.) canal |
Grachtenrundfahrt | (German f.) canal cruise |
Grachtenstadt | (German f.) city of canals (Venice, Bruges, Amsterdam, etc.) |
Gracia | (Spanish f.) wit (in the sense of humour), joke |
(Spanish f.) grace (a religious state), favour, pardon |
(Spanish f.) grace, graciousness, charm |
the Spanish phrase equivalent to the Italian con grazia is con gracia, which is found in the sheet music for 'De Mi Tierra', taken from "Maria Luisa Anido - Album de 10 Obras para Guitarra" (Seleccion Orquidea, Buenos Aires, 1948), where it is used at the start of a particularly melodic passage [entry provided by Weed] |
Gracias | (Spanish f. pl.) thanks |
gracieusement | (French) gracefully, becomingly, graciously |
"Andante characterizes a tempo that is marqué without being gai and that corresponds roughly to the one designated in French by the word gracieusement." - Rousseau (1768) |
gracieux (m.), gracieuse (f.) | (French) graceful |
"This word is not used seriously in prose, unless it is a question of painting: "A painting has something gracieux about it."" - Bouhours, Remarques nouvelles (1675) |
"Does not mean precisely the same thing as agréable. Strictly speaking, gracieux means someone who pleases or wants to please. ... It is rather through their manners than through their bearing that men are gracieux. ... The word gracieux should not be confused with upright, civil, polite, affable. ... Gracieux and agréable do not always refer to personal qualities In that case, the word gracieux expresses, strictly speaking, something that flatters [flatter] the senses or the self-esteem; and the word agréable expresses something that suits one's goût and esprit." - Trévoux (1771) |
gracile | (Italian) small, thin, graceful, delicate, weak |
(English, slender and graceful |
(Italian) in music, reference to a small, thin or weak tone |
Graciosa | (Spanish f.) soubrette |
Gracioso | (Spanish m.) fool, comic character |
gracioso | (Spanish) funny |
graciozo | (Italian) play gracefully |
Grad (s.), Grade (pl.) | (German m.) degree, step, grade, rank, order, level, rate, stage, standard, pitch (degree), degree (temperature: often n.) |
Grad | a degree of tempering, 1/12 part of a Pythagorean comma. There are 613.81047 Grads to the octave. One Grad is the difference between a pure fifth of 701.955 cents and a 12-tET fifth of 700 cents and makes it a useful measure to describe temperings in a well-temperament. The name comes from Andreas Werckmeister (1645-1706) who used it to denote different divisions of a comma. It has a negligible difference to 1/11 part of a syntonic comma. Jan van Biezen calls this measure a Werckmeister, or Wm. Organ builders sometimes use this symbol, and approximate its size by 2 cents. Another useful property is that the minor diesis is almost exactly 21 Grad (21.002). So deviations from equal temperament of three consecutive major thirds when expressed in Grad always add up to 21. A Grad is 1.000655 times larger than a schisma |
grad | (German) just |
grad (s.), grads (pl.) | abbreviation of 'gradual' (s.), 'graduals' (pl.) |
Grada | (Spanish f.) step, row, tier (of seating in an amphitheatre) |
Gradación | (Spanish f.) gradation |
Gradadverb | (German n.) adverb of degree |
Grad an Genauigkeit | (German m.) degree of accuracy |
Grad an Qualität | (German m.) degree of quality |
gradare | (Italian) to descend (step by step) |
gradatamente | (Italian) by degrees, gradually |
(Italian) in music, reference to a gradual increase, or diminution, of speed, or intensity of tone |
Gradate | (to cause to) pass gradually from one shade to another, to arrange in steps or grades of size, etc |
gradatim | (Latin) gradually, step by step |
Gradatio | extended anadiplosis. Unlike regular anadiplosis, gradatio continues the pattern of repetition from clause to clause |
Gradation | (English, German f.) stage of transition or advance, a certain degree in rank, intensity, etc. |
a diatonic ascending or descending succession of chords |
(French) in music, gradual change within one parameter, or an overlapping of two blocks of sound |
(French) in linguistics, another term for ablaut |
Gradazione | (Italian f.) or Graduazione (Italian f.), in music, reference to a gradual increase, or diminution, of speed, or intensity of tone |
Gradbogen | (German m.) limb |
Grad Celsius | (German m./n.) degree centigrade, °C, degree Celsius |
Grad der Abhängigkeit | (German m.) degree of dependence |
Grad der Abweichung | (German m.) degree of variance |
Grad der Automatisierung | (German m.) degree of automation |
Grad der Empfindlichkeit | (German m.) degree of sensitivity (for example, senses) |
Grad der Genauigkeit | (German m.) degree of accuracy |
Grad der Intimität | (German m.) level of intimacy |
Grad der Invalidität | (German m.) degree of disablement |
Grad der Verwirrung | (German m.) degree of confusion |
GradDipEd, Grad.Dip.Ed. | abbreviation of 'Graduate Diploma in Education' |
grade | (German) just |
Grade der Steigerung | (German pl.) degrees of comparison |
Gradeinteilung | (German f.) scale division, graduation, scale |
gradevole | (Italian) agreeable, pleasing, graceful |
gradevolmente | (Italian) pleasingly, gracefully, agreeably |
Grad Fahrenheit | (German m./n.) °F, degree Fahrenheit |
Gradian | also gon, grade or grad, a unit of plane angle corresponding to 1/400 of a full circle, 0.9 degrees |
Gradient | (English, German m.) a graded change in the magnitude of some physical quantity or dimension |
gradieren | (German) to refine |
Gradierung | (German f.) gradation |
Gradino | (Italian m., literally 'step') the note, or range of notes, where the lower 'chest voice' meets the higher 'head voice' |
gradire | (Italian) to ascend (step by step) |
graditamente | (Italian) in a pleasing manner |
graditissimo | (Italian) very sweetly, most gracefully |
gradito | (Italian) pleasant |
Gradleiter | (German f.) scale |
gradlinig | (German) straight-line |
Gradmerkmale | (German pl.) intensity markers |
Gradmesser | (German m.) indicator, gauge, yardstick (also figurative) |
Gradmesser für den Erfolg | (German m.) performance benchmark |
Gradnetz | (German n.) graticule (of a map) |
Grado | (Italian m., Spanish m.) a degree, a step, degré (French) |
Grado ascendente | (Italian m.) ascending step, ascending degree |
Grado congiunto | (Italian m.) two notes that in a major or minor scale would be one degree apart |
Grado della scala | (Italian m.) degree of the scale |
Grado descendente | (Italian m.) descending step, descending degree |
Grado di scala | (Italian m.) degree of the scale |
Grado disgiunto | (Italian m.) two notes that, in a major or minor scale, would be more than one degree apart |
Grado musical | (Spanish m.) degree of the scale |
Grados de la escala | (Spanish m. pl.) degrees of the scale |
Gradskala | (German f.) scale (of degrees), (degree) scale |
Gradual | (English, Spanish m., possibly from Latin, gradus, so named from the position of the soloist, at the steps of the pulpit or ambo) the fourth item of the ordinary of the Mass, sung between the Epistle and the Gospel, a contraction of responsorium graduale. The texts of the gradual come primarily from the Psalms, and the melodies are generally melismatic and usually responsorial and are what is sung in the Mass by the choir |
or Graduale Romanum, a book of chants containing the graduals, introits and other antiphons of the Roman Catholic mass |
progressing by degrees, not rapid, steep, or abrupt |
Graduale (s.), Gadualien (German pl.) | (German n., from Latin) gradual |
Graduale Romanum | (Latin) book of chants containing the graduals, introits and other antiphons of the Roman Catholic mass |
Gradualism | the belief that changes occur, or ought to occur, slowly in the form of gradual steps |
Gradualismus | (German m.) gradualism |
graduallemente | (French) gradually, by degrees or steps |
graduallemente plus douce | (French) softer by degrees |
Gradually | progressing by degrees, not rapidly or abruptly, poco a poco (Italian), allmälig (German), peu à peu (French) |
Gradually slower | alongez (French), cédez (French), zurückhalten (German), ritardando (Italian) |
gradualmente | (Italian) gradually, by degrees or steps |
(Spanish) gradually |
Gradual modulation | modulation in which some chord, taken before the modulating chord, may be considered as belonging either to the original key or to the new key |
graduatamente | (Italian) gradually, by degrees or steps |
Graduate | one who has obtained a academic degree |
to mark out in degrees or parts (for example, graduated cylinder for measuring out liquids by volume) |
Graduation | (French f.) gradation |
Graduazione | (Italian f.) gradation |
Grad über Null | (German pl.) degrees above freezing, degrees above freezing point, degrees above zero |
graduell | (German) gradual, gradually, gradatim |
graduellement | (French) gradually |
graduieren | (German) to graduate |
graduiert | (German) graduated |
graduierte Skala | (German f.) graduated scale |
Graduierten- | (German) postgraduate (prefix) |
Graduiertenfakultät | (German f.) graduate school |
Graduiertenfeier | (German f.) graduation ceremony |
Graduiertenkolleg | (German n.) post graduate programme |
Graduiertenschule | (German f.) graduate school |
Graduiertenstipendium | (German n.) postgraduate scholarship |
Graduierter (m.), Graduierte (f.) | (German) postgraduate |
graduierter Betriebswirt | (German m.) Master of Business Administration |
Graduierung | (German f.) classification, grading, graduation |
Graduierungsfeier | (German f.) graduation ceremony |
Grad unter Null | (German pl.) degrees below freezing, degrees below freezing-point |
Gradus ad Parnassum | (Latin) a treatise or dictionary of peotical words and phrases designed to facilitate the composition of Latin verse |
a manual or treatise facilitating verse composition in other languages |
Johann Joseph Fux (1660-1741), teacher of Antonio Caldara (1670-1736) in 1716, Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679-1745) and Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773) in 1717, and imperial court composer in Vienna from 1715, is better known today as the author of Gradus ad Parnassum (1725), a treatise on sixteenth-century counterpoint in the style of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c.1526-1594). In 1745 Gradus was translated into German by J.S. Bach's pupil Lorenz Christoph Mizler (1711-78). J.S. Bach (1685-1750) obtained a copy soon thereafter |
gradweise | (German) by degrees, gradually |
Gradzahl | (German f.) degree value |
gradzahlig | (German) even-numbered |
Grad-Zeichen | (German n.) degree sign, ° |
Graeco-Roman | of the Greeks and Romans |
Graetz-Schaltung | (German f.) full-wave bridge circuit, full-wave bridge rectifier |
Graf (s.), Gräfin (f.), Grafen (pl.), Gräfinnen ( | (German m.) count (m.), earl (m.), countess (f.) |
Grafem (s.), Grafeme (pl.) | (German n.) grapheme |
Grafenschloss | (German n.) count's castle |
Grafenstand | (German m.) earldom |
Grafentitel | (German m.) earldom |
Grafentochter | (German f.) earl's daughter |
Grafenwürde (s.), Grafenwürden (pl.) | (German f.) earldom |
Graffa | (Italian f.) brace |
Graffel | (German n. - Austria, Southern Germany) junk |
Graffito (s.), Graffiti (pl.) | (English, German m./n.) a type of deliberate application of a media made by humans on any surface, both private and public. It usually takes the form of publicly painted art, drawings or words. When done without a property owner's consent it constitutes vandalism, although in many countries the owner must press charges before it would be considered a crime. Graffiti has existed at least since the days of ancient civilizations such as classical Greece and the Roman Empire |
a method of architectural decoration produced by scratching through a thin layer of plaster to a layer of a different colour |
- Graffiti from which this extract has been taken
Graffiti | (German n.) daub, scratchwork, graffiti |
Graffitibeseitigung | (German f.) graffiti removal |
Graffitientfernung | (German f.) graffiti removal |
Graffitikünstler (s.), Graffitikünstler (pl.) | (German m.) graffiti artist, writer (graffiti writer) |
Graffiti-Sprayer | (German m.) graffiti sprayer |
Graffitisprüher | (German m.) writer (colloquial: graffiti artist) |
Graffiti-Sprüher | (German m.) graffiti sprayer |
Graffitiszene | (German f.) graffiti scene |
Gráfica | (Spanish f.) graph |
Gráfico | (Spanish m.) graph |
gráfico | (Spanish) graphic |
Grafik (s.), Grafiken (pl.) | (German f.) graphic, chart, graphics, graphic work, diagram, artwork, graphic arts |
Grafik- | (German) graphics (prefix) |
Grafikabteilung | (German f.) graphics department |
Grafikbildschirm | (German m.) graphic display screen |
Grafikdesign | (German n.) graphic design |
Grafikdesigner (m.), Grafikdesignerin (f.) | (German) graphic designer |
Grafik-Designer (m.), Grafik-Designerin (f.) | (German) graphic designer |
Grafikdrucker | (German m.) graphics printer |
Grafiker (m.), Grafikerin (f.) | (German) graphic designer, graphic artist |
grafikfähiger Drucker | (German m.) graphics printer |
Grafikkarte | (German f.) videocard, graphics card, display adapter, graphics adapter, display card |
Grafik mit hoher Auflösung | (German f.) high-resolution graphics |
grafikorientiert | (German) graphics-oriented |
Grafikstudio | (German n.) graphic art studio |
Grafiktablett | (German n.) graphics pad, graph tablet, graphical tablet, graphics tablet, drawing tablet |
Grafik-Tablett | (German n.) graphics pad, graph tablet, graphical tablet, graphics tablet, drawing tablet |
Grafikzeichen | (German n.) graphics character |
grafisch | (German) graphic, graphical, graphically |
grafisch dargestellt | (German) diagrammed |
grafisch darstellen | (German) to plot, to chart, to graph |
grafische Anzeige | (German f.) graphic display |
grafische Benutzeroberfläche | (German f.) graphical user interface |
grafische Darstellung | (German f.) chart, graph, graphic representation, graphical presentation, graphical representation, graphics, plot (chart, graph), plotting |
grafische Gestaltung | (German f.) graphic design |
grafische Sammlung | (German f.) print room (in a museum) |
grafischer Bildschirm | (German m.) graphic display |
grafischer Zeichensatz | (German m.) font |
grafisches Modell | (German n.) graphical model |
grafisches Zeichen | (German n.) graphic character, graphic symbol |
Grafit | (German m.) plumbago |
gräflich | (German) comital, count's |
Grafschaft (s.), Grafschaften (pl.) | (German f.) county, shire, earldom |
Grafschaft Devon | (German f.) Devon (county) |
Grafschaften, die an London angrenzen | (German pl.) Home Counties |
Grafschaftsrat | (German m.) county council |
Grágas Lawbook | (Old Norse, "greygoose") a section of the Codex Regius text that deals with wergild and Icelandic law; an important source for understanding the conflict in Icelandic sagas |
Grahambrötchen | (German n.) granary roll |
Grahamweckerl | (German n. - Austria) granary roll |
Graian Alps | Alpi Graie (Italian), Alpes Grées (French), Grajische Alpen (German), a mountain range in the western part of the Alps |
Grail | English name for the graduale |
(as in full Holy Grail) (in medieval legend) cup or platter used by Christ at the Last Supper |
Grain (of wood) | Jahresring (German m.), pore (de bois) (French m.), gli anelli annuali (Italian), venatura (Italian f.), pattern of lines of fibre in wood |
Graine | (French f.) seed |
Grains of Paradise | the aromatic pungent seeds of a tropical West African plant, related to cardamom |
Graissage | (French m.) lubrication |
Graisse | (French f.) grease, fat |
graisser | (French) to grease |
graisseux (m.), graisseuse (f.) | (French) greasy |
Grajische Alpen | (German pl.) Graian Alps |
Gral | (German m.) grail |
Gralla | traditional oboe-like, double-reed instrument made from wood, about 70 cm long. The cone shaped gralla is usually found in the Catalan region. In many other parts of Spain it is known as dulzaina |
Gralsbewegung | (German f.) Grail Movement |
Gralshüter (m.), Gralshüterin (f.) | (German) keeper of the Grail, guardian (figurative: of an ideal, tradition, etc.) |
Gralssuche | (German f.) Grail quest |
Gram | (German m.) grief, sorrow, affliction |
gram. | abbreviation of 'grammatical' |
Grama | an ancient standard scale from India |
Gramática | (Spanish f.) grammar |
gramatical | (Spanish) grammatical |
Gräme dich nicht. | (German) Do not fret. |
gramerfüllt | (German) careworn, woebegone, grief-stricken |
gramgebeugt | (German) bowed down with grief, bowed down with sorrow, grief-stricken |
Graminology | or agrostology, the scientific study of grasses |
grämlich | (German) sullen, morose, surly, ill-humoured |
Gramm | (German n.) gram, gramme |
Grammafono | (Italian m.) gramophone (English), phonograph (US) |
Grammage | the paper density or weight of a type of paper or cardboard, expressed as the mass of the product per unit of area (for example, gram/metre2) |
Grammaire | (French f.) grammar |
Grammar | the study or rules of a language's inflections or other means of showing the relation between words, or the observance or application of those rules |
Grammarian | expert in grammar or linguistics |
grammat. | abbreviation of 'grammatical' |
Grammatical | (English, French) conforming to the rules of grammar, the rules of a language's inflections or other means of showing the relation between words |
Grammatical function | a category for words in inflected languages - typical examples include aspect, mood, and tense for verbs; person and case for pronouns; case and definiteness for articles, and number, case, and gender for nouns |
Grammatik (s.), Grammatiken (pl.) | (German f.) grammar, grammar (book) |
grammatikalisch | (German) grammatical, grammatically, grammatic |
grammatikalisches Wörterbuch | (German n.) grammatical dictionary |
grammatikalisieren | (German) to grammaticalise |
Grammatikalisierung | (German f.) grammaticalisation |
Grammatikalität | (German f.) grammaticality |
Grammatikbuch | (German n.) grammar book |
Grammatiker (m.), Grammatikerin (f.) | (German) grammarian |
Grammatikerwerb | (German m.) acquisition of grammar |
Grammatikfehler (s.), Grammatikfehler (pl.) | (German m.) slip in the grammar, grammatical error |
Grammatikographie | (German f.) grammaticography |
Grammatikregeln | (German pl.) rules of grammar |
Grammatikwörterbuch | (German n.) grammar dictionary |
grammatisch | (German) grammatic, grammatical, grammatically |
grammatisch beschreiben | (German) to parse |
grammatische Analyse | (German f.) grammatical analysis |
grammatischer Fehler | (German m.) grammatical error |
grammatischer Wechsel | (German m.) grammatical alternation |
grammatische Zergliederung | (German f.) grammatical analysis |
grammatisch falsch | (German) solecistic (grammatically incorrect) |
grammatisch korrekt | (German) grammatical (grammatically correct) |
Grammatologie | (German f.) grammatology |
Grammatology | a term coined by the linguist Ignace Gelb in 1952 to refer to the scientific study of writing systems or scripts |
Grammatur | (German f.) grammage |
Gramme | (French m.) gram (unit of weight) |
Grammeln | (German pl. - Southern Germany, Austria) greaves |
Grammgewicht | (German n.) grammage |
Grammofon | (German n.) gramophone, phonograph |
Grammofonstahlnadel | (German f.) gramophone steel needle |
Grammophon | (German n.) gramophone (English, French), phonograph (US) |
Gramm pro Liter | (German pl.) grams per litre |
Grammy | (German m.) Grammy (American Music Prize) |
Gramófono | (Spanish m.) gramophone (English, French), phonograph (US) |
Gramophone | (English, French m.) or, in the US, 'phonograph', a device for playing records |
Gramophone card | see 'talking postcard' |
Gramscianism | pertaining to the works and theories developped by the Italian philosopher, writer, politician and political theorist Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937). His writings are heavily concerned with the analysis of culture and political leadership and he is notable as a highly original thinker within the Marxist tradition. He is renowned for his concept of cultural hegemony as a means of maintaining the state in a capitalist society |
Gramscianismus | (German m.) Gramscianism |
gramvoll | (German) sorrowful, grief-stricken |
Gran | (German n.) grain (small particle) |
gran, grand', grande | (Italian) large, big, great, full, complete |
the regular form is grande which becomes grand' before vowels and gran before consonants |
Grana | (Spanish f.) scarlet (colour) |
Granadina | a type of fandango from southern Spain |
Granalie (s.), Granalien (pl.) | (German f.) granule |
Gran amor a la vida | (Spanish m.) great love of life |
Gran amor a los animales | (Spanish m.) great love of animals |
Gran angular | (Spanish m.) wide-angle lens |
Granat (s.), Granate (pl.) | (German m.) garnet |
Granatapfel (s.), Granatäpfel (pl.) | (German m.) pomegranate (Punica granatum) |
Granatapfelbaum | (German m.) pomegranate tree |
Granatarmband | (German n.) garnet bracelet |
Granate (s.), Granaten (pl.) | (German f.) shell, grenade, bombshell (colloquial: very attractive woman) |
Granatenhülse | (German f.) cartouche |
granatenmäßig | (German) like a bombshell, dynamite (colloquial) |
Granatenschock | (German m.) shell shock |
granatenvoll | (German) absolutely plastered (slang) |
Granatfeuer | (German n.) shell fire, shelling |
Granatkette | (German f.) garnet necklace |
Granatring | (German m.) garnet ring |
Granatrot | (German n.) garnet red |
Granatschleifleinen | (German n.) garnet cloth (abrasive) |
Granatsplitter (s.), Granatsplitter (pl.) | (German m.) shell splinter, shrapnel |
Granattrichter | (German m.) shell-hole, shell crater |
Granatwerfer | (German m.) mortar |
Gran Bretaña | (Spanish f.) Great Britain |
Gran Canaria | (German n., Spanish) Grand Canary |
Gran cassa | (Italian f., literally 'big box') bass drum, big drum |
the stave for the bass drum is often prefixed by the two letters G.C. |
Gran cassa e piatti insieme | (Italian) drum and cymbals combination |
Gran coro | (Italian m.) full organ |
Grand | a commonly used abbreviation of 'grand piano' |
in ballet, smoothly up onto pointe |
grand (m.), grande (f.) | (French) great, big, large, full |
Grand allegro | in ballet, the larger jumps and travelling steps of allegro |
Grand amateur (s.), grands amateurs (pl.) | (French m.) an ardent lover of beautiful things, a collector of objets d'arts |
Grand aria | see da-capo aria |
Grand atelier (s.), Grands ateliers (pl.) | (French m.) a leading fashion-house |
Grand barré | (French f.) placing the forefinger (first finger) of the left hand across more than three strings on a guitar, or indeed across all the strings at once |
Grand bass | built in 1899 by John Geyer, the 'Grand Bass' stood 15 feet in height and was designed like Vuillaume's octobasse to sound several octaves below the double bass |
Grand battement | in ballet, a quick and energetic throw of the leg into the air |
Grand bourdon | (French f.) or double bourdon, an organ stop of 32 ft. tone |
Grand Canary | one of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, east-southeast of Tenerife Island |
Grand-chalumeau | the larger of the two chanters of a musette de cour |
see petit-chalumeau |
Grand choeur | (French m.) full organ |
a group of stops added to the fonds d'orgue (foundation stops) on a French organ |
Grand cornet | a reed stop in an organ of 16 ft. scale, found on the manuals of some instruments |
Grand coup | (French m.) a bold and successful stroke (of policy, etc.) |
Grand cru | (French m.) a wine from a well-known vineyard or group of vineyards |
Grand détaché | (French m.) in string playing, where the whole stroke of the bow is applied to each note, the direction reversed between alternating notes |
Grande | (German m.) magnifico, grandee |
Grande amoureuse | (French f.) a woman who devotes all her time and energy to her love-affairs |
Grande armie, la | (French f.) the French Army assembled by Napoleon for his Russian campaign (1812) |
Grand écart | (French m.) in dance, 'jump splits', a popular feature of the can-can |
in gymnastics, the same separation of the legs, so that they are at right angles to the body which lies perpendicular to them, is performed on the floor |
Grande cocotte (s.), Grandes cocottes (pl.) | (French f.) a woman whose lover maintains her in great luxury |
Grand echappé | (French) a version of the echappé sauté in which the legs are opened only at the moment of return to the floor |
Grande dame | (French f.) a great lady, a woman of dignified and aristocratic bearing (the female equivalent of a grand seigneur) |
Grande école (s.), Grandes écoles (pl.) | (French f.) a French quasi-military technical college, the best known being the École Polytechnique and the École Normale Supérieure |
Grande entrée | (French f.) the privilege of admission (to Court, etc.) on a state occasion |
Grande épreuve, Grandes épreuves (pl.) | (French f.) an important motor-race |
Grande marque, Grandes marques (pl.) | (French f.) a famous make (of motor-car, etc.) |
grandement | (French) grandly |
Grande messe | (French f.) High Mass |
Grande mesure à deux temps | (French f.) common time of two beats in a bar, marked 2/2 or sometimes with a large C |
Grande organo | (Italian m.) full organ |
(Italian m.) or grand'organo, Great division in an organ |
(Italian m.) pipe organ |
Grande-orgue | (French f.) full organ |
(French f.) Great division in an organ |
(French f.) pipe organ |
Grande partition | (French f.) performance score, full score |
Grande passion | (French f.) an overpowering love, the love of one's life |
Grandes machines | (French f. pl.) large-scale works of art |
Grande sonnerie | (French f.) a system of striking in clocks and watches whereby the quarter and the hour is struck at every quarter |
Grande tenue | (French f.) full dress (uniform), evening dress, court dress |
Grande toilette | (French f.) (a woman's) full evening dress |
Grande tradition | (French f.) mainstream |
Grande vedette | (French f.) a major star (of stage or screen) |
Grandezza | (German f., Italian f.) grandeur, dignity |
Grandfather clause | a provision in a statute that exempts those already involved in a regulated activity or business from the new regulations |
Grandfathering | (English, German n.) the use of grandfather clause to allows an old rule to continue to apply to some existing situations, when a new rule will apply to all future situations. It is often used as a verb: to grandfather means to grant such an exemption (particularly environmental protection, finance) |
Grand Guignol | (French m.) (characteristic of) an entertainment consisting of a serious of horrific short plays |
the Grand Guignol was a theatre (Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol) in the Pigalle area of Paris (at 20 bis, rue Chaptal), which, from its opening in 1897 to its closing in 1962, specialized in naturalistic horror shows |
Grand harmonicon | musical glasses |
grandig | (German) strong |
grandios | (German) terrific, sublime, superb, sublime (scenery), fantastic, wonderful, splendid, grandiose, grandiloquent (description), grandiloquently, grandiosely |
grandiose Landschaft | (German f.) sublime scenery |
grandioso | (Italian, Spanish) grand, noble, magnificent, splendid, majestic, lofty, elevated |
grandisonante | (Italian) loud, sonorous |
(Italian) pompous, affected |
Grand jeté | (French m.) in dance, a big leap in the air, in a full out split, flying across the stage |
Grand jeu | (French m.) full organ, although in some French organ music, specifically a loud combination of reed stops as used in homophonic sections of larger pieces or standalone préludes |
(French m.) the name of a stop on the harmonium which brings into play the full power of the instrument |
Grand luxe | (French m.) the highest degree of luxury |
Grandly | splendidly, magnificently, imposingly, in a dignified manner, grandioso (Italian), nobilmente (Italian), grossartig (German), grandement (French) |
Grand Mal | (German n.) grand mal |
Grand mal | (French m.) a form of epilepsy characterised by convulsive spasms (as opposed to petit mal) |
Grand-Mal-Anfall | (German m.) grand mal epileptic fit, grand mal seizure |
Grand-mal-Epilepsie | (German f.) grand mal epilepsy |
Grand master | title of the heads of the military orders of Templars and Hospitallers |
Grand Monarque, le | (French m.) a reference to the French king Louis XIV (although the term is now used more generally for any absolute ruler) |
Grand motet | (French m.) a substantial, sectional work (similar to a Lutheran church cantata but pleasing to Louis XIV because of its pomp and grandeur), most often a setting of one of the psalms, in which episodes for vocal soloists were interspersed with passages for small ensembles and chorus, while the orchestra provided both accompaniment and interludes. According to tradition, Louis XIV organized a contest between composers, giving them the same sacred text and time to compose the musical setting. He alone was the judge. Michel-Richard de Lalande (or Delalande) (1657-1726) was one of four winners assigned to compose sacred music for each quarter of the year (the other composers being Nicolas Coupillet (d. after 1713), Pascal Collasse (1649-1709) and Guillaume Minoret (1650-1720)). Although the model for the grand motet was created by Henry Dumont (de Thier) (1610-1684), who served in the royal chapel for twenty years from 1663 to 1683, it was two of his younger contemporaries - Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704) and de Lalande (or Delalande) - who took the genre to its height |
the Abbé Perrin, in the preface to a collection of his own motet texts (1665), tells us that for Louis XIV's messe basse solennelle, the musical highpoint of daily worship at Versailles, "three [motets] are usually sung: a grand, a petit for the élévation, and a Domine salvum fac regem ('God save the king'). I have made the grands long enough that they can last a quarter of an hour ... and occupy the beginning of the Mass up to the élévation. Those of the élévation are shorter and can last up to the Post-Communion where the Domine [salvum] begins." |
Grand Ole Opry | a weekly Saturday night country music radio program broadcast live on WSM radio in Nashville, Tennessee. It is the oldest continuous radio program in the United States, having been broadcast on WSM since November 28, 1925. It is also televised and promotes live performances both in Nashville and on the road |
Grand Oper | (German f.) grand opera |
Grand opera | a style of opera characterized by grandiose scale. Heroic and historical subjects, large casts, vast orchestras, richly detailed sets, sumptuous costumes and spectacular scenic effects were all features of this genre, especially when the operas were first produced. However, some recent revivals have featured excessive short cuts in an effort to minimize costs. Other characteristics include continuous music (recitative instead of spoken dialogue), a four or five-act structure and the prevalence of ballets and large scale processions. While there were a number of earlier operas which exhibited many of the traits of grand opera, these are essentially precursors of what we now regard as grand opera. True grand operas are generally regarded as originating in Paris during the late 1820s with Auber's La muette de Portici. The format quickly travelled to near-by countries, especially Germany, Austria, and Italy. But it fell into disfavor towards the end of the nineteenth century, as the expense of staging these mammoth works and the problems in finding singers capable of executing them caused newer styles to gain in popularity. There also was a great deal of opposition to them in Paris on the part of avant-garde intellectuals such as Claude Debussy who were embarrassed by what they saw as the excesses of grand opera. Nevertheless, grand opera did not die out, many composers continued to write these works, and the style continued to be influential |
Grand opéra | (French) an opera, usually in five acts, based on a serious or historical subject, a style associated particularly with the Paris Opéra of the first half of the nineteenth century, and with the works of French composer Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791-1864) |
Grand orchestre | (French m.) full orchestra |
Grand'organo | (Italian m.) full organ, great organ |
Grand orgue | (French m.) full organ, great organ |
Grand pause | generally, a rest for the entire ensemble |
as a feature of the music of the Mannheim School, the Grand Pause is where the playing stops abruptly for a moment, resulting in total silence, only to restart in a vigorous manner |
Grand piano | a large traditionally harp-shaped piano where the strings run horizontally. This is the preferred concert instrument and is available in several sizes from the baby grand (around 5 feet long) to the concert grand (around 9 feet long). The concert grand is also known as a '9-foot grand' even when it is not actually 9 feet in length |
Grand plié | (French m.) in ballet, a position in which the legs are fully bent |
Grand Prix (s.), Grands Prix (pl.) | (French m., German m.) a major international race (usually for motor-cars) |
in music, a major award (for example, as given at an international exhibition for pianos, etc.) |
(German m.) Eurovision Song Contest |
Grand Prix de Rome | (French m.) prize awarded annually by the French government, through competitive examination, to students of the fine arts. It entitles them to four years' study at the Académie de France à Rome. The prize is open to all French painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and musicians between the ages of 15 and 30 who have completed required work at the École des Beaux-Arts or elsewhere. It was instituted by Louis XIV in 1666 for the purpose of enabling talented artists to complete their education by study of classical art in Rome |
Grand-Prix-Strecke | (German f.) Grand Prix circuit (motor-racing circuit) |
Grand Promenade | one of the figures unique to, or traditionally associated with, square dancing |
Grand seigneur | (French m.) a great nobleman, a gentleman of dignified and aristocratic bearing (the male equivalent of a grande dame) |
Grand Siècle, le | (French m.) the reign of Louis XIV, the Classical age of French literature |
Grand staff | or 'grand stave', the combination of a staff line notated in treble clef with one notated in bass clef plus a central line representing middle C, in total eleven lines (see reference below) |
the term is also used for the double staff used primarily in scoring for piano, and other keyboard instruments, but also sometimes used to score vocal works, such as hymns |
Grand stave | see 'grand staff' |
Grand system | accolatura (Italian), accolade (French), Akkolade (German) |
two staves combined with a brace, usually used for piano music |
Grand Theory | (English, German f.) a universal theory, although also used pejoratively for an overly abstract, universal social theory detached from real life |
Grand Tour | an extensive journey to the Continent, chiefly to France, the Netherlands, and above all Italy, sometimes in the company of a tutor, that became a conventional feature in the education of the English gentleman in the eighteenth century. Such tours might take a year or more. It had a noticeable effect in bringing a more cosmopolitan spirit to the taste of connoisseurs and laid the basis for many collections among the landed gentry. It also helped the spread of the fashion for Neoclassicism and an enthusiasm for Italian painting. Among the native artists who catered for this demand were Batoni, Canaletto, Pannini, and Piranesi, and British artists (such as Nollekens) were sometimes able to support themselves while in Italy by working for the dealers and restorers who supplied the tourist clientele. There was also a flourishing market in guide books |
gran gusto | (Italian) great taste, in a grand style |
Granit | (German m.) granite |
granitartig | (German) granitic |
Granitboden | (German m.) granite floor |
Granitbruch (s.), Granitbrüche (pl.) | (German m.) granite quarry |
graniten | (German) granite |
Granitfliesen | (German pl.) granite tiling |
Granitfußboden | (German m.) granite floor |
granitisch | (German) granitic |
Granitplatte | (German f.) granite slab, granite top (kitchen, etc.) |
Granitsäule (s.), Granitsäulen (pl.) | (German f.) granite column, granite pillar |
Granitskulptur | (German f.) granite sculpture |
Granittisch | (German m.) granite table |
Granittreppe | (German f.) granite stairs, granite staircase |
granivor | (German) granivorous, seed eating, seed predating |
Granivore | (English, German m.) seed eater, seed predator |
granivore Vögel | (German pl.) granivorous birds |
Granne | (German f.) awn (grasses), beard (grasses) |
grano | abbreviated form of grandioso (Italian/Spanish: grand, splendid, magnificent, majestic) |
Gran orquesta | (Spanish m./f.) full orchestra, grand orchestre (French) |
Gran pezza | (Italian f.) long time |
Gran rifiuto, il | (Italian m.) the great refusal, the refusal of a high honour or reward |
possibly a reference to the resignation of Pope Celestine V who in 1294 resigned the Papacy to return to a hermit's cell |
Granskning | (Danish) research |
Grant | (German m. - Southern Germany, Austria) bad mood, ill temper |
Gran tamburo | (Italian m.) bass drum |
granteln | (German - Southern Germany) to be dour and critical |
Granth Saheb | the sacred book of the Sikhs |
grantig | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) grumpy, huffy (colloquial) |
grantig sein | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) to be grumpy (colloquial) |
grantig über ... sein | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) to grump about ... (something) (colloquial) |
Gran turismo | (Italian m.) a high-performance car with ample luggage-space and comfortable seats for two persons |
Granuja | (Spanish m./f.) rogue |
granular | (German) granular |
Granularität | (German f.) granularity |
Granular synthesis | a sound synthesis method that operates on the microsound time scale. It is often based on the same principles as sampling but often includes analog technology. The samples are not used directly however, they are split in small pieces of around 1 to 50 ms (milliseconds) in length, or the synthesized sounds are very short. These small pieces are called grains. Multiple grains may be layered on top of each other all playing at different speed, phase and volume |
Granulat | (German n.) granules, granule, granulate material, resin, pellets |
Granulation | (German f.) granulation |
granulato | (Italian) non-legato |
granulieren | (German) to granulate |
granulierend | (German) granulating |
granuliert | (German) granulated, grained, granular |
Granulierung | (German f.) pelletising |
granulös | (German) granular |
Grapefruchtsaft | (German m.) grapefruit juice |
Grapefruit (s.), Grapefruits (pl.) | (German f.) grapefruit |
Grapefruitbaum | (German m.) grapefruit tree (Citrus paradisis) |
Grapefruitkernöl | (German n.) grapefruit essential oil |
Grapefruitlöffel | (German m.) grapefruit spoon |
Grapefruitmesser | (German n.) grapefruit knife |
Grapefruitöl | (German n.) grapefruit oil |
Grapefruitsaft | (German m.) grapefruit juice |
Grapen | (German m.) tripod skillet |
Grapevine | the name of a dance figure, which may look different in different ballroom, club, and folk dances, but shares a common appearance: it includes side steps and steps across the support foot |
- Grapevine from which this information has been taken
Grapevine Twist | one of the big circle figures danced by all couples in one large circle facing the centre which are traditionally associated with square dancing |
Graph (s.), Graphen (pl.) | (German m.) graph |
Graphaesthesia | the ability to recognize writing on the skin purely by the sensation of touch |
Graphästhesie | (German f.) graphaesthesia |
Graphem (s.), Grapheme (pl.) | (German n.) grapheme |
Graphematik | (German f.) graphemics |
graphematisch | (German) graphematic |
Grapheme | a written symbol that is used to represent speech |
Graphemics | the branch of language study dealing with the relationship between speech sounds and the writing system of a language |
Graphemik | (German f.) graphemics |
Graphen | (German n.) graphene |
Graphene | a one-atom-thick planar sheet of carbon atoms that are densely packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice |
Graphentheorie | (German f.) graph theory |
Graphical score | also 'graphic notation' or 'graphic score', a score characterized by non-traditional musical symbols arranged in a visual design rather than in conventional musical syntax |
Graphic Converter | in 1966, Fernando von Reichenbach, at CLAEM (Centro Latinoamericano de Altos Estudios Musicales / Latin American Center for Advanced Musical Studies) in Buenos Aires, invented the Graphic Converter, also known as Catalina, a device that allowed composers to write a graphic score on a paper roll. The images were then captured by a camera that transformed them into musical controls |
Graphic notation | see 'graphical score' |
Graphic score | see 'graphical score' |
Graphik (s.), Graphiken (pl.) | (German f.) graphics |
Graphikbildschirm | (German m.) graphics screen |
Graphikcursor | (German m.) graphics cursor |
Graphikdrucker | (German m.) graphics printer |
Graphiker (m.), Graphikerin (f.) | (German) graphic artist, graphic designer |
Graphikfähigkeit | (German f.) capability for graphic representation |
Graphikfunktion | (German f.) graphics function |
Graphikkartensteckplatz | (German m.) graphics card slot |
Graphikmonitor | (German m.) graphics monitor |
Graphiktablett | (German n.) graph tablet, digitiser tablet, graphics tablet |
graphisch | (German) graphic, graphical, graphically |
graphisch darstellen | (German) to chart, to plot, to portray |
graphische Anzeige | (German f.) graphic display |
graphische Darstellung | (German f.) graph, graphical representation, chart, diagram, diagrammatic representation |
graphische Gestaltung | (German f.) pictorial design |
graphische Kunst | (German f.) graphics |
graphische Notation | (German f.) graphic notation |
graphische Partitur | (German f.) musical notation including non-traditional graphic elements |
graphischer Ideengestalter | (German m.) visualiser |
graphische Sammlung | (German f.) print room (in a museum) |
Graphit (s.), Graphite (pl.) | (German m.) graphite, plumbago (graphite), black lead |
Graphite | soft, steel-gray to black, hexagonally crystallized allotrope of carbon with a metallic lustre and a greasy feel, used in lead pencils, lubricants, etc. |
Graphitfettstift | (German m.) graphited grease pencil, graphited chinagraph pencil |
graphitiert | (German) graphited |
graphitmoderiert | (German) graphite-moderated |
graphitmoderierter Kernreaktor | (German m.) graphite-moderated reactor |
graphitmoderierter Reaktor | (German m.) graphite-moderated reactor |
Graphitpulver | (German n.) graphite powder |
Graphitstaub | (German m.) graphite dust |
Graphitstift | (German m.) conductive pencil, electrographic pen, graphite pencil |
Graphologe | (German m.) graphologist |
Graphologie | (German f.) graphology (handwriting analysis) |
graphologisch | (German) graphologic, graphologically, graphological |
Graphology | the study of handwriting (especially as an indicator of the writer's character or disposition) |
Graphophobia | dislike of writing |
Graphophobie | (German f.) graphophobia |
Graphosemantics | the study of meaning where it is communicated through the relationship of letter form and its interpretation, as, for example, comparing grey and gray (different spelling conventions in different standardised varieties may be interpreted in two different ways: grey with positive connotations (viz. she has lovely grey eyes), and gray with negative connotations (viz. It was a gray, gloomy day) |
Graphosemantik | (German f.) graphosemantics |
Graphospasmus | (German m.) graphospasm, writer's cramp |
Grappa | (Italian f.) the brace that connects two of more staves |
(English, German m., Italian f.) a spirit distilled from wine, a kind of strong brandy |
grapschen | (German) to grope, to snaffle (colloquial), to grab |
grapschen nach | (German) to grab at |
Grapscher | (German m.) groper (colloquial) |
grapsen | (German - Austria) to snatch (steal) |
Gras (s.), Gräser (pl.) | (German n.) grass, herbage, pot (colloquial: marijuana), weed (colloquial: marijuana) |
gras | (French) fat, plump |
Gras- | (German) grassy (prefix) |
Grasa | (Spanish f.) grease |
grasähnlich | (German) grasslike, grass-like |
grasartig | (German) grass-like, grasslike, grassy |
grasbedeckt | (German) grassy, grass-covered |
grasbewachsen | (German) grass-covered, grassy, grass-grown, overgrown with grass |
Grasbrand | (German m.) grass fire |
Grasbüschel | (German n.) hassock, clump of grass, tuft of grass |
Grasebene | (German f.) prairie, grassy plain |
Grasen | (German n.) browse (of cows, goats, etc.), grazing |
grasen | (German) to browse, to graze, to pasture |
grasend | (German) browsing, grazing |
Gräserkunde | (German f.) graminology, agrostology |
Gräserpollenallergie | (German f.) grass pollen allergy |
Grasfangsack | (German n.) grass bag (on a lawn mower) |
Grasfläche | (German f.) patch of grass |
grasfressend | (German) halmophagous |
Gras fressend | (German) graminivorous |
Grasfresser | (German m.) grazer, graminivore |
Grasfrosch | (German m.) grass frog, common (brown) frog (Rana temporaria) |
grasgrün | (German) grass-green |
Grashalm (s.), Grashalme (pl.) | (German m.) blade of grass, culm, grass stalk |
Grashöhe | (German f.) grass height |
Grashügel | (German m.) grassy knoll |
Grashüpfer (s.), Grashüpfer (pl.) | (German m.) grasshopper |
grasiento | (Spanish) greasy |
grasig | (German) grassy, green, herbal |
gräsig | (German) gross (colloquial: vile) |
grasiger | (German) grassier |
grasigste | (German) grassiest |
grasioso | an alternative spelling of grazioso found in Weber's Clarinet Concerto no. 2 [information supplied by Cassidy Maley] |
Graskorb | (German m.) grass box (of a lawn mower) |
Grasland | (German n.) pastureland, grassland, grasslands |
Graslandschaft | (German f.) grassy landscape |
graslos | (German) grassless |
Grasmücke | (German f.) (typical) warbler (genus Sylvia) |
Grasnarbe (s.), Grasnarben (pl.) | (German f.) sward, turf, greensward, sod |
Graspiste | (German f.) grass runway |
Grasplatz (s.), Grasplätze (pl.) | (German m.) grass-plot, lawn, green (large area of grass), grass court (tennis) |
Graspollenallergie | (German f.) grass pollen allergy |
Gras rauchen | (German) to smoke weed (marijuana) |
grasreich | (German) grassy |
Grass | (German n.) grass (colloquial: marijuana) |
Grassamen (s.), Grassamen (pl.) | (German m.) grass seed |
Grassavanne | (German f.) grassland |
Grasschrift | (German f.) cursive script (Chinese calligraphy) |
grasseyé | (French) (an r-sound) produced by the vibration of the uvula (the erm is used mainly of an exaggerately harsh and unpleasant sound) |
grasseyement | (French) faulty (guttural) pronounciation |
grasseyer | (French) to pronounce gutturally |
Grasshopper escapement | an unusual, low-friction escapement for pendulum clocks invented by British clockmaker John Harrison in around 1722 |
Grasshopper-Hemmung | (German f.) grasshopper escapement |
grassieren | (German) to be rife, to spread (epidemically), to be rampant |
grassierend | (German) rampant |
Grasski | (German m.) grass ski |
grässlich | (German) dire, dreadful, ghastly, grisly (archaic), horrid, horridly, direly, hideous, abominable, atrocious, awful, horrible, monstrous, putrid (colloquial), abominably, sick-making (colloquial) |
gräßlich | (German - old form) abominable, atrocious, awful, dire, ghastly, horrible, monstrous |
grässliche Tat | (German f.) atrocious act |
grässlicher | (German) direr, grislier |
grässlicher Hut | (German m.) awful hat |
grässlicher Terror | (German m.) villainous terror |
grässliches Durcheinander | (German n.) awful mess |
grässliches Kleid | (German n.) horrible dress |
grässliches Monster | (German n.) abominable monster |
Gräßlichkeit | (German f. - old form) atrocity |
Grässlichkeit | (German f.) grisliness, abomination, atrocity, bloodiness (colloquial: horribleness) |
grässlichste | (German) direst, grisliest |
Grassode | (German f.) divot, sod (divot) |
Grasstängel | (German m.) grass stem |
Gras-Start- und Landebahn | (German f.) grass runway |
Grasstengel | (German m. - old form) grass stem |
Grasstreifen | (German m.) grassy strip |
Grasvorrat | (German m.) grass supply |
Graswachstum | (German n.) grass growth |
Graswurzelbewegung | (German f.) grassroots movement |
Graswurzeln | (German pl.) grass roots |
Grat (s.), Grate (pl.) | (German m.) flash, fin, ridge (long hilltop), burr, grout, arête, groin, chine (of mountains), crest (hill, mountain), edge (of knife), spine |
Gratanzieher | (German m.) burnisher |
Gratbildung | (German f.) feathering |
Gratbogen | (German m.) groin |
Gräte (s.), Gräten (pl.) | (German f.) fish bone, bone |
Gräten entfernen | (German) to bone |
grätenfrei | (German) boneless (fish) |
Gratentfernung | (German f.) deburring |
gratfrei | (German) burr-free |
Grathobel | (German m.) dovetail plane |
Gratias agimus tibi | (Latin, literally 'We thank you'S) part of the Gloria in a Mass |
Graticule | a network of fine lines, dots, cross hairs, or wires in the focal plane of the eyepiece of an optical instrument |
the grid of intersecting lines of latitude and longitude on which a map is drawn |
Gratificación | (Spanish f.) bonus (payment) |
Gratification | (French f.) bonus (payment) |
Gratification de fin de service | (French f.) golden handshake |
Gratifikation (s.), Gratifikationen (pl.) | (German f.) bonus, gratuity, bonus payment, gratification |
Gratifikationsaufschub | (German m.) deferred gratification, delayed gratification |
grätig | (German) bony (fish), quick-tempered, sulky |
Gratin | (French m., German n.) the 'upper crust' (of society), the most exclusive people |
gratiné, gratinée | (French) sprinkled with cheese or breadcrumbs and browned under a grill (au gratin) |
gratinieren | (German) to gratinate, to gratiné |
gratiniert | (German) au gratin, gratiné, gratinée |
gratioso | (Italian) grazioso |
gratis | (Italian, Spanish, German) free, free of charge, gratuitous, unjustifiably, gratuitously, at no charge, for nothing, free of cost, without charge, complimentary, buckshee (colloquial), cost-free, for free, costless |
Gratis- | (German) comp (colloquial: complimentary), buckshee (colloquial), freebie (colloquial) |
Gratisabonnement | (German n.) complimentary subscription |
Gratisaktie (s.), Gratisaktien (pl.) | (German f.) bonus share |
Gratisangebot | (German n.) free deal, free offer, incentive offer |
Gratisanzeige | (German f.) free advertisement |
Gratisbeigabe | (German f.) give-away |
Gratisbeilage | (German f.) free supplement |
Gratisblatt | (German n.) giveaway paper (free paper) |
(gratis) dazugeben | (German) to throw in (as a free extra) |
Gratisexemplar (s.), Gratisexemplare (pl.) | (German n.) free copy, presentation copy, specimen copy, complimentary copy |
Gratisgeschenk | (German n.) freebie (colloquial) |
Gratismuster | (German n.) free sample |
Gratisparkplätze | (German pl.) free parking |
Gratisprobe | (German f.) free sample |
Gratisübersetzung | (German f.) free translation (not strict) |
Gratisurlaub | (German m.) bonus leave |
Gratiszeitschrift | (German f.) giveaway magazine |
Gratiszeitung (s.), Gratiszeitungen (pl.) | (German f.) free daily (newspaper), giveaway newspaper |
gratitud | (Spanish) graditude |
Grätsche | (German f.) straddle |
grätschen | (German) to straddle |
grätschend | (German) straddling |
Grätschsprung | (German m.) spread eagle jump (skiing), straddle vault |
Gratsparren | (German n.) hip rafter (roof) |
gratter (la guitare) | (French) to strum (the guitar) |
gratuit | (French) free, gratuitous |
Gratuität | (German f.) gratuity (gratuitousness) |
gratuito | (Italian, Spanish) free, gratuitous |
(Italian, Spanish) uncalled for (figuratively) |
Gratulant | (German m.) congratulator, congratulant, felicitator, well-wisher |
Gratulation | (German f.) congratulation, congratulations, congrats (colloquial: congratulations) |
Gratulation! | (German) Congratulations! |
Gratulations... | (German) congratulatory |
Gratulationsrede | (German f.) congratulatory speech |
Gratulation zu | (German f.) congratulations on |
Gratuliere! | (German) Congrats! (colloquial: congratulations) |
Gratulieren | (German n.) congratulating |
gratulieren | (German) to congratulate |
gratulierend | (German) congratulating, congratulant |
gratuliert | (German) congratulated |
Gratung | (German f.) bearing edge (drum) |
Gratverbindung | (German f.) housed joint, sliding dovetail joint |
Gratwanderung | (German f.) tightrope walk (figurative), balancing act (figurative), ridge walk (not figurative) |
grau | (German) grey |
Grau | (German n.) grey, cendrée, drabness (figurative: of life), hueless (achromatic), gloomy, drab (sky), ashen (face) |
Grauabstufungen | (German pl.) shades of grey |
grauäugig | (German) grey-eyed |
Graubär (s.), Graubären (pl.) | (German m.) grizzly |
graubeige | (German) grey beige |
Graublau | (German n.) copenhagen blue |
graublau | (German) perse (rare), greyish blue, grey-blue |
graubraun | (German) drab, dun, mole-coloured, grey-brown |
Graubrot | (German n.) brown bread (made with wheat and rye flour) |
Graubünden | (German n.) Grisons (canton of Switzerland) |
Grauburgunder | (German m.) pinot gris |
Grauchen | (German n.) donkey |
graue Eminenz | (German f.) éminence grise, grey eminence |
Graue Glockenheide | (German f.) bell heather (Erica cinerea) |
graue Haare | (German pl.) grey hair |
graue Haare bekommen | (German) to go grey |
Gräuel (s.), Gräuel (pl.) | (German m.) horror, aversion, anathema, abomination, atrocity |
graue Liste | (German f.) grey list |
graue Literatur | (German f.) grey literature, non-conventional literature |
Gräuelmärchen | (German n.) atrocity story |
Gräuelpropaganda | (German f.) atrocity propaganda |
Gräueltat (s.), Gräueltaten (pl.) | (German f.) atrocity, outrage, bestiality, monstrosity (cruel deed) |
Gräueltaten begehen | (German) to commit atrocities |
Grauen | (German n.) dread, horror |
grauen | (German) to dawn (morning) |
grauenerregend | (German) blood-curdling |
Grauen erregend | (German) bloodcurdling, blood-curdling, terrifying |
grauenhaft | (German) atrocious, nightmarish, horrendous, horrifically, gruesome, harrowing, ghastly, ghoulish |
grauenhafte Erfahrung | (German f.) harrowing experience |
grauenhafte Zustände | (German pl.) atrocious conditions |
grauenhaftes Ungeheuer | (German n.) hideous monster |
Grauenhaftigkeit | (German f.) hideousness |
grauenvoll | (German) horrid, grim (task, sight, news), harrowing, horridly, gruesome, gruesomely |
grauenvoller | (German) more horrid |
grauenvollste | (German) most horrid |
Grauen vor | (German n.) horror of |
grauer | (German) greyer |
grauer Amber | (German m.) ambergris |
Grauer Bund | (German m. - Switzerland) Grey League |
grauer Körper | (German m.) grey body |
grauer Markt | (German m.) grey market |
grauer Star | (German m.) cataract |
(Grauer) Wolf | (German m.) grey wolf, (Canis lupus lupus) |
(graues) Büromäuschen | (German n.) (little) office mouse (colloquial) |
graues Haar | (German n.) grey hair |
graueste | (German) greyest |
graue Substanz | (German f.) grey matter |
graue Zellen | (German pl.) grey matter (brain as intelligence) |
Graufleckigkeit | (German f.) micropitting |
Graugans | (German f.) grey goose |
graugelb | (German) biscuit |
graugrün | (German) grey green, sage(-green) |
Grauguss | (German m.) (grey) cast iron |
Grauguß | (German m. - old form) Gußeisen (German n.), Eisenguß (German m.), cast iron |
grauhaarig | (German) grizzled, grey-haired |
Grauhörnchen | (German n.) grey squirrel |
Grauimporte | (German pl.) grey imports |
grau in grau | (German) grey and drab |
Graukarte | (German f.) grey card |
Graukeil | (German m.) grey scale |
graulen | (German) to drive out |
gräulich | (German) greyish, grizzly, horrid, horridly, abominable, detestable, frightful, heinous, dreadful, ghastly, ghoulish |
gräulich behandeln | (German) to bedevil |
graumeliert | (German) flecked with grey, greying, pepper and salt (hair), salt-and-pepper (hair) |
grau meliert | (German) greying, flecked with grey, pepper and salt (hair) |
Graupe (s.), Graupen (pl.) | (German f.) grain of pearl barley, pearl barley (plural form) |
Graupel | (German f.) sleet, freezing rain, soft hail, snow pellet |
graupelig | (German) sleety |
graupeln | (German) to sleet |
graupelnd | (German) sleeting |
Graupelschauer | (German m.) shower of sleet |
Graupensuppe | (German f.) barley broth |
Graus | (German m.) horror |
grausam | (German) cruel, savage, barbarous, cruelly, ferocious, ghastly, horrible, sanguinary, unkind, barbarously, ferociously, atrocious, bloody, bloody-minded, brutal, cold-blooded (cruel), gruesome, merciless, butcherly, boarish (figurative), gruesomely, barbaric, vicious, truculent (cruel), malevolent (fate), terrible |
grausame Beschreibung | (German f.) ruthless description |
grausame Handlung (s.), grausame Handlungen (pl.) | (German f.) act of cruelty, cruelty |
grausame Verfolgung | (German f.) savage persecution |
grausam gegen | (German) cruel to |
grausam gegen ... | (German) cruel to ... (osmebody) |
grausamer | (German) ghastlier, crueller |
grausamer Folterer | (German m.) cruel tormenter |
grausamer Kerl | (German m.) brutal man |
grausamer Mord | (German m.) barbarous homicide |
grausames Schicksal | (German n.) cruel fate |
grausames Ungeheuer | (German n.) monster of cruelty |
grausames Verhalten | (German n.) barbarousness |
grausam hartes Urteil | (German n.) savage sentence |
Grausamkeit (s.), Grausamkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) barbarism, bloodiness, cruelty, ferocity, ghastliness, gruesomeness, inhumanity, cruelness, brutality, savagery, atrocity, act of cruelty |
Grausamkeit begehen | (German) to commit an act of cruelty |
Grausamkeiten begehen | (German) to commit acts of cruelty |
Grausamkeit gegen Kinder | (German f.) cruelty to children |
Grausamkeit gegen seine Ehefrau | (German f.) cruelty to one's own wife |
Grausamkeit gegen seine Eltern | (German f.) cruelty to one's parents |
Grausamkeit gegen seine Mitbürger | (German f.) cruelty to one's fellow citizens |
grausamste | (German) cruellest, ghastliest |
grausam vorgehen | (German) to act cruelly |
grausam zu Tode kommen | (German) to die a horrible death |
Grauschattierung (s.), Grauschattierungen (pl.) | (German f.) shade of grey |
Grauschimmel | (German m.) grey mould, botrytis bunch rot (Botrytis cinerea) |
Grauschleier | (German m.) fog |
grauschwarz | (German) greyish-black |
Grausen | (German n.) horror |
grausig | (German) macabre, gruesome, horrible, gruesomely, grim (weather, times), grisly (archaic), ghastly |
grausige Nachricht | (German f.) grim news |
Grausigkeit | (German f.) gruesomeness |
Grauskala | (German f.) grey scale |
grauslich | (German - Austria, Southern Germany) gruesome |
Grauslichkeit | (German f. - Austria) gruesomeness |
Graustrom | (German m.) grey electricity |
Graustufe (s.), Graustufen (pl.) | (German f.) grey level, shade (of grey), grey scale |
graustufig | (German) greyscale |
Grautier | (German n.) donkey |
Grauton (s.), Grautöne (pl.) | (German m.) shade of grey, tone of grey |
grau unterlegt | (German) greyed out |
Grauwasser | (German n.) grey water, sullage |
grauweiß | (German) off-white |
Grauwerden | (German n.) greying |
grau werden | (German) to turn grey |
grau werdend | (German) greying |
Grauwert | (German m.) grey tone, grey level, grey-scale value |
Grauwertstufe | (German f.) grey level |
Grauzone | (German f.) grey area, twilight area, twilight zone, legal grey area |
Grava | (Spanish f.) gravel, crushed stone |
Gravação | (Portuguese) recording |
Gravadlax | raw, thinly sliced, cured salmon seasoned with dill and served usually as an appetiser |
Gravador | (Portuguese) (sound) recorder, as, for example, a 'tape-recorder' or a 'CD-recorder' |
Gravamen (s.), Gravamina (Latin pl.), Gravamens (English pl.) | (English, Latin, Spanish m.) obligation, grievance, burden, tax |
the part of a charge or an accusation that weighs most substantially against the accused |
gravar | (Spanish) to burden, to tax |
gravarse | (Spanish) to get worse |
Grave | (French m.) the lowest register (of an instrument's range) |
in French, the three parts of an instrument's range are l'aigu, le médium and le grave |
grave | (Italian, French, Spanish) heavy and very slow, solemn |
(Italian, French, Spanish) solemn, weighty (has great authority in what he or she is saying), serious (acting or speaking with a sagacious air, with dignity and circumspection), grave, solemnly, sedately, majestically |
(Italian, French, Spanish) very deep (pitch), low (in pitch) |
or gravement, "In music it means a slow tempo, but not as slow as the one indicated by the word lentement, in French music." - Trévoux (1771) |
Gravecembalo | (Italian m.) harpsichord |
Gravecembalum | (Latin) harpsichord |
Gravedad | (Spanish f.) graveness, seriousness, gravity |
Grave enfermedad | (Spanish f.) serious disease |
Gravely | seriously, weightily, importantly, in a dignified manner, solemnly, sombrely, grave (Italian), gravemente (Italian), gewichtig (German), gravement (French) |
gravement | (French) heavily (although not in the sense of pesamment, but rather in ther sense of grave and composé), ponderously, gravely, solemnly, sadly, majestueux |
or grave, "In music it means a slow tempo, but not as slow as the one indicated by the word lentement, in French music." - Trévoux (1771) |
gravemente | (Italian) heavily, ponderously, gravely, in a dignified and solemn manner |
Graver | see burin |
graves | (Portuguese) bass (as in 'low frequency') |
Gravettian toolmaking culture | a specific archaeological industry of the European Upper Palaeolithic era prevalent before the last glacial epoch |
Gravettien | (German n.) Gravettian |
Graveur (s.), Graveure (pl.) | (German m.) an engraver |
Graveur (m.), Graveuse (f.) | (French) engraver |
Graveur d'épargne | (French m.) etching with parts left in relief |
Gravezza | (Italian f.) gravity, solemnity |
Gravicembalo | (Italian m.) harpsichord |
Gravicembalo col piano e forte | (Italian m., literally 'harpsichord with soft and loud') the name given by Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori (1665-1731), the first person to create a successful hammer-action keyboard instrument, to his new instrument for which, accordingly, he deserves to be credited as the inventor of the piano |
Gravicembolo | (Italian m.) harpsichord |
Gravid | in an advanced stage of pregnancy |
gravid | (German) gravid |
Gravidez | (Spanish f.) pregnancy |
Gravidität | (German f.) gravidity |
gravido (m.), gravida (f.) | (Spanish) full, pregnant |
Gravieranstalt | (German f.) engraver's workshop or place of business |
Gravieren | (German n.) engraving |
gravieren | (German) to engrave, to sink (to engrave) |
gravieren auf | (German) to engrave upon |
gravierend | (German) aggravating, grave, serious, severely, sensible (error) |
gravierender Fehler | (German m.) sensible error |
Gravierfräser | (German m.) engraving cutter |
Graviermaschine | (German f.) engraving machine |
Graviernadel | (German f.) burin, graver, engraving stylus |
graviert | (German) engraved |
Graviertechnik | (German f.) engraving technology |
Gravierung | (German f.) engraving |
Gravierungsmaschine | (German f.) an engraving machine |
Gravikord | invented and built by Bob Grawi, this instrument is 54 inches long, weighs approximately 5 pounds and has a welded stainless steel frame, wood tuning block, guitar type tuning machines, and a carved bridge with piezoelectric pickup |
- Gravikord from which this extract has been taken
Gravilla | (Spanish f.) fine gravel |
Gravimeter | (German n.) gravimeter, gravitometer |
Gravimetrie | (German f.) gravimetric analysis, gravimetry |
gravimetrisch | (German) gravimetric |
Gravimetry | of or relating to measurement by weight |
Gravis |  | (Greek) earliest form of musical notation from the two signs of Greek prosody indicating stress, pitch and length of syllables in the text to be performed; the gravis indicates a falling inflection and is one of the accentus ecclesiastici |
(German m.) grave, grave accent, accent grave (French) |
(Latin) heavy, ponderous |
Gravisakzent | (German m.) grave accent, accent grave (French) |
gravissimo | (Italian) lowest |
Gravità | (Italian f.) gravity, seriousness, majesty |
Gravitación | (Spanish f.) gravitation (force) |
gravitacional | (Spanish) gravitational |
gravitar | (Spanish) to gravitate, to rest on, to loom |
Gravitas | (Latin) seriousmindedness, dignity and solemnity of bearing |
Gravität | (German) gravitas, gravity, seriousness, majesty (elevated style, dignity or solemnity of manner) |
Gravité | (French) gravity, seriousness, majesty |
Gravitation | (English, German f.) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe, gravity, force of gravity |
Gravitations- | (German) gravitational (prefix) |
Gravitationsfeld | (German n.) gravitational field, gravitation field |
Gravitationsgesetz | (German n.) law of gravitation, law of gravity |
Gravitationskonstante | (German f.) gravitational constant |
Gravitationskraft | (German f.) gravitational pull, gravitational force |
Gravitationszentrum | (German n.) centre of gravity |
gravitätisch | (German) ponderously (seriously), grave |
gravitativ | (German) gravitational |
gravitieren | (German) to gravitate |
gravitierend | (German) gravitating |
gravitiert | (German) gravitated |
Gravlax | (German m.) gravadlax |
gravoso (m.), gravosa (f.) | (Spanish) onerous, expensive, costly, burdensome |
Gravur (s.), Gravuren (pl.) | (German f.) gravure, engraving |
Gravure | (French f.) engraving |
(French f.) groove, channel |
Gravure printing | in printing, a process in which the printing areas are below the non-printing surface. The recesses are filled with ink and the surplus is cleaned off the non-printing area with a blade before the paper contacts the whole surface and lifts the ink from the recesses |
Gravurzeichen | (German n.) an engraved symbol |
graz. | abbreviated form of grazioso |
Grazia | (Italian f.) grace, elegance, comeliness |
(Italian f.) graces (i.e. ornamentation) |
Grazie | (German f.) grace, elegance, comeliness, gracefulness |
grazil | (German) gracile, delicate, delicately, svelte, sylphlike |
Grazil- | (German) gracilised |
grazil- | (German) gracilised |
graziös | (German) gracious, graceful |
graziosamente | (Italian) gracefully, smoothly, agreeably |
grazioso | (German) gracefully |
grazioso (m.), graziosa (f.) | (Italian) graceful, smooth, elegant |
gräzisieren | (German) to Grecise |
Gräzismus | (German m.) Grecism |
Gräzist (m.), Gräzistin (f.) | (German) Greek scholar, scholar of Greek |
Gräzistik | (German f.) Greek studies |
graznar | (Spanish) to caw (of a crow, rook, etc.), to quack (of a duck), to squawk |
Graznido | (Spanish m.) caw (of a crow, rook, etc.), quack (of a duck), squawk, squawking |
grazo | abbreviated form of grazioso |
Great | of a size, amount, intensity, extent, importance, pre-eminence, ability or character considerably above or beyond the normal or average, grosso (Italian), gross (German), grosse (French) |
Great American Song Book, the | the compositions of the leading American popular music composers, including, George Gershwim, Cole Porter, Irving Berlin, Duke Ellington, etc. |
Great bass recorder | a "C" recorder written in the bass clef sounding an octave higher than written |
Great Blessing of the Waters | in the Eastern Rite, there are two rites for blessing holy water: the Great Blessing of Waters which is held on the Feast of Theophany, and the Lesser Blessing of Waters which is conducted according to need during the rest of the year. Both forms are based upon the Rite of Baptism. Certain feast days call for the blessing of Holy Water as part of their liturgical observance |
Great division | a grouping of organ pipes, normally not enclosed, played from the bottom manual of a 2-manual organ (or the middle manual of a 3-manual organ). It includes the loudest and brightest ranks of the Principal family, intended for accompanying congregational singing, and usually also contains a chorus of Flutes and often Reeds as well |
Greater | the terms 'greater' and 'lesser' were used formerly to identify the species of third in a scale; thus, a scale with a greater third was a major scale, while a scale with a lesser third was a minor scale |
Greater Doxology | see doxologia major |
Greater sixth | an archaic term for the major sixth |
Greater third | an archaic term for the major third |
Great Hurricane of 1780 | also known as Hurricane San Calixto, the Great Hurricane of the Antilles, and the 1780 disaster, the deadliest Atlantic hurricane on record. Over 20,000 people died when the storm passed through the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean between October 10 and October 16 |
Great Lakes | chain of five lakes (Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario) central North America in the United States and Canada draining through the St. Lawrence River |
Great Moravian Empire | or Great Moravia, a Slavic state that existed in Central Europe from the 9th century to the early 10th century |
Great Nineteenth Century Rhythm Problem, The | if you write eight bars of a waltz in 3/4 time in a popular idiom (which implies 8 bar phrases), if you're not careful (or not a good composer) two bars will soon be subsumed into what sounds like a 6/8 bar (i.e. compound duple), the next two bars likewise - then those two 6/8-like bars will be mentally subsumed into a 12/8 bar. The same happens to the next four bars, which leaves you with two 12/8 bars - i.e. two bars of "four", rather than eight bars of three. It was, as Cone put it in Musical Form and Musical Performance (1968), "the tyranny of the four measure phrase", although conceding that "it is never in the music of the masters, a tyrant. This is because it is for them a rhythmic, not a metric entity." |
Great octave | the octave from C(2) (two leger lines below the bass clef), up to but not including C(3) |
Great organ | principale (Italian), Haupt Manual (German), Grand-orgue (French), the chief manual of an organ, the part of an organ which is distinguished from the Choir and Swell organ by more numerous and more powerful stops, usually the flue pipes of largest scale and the most powerful reeds. Each division, Great, Choir and Swell, has a separate keyboard |
Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution | see 'cultural revolution' |
Great Purge | a series of campaigns of political repression and persecution in the Soviet Union orchestrated by Joseph Stalin in 1936-1938 |
Great scale | the entire series of musical sounds from the lowest to the highest |
Great Seljuq Empire (1037-1194) | a medieval Turko-Persian Sunni Muslim empire, originating from the Qynyq branch of Oghuz Turks. The Seljuq Empire controlled a vast area stretching from the Hindu Kush to eastern Anatolia and from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf. From their homelands near the Aral sea, the Seljuqs advanced first into Khorasan and then into mainland Persia before eventually conquering eastern Anatolia |
Great service | see 'Short service' |
Great staff | a theoretical combination of eleven lines that encompass the bass clef and treble clef staves with the common line between them designating middle C which identifies the position of the third clef (C clef) |
Great Stalacpipe Organ | for many years the world's largest musical instrument lay below ground in a cave with stalactites covering 3 1/2 acres of the surrounding caverns and produce notes of symphonic quality when electronically tapped by rubber-tipped mallets. This unique instrument was invented in 1954 by Mr. Leland W. Sprinkle of Springfield, Virginia, a mathematician and electronic scientist at the Pentagon |
Great Treck | (in the history of South Africa) the migration of Boer farmers from the Cape Colony to the north and east from about 1836 to 1845 to escape British authority |
Great White Way | a nickname for Broadway in the Midtown Manhattan section of New York City, specifically that stretch that encompasses the Theatre District, between 42nd and 53rd streets. Nearly a mile of Broadway was illuminated in 1880 by Brush arc lamps, the first electrically-lighted avenue in the United States. The journalists' sobriquet was inspired from the millions of lights on theatre marquees and billboard advertisements that illuminate the area, especially around Times Square |
Greaves | the sediment of skin, etc. formed when animal fat is melted down for tallow |
Greca | (Spanish f.) fret, fretwork (architecture) |
(Spanish f., Latin America) filter coffee-maker |
Grecia | (Spanish f.) Greece |
Grecism | the style or spirit of Greek culture, art, or thought - something done in imitation of Greek style or spirit |
Greco | (Italian m.) Greek, Grecian |
Greda | (Spanish f.) fuller's earth, clay |
Greek cross | a cross with each of the four arms the same length |
Greek fire | an incendiary preparation first used by the Byzantine Greeks to set fire to enemy ships, etc. |
Greek folk song | Greek folk song can be divided into two cycles, the akritic and klephtic. The akritic was created between the 9th- and 10th-centuries A.D. and expressed the life and struggles of the akrites (frontier guards) of the Byzantine empire, the most well known being the stories associated with Digenes Akritas. The klephtic cycle came into being between the late Byzantine period and the start of the Greek War of Independence struggle in 1821. The klephtic cycle, together with historical songs, paraloghes, love songs, wedding songs, songs of exile and dirges express the life of the Greeks. There is an indivisible unity between the Greek people's struggles for freedom, their joys and sorrow and attitudes towards love and death. There is, however, a difference between dhimotiko traghoudhi (folk song) and laiko traghoudhi (popular song). A "folk song" refers to the old songs of a given people; whereas, a "popular song " refers to more recent musical creations. Folk songs refer to all songs created before the 1821 War of Independence, which belong to the akritic and klephtic cycle |
Greek gift | a gift given with the intention of tricking and causing harm to the recipient |
Greek hip hop | |
Greek mode | the ancient Greeks identified their modes by the sequence of intervals in a falling scale. When, much later, music theorists tried to understand new musical ideas in terms derived from what the ancient Greeks had written, or more accurately in terms derived from what they understood of the ancient Greek musical system, they applied the names to the wrong scales. Today we used the Medieval naming convention and not that of the ancient Greeks. From the seventeenth century onwards, the modal basis of Western music was replaced slowly by the major-minor system which remains, in contemporary Western musical culture, the most widely used harmonic system |
Greek music, Ancient | Greek music theory understood scales in terms of tetrachords (series of four notes with a compass of a perfect fourth) which succeed each other in two ways - either the last note of one tetrachord coincides with the first note of the adjoining tetrachord (this being called synaphe, conjunction) or an interval of a tone is left between them (this being called diazeuxis, separation) |
Greek poetry | until fourth century BC, poetry was mainly transmitted orally (not written) and poetry was sung (sung poetry which composers called melopoioi or melikoi). Lyric poetry (a term not used before the Hellenistic times) refers to a song usually accompanied by the lyre (and/or the aulos) |
Greek wine | (in medieval cooking) a generic term which relates to any sweet full-bodied wine |
Green | colour or pigment resembling the color of growing grass, a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area, not fully developed or mature, not ripe, looking pale and unhealthy, naive and easily deceived or tricked, (in cooking) fresh or uncooked (usually applied to fish) |
Green Card | (German f.) green card (required by foreigners wishing to reside in the US) |
Green ginger | fresh root of the ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) |
Greenlandic hip hop | |
Greenlight | the go-ahead for a film to be made, a show to be put on, a project to be put into effect |
Green room | a room generally behind the platform or stage where musicians or actors prepare before their performances |
- Green Room - thoughts on the origins of this description
Greenwicher Zeit | (German f.) Greenwich Mean Time |
Greenwich-Zeit | (German f.) Greenwich Mean Time |
Greffier | (French m.) a notary |
gregär | (German) gregarious |
gregario | (Spanish) gregarious |
Greghesca | (Italian f.) in the mid-sixteenth century, light songs sung to a text written in a dialect which was a literary (especially theatrical) imitation of the way in which Venetian was spoken by Greek residents in the Republic, the so-called greghesco. Its development and decline centred firstly on the stage (the last comedy in which a character speaks greghesco was published in 1562) and then in poetry and prose (for example, in a novella of 1609). Venice created a number of other stylized theatrical dialects including tedesca (Venetian-German), albanese (Venetian-Albanian) and zingaresca (Venetian-Gypsy) |
Gregor | (German m.) Gregory |
Gregoriaans | (Dutch) plainsong, plainchant |
Gregorian Association, The | The Gregorian Association was founded in 1870 to promote the singing of Gregorian Chant to English texts, and to overcome the prejudice which existed against doing so. Its policy has recently increased in scope, so that the it is now fully oecumenical, and promotes and uses the chant in Latin as well as Modern English and that of the Book of Common Prayer |
Gregorian chant | canto gregoriano (Italian, Spanish), Gregorianische Gesang (German), chant grégorien (French) |
monophonic melodies, a type of plainsong, believed for some time to have been systematised by Pope Gregory I (590-604), although recent research has shown that the Pope Gregory involved in the creation of the liturgy was more probably Pope Gregory II (r. 715-731). We now use the term Old Roman for the chant contemporary with Pope Gregory I and what we call 'Gregorian chant' is more properly called Carolingian chant. Aaccording to the traditional view Greorian chant was imported from France into Spain in the late eleventh century at the time of the suppression of the native Spanish liturgy and chant. Manuscripts of Gregorian chant preserved in Spain, which were for the most part copied there, bear witness to the imposition of non-Spanish chant on Spain. However, a close examination of these manuscripts also reveals several chants and melodies that do not appear in sources outside of Spain, and hence are not borrowed from France. These must have been composed in Spain itself |
Gregorian chant notation |
gregorianisch | (German) Gregorian |
gregorianischer Choral | (German m.) Gregorian chant, plainchant, plain chant, plain song |
gregorianischer Gesang, gregorianische Gesang | (German m.) Gregorian chant |
gregorianischer Kalender | (German m.) Gregorian calendar |
Gregorian modes | |
gregoriano | (Italian, Spanish) Gregorian chant |
grégorien (m.), grégorienne (f.) | (French) Gregorian |
Gregoriusfest | (German n.) Feast of Gregory |
Gregorsmesse | (German f.) Mass of St. Gregory (the Great) |
Gregory walker | modern variant of the passomezzo moderno, popular in America |
Gregueria | (Spanish f.) uproar |
Greif- | (German) prehensile (prefix) |
Greif | (German m.) griffin, gryphon |
Greifarm | (German m.) gripper arm |
Greifarmbewegung | (German f.) robot arm movement |
Greifbacke | (German f.) gripper jaw |
greifbar | (German) tangible, tangibly, seizable, concrete, corporeal, palpable, available |
greifbarer Vorschlag | (German m.) concrete proposal |
greifbares Ergebnis | (German n.) tangible result |
Greifbarkeit | (German f.) concreteness, palpableness, tangibility, tangibleness |
greifbar machen | (German) to realise |
greifbar nah | (German) within one's reach, within one's grasp (figurative) |
Greifbeutel | (German m.) clutch bag, clutch purse |
Greifbewegung | (German f.) grasping movement |
Greifen | (German n.) bite |
greifen | (German) to grip, to grasp, to snatch, to take hold of, to grab, to bite (wheels, screw), to be effective, to reach (for) |
greifend | (German) snatching |
greifen nach | (German) to claw at, to clutch at, to reach for |
Greifen Sie nicht unter das Werkstück. | (German) Do not reach under the workpiece. |
greifen zu | (German) to betake to |
Greifer | (German m.) grasper, gripper, picker arm, claw |
Greiferfalz | (German m.) gripper fold |
Greiferkante | (German f.) gripper margin, gripper edge, gripper area (printing) |
Greiferrand | (German m.) gripper edge, gripper area, gripper margin (printing) |
greiffähig | (German) prehensile |
Greifkraft | (German f.) gripping force, grip strength |
Greifpinzette | (German f.) gripping tweezers |
Greifraum | (German m.) space within reach |
Greifschwanz | (German m.) prehensile tail |
greift | (German) snatches |
greift zu | (German) accesses |
Greifvogel | (German m.) bird of prey, raptor |
Greifzange | (German f.) gripping pliers, gripper tongs, prehensile claw |
Greifzehen | (German pl.) prehensile toes |
Greifzirkel | (German m.) calipers, callipers |
Greinen | (German n. - Southern Germany) whining |
greinen | (German - Southern Germany) to whine |
Greinerei | (German f.) wailing |
Greis (m.), Greisin (f.), Greise (pl.) | (German) old man (m.), aged man (m.), old woman (f.), aged woman (f.) |
greis | (German) venerable (through old age), aged, very old (person), senile, geriatric |
Greisenalter | (German n.) senility, old age |
greisenhaft | (German) senile, feeble |
Greisenhaftigkeit | (German f.) senility |
Greißler | (German m. - Austria) general store proprietor |
Greißlerei | (German f. - Austria) general store |
greislig | (German - Southern Germany) ugly |
grell | (German) glaring, garish, garishly, gaudily, lurid, luridly, glary, blinding, glaringly, bright (glary), dazzling, flamboyant, piercing (cry, voice, etc.), sharp (piercing), strident (colour), loud (colour), gaudy (colour), grating (voice) |
the term is applied particularly to brass instruments where it refers to a shrill, strident tone |
[information provided by Wesselin Christoph Karaatanassov] |
grellbunt | (German) gaudily coloured, garishly, garish |
Grelle | (German n.) glariness |
grelle Buntheit | (German f.) tawdriness |
grelle Farbe (s.), grelle Farben (pl.) | (German f.) gaudy colour, strong colour, dazzling colour, screaming colour |
greller | (German) glarier |
greller Blitz | (German m.) vivid flash of lightning |
greller Schein | (German m.) garish light |
greller Schmuck | (German m.) flamboyancy |
greller Schrei | (German m.) loud cry, sharp cry |
grelles Leuchten | (German n.) glaring |
grelles Licht | (German n.) dazzling light, glaring light, harsh light, strong light |
grelle Stimme | (German f.) sharp voice, strident voice, shrill voice, grating voice |
Grellheit | (German f.) sharpness, hardness, shrillness, stridency, garishness |
grellrot | (German) bright red, gaudy red, garish red |
grell scheinen | (German) to glare |
grellste | (German) glariest |
grell weiß | (German) dazzlingly white |
Grelot (s.), Grelots (pl.) | (French m.) small bell(s) (for example, sleigh bell(s)), cascabel (Spanish) |
Gremienarbeit | (German f.) committee work |
Gremium (s.), Gremien (pl.) | (German n.) board, panel, council, caucus, committee, body |
Grenada | (English, German n.) an island state in the West Indies in the southeastern Caribbean Sea |
Grenader (m.), Grenaderin (f.), Grenader (pl.) | (German) Grenadian |
Grenadier | (German m.) infantryman, rifleman, Private (lowest enlisted rank in German infantry forces designated as Grenadier) |
Grenadiermütze | (German f.) mitre (cap) (espiecially British), grenadier cap |
Grenadin | in cooking, small larded slice of veal fillet |
Grenadine (s.), Grenadinen (pl.) | (German f.) a syrup prepared flavoured with pomegranate, pomegranate (Punica granatum) |
grenadisch | (German) Grenadian |
Grenouille | (French f.) frog |
Grenz- | (German) marginal, borderline (on or near a border or boundary), boundary (prefix) |
Grenzänderung | (German f.) boundary change, change of boundary |
Grenzansiedler | (German m.) frontiersman |
Grenzauflösung | (German f.) limiting resolution |
Grenzbahnhof | (German m.) frontier station, border station |
Grenzbeamter | (German m.) immigration officer (at customs), border official |
Grenzbereich | (German m.) borderline, threshold |
Grenzbetrag | (German m.) marginal amount |
Grenzbewohner (m.), Grenzbewohnerin (f.), Grenzbewohner (pl.) | (German) borderer, frontiersman (m.), frontierswoman (f.), inhabitant of the border area |
Grenzbezirk | (German m.) border district |
grenzdebil | (German) extremely stupid |
Grenzdorf | (German n.) border village, small border town |
Grenze (s.), Grenzen (pl.) | (German f.) border, boundary, periphery (boundary), barrier, bound (boundary, limit), compass (limits of an area), perimeter (of grounds), divide (dividing line), confines (plural form), line (dividing line), bourne (archaic: boundary), skirt (outskirts), limit, frontier, edge, margin (outer edge), line (border) |
Grenze einer Stadt | (German f.) skirt of a town |
Grenze mit Ungarn | (German f.) frontier with Hungary |
grenzen | (German) to abut, to border |
grenzen an | (German) to abut on, to adjoin to, to touch, to be bounded by, to border (country), to adjoin, to border on |
grenzen an ... | (German) to neighbour (on) ... (something) |
Grenzen beachten | (German) to observe limits |
grenzend | (German) abutting, bordering |
Grenzen des Landes | (German pl.) country's frontiers |
Grenzen des Römischen Reiches | (German pl.) Frontiers of the Roman Empire |
Grenzen einhalten | (German) to observe limits |
grenzenlos | (German) boundless, boundlessly, interminable, limitless, limitlessly, interminably, illimitable, shoreless, unlimited, infinite, infinitely, immeasurable, abysmally, unbounded |
grenzenlose Dummheit | (German f.) abysmal stupidity |
grenzenlose Fläche | (German f.) boundless expanse |
grenzenlose Freude | (German f.) boundless joy |
grenzenlose Liebe | (German f.) adoration |
grenzenloser Ehrgeiz | (German m.) unbounded ambition |
Grenzenlosigkeit | (German f.) boundlessness, immensity, infinity, immeasurableness |
Grenzen neu ziehen | (German) to redraw boundaries (also figurative) |
Grenzen respektieren | (German) to recognise boundaries, to respect boundaries |
Grenzen setzen | (German) to set limits to, to set bounds to |
Grenzer | (German m.) frontiersman, border guard, customs man, customs officer, frontier guard |
Grenzertragsböden | (German pl.) marginal lands |
grenzerweiternd | (German) boundary expanding |
Grenze zwischen | (German f.) border between |
Grenzfall | (German m.) borderline case, border-line case, marginal case, worst case, limiting case |
Grenzfestung | (German f.) border fortress |
Grenzfläche (s.), Grenzflächen (pl.) | (German f.) interface, boundary, boundary layer |
grenzflächenaktiv | (German) surface-active |
Grenzflächenmikrofon | (German n.) pressure zone microphone |
Grenzflächenspannung | (German f.) interfacial tension |
Grenzfluss | (German m.) border river (river forming the border or frontier)
Grenzformalitäten | (German pl.) border formalities |
Grenzfrage (s.), Grenzfragen (pl.) | (German f.) border issue, boundary issue |
Grenzfrequenz | (German f.) critical frequency, cut-off frequency, limiting frequency |
Grenzgänger (s.), Grenzgänger (pl.) | (German m.) cross-border commuter |
Grenzgebiet (s.), Grenzgebiete (pl.) | (German n.) borderland, border area, frontier area, frontier (area), frontier district |
Grenzgebirge | (German n.) border mountain range (a mountain range forming the border or frontier) |
Grenzgraben | (German m.) sunk fence, boundary ditch |
Grenzkonflikt | (German m.) border dispute, boundary dispute, border clash |
Grenzkontrolle (s.), Grenzkontrollen (pl.) | (German f.) border control, border controls, cross-border control, border check |
Grenzkrieg (s.), Grenzkriege (pl.) | (German m.) border war, border warfare, brushfire (plural form) |
Grenzland | (German n.) border area, border land, border country, frontier (especially outlying areas) |
Grenzlehrdorn | (German m.) plug gauge |
Grenzlinie | (German f.) boundary line, demarcation line, line (border, limit), border-line, boundary, limit |
Grenzlinien ziehen | (German) to draw boundaries |
Grenzmarkierung | (German f.) boundary mark, landmark |
Grenzmauer | (German f.) boundary wall, border wall |
grenznah | (German) near the border, close to the border |
Grenzöffnung | (German f.) opening of the border |
Grenzort | (German m.) boundary town, border town |
Grenzpatrouille | (German f.) border patrol |
Grenzpfahl | (German m.) boundary post, boundary-post |
Grenzpfosten | (German m.) boundary post |
Grenzpolizei | (German f.) frontier police, border police |
Grenzpolizist | (German m.) border policeman |
Grenzposten | (German m.) border guard (person), border post (station) |
grenzquerend | (German - Switzerland) cross-border |
Grenzrachenlehre | (German f.) caliper gauge, calliper gauge |
Grenzraum | (German m.) border region, border area |
Grenzregion | (German f.) border region, frontier region, border area |
Grenzschicht | (German f.) barrier, boundary layer |
Grenzschild | (German n.) border sign |
Grenzschließung | (German f.) closing of the border |
Grenzschutz | (German m.) frontier police, border guard, border patrol |
Grenzsituation | (German f.) borderline situation |
Grenzsoldat | (German m.) border guard |
Grenzspannung | (German f.) cut-off voltage |
Grenzstaat (s.), Grenzstaaten (pl.) | (German m.) border state |
Grenzstadt | (German f.) frontier town, border town, border city |
Grenzstädtchen | (German n.) small border town |
Grenzstamm | (German m.) border tribe |
Grenzstein (s.), Grenzsteine (pl.) | (German m.) boundary stone, landmark, border stone |
Grenzstreifen | (German m.) border strip |
Grenzstreit | (German m.) border dispute, boundary dispute, border disagreement |
Grenzstreitigkeit (s.), Grenzstreitigkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) boundary dispute |
Grenztruppen der DDR | (German pl.) East German border troops |
Grenzüberfall | (German m.) border raid |
Grenzübergang (s.), Grenzübergänge (pl.) | (German m.) border crossing point, checkpoint, border crossing, border checkpoint |
Grenzübergangspunkt | (German m.) border crossing point, frontier crossing point |
Grenzübergangsstelle | (German f.) point of entry, border crossing point |
Grenzübergangsstelle bei der Einfuhr | (German f.) point of entry |
grenzübergreifend | (German) trans-border, trans-boundary, cross-border (dispute, trade) |
grenzübergreifende Streitfälle | (German pl.) cross-border disputes |
grenzüberschreitend | (German f.) trans-border, trans-national, cross-border, cross-frontier, trans-boundary, border-crossing |
grenzüberschreitender Verkehr | (German m.) cross-border traffic |
grenzüberschreitender Warenverkehr | (German m.) cross-border trade |
grenzüberschreitender Wettbewerb | (German m.) cross-border competition |
grenzüberschreitendes Abkommen | (German n.) cross-border agreement |
Grenzüberschreitung | (German f.) frontier crossing, border crossing |
Grenzübertritt | (German m.) border crossing |
Grenzübertrittsstelle | (German f.) border crossing point |
Grenzunruhen | (German pl.) border disturbances |
Grenzverkehr | (German m.) border traffic |
Grenzverlauf | (German m.) boundary line, course of the border |
Grenzverschiebungen | (German pl.) shifting boundaries |
Grenzvertrag | (German m.) border treaty, boundary treaty |
Grenzvolk | (German n.) border people |
Grenzwache | (German f.) border guard, frontier guard |
Grenzwall | (German m.) boundary wall |
Grenzwert | (German m.) limit, limiting value, threshold value, boundary value, extreme value, marginal value, limit value, limit of a sequence |
Grenzwertbedingungen | (German pl.) marginal conditions |
grenzwertig | (German) marginal, borderline (for example, remark) |
grenzwertige Situation | (German f.) borderline situation |
Grenzwertsätze | (German pl.) limit theorems |
Grenzzaun | (German m.) border fence, line fence (US, Canada) |
Grenzzeit | (German f.) critical time, time limit |
Grenzziehung (s.), Grenzziehungen (pl.) | (German f.) demarcation, drawing up (of) a border |
Grenzzone | (German f.) border zone |
Grenzzwischenfall | (German m.) border incident |
Grès | (French m.) sandstone, stoneware (pottery) |
Gresca | (Spanish f.) uproar, quarrel |
grésiller | (French) to sizzle, (radio) to crackle |
Gretchenfrage | (German f.) or Kernfrage (German f.), crucial question, litmus test (question), crunch question (colloquial) |
Gretchenfrisur | (German f.) hair in coils |
Greuel (s.), Greuel (pl.) | (German m. - old form) horror, aversion, abomination, anathema, atrocity |
Greuelmärchen | (German n. - old form) atrocity story |
Greuelpropaganda | (German f. - old form) atrocity propaganda |
Greueltat (s.), Greueltaten (pl.) | (German f. - old form) atrocity, outrage, monstrosity (cruel deed) |
greulich | (German - old form) horrid, horridly, dreadful, ghoulish |
Grève | (French f.) strike, shore (river, etc.) |
Grève du zèle | (French f.) work-to-rule |
Grève de la faim | (French f.) hunger strike |
Gréviste | (French m./f.) striker |
Grève sauvage | (French f.) wildcat strike |
Greyerzerkäse | (German m.) Gruyere cheese |
Greyerzer Käse | (German m.) Gruyere cheese |
Greylisting | (German n.) grey-listing (temporary rejection of e-mail) |
gr.Fl. | (German) abbreviated form of grosse Flöte, the standard orchestral flute |
Griaß di! | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) Hi! |
Griaß eich! | (German - Southern Germany, Austria) Hi! |
gribouiller | (French) to scribble |
Gribouillis | (French m.) scribble |
gridando | (Italian) shouting, calling out |
Grido | (Italian m.) cry, shout, scream |
Grieben | (German pl.) greaves |
Griebenschmalz | (German n.) crackling fat |
griech. | abbreviation of griechisch (German: Greek - grac (French)) |
Grieche (m.), Griechin (f.), Griechen (pl.), Griechinnen ( | (German) Greek |
Griechenland | (German n.) Greece |
Griechentum | (German n.) Hellenism |
Griechen wie Römer ... | (German) Both the Greeks and the Romans ... |
Griechisch | (German n.) Greek |
griechisch | (German) Greek, Grecian |
griechisch-ägyptisch | (German) Greco-Egyptian |
griechische Architektur | (German f.) Greek architecture |
griechische Buchstaben | (German pl.) Greek letters |
griechische Küche | (German f.) Greek cuisine |
griechische Mythologie | (German f.) Greek mythology |
griechischer Chor | (German m.) Greek chorus |
griechischer Knoten | (German m.) psyche knot, Grecian knot |
griechisches Alphabet | (German n.) Greek alphabet |
Griechisches Feuer | (German n.) Greek fire |
griechisches Kreuz | (German n.) Greek cross |
griechische Schmuckleiste | (German f.) cyma |
griechische Stil | (German m.) Greek style, Graecism |
Griechischlehrer (s.), Griechischlehrerin (pl.) | (German) Greek teacher |
griechisch-orthodoxe Kirche | (German f.) Greek Orthodox Church |
griechisch-römisch | (German) Graeco-Roman |
griechisch-römische Antike | (German f.) Greco-Roman antiquity |
griechischsprachig | (German) Greek-speaking |
griechischstämmiger Amerikaner | (German m.) Greek American |
Griechischwörterbuch | (German n.) Greek dictionary |
griechisch-zypriotisch | (German) Greek Cypriot |
Grief | intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one (especially by death) |
(French m.) grievance |
Grief, with | see 'with grief' |
griego | (Spanish) Greek |
grienen | (German - Northern Germany) to smirk |
grienend | (German - Northern Germany) smirking, with a smirk |
Griesel | (German m.) sleet |
Griesgram | (German m.) splenetic, churl, curmudgeon, moper (grump), grump (colloquial), grouch (colloquial) |
griesgrämig | (German) morose, curmudgeonly, grouchily, acidulous, sour, grouchy, crabby, grumpy, crabbed (person), surly, mopish |
griesgrämige alte Frau | (German f.) grumpy old woman |
griesgrämiger | (German) grouchier |
griesgrämiger alter Mann | (German m.) grumpy old man |
Griesgrämigkeit | (German f.) peevishness |
griesgrämigste | (German) grouchiest |
griesgrämisch | (German) grouchy |
griesgrämlich | (German) grouchy |
Grieß | (German m.) semolina, snow (TV screen), graininess (TV picture), grit (sand, etc.), gravel |
Grießbrei | (German m.) semolina pudding, semolina (paste) |
Grießflammeri | (German m.) semolina flummery, semolina pudding (served warm) |
grießig | (German) grainy (TV picture), sabulous, sandy, gritty |
grießiges Bild | (German n.) snowy picture (colloquial), grainy picture |
Grießkloß (s.), Grießklöße (pl.) | (German m.) semolina dumpling |
Grießklößchen (s.), Grießklößchen (pl.) | (German n.) (little) semolina dumpling |
Grießknödel (s.), Grießknödel (pl.) | (German m.) semolina dumpling |
Grießkoch | (German m. - Austria) semolina porridge |
Grießnockerl (s.), Grießnockerln (pl.) | (German n. - Southern Germany, Austria) semolina dumpling |
Grießnockerlsuppe | (German f.) soup with semolina dumplings |
Grießpudding | (German m.) semolina pudding |
Grießschnitte | (German f.) semolina slice |
Grießsuppe | (German f.) semolina soup |
Griezyne | Lithuanian fiddle |
Griff (s.), Griffe (pl.) | (German m.) grab (hand-hold), knob (for example, on a drumstick), hug, bow, holder, haft, clutch, stock (handle), fingering, grip (hand-hold), grasp, butt (pistol), hold (judo, climbing, etc), hilt, handle, hand-hold |
Griffbereich | (German m.) reaching area of the hands |
griffbereit | (German) ready to hand, handy, ready (availability, supply), close at hand, at hand |
griffbetätigt | (German) handle-operated |
Griffbrett (s.), Griffbretter (pl.) | (German n.) touche (French f.), tastiera (Italian f.), fingerboard of a stringed instrument such as the violin, guitar, lute, etc. (as in am Griffbrett, on or at the fingerboard), fretboard |
Griff der Hand | (German m.) clasp of hand |
Griffel (s.), Griffel (pl.) | (German m.) pen, stylus, pistil, slate pencil, paw (dated: finger), mitt (dated: finger) |
Griffelkasten | (German m.) pencil box |
griffgünstig platziert | (German) handily placed (controls) |
griffgünstig plaziert | (German - old form) handily placed (controls) |
Griffhöhe | (German f.) grip height |
griffig | (German) anti-skidding, catchy (slogan, tune, etc.), non-slip, handy (useful) |
griffiger | (German) handier |
Griffigkeit | (German f.) grip |
griffigste | (German) handiest |
Griffkraft | (German f.) grip strength |
Griffloch (s.), Grifflöcher (pl.) | (German n.) finger-hole, tone-hole, foro (Italian m.), Fingerloch (German n.), trou (French m.), agujero (Spanish m.) |
(German n.) fingering |
Griff lösen | (German) to let go (of) (loosen one's grip) |
Griffmutter | (German f.) knurled nut |
Griff nach ... | (German m.) grab for ... (something) |
griffnahe | (German) within easy reach |
Griffposition | (German f.) handle position |
Griffrücken | (German m.) backstrap |
Griffschale | (German f.) grip plate |
Griffschraube | (German f.) knurled screw |
Griffschrift | (German f., literally 'finger-notation') tablature |
Grifftabelle | (German f.) fingering chart |
Grifftabelle für Querflöte | (German f.) flute fingering chart |
grifftrocken | (German) touch-dry |
Grigoro hasapiko | or grigoros hasapikos, the fast version of the hasapiko |
see hasapiko |
Grill | (English) or grilling, in cooking, a quick, dry-heat cooking method over charcoal, wood or gas flames |
a screen or mesh located in front of a speaker to protect it from damage and provide visual appeal |
to examine thoroughly |
(English, German m.) barbecue, rotisserie |
Grillade | (German f.) grill |
Grillanlage | (German f.) barbecue area |
Grillanzünder | (German m.) charcoal lighter |
Grillblech | (German n.) grill pan |
Grille (s.), Grillen (pl.) | (German f.) cricket (zoology), caprice, whim (figurative), fancy (notion), maggot (archaic: idea), whimsy |
(French) a grating (particularly one through which people may speak) |
Grille d'accords | (French f.) chord chart |
Grillen | (German n.) barbecueing, grilling |
grillen | (German) to broil, to grill, to barbecue |
grillend | (German) broiling, grilling, barbecueing |
Grillen fangen | (German - dated) to be moody, to mope, to think gloomy thoughts |
grillenhaft | (German) freakish, capricious |
Grillenhaftigkeit | (German f.) whimsicalness, freakishness |
Grilletta | (German f. - East Germany) hamburger |
Grillfass | (German n.) barrel grill, barbecue |
Grillgabel | (German f.) grill fork, grilling fork, barbecue fork |
Grillgericht | (German n.) grill dish |
Grillgut | (German n.) food to be grilled |
Grillhähnchen | (German n.) grilled chicken, barbecue chicken |
Grillhandschuh | (German m.) BBQ glove |
Grillhendl | (German n. - Austria) grilled chicken |
grillieren | (German - Switzerland) to barbecue, to broil, to grill |
Grillkohle | (German f.) charcoal (for the barbecue) |
Grillo | (Spanish m.) cricket (insect) |
Grillparty | (German f.) cookout (barbecue), barbecue |
Grillpfanne | (German f.) grill pan, griddle pan |
Grillplatz | (German m.) barbecue area |
Grillrestaurant | (German n.) grillroom, grill restaurant |
Grillsaison | (German f.) barbecue season |
Grillschürze | (German f.) grill apron |
Grillspieß | (German m.) kebab, skewer |
Grillunfall | (German m.) barbecue accident |
Grilse | (English, German m.) a young Atlantic salmon on its first return from the sea to fresh or brackish waters |
Grimace | a contortion of the face |
Grimasse (s.), Grimassen (pl.) | (German f.) grimace, snoot, gurn, girn |
Grimassen-Film | (German m.) facial expression film (genre) |
Grimassen schneiden | (German) to grimace, to gurn, to girn, to pull faces |
Grimassen schneidend | (German) grimacing |
Grimassieren | (German n.) grimacing |
grimassieren | (German) to gurn, to girn, to grimace |
Grime | a genre of urban music which first emerged in London in the early 2000s, primarily a development of UK garage and electronic music |
- Grime from which this extract has been taken
Grimm | (German m.) fierceness, wrath (dated: anger, fury) |
grimm | (German - dated) wrathful |
Grimmdarm | (German m.) colon |
Grimmen | (German n.) colic |
grimmig | (German) fierce, grimly, ferocious, vicious, grim, furious, bitter |
grimmiger | (German) grimmer, more furious |
grimmiges Gesicht | (German n.) grim face |
grimmige Stimme | (German f.) ferocious voice |
grimmig kalt | (German) beastly cold, bloody cold (colloquial) |
Grimmigkeit | (German f.) grimness |
grimmigste | (German) grimmest, most furious |
grimmig wie ein Wolf | (German) as fierce as a dragon |
grimmsch | (German) Grimm (of or pertaining to the bothers Grimm) |
grimmsches Wörterbuch | (German n.) Grimm's dictionary |
Grimm'sches Wörterbuch | (German n.) Grimm's dictionary |
Grimms Märchen | (German) Grimms' Fairy Tales |
Grimoire | (French f., German n.) a textbook of magic. Books of this genre, typically giving instructions for invoking angels or demons, performing divination and gaining magical powers, have circulated throughout Europe since the Middle Ages |
Grind | (German m.) scurf, head (Switzerland), scab (Southern Germany: crusted wound-cover) |
Grindcore | an extreme form of hardcore punk and heavy metal, related to both death metal and crust punk, but historically formed by combining elements of Hardcore Punk and early thrash metal |
- Grindcore from which this extract has been taken
Grinder-organ | alternative name for a barrel-organ |
grindig | (German - Austria) scurfy (slang: disgusting) |
Gringo (m.), Gringa (f.) | (German, Spanish) Yankee (in Latin America), American |
Grinsen | German n.) grin, smirk, sneer |
grinsen | (German) to grin, to smirk, to sneer |
grinsend | (German) sneering, grinning, smirking |
grinsen, ducken und wegrennen | (German) grinning, ducking, and running |
grinsen wie ein Honigkuchenpferd | (German) to grin like a Cheshire cat (colloquial) |
Griot music | see jeli |
Griot | (English, German m.) the West African equivalent of a minstrel |
Grip (s.), Grips (pl.) | an assistant who moves and sets up camera tracks and film equipment (film industry) |
grippal | (German) flu-like, fluish |
grippaler Infekt | (German m.) common cold |
Grippe (s.), Grippen (pl.) | (French f., German f.) influenza, flu (short: influenza) |
grippeähnliche Symptome | (German pl.) flu-like symptoms |
Grippeanflug | (German m.) bout of flu |
Grippeepidemie | (German f.) influenza epidemic, flu epidemic |
Grippefall | (German m.) flu case |
Grippeimpfstoff | (German m.) flu vaccine, influenza vaccine |
Grippeimpfung | (German f.) flu shot (colloquial), flu vaccination, influenza immunisation, flu jab (colloquial) |
grippekrank | (German) flu-suffering |
Grippekranker (m.), Grippekranke (f.) | (German) flu-sufferer |
Grippelgspiel | (German n. - Austria) skinny rake |
Grippemittel | (German n.) a remedy for colds, cold remedy |
Grippepandemie | (German f.) flu pandemic |
Grippesaison | (German f.) flu season |
Grippeschutzimpfung | (German f.) influenza virus vaccination |
Grippewelle | (German f.) flu epidemic |
Grips | (German m.) brains, brain, savvy (colloquial), nous (colloquial: to rhyme with mouse), gumption (colloquial) |
Gripzange | (German f.) gripping pliers, locking pliers, mole grips, grip wrench, self-grip wrench |
Gris | (Spanish m.) grey |
gris | (Spanish) grey |
Grisaille | (French f., German f.) a design (painting, stained-glass, book illustration, etc.), usually more abstract than pictorial, executed in various shades of grey, originally a style popular in 13th century stained-glass (not common in 15th-century English book illustration but is, however, more commmon in continental manuscripts) |
Grisette | (French f., German f.) a young working-class Frenchwoman (particularly a shop-assistant who might combine this with part-time prostitution - the name refers to the cheap unbleached, grey cloth, of the same name, formerly worn by such people) |
Grislibär | (German m.) grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) |
Grislybär | (German m.) grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) |
grisoller | (French) to sing like a lark |
gritar | (Spanish) to shout (for), to boo (cry of protest), to shout |
griteria | (Spanish f.) uproar |
Grito | (Spanish m.) shout, cry, scream |
Gritos de angustia | (Spanish anguished cries |
Grizzlybär | (German m.) grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) |
Grizzly Bear, The | a dance that started in San Francisco, along with the 'Bunny Hug' and 'Texas Tommy' and which was also performed on the Staten Island ferry boats in the 1900s |
GRM | acronym for Groupe de Recherches Musicales founded in 1958, in Paris, by Pierre Schaeffer, with François Bayle, Luc Ferrari, Iannis Xenakis, and others |
- GRM from which this extract has been taken
GRNSM, G.R.N.S.M. | abbreviation of 'Graduate Royal Northern School of Music (UK)' |
grob | (German) coarse, rude (rough, coarse), deep, gross (coarse), low voice, bass, coarsely, roughly, rudely, grossly, bluntly, gruffly, rudely, truculently, crude, crassly, uncouthly, bastard (file), brutal, crudely (estimate, drawing), rowdy, rough (also: approximate), brusque, churlish, truculent (cruel), rugged (for example, a statue), unsubtle, abrasive (also figurative), uncouth, gruff, gross (flagrant, serious), raw (coarse: also figurative: very frank), crass (behaviour), uncivil, schematic (diagram) |
Grobabgleich | (German m.) coarse tuning |
grob abschätzen | (German) to make a rough estimate |
Grobabstimmung | (German f.) coarse tuning, flat tuning |
grob bearbeiten | (German) to rough-work |
grob behandeln | (German) to manhandle |
grob behandelt werden | (German) to get a raw deal |
grob behauen | (German) to rough-hew (stone, wood) |
grobblasig | (German) coarse bubble (diffuser) |
grob definiert | (German) broadly defined |
grobe Arbeit | (German) rough work |
grobe Berechnung | (German f.) rough calculation, rough estimate |
grobe Fahrlässigkeit | (German f.) act of gross negligence, gross carelessness, culpable negligence, wanton negligence |
grobe Fehler machen | (German) to blunder |
Grobeinstellung | (German f.) coarse adjustment, rough adjustment |
grobe Misshandlung | (German f.) gross ill-treatment |
(grobe) Netzstrümpfe | (German f.) fishnet hose |
(grobe) Netzstrumpfhose | (German f.) fishnet tights |
Grobentwurf | (German m.) rough copy, preliminary design |
grober | (German) coarser, coarser, crasser |
grobe Rechnung | (German f.) rough calculation |
grobe Regel | (German f.) broad rule |
grober Entwurf | (German m.) rough draft, rough sketch |
grober Fehler | (German m.) blunder, bad blunder, bloomer (colloquial), elementary mistake, gross error, gross mistake, bad mistake |
grober Hieb | (German m.) coarse cut (file) |
grober Kies | (German m.) coarse gravel |
(grober) Krümelzucker | (German m.) granulated sugar |
(grober) Netzslip | (German m.) fishnet briefs |
(grober) Netztanga | (German m.) fishnet thong |
(grober) Netz-Tanga | (German m.) fishnet thong |
grober Plan | (German m.) rough plan |
grober Scherz | (German m.) coarse joke |
(grober) Scheuersand | (German m.) scouring grit |
grober Schnitzer | (German m.) blunder, howler |
grober Schnupftabak | (German m.) rappee (snuff) |
(grober) Streuzucker | (German m.) granulated sugar |
grober Schrot | (German m.) buckshot |
grober Umriss | (German m.) broad outline |
grober Unsinn | (German m.) bloody nonsense |
grober Verstoß gegen | (German m.) gross violation of |
grober Wollstoff | (German m.) hodden, wadmel |
grobe Schätzung | (German f.) guesstimate, rough estimate, rough guess, ball-park figure |
grobe Scherze | (German pl.) barrackroom jokes, coarse jokes |
grobe Schimpfreden | (German pl.) coarse jokes |
grobes Gewebe | (German f.) coarse weave |
grobe Skizze | (German f.) rough draft |
grobes Leinen | (German n.) coarse linen, drabbet, canvas |
grobes Material | (German n.) coarse material |
grobes Mehl | (German n.) grout, meal |
grobes Netz | (German n.) coarse net |
grobes Salz | (German n.) coarse salt |
grobes Sieb | (German n.) coarse screen, coarse sieve |
grobes Tuch | (German n.) coarse cloth |
grobe Übersetzung | (German f.) rough translation |
grobe Umrisse | (German pl.) broad outline (of a work) |
grobe Untersuchung | (German f.) rough inspection |
grobe Unwahrheit | (German f.) gross falsehood |
grobe Verletzung | (German f.) gross misconduct,gross violation |
grobe Wolle | (German f.) shag (tangle or mass, especially of rough wool) |
grob fahrlässig | (German) reckless, grossly negligent |
grob fahrlässige Gefährdung | (German f.) reckless endangerment |
grob fahrlässiges Verhalten | (German n.) grossly negligent conduct |
Grobfisch | (German m.) coarse fish (generic term for any freshwater fish other than a salmonid) |
grob gearbeitet | (German) rough-and-ready |
Grob gedackt | (German) large stopped diapason, of full tone |
grob gemacht | (German) coarsened |
grob gemahlen | (German) coarsely ground |
grob gemahlener Kaffee | (German m.) coarsely-ground coffee |
grob gemahlener Pfeffer | (German m.) coarsely-ground pepper |
grob gerechnet | (German) approximate, roughly (calculated), as a rough estimate, at a rough estimate |
grob gerippt | (German) grosgrain |
grob gerippte Seide | (German f.) grosgrain silk |
grob gesagt | (German) broadly speaking, roughly speaking |
grob geschätzt | (German) roughly, at a rough estimate, at a rough guess, at an approximate estimate |
grobgesponnen | (German) coarse-spun |
grob gesprochen | (German) loosely speaking |
Grobgewinde | (German n.) coarse thread |
Grobheit | (German f.) crassness, incivility, roughness, rudeness, uncouthness, grossness, crudity |
Grobheit bringt dir gar nichts ein. | (German) Rudeness will get you nowhere. |
Grobian (s.), Grobiane (pl.) | (German m.) brute, ruffian, churl, boor, coarse person |
grobjährig | (German) wide-ringed (wood) |
Grobkalkulation | (German f.) rough calculation |
grob kalkuliert | (German) at a rough calculation |
Grobkeramik | (German f.) heavy clay ceramics, coarse ware |
Grobkies | (German m.) pebble gravel, coarse gravel |
grobknochig | (German) big-boned |
Grobkonzept | (German n.) basic concept, main concept |
Grobkorn | (German n.) coarse grain, coarse grit |
grobkörnig | (German) coarse-grained, coarse (coarse-grained), gritty, rough-grained |
grobkörniger | (German) coarser-grained |
grobkörniger Kies | (German m.) pebble gravel |
Grobkörnigkeit | (German f.) coarseness |
Grobleinwand | (German f.) coarse linen |
gröblich | (German) gross, grossly |
grob machen | (German) to coarsen |
grobmaschig | (German) coarse-meshed, large-meshed, loose-knit |
grobmaschiges Sieb | (German n.) coarse-meshed sieve |
Grobmotorik | (German f.) gross motor skills |
grobmotorische Fähigkeiten | (German pl.) gross sensory motor skills (of dyspraxia, etc.) |
Grobplanung | (German f.) rough planning |
grobporig | (German) coarse-pored, open-grained (wood) |
Grobreinigung | (German f.) coarse cleaning |
Grobschätzung | (German f.) rough estimate |
grobschlächtig | (German) coarse (build, make), heavily built (man) |
grobschlächtiger Kerl | (German m.) yahoo (boorish lout - Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels) |
Grobschliff | (German m.) snagging, coarse sanding |
Grobschmied | (German m.) blacksmith, smithy (blacksmith) |
Grobsieb | (German n.) coarse sieve |
grobsinnlich | (German) earthy |
grob skizzieren | (German) to knock up |
gröbste | (German) grossest, rudest, crassest, coarsest |
Grobstruktur | (German f.) macrostructure, coarse structure |
Grobsuche | (German f.) coarse search, rough search |
Grobtrieb | (German m.) coarse drive (for example, microscope) |
grob unbillig | (German) grossly unfair |
Grob- und Feinplanung | (German f.) general and detailed planning |
grob unvollständig | (German) grossly incomplete |
Grobvakuum | (German n.) low vacuum |
grob vereinfachend | (German) simplistic |
grob verletzen | (German) to grossly violate |
grob werden | (German) to cut up rough, to show fight, to coarsen |
grob zerkleinern | (German) to crack, to hackle |
grob zu ... sein | (German) to be hard on ... (someone), to be rough on ... (somebody) |
Grocheio (or Grocheo), Johannes de (c. 1255-c.1320) | a Parisian musical theorist of the early fourteenth century. His French name was Jean de Grouchy, but he is more commonly known by his Latinized name. A Master of Arts, he is the author of the treatise Ars musicae ("The art of music") (ca. 1300), an attempt to describe the music of his time as it was practiced in and around Paris |
Grog (s.), Grogs (pl.) | (German m.) or rum toddy, hot drink made with water or 'small beer' (a weak beer) and rum |
Groin | angle at the intersection of two surfaces in a vault |
Groin vault | vault formed by the meeting at right angles of two tunnel vaults |
Grölen | (German n.) bawling, bellowing, roar (of a crowd) |
grölen | (German) to bawl, to bellow, to caterwaul, to bawl out (a song), to rumble, to roar (a crowd) |
grölend | (German) bawling, bellowing, roaring (crowd), noisy (crowd) |
grölende Menge | (German f.) clamorous crowd, noisy crowd |
Groll | (German m.) resentment, dudgeon (for example, in high dudgeon), grude, ill will, grievance, spleen, pique, rancour, anger, malice |
Grollen | (German n.) grumble |
grollen | (German) to be angry (with), to rumble (thunder), to grumble, to be sore, to grudge, to resent, to be resentful, to huff |
grollend | (German) glowering |
grollender Donner | (German m.) rumbling thunder |
Groll hegen | (German) to bear a grudge, to bear grudges, to hold a grudge |
gronder de | (French) to scold for |
Grondligging | (Dutch) root position |
Grondtoon | (Dutch) key note, tonal center, findamental, root |
Grönland | (German n.) Greenland |
Grönländer (m.), Grönländerin (f.), Grönländer (pl.) | (German) Greenlander |
Grönländisch | (German n.) Greenlandic |
grönländisch | (German) Greenlandic |
Grönländisches Inlandeis | (German n.) Greenland ice sheet |
Grönlandpaddel | (German n.) Greenland paddle (kayak) |
Grönlandsee | (German f.) Greenland Sea |
groote trommel | (Dutch, archaic) bass drum (the correct word today is or grote trom) |
groot Interval | (Dutch) major interval |
groot Manuaal | (Dutch) great organ |
groot Orkest | (Dutch) big band |
Groove | (English, German m.) a popular music term, used in the sense of rhythm, for meter and its embellishment by a rhythm section - in particular, the way in which all the members of the rhythm section work well together (i.e. 'in the groove') |
a channel for conducting the wind from the windchest of the organ to the pipes. The grooves are of different widths and lengths according to the amount of wind that is necessary to enable the pipe to speakabbreviated to G.C., |
GROOVE | designed and implemented at Bell Labs in 1967 by Max Mathews, F. Richard Moore, and others, 'GROOVE' (Generated Realtime Operations On Voltage-controlled Equipment) was one of the earliest examples of what was called a hybrid system, i.e. a system in which a digital computer was programmed to control an analog synthesizer |
- GROOVE from which this extract has been taken
Groovebox | a self-contained instrument for the production of live, loop-based electronic music, with a high degree of real-time user control. A groovebox consists of three integrated elements, one or more sound sources (such as a drum machine, a synthesizer or a sampler), a music sequencer, and a control surface (i.e. a combination of knobs (potentiometer or rotary encoder), sliders and buttons, and display elements (LED and/or LCD)) |
- Groovebox from which this extract has been taken
Groove jazz | see 'acid jazz' |
Groove metal | also called 'half-thrash or ost-thrash, a subgenre of 'thrash metal' which took its current form during the early 1990s |
grooven | (German) to groove (slang) |
groppetto | (Italian) synonymous with gruppetto |
groppo | (Italian) synonymous with gruppo |
Gros | (German n.) gross (144 pieces), majority, bulk, major part |
gros (m.), grosse (f.) | (French) great, big, large |
Groschen (s.), Groschen (pl.) | (German m.) groat, penny, hundredth of an Austrian schilling (Austria), 10 Pfennig coin (worth 1/10 Deutsche Mark: translated into English as 'penny' for the title of Kurt Weil's opera) (Germany) |
Groschengrab | (German n.) slot machine (pejorative) |
Groschenheft (s.), Groschenhefte (pl.) | (German n.) penny dreadful, chapbook, pulp fiction (plural form) |
Groschenliteratur | (German f.) pulp fiction |
Groschenroman | (German m.) novelette, penny dreadful, dime novel |
Gros de Naples | (French m.) a heavy silk fabric formerly manufactured in Naples |
Groseille | (French f.) red or white currant |
Groseille à maquereau | (French f.) gooseberry |
Grosería | (Spanish f.) coarseness, coarse remark |
grosero | (Spanish) coarse, rude |
Gros-fa | archaic term given to church music written with square notes, semibreves and minims |
Grosgrain | (French) a strong corded silk fabric (used for ribbons, hat bands, etc.) |
Grosor | (Spanish m.) thickness |
Gros point | (French m.) cross-stitch, embroidery executed in cross-stitch |
gros poissons mangent les petits, Les | (French) Big fish eat little fish |
gross, grosse | (German) great, large, grand (referring to style) |
(German) on the organ, a term indicating a lower pitch pipe, usually an octave lower than a standard pipe |
major (particular intervals, as in grosse Terz, major third) |
groß, große | (German) greater, large, largely, big, capital (letter), capitalised, heavyset, great, tall, sizably, ample, sizeably, grand, large-sized, massive, sized, swell, vast, major (of great extent), august (grand), particularly |
Groß- | (German) greater (used with reference to cities), large-scale, large-capacity |
Großadmiral | (German m.) Lord High Admiral, Admiral of the Fleet, Grand Admiral |
Großalarm | (German m.) major alarm |
Großalmosenier | (German m.) Grand Almoner |
großangelegt | (German) of wide scope, comprehensive, large-scale |
groß angelegt | (German) large-scale |
groß angelegte Art | (German f.) elaborateness (for example, of a scheme) |
großangelegte Kampagne | (German f.) major campaign |
groß angelegter Roman | (German m.) novel of heroic proportions |
Großangriff | (German m.) major offensive, large-scale attack, massive attack |
großartig | (German) splendid, excellent, genial (characterised by genius), grand, grandiose, grandiosely, grandly, greatly, magnificent, gorgeous, brilliant, splendidly, admirable, de luxe, fabulous, great, lovely, sublime, superb, superbly, wonderful, hot (colloquial), cracking, the cat's pyjamas (slang), beautiful (excellent), flamboyant (gesture), marvellous, marvellously, terrific (colloquial), magnificently |
Großartig! | (German) Great! Love it! (colloquial) |
großartig aussehen | (German) to look magnificent |
großartige Aussicht | (German f.) magnificent view |
großartige Gelegenheit | (German f.) grand opportunity |
großartige Leistung | (German f.) great achievement |
großartiger | (German) greater |
großartiger Dichter | (German m.) sublime poet |
großartiger Erfolg | (German m.) splendid success |
großartiger Palast | (German m.) monumental palace |
großartige Sache | (German f.) wow (colloquial) |
großartige Schau | (German f.) magnificent spectacle |
großartiges Erlebnis | (German n.) great experience |
großartiges Feuerwerk | (German n.) grand display of fireworks |
großartiges Gebäude | (German n.) grand building |
großartiges Mädchen | (German n.) superb girl |
großartige Stadt | (German f.) superb town |
großartige Zeit | (German f.) smashing time |
großartige Zukunft | (German f.) great future |
großartig in ... sein | (German) to be great at ... (something) |
Großartigkeit (s.), Großartigkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) immensity, admirability, gloriousness, grandioseness, prodigiousness, splendidness, stupendousness, grandiosity, grandness, sublimity, superbness, fineness, magnificence, immenseness (plural form) |
großartigste | (German) greatest |
Großaufgebot | (German n.) a large number (of police, etc.) |
groß aufgemacht | (German) sensational |
Großaufnahme (s.), Großaufnahmen (pl.) | (German f.) close-up |
Großauftrag | (German m.) big order, bulk order, major contract, large-scale order |
großäugig | (German) round-eyed |
Großbank (s.), Großbanken (pl.) | (German f.) high street bank |
Großbären | (German pl.) (large) bears |
Groß-Basel | (German n.) Greater Basel |
Großbassblockflöte | (German f.) great bass recorder (in C) |
Großbestellung | (German f.) bulk order |
Großbetrieb | (German m.) large concern, large firm |
Großbild- | (German) large-screen (prefix) |
Großbildfernseher | (German m.) large-screen TV |
Großbildkamera | (German f.) large format camera |
Großbildschirm | (German m.) jumbo screen |
Großbourgeoisie | (German f.) upper classes, upper bourgeoisie |
Großbrand | (German m.) conflagration, blaze, large fire |
Großbritannien | (German n.) Great Britain, Britain, UK (although the UK is not technically the same as Great Britain) |
Großbuchstabe (s.), Großbuchstaben (pl.) | (German m.) capital letter, upper-case character, capital, majuscule (letter) |
großbürgerlich | (German) upper-class |
Großbürgertum | (German n.) upper classes |
großbusig | (German) big-breasted, buxomly, buxom |
Großchance | (German f.) clear-cut chance |
Großcousine | (German f.) second cousin (non-genealogical usage: distant cousin) |
Großdemo | (German f.) large-scale rally |
Großdemonstration | (German f.) mass demonstration, large-scale demonstration, mass rally |
Großdeutschland | (German n.) Greater Germany |
großdimensioniert | (German) large-sized, large-dimensioned |
Großdruck | (German m.) large print |
Großdruckausgabe | (German f.) large-print edition |
Große (s.), Größen (pl.) | (German f.) size, extent, height, magnitude, bigness, bulk, grandness, item, largeness, sizableness, variable, breadth, factor, splendour, grandeur, dimensions, greatness, quantity (in mathematics), great figure (a person) |
große Abweichungen | (German pl.) wide variations |
große Achtung | (German f.) high regard |
große Ähnlichkeit | (German f.) close resemblance, spitting image |
große Amplitude | (German f.) large amplitude |
(große) Augen machen | (German) to be in for a surprise |
große Angst | (German f.) dread |
große Angst haben | (German) to be very frightened, to dread |
große Annehmlichkeit | (German f.) great convenience |
große Anstrengung | (German f.) big effort, great efforts |
große Anstrengungen machen | (German) to put in great efforts |
große Anstrengungen unternehmen | (German) to go to great lengths |
Große Antillen | (German pl.) Greater Antilles |
große Anzahl | (German f.) great many, great number, large number, enormous number, mass (large number), numerousness, vast number |
große Anzahl von Fehlern | (German f.) mass of errors, great many errors, large number of errors |
große Anziehungskraft | (German f.) great appeal |
große Attraktion | (German f.) great attraction |
große Auflage | (German f.) mass circulation |
große Aufregung | (German f.) a lot of excitement |
große Augen | (German pl.) wide eyes |
große Ausführung | (German f.) large format |
große Aussicht | (German f.) wide view |
große Auswahl | (German f.) large choice, wide choice |
große Auswahl an Hüten | (German f.) wide choice of hats |
große Auswahl an Ware | (German f.) variety of goods |
große Auswahl von | (German f.) wide range of |
große Auswahl von Hüten | (German f.) large choice in hats |
große Bassgeige | (German f.) double bass |
große Bedeutung | (German f.) major importance |
große Bedeutung haben | (German) to carry great weight |
große Beliebtheit | (German f.) enormous popularity |
große Berge | (German pl.) massive mountains |
große Beteiligung | (German f.) large attendance |
große Beträge investieren | (German) to invest large sums of money |
(große) Betonplatte | (German f.) (large) concrete panel |
große Bevölkerung | (German f.) large population |
große Blockbuchstaben | (German pl.) block capitals |
Große Brennnessel | (German f.) stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) |
Grosse caisse | (French f.) or Grosse Trommel, big drum, bass drum |
Grosse caisse et cymbales ensemble | (Italian) drum and cymbals combination |
große Chance | (German f.) great chance, lucky break (colloquial), great opportunity |
große Dankesschuld | (German f.) great debt of gratitude |
große Datenmenge | (German f.) large bulk of data, mass of data |
Große Depression | (German f.) Great Depression (economic crisis of 1929) |
große depressive Phase | (German f.) major depressive episode |
Größe des Ausblicks | (German f.) breadth of view |
Größe des Marktes | (German f.) market size, size of the market |
große Dezime | (German f.) major tenth, compound major third (i.e. major tenth) |
große Diësis | (German f.) a musical interval defined by the frequency ratio 1296:1250, equivalent to about 62.57 cent |
große Dezime | (German f.) major tenth, compound major third |
große Dinge schaffen | (German) to achieve great things |
große Distanz | (German f.) good distance |
große Dosis | (German f.) heavy dose |
Große Ebenen | (German pl.) Great Plains |
große Ehre | (German f.) great honour |
große Eile | (German f.) big hurry |
Größe einer Stadt | (German f.) size of a town |
Größe eines Hauses | (German f.) size of a house |
Größe eines Landes | (German f.) size of a country |
Größe eines Zimmers | (German f.) size of a room |
große Einfälle | (German pl.) big ideas |
große Einsparung | (German f.) great saving |
große Entfernung | (German f.) great distance |
große Enttäuschung | (German f.) great disappointment |
große Erfahrung | (German f.) broad experience |
große Erwartungen hegen | (German) to cherish great expectations |
große Familie | (German f.) big family, large family |
große Feier | (German f.) great celebration |
große Flasche | (German f.) magnum (bottle size) |
große Fortschritte | (German pl.) grand strides (progress) |
große Fortschritte machen | (German) to make great strides, to make great progress |
große Freude | (German f.) great pleasure, intense joy |
große Freude bereiten | (German) to give great pleasure |
große Gebiete erobern | (German) to conquer vast territories |
große Geduld | (German f.) abundance of patience |
große Gefahr | (German f.) great danger |
große Geister | (German pl.) people with great minds |
Große Geister denken gleich. | (German) Great minds think alike. |
große Gewissenhaftigkeit an den Tag legen | (German) to take great care |
große Güter | (German pl.) broad acres |
große Haselnuss | (German f.) cobnut |
große Hilfe | (German f.) lifesaver, great convenience |
große Hoffnungen in ... setzen | (German) to have high hopes of ... (somebody) |
große Höhen | (German pl.) high altitudes |
große Ideen | (German pl.) big ideas |
Großeinkauf (s.), Großeinkäufe (pl.) | (German m.) bulk purchase, bulk buying, shopping spree, spending spree |
groß einkaufen gehen | (German) to go on a spending spree |
Großeinsatz | (German m.) large scale operation |
Großeinstellung | (German f.) close-up |
große Intervalle | (German n. pl.) major intervals |
Große Juristische Staatsprüfung | (German f.) bar exam |
große Kampagne | (German f.) huge campaign |
große Kanone | (German f.) big gun |
große Kapazität | (German f.) large capacity |
große Kaufkraft | (German f.) mass purchasing power |
große Kessel | (German pl.) cauldrons |
große Klappe und nichts dahinter | (German) all mouth and (no) trousers (colloquial) |
große Klasse sein | (German) to be a humdinger (colloquial) |
große Koalition | (German f.) grand coalition |
große Korbflasche | (German f.) demijohn |
große Kosten | (German pl.) a lot of expense |
große Kraft | (German f.) large force |
Große Kreisstadt | (German f.) major district town, major county town |
große Kundschaft | (German f.) wide clientele |
große Leere | (German f.) great blank |
große Leistung | (German f.) feat |
Große Leonoren-Ouvertüre | (German f.) Leonore (Overture) No. 3 (L. van Beethoven, op.72a) |
großelterlich | (German) grandparental, of one's grandparents |
Großeltern | (German pl.) grandparents |
große Lücke | (German f.) wide gap |
große Lust haben, ... zu tun | (German) to have a great mind to do ... (something) |
große Lust haben zu | (German) to have a good mind to |
große Macht ausstrahlen | (German) to radiate immense power |
große Mannschaft | (German f.) large force |
große Masse | (German f.) huge mass |
große Mehrheit | (German f.) sweeping majority, large majority, vast majority |
große Mehrheit aller Fälle | (German f.) vast majority of cases |
große Mehrheit der Emissionen | (German f.) vast majority of issues |
große Mehrheit der Kunden | (German f.) vast majority of customers |
große Menge | (German f.) abundance, great deal, great quantity, an awful lot, vast amount, bulk, barrel (colloquial: for example, a barrel of laughs), bundle (colloquial: for example, a bundle of laughs) |
große Menge Leute | (German f.) large crowd, sizeable crowd |
große Milchkanne | (German f.) churn (container for milk) |
große Mode | (German f.) rage |
große Mode sein | (German) to be trendy, to be all the rage (colloquial) |
große Mühe | (German f.) violent effort |
Größenabhängigkeit | (German f.) size dependence |
große Nachfrage | (German f.) great demand |
große Nachrichtenmenge | (German f.) mass of information |
Größenänderung | (German f.) resizing, resize |
Größenanpassung | (German f.) resizing |
(großen) Aufwand treiben | (German) to be (very) extravagant |
Grosse Nazard | (German) also Grosse Nasard, Grosse Nassat, Grosse Nasat, an organ stop sounding a fifth above the diapasons |
Größenbestimmung | (German f.) sizing |
großen Ehrgeiz haben | (German) to have great ambitions |
großen Einfluss auf ... haben | (German) to have a big say in ... (something) |
großen Einfluss auf ... nehmen | (German) to have a big say in ... (something) |
großen Erfolg erreichen | (German) to attain great success |
großen Erfolg haben | (German) to flourish (writer, artist, musician, etc.) |
große Nervosität | (German f.) great nervousness |
großen Ferien | (German) summer holidays |
Großenkel (m.), Großenkelin (f.), Großenkel (pl.) | (German) great grandson (m.), great granddaughter (f.), great grandchildren (pl.) |
große None | (German f.) major ninth, compound major second (i.e. major ninth) |
Größenordnung | (German f.) order of magnitude, magnitude, dimension, order, scale |
Größenphantasien | (German pl.) delusions of grandeur |
Größenprogression | (German f.) progression in size |
Größenreduktion | (German f.) size reduction |
großen Respekt haben vor | (German) to have great respect for |
großen Rummel um ... machen | (German) to make a great fuss about ... (somebody, something) |
großen Rummel um ... veranstalten | (German) to make a great fuss about ... (somebody, something) |
Größenskalierung | (German f.) dimensional scaling |
Größentabelle | (German f.) size chart |
großenteils | (German) largely, to a great extent, for the greater part |
große Nummer | (German f.) big-wig (colloquial), bog shot (colloquial), big gun (colloquial) |
großen Unterhaltungswert haben | (German) to be good entertainment value |
Größenunterschied | (German m.) size difference |
größenveränderbar | (German) resizeable |
Größenvergleich | (German m.) size comparison |
Größenverhältnis | (German n.) ratio, proportion |
Größenvielfalt | (German f.) variety of sizes |
Größenvorteile | (German pl.) economies of scale |
Größenwahn | (German m.) megalomania, delusions of grandeur, delusion of grandeur, Napoleonic complex (dated) |
größenwahnsinnig | (German) megalomaniac, megalomaniacal |
größenwahnsinnig sein | (German) to have delusions of grandeur |
größenwahnsinnig werden | (German) to get too big for one's boots, to get too big for one's britches |
größenwahnsinnige Fantasien | (German pl.) megalomaniacal fantasies |
größenwahnsinnige Forderungen | (German pl.) megalomaniacal demands |
Größenwahnsinniger (m.), Größenwahnsinnige (f.) | (German) megalomaniac (person) |
größenwahnsinniger Anführer | (German m.) megalomaniacal leader |
großen Wert auf Pünktlichkeit legen | (German) to put great stress on punctuality |
(großen) Wert darauf legen, ... zu tun | (German) to make a point doing ... (something) |
großen Zulauf haben | (German) to enjoy a large clientele, to be very popular |
großen Zuspruch finden | (German) to enjoy popularity |
großen Zuspruch genießen | (German) to enjoy popularity |
großen Zuspruch haben | (German) to be very popular |
große Öffnung | (German f.) wide mouth, wide opening |
große Oktave | (German f.) great octave |
große Plätze | (German pl.) large squares |
große Portion | (German f.) large helping |
große Prahlerei | (German f.) great boast |
große Preiserhöhung | (German f.) big price rise |
Grosse Principal | (German) an organ stop of 32 ft. scale, of the open diapason species |
große Produktpalette | (German f.) wide range of products |
Grosse Quint | (German) or Gross-quinten-bass, an organ stop, in the pedals, sounding a fifth or twelfth, to the bass of 32 ft. or 16 ft. |
größer | (German) bigger, greater, larger, taller, largish, grander |
großer Abenteurer | (German m.) big adventurer |
Großer Afrikanischer Grabenbruch | (German m.) Great African Rift Valley |
größer als | (German) greater than (symbol >) |
größer als die Summe seiner Teile | (German) greater than the sum of its parts |
größer als ursprünglich angenommen | (German) wider than initially thought |
Größer-als-Zeichen | (German n.) greater-than sign > |
(großer) Anfangsbuchstabe | (German m.) initial |
großer Ansturm | (German m.) big hurry |
großer Anteil | (German m.) good deal |
großer Anwendungsbereich | (German m.) wide field of application |
großer Ärger | (German m.) a great deal of annoyance, a lot of trouble |
große Rasenfläche | (German f.) large lawn |
großer Auftrag | (German m.) fat contract, big job, large order |
großer Ausverkauf | (German m.) great sale |
Großer Bär | (German m.) Ursa Major, Greater Bear (consellation) |
großer Barrégriff | (German m.) full barre (guitar technique) |
großer Bereich | (German m.) wide reach |
großer Betrag | (German m.) big sum, great amount, capital sum, huge sum, large amount, vast sum |
großer Bewunderer | (German m.) great admirer |
großer Blutkreislauf | (German m.) systemic circulation (of the blood) |
großer Bohrer | (German m.) auger, gimlet |
großer Briefschreiber | (German m.) great letter-writer |
großer Brocken von einem Mann | (German m.) big lump of a man |
großer Bruder | (German m.) older brother |
großer Buchstabe | (German m.) large letter |
großer Bursche | (German m.) tall fellow |
großer Chef | (German m.) big boss |
großer chromatischer Halbton | (German m.) limma ascendant, greater chromatic semitone, semitone medius, chromatic semitone or major chroma, an interval with the ratio 135/128 |
größer denn je | (German) bigger than ever before |
großer Dienstanzug | (German m.) dress uniform |
großer Dummkopf | (German m.) big fool |
großer Durseptakkord | (German m.) major seventh chord |
größere | (German) major |
größere Abmessungen als ... | (German pl.) dimensions greater than ... |
größere Abweichung | (German f.) greater variance |
größere Änderungen | (German pl.) major modifications |
größere Aufgabe | (German f.) major task |
größere Bedeutung gewinnen | (German) to take on greater significance |
größere Beträge | (German pl.) substantial amounts |
größere Brieftasche | (German f.) deeper wallet (figurative) |
große Rechnung | (German f.) stiff bill (large bill) |
große Reden halten | (German) to spout |
große Reden schwingen | (German) to talk big (colloquial) |
große Region | (German f.) huge region |
größere Geschütze | (German pl.) bigger guns (also figurative) |
Großereignis (s.), Großereignisse (pl.) | (German n.) mega event, huge event, big event |
großer Einfluss | (German m.) wide influence |
größer eingestellt | (German) sized |
großer Einkaufsmarkt | (German m.) hypermarket |
größere Investition | (German f.) major investment |
größere Kosten | (German pl.) considerable expenses, considerable outgoings |
größere Menge | (German f.) larger quantity |
größere Nachlässe | (German pl.) considerable reductions |
größerenteils | (German) mostly |
größeren Umfangs | (German) of substantial length |
größere Pause | (German f.) considerable lapse of time |
großer Empfangssaal | (German m.) grand reception room |
großer Epilepsieanfall | (German m.) grand mal seizure (rare) |
größerer Anteil | (German m.) major part |
größerer Ärger | (German m.) considerable trouble |
größerer Aufwand | (German m.) considerable expenditure |
größerer Beitrag | (German m.) major contribution |
größerer Betrag | (German m.) considerable sum of money, large sum of money, considerable sum |
größere Reparatur | (German f.) major repair |
größerer Fehler | (German m.) major error, major defect |
großer Erfolg | (German m.) wow (colloquial), roaring success, big hit, great success |
größerer Fortschritt | (German m.) major advance |
größerer Geldbetrag | (German m.) largish sum of money, considerable sum of money |
größerer Irrtum | (German m.) major error |
großer Ermessensspielraum | (German m.) wide discretion |
größerer Schrecken | (German m.) major scare |
größerer Teil | (German m.) major part |
größerer Verlust | (German m.) considerable loss, major loss |
größerer Zeitabschnitt | (German m.) considerable lapse of time |
größere Schwierigkeit | (German f.) considerable trouble, major difficulty |
größeres Einkommen | (German n.) substantial income |
größere Spannung | (German f.) considerable tension |
größeres Problem | (German n.) major problem |
großer Esser | (German m.) great eater, heavy eater |
größere Städte | (German pl.) larger towns |
größere Summe | (German f.) considerable sum |
größere Veränderung | (German f.) major change |
größere Verantwortlichkeit zeigen | (German) to bring in greater accountability |
größere Verbesserungen | (German pl.) considerable improvements |
größere Verzögerung | (German f.) considerable delay |
größere Wirtschaftsunternehmen | (German pl.) major commercial enterprises |
größere Zweigniederlassung | (German f.) major branch |
großer Fang | (German m.) big catch |
großer Fehler | (German m.) big mistake |
Großer fermatscher Satz | (German m.) Fermat's Last Theorem |
großer, flacher Teller | (German m.) dinner plate |
Großerfolg | (German m.) great success, big success |
großer Fortschritt | (German m.) major step forward |
Großer Frauentag | (German m. - Austria, Southern Germany) Assumption Day |
großer Freundeskreis | (German m.) large circle of friends, wide circle of friends |
großer Friedhof | (German m.) necropolis (cemetery) |
großer Ganzton | (German m.) major whole tone, an interval with the ratio 9/8 |
großer Geldbetrag | (German m.) large sum of money |
großer Gesäßmuskel | (German m.) gluteus maximus |
großer Geschäftsabschluss | (German m.) big deal |
größergleich | (German) equal to or greater |
Größer-gleich-Zeichen | (German n.) greater-than-or-equal sign (≥) |
Großer Gott! | (German) Good God! My God! |
großer Hafen | (German m.) capacious harbour |
großer Haufen Bücher | (German m.) big heap of books |
großer Held | (German m.) worthy hero, worthy (pejorative) |
Großer Hexenmeister | (German m.) Grand Wizard (Ku Klux Klan) |
großer Hunger | (German m.) big appetite |
Großer Hurrikan von 1780 | (German m.) Great Hurricane of 1780 |
große Rippe | (German f.) cutoff bar (sound-board) |
großer Junge | (German m.) big boy |
großer Kapitalist | (German m.) big capitalist |
großer Kerl | (German m.) big hunk of a man (colloquial) |
großer Kessel | (German m.) cauldron |
großer Knall | (German m.) big bang |
großer Knüppel | (German m.) big stick |
großer Konzern | (German m.) big (business) concern |
großer Korb | (German m.) big basket |
großer kräftiger Mann | (German m.) strapping man, strapper |
großer Kunde | (German m.) large customer |
großer Kundenkreis | (German m.) wide circle of customers |
großer Künstler | (German m.) great artist |
Großer Kurfürst | (German m.) Great Elector |
großer Lauschangriff | (German m.) (electronic) eavesdropping operation (in private residences) |
großer Lügner | (German m.) great liar |
großer Mangel | (German m.) severe shortage |
großer Mann | (German m.) great man |
großer Mollseptakkord | (German m.) major-minor seventh chord |
großer Name | (German m.) great name, big name |
größer oder gleich | (German) greater or equal |
Großer Österreichischer Staatspreis | (German m.) Grand Austrian State Prize |
Großer Ozean | (German m.) Pacific Ocean |
Großer Panda | (German m.) giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) |
Großer Preis | (German m.) Grand Prix |
großer Preisnachlass | (German m.) big cut in price |
großer Preisverfall | (German m.) big drop in prices |
großer Prunksaal | (German m.) large ceremonial room |
Großer Rat | (German m. - Switzerland) cantonal parliament |
großer Regentropfen | (German m.) big raindrop |
großer Renner | (German m.) big hit |
großer Saitenabstand | (German m.) high action (stringed instrument) |
Großer Salzsee | (German m.) Great Salt Lake |
großer Schaden | (German m.) extensive damage |
großer Schmiedehammer | (German m.) sledge |
großer Schmuggler | (German m.) big smuggler |
großer Schritt voran | (German m.) big step forward |
großer Schurke | (German m.) big rascal, great rascal |
größer sein als | (German) to exceed |
großer Septakkord | (German m.) major seventh chord |
großer Servierteller | (German m.) charger (archaic: platter) |
großer Soldat | (German m.) great soldier |
großer Spielraum | (German m.) ample scope |
Großer Sprung nach vorn | (German m.) Great Leap Forward (China) |
großer Sprung vorwärts | (German m.) great leap forward |
großer Supermarkt | (German m.) big supermarket |
großer Tag | (German m.) great day |
großer Tagungsraum | (German m.) big room |
Großer Teich | (German m.) big pond (colloquial: Atlantic Ocean) |
großer Teil | (German m.) great deal, large part, large percentage |
großer Teil der Zeit | (German m.) good deal of the time |
großer Teil seines Einkommens | (German m.) large proportion of his income |
großer Ton | (German m.) large tone |
großer Tor | (German m.) big fool, bloody fool (colloquial) |
Großer Treck | (German m.) Great Trek, Die Groot Trek |
Großer Tümmler | (German m.) bottle-nosed dolphin |
großer Überblick | (German m.) vast overview |
großer Umfang | (German m.) vast size |
großer Unsinn | (German m.) bunch of bollocks (slang) |
großer Unterschied | (German m.) great difference, huge difference, wide difference |
Großer Vaterländischer Krieg | (German m.) Great Patriotic War (in the Soviet Union, name given to the Second World War from their entry into it: 1941-45) |
großer Verdruß | (German m. - old form) a great deal of annoyance |
großer Verdruss | (German m.) a great deal of annoyance |
großer Verhandlungsraum | (German m.) big room |
Großer Wagen | (German m.) Ursa Major (constellation) |
großer Wald | (German m.) big forest |
großer Wälzer | (German m.) big book |
großer Wandel | (German m.) big switch |
großer Wert | (German m.) great value |
großer Winkel | (German m.) wide angle |
großer Wunsch | (German m.) big ambition |
großer Zeh | (German m.) big toe |
Größer-Zeichen | (German n.) greater-than sign (>) |
großer Zeiger | (German m.) big hand |
großer Zeitaufwand | (German m.) enormous amount of time |
großer Zuwachs | (German m.) great increase |
großer Zweig | (German m.) arm |
großer Zwischenraum | (German m.) wide interval, wide spread |
großes Abenteuer | (German n.) big adventure |
große Sache | (German f.) big deal (slang), big production |
großes Ansehen | (German n.) great renown |
großes Ärgernis | (German n.) great nuisance |
Große Säuberung | (German f.) Great Purge |
großes Aufsehen erregen | (German) to make a great stir |
große Sause | (German f.) jamboree |
großes Ausmaß | (German n.) vast extent, great extent |
großes Beiboot | (German n.) longboat |
großes Bierglas | (German n.) beer tumbler, schooner (large glass) |
großes C | (German n.) pedal C |
große Schieferplatte | (German f.) slab of slate |
große Schlagzeilen | (German pl.) big headlines |
große Schritte | (German pl.) bounding strides, grand strides, great strides |
große Schritte machen | (German) to stride, to stride along, to stride out |
große Schuldenlast | (German f.) heavy debts |
große Schwester | (German f.) older sister |
große Schwierigkeit | (German f.) huge difficulty |
Große Seen | (German pl.) Great Lakes |
großes Ehrenwort | (German n.) scout's honour |
großes Einkommen | (German n.) big salary |
großes einschneidiges Taschenmesser | (German n.) Barlow knife (a popular single-bladed folding knife) |
große Sekunde | (German f.) major second |
große Seltenheit | (German f.) great rarity |
großes Entzücken | (German n.) great delight |
große Septime | (German f.) major seventh |
großes Ereignis | (German n.) great event |
großes Essen | (German n.) capital dinner |
große Sexte | (German f.) major sixth |
großes Fass | (German n.) butt (barrel), big barrel |
großes Fest | (German n.) great festival |
großes Festessen | (German n.) banquet |
großes Festzelt | (German n.) marquee |
großes Feuer | (German n.) mass of fire |
großes Finale | (German n.) grand finale |
großes Gehalt | (German n.) large salary, big salary |
großes Gejammer | (German n.) a lot of wailing |
großes Geschäft | (German n.) great bargain, big deal, great deal, immense business |
großes Geschick erfordern | (German) to demand great skill |
Großes Geschworenengericht | (German n.) grand jury (US) |
großes Gewicht auf ... legen | (German) to attach great importance to ... (something), to attach great weight to ... (something), to attach importance to ... (something) |
großes Glas Bier | (German n.) large (glass of) beer |
großes, grobes Sieb | (German n.) riddle |
großes Interesse | (German n.) large interest, great interest |
großes Interesse an ... zeigen | (German) to show great interest in ... (something), to be greatly interested in ... (something) |
großes Interesse erregen | (German) to arouse great interest |
großes Interesse finden in einem bestimmten Publikum | (German) to find broad interest in a given audience |
großes Interesse finden unter einem bestimmten Publikum | (German) to find broad interest among a given audience |
großes Interesse wecken | (German) to arouse a great deal of interest |
großes Intervall | (German n.) major interval |
Großes leisten | (German) to set the Thames on fire (figurative), to set the world on fire (figurative) |
großes Lob | (German n.) great praise |
großes Los | (German n.) first prize |
großes Maß an Geduld | (German n.) considerable amount of patience |
großes Missgeschick | (German n.) grave misfortune |
Grosse Sonate | (German f.) grand sonata |
großes Pensum | (German n.) a great deal of work |
großes Problem | (German n.) great problem |
großes Publikum | (German n.) large attendance, large audience |
großes Schlachten | (German n.) wholesale slaughter |
großes Schlafzimmer | (German n.) master bedroom |
Grossesse | (French f.) pregnancy |
großes Orchester | (German n.) full orchestra |
große Sorge bereiten | (German) to cause great anxiety |
große Sorgfalt | (German f.) great care, high diligence |
große Spanne | (German f.) wide margin, wide reach |
große Speisekarte | (German f.) full menu |
großes Sherryglas | (German n.) schooner (large glass for sherry) |
großes Sortiment | (German n.) large assortment |
großes Stück | (German n.) hunk, big piece, chunk |
großes Stück Brot | (German n.) hunk of bread |
großes T | (German n.) upper-case T |
großes Talent | (German n.) great talent |
großes Taschenmesser | (German n.) Barlow knife, jackknife (a single-bladed folding frontier knife) |
große Steinplatte | (German f.) flagstone |
großes Theater | (German n.) legitimate stage |
großes Thema | (German n.) big talking point |
großes Tier | (German n.) huge beast, big animal, big beast (also figurative), big shot (colloquial, figurative) |
große Stücke auf ... halten | (German) to think the world of ... (somebody) (figurative), to have a high opinion of ... (somebody) |
große Summe (s.), große Summen (pl.) | (German f.) huge sum, spates (plural form) |
großes Unglück | (German n.) great misfortune |
großes Verlangen haben | (German) to have a great wish |
großes Vermögen | (German n.) great fortune |
großes, weiches Brötchen | (German n.) bap (bread roll) |
großes Zeitungsformat | (German n.) broadsheet |
großes Zelt | (German n.) marquee |
großes Zimmer | (German n.) big room |
große Täler | (German pl.) great valleys |
große Terz | (German f.) major third |
(German) an organ stop producing the third or tenth, above the foundation stops |
grosse Terz | (German f.) major third |
(German) an organ stop producing the third or tenth, above the foundation stops |
große Textmenge | (German f.) mass of text |
große Tiefe | (German f.) great depth |
große Töne spucken | (German) to talk big |
große Tredezime | (German f.) major thirteenth, compound major sixth |
große Trommel | (German f.) big drum, bass drum |
(Große) Tulpenmanie | (German f.) tulip mania, tulipomania |
(große) Übersichtsschau | (German f.) comprehensive exhibition |
große Umarmung | (German f.) great big hug |
Große Umarmung und Kuss! | (German) Great big hug & kiss. |
Grosseur | (French f.) (volume) size, lump |
große Verbreitung | (German f.) wide distribution |
große Verdienste | (German pl.) abundant merits |
große Verluste erleiden | (German) to take a hammering |
große Verspätung | (German f.) lengthy delay |
große Vielfalt | (German f.) large variety |
große Vielfalt an | (German f.) wide range of |
große Vollkommenheit erreichen | (German) to arrive at great perfection |
Große Wasserweihe | (German f.) Great Blessing of the Waters |
große Werke vollbringen | (German) to achieve great things |
große Wichtigtuerei | (German f.) air of great importance |
große Wut | (German f.) fury |
große Zahl | (German f.) numerousness, large number |
große Zahl an Quellenangaben | (German f.) copious references |
große Zehe | (German f.) big toe |
große Zweifel an ... hegen | (German) to have grave doubts about ... (something), to entertain grave doubts about ... (something) |
Großfahndung | (German f.) large-scale manhunt, dragnet operation |
Großfalkonier | (German m.) Grand Falconer |
Großfamilie (s.), Großfamilien (pl.) | (German f.) extended family |
Großfeuer | (German n.) large fire, conflagration, massive wildfire |
Großfläche | (German f.) large area |
Großflächenbrand | (German m.) wildfire |
großflächig | (German) extensive, widespread, large-scale, large (extensive) |
großflächiger Schaden | (German m.) extensive damage |
Großflughafen | (German m.) major airport |
Großflugzeug | (German n.) large aircraft, large-capacity aircraft, jumbo jet |
Großformat | (German n.) large size, broadsheet (paper size), large format |
großformatig | (German) large-size, large-sized, large-format |
großformatige Anzeige | (German f.) big splurge ad (colloquial) |
großformatige Zeitung | (German f.) broadsheet (newspaper) |
Großformatkamera | (German f.) large format camera |
Großformat-Kamera | (German f.) large format camera |
Großforschungseinrichtung | (German f.) major research institution |
Großfürst (m.), Großfürstin (f.) | (German) Grand Duke (m. title), Grand Duchess (f. title, especially Russian), Grand Prince (title m.) |
Großfürstentum | (German n.) grand duchy |
Großfürstentum Moskau | (German n.) Grand Duchy of Moscow |
Großfusion | (German f.) mega-merger |
Gross gedackt | (German) in an organ, double-stopped diapason, of 16 ft. tone |
groß genug | (German) big enough |
Großgeschäft | (German n.) jumbo deal, major transaction |
großgeschrieben | (German) capitalised, written in capitals, written in capital letters, with a capital ... (letter) (figurative) |
groß geschrieben | (German) capitalised, written in capitals |
großgewachsen | (German) huge-grown, tall |
Großgewinn | (German m.) big win |
Großgrabung | (German f.) large-scale excavation |
Grosgrain | (German m.) grosgrain |
Großgriechenland | (German n.) Greater Greece |
Großgroßgroßonkel | (German m.) three-times great uncle |
Großgrundbesitz | (German m.) large scale land-holding, large estate |
Großgrundbesitzer | (German m.) big landowner, large landowner |
Großhandel | (German m.) wholesale, wholesale trade, wholesaling |
Großhandels- | (German) wholesale |
Großhandelseinkaufsgenossenschaft | (German f.) wholesale cooperative society |
Großhandelskaufmann | (German m.) wholesaler |
Großhandelspreis | (German m.) wholesale price, trade price |
Großhandelsrabatt | (German m.) wholesale discount, trade discount |
Großhandelsverkaufsstelle | (German f.) wholesale outlet |
Großhandelszentrum | (German n.) wholesale centre |
Großhändler (m.), Großhändlerin (f.), Großhändler (pl.) | (German m.) wholesaler, wholesale merchant |
Großhandlung | (German f.) wholesaler, wholesale business |
groß herausbringen | (German) to hype (up) (publicise excessively) |
groß herauskommen | (German) to make it big |
großherzig | (German) big-hearted, magnanimous, large-hearted, great-hearted (magnanimous), magnanimously |
großherziger | (German) nobler (more magnanimous) |
Großherzigkeit | (German f.) magnanimity |
großherzigste | (German) noblest |
Großherzog (m.), Großherzogin (f.) | (German) Grand Duke (m.), Grand Duchess (f.) |
großherzoglich | (German) Grand Ducal |
Großherzogtum | (German n.) grand duchy |
Großherzogtum Niederrhein | (German n.) Grand Duchy of the Lower Rhine |
Großhirn | (German n.) cerebrum |
Großhirnblutung | (German f.) cerebral haemorrhage |
Großi | (German f. - Old German) granny (colloquial: grandmother) |
Grösi | (German n. - Switzerland) grandmother, granny (colloquial), grandma (colloquial) |
grossier (m.), grossière (f.) | (French) coarse, rough, crude (imitation, instrument), coarse (vulgar), rude (insolent), gross (error) |
grossièrement | (French) roughly (summarily), coarsely (vulgarly) |
Grossièreté | (French f.) coarseness, crudeness, rudeness, rude word |
Großindustrieller (m.), Großindustrielle (f.) | (German) industrial magnate, industrialist |
Größing (s.), Größings (pl.) | (German n. - Northern Germany) grandmother, grandparents (plural form) |
Großinquisitor | (German m.) high inquisitor, grand inquisitor |
grossir | (French) to swell, to put on weight (person), to magnify (microscope, exaggerate, overstate), to grow (augment) |
Großjährigkeit | (German f. - Austria) age of legal majority |
Großkaliber- | (German) large calibre (prefix) |
Großkanzler | (German m.) Lord High Chancellor |
Großkatze (s.), Großkatzen (pl.) | (German f.) big cat |
Großkaufmann | (German m.) merchant |
Großkind | (German n. - Switzerland) grandchild |
Großkirchen | (German pl.) mainline churches |
Groß-Klein-Umschaltung | (German f.) case shift |
Großknecht | (German m. - dated) chief (farm) hand |
Großkomponenten | (German pl.) large components |
Großkönig | (German m.) Great King |
Großkonzern | (German m.) major corporation |
Großkopf | (German m.) big head, big-head |
großkopfig | (German) big-headed (colloquial) |
Großkopfigkeit | (German f.) bigheadedness |
Großkotz | (German m.) big-head |
großkotzig | (German) snooty (colloquial), swanky (colloquial) |
Großkreis | (German m.) great circle (on the surface of a sphere)
Großkreisnavigation | (German f.) great circle navigation
Großkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes | (German n.) Grand Cross of the Iron Cross
Großküche | (German f.) canteen kitchen, commercial kitchen
Großkunde (s.), Großkunden (pl.) | (German m.) important customer, major customer, key account, wholesale customer, large (important) customer
Großkunden- | (German) key account |
Großlager | (German n.) bulk storage |
Großlebensversicherung | (German f.) whole-life insurance |
Großleinwand | (German f.) big screen, large screen |
Groß-London | (German n.) Greater London |
Großmacht (s.), Großmächte (pl.) | (German f.) great power, big power, major power, Great Powers (plural form) |
Großmachtzeit | (German f.) period as a great power (especially Sweden) |
Großmährisches Reich | (German n.) Great Moravian Empire |
Großmama | (German f.) grandma (colloquial) |
Großmannssucht | (German f.) craving for status |
Großmanöver | (German n.) major exercise |
Großmarkt | (German m.) central market |
Großmarschall | (German m.) Grand Marshal |
Großmaschinenbau | (German m.) heavy engineering |
großmaßstäbig | (German) large-scale |
großmaßstäblich | (German) large-scale |
Großmaul | (German n.) loud-mouth, big mouth (colloquial), scaramouch |
großmäulig | (German) mouthy (colloquial), loud-mouthed, big-mouthed (colloquial) |
Großmeister | (German m.) Grand Master (head of Hospitallers, Templars), grand master (chess), grandmaster (chess) |
Großmeister der Freimaurer | (German m.) Grand Master of Freemasons |
Großmenge | (German f.) bulk |
Großmengenspeicherung | (German f.) bulk storage |
Großmufti | (German m.) Grand Mufti |
Großmünster | (German m.) Great Minster (Zurich) |
Großmut | (German f.) generosity, magnanimousness, magnanimity, greatness of heart, greatheartedness, unselfishness, openhandedness |
großmütig | (German) magnanimous, magnanimously, nobly, noble, generous (kind) |
großmütiger Charakter | (German m.) noble character |
großmütigerweise | (German) generously |
großmütig sein | (German) to open one's heart |
großmütigste | (German) noblest |
Großmutter (s.), Großmütter (pl.) | (German f.) grandmother, grandma (colloquial) |
großmütterlich | (German) grandmotherly |
Großmutter mütterlicherseits | (German f.) maternal grandmother |
Großmutter-Prinzip | (German n.) grandmother principle (see grandfather principle) |
Großmutter väterlicherseits | (German f.) paternal grandmother |
Großmutti | (German f.) grandma (colloquial) |
Grossnasart | see Nasard |
Großnase | (German f.) big nose (also figurative) |
Großneffe | (German m.) grandnephew, great-nephew |
Großnichte | (German f.) grandniece, great-niece |
grosso | (Italian) large, full, great, deep, heavy, grand |
Großoffensive | (German f.) large-scale offensive, major offensive |
Großoffizier | (German m.) Knight Commander |
Großonkel | (German m.) great-uncle, great uncle |
Großösterreich | (German n.) Greater Austria (1848/49) |
Großpackung | (German f.) giant-size pack, jumbo package |
Großpackung für Gaststätten | (German f.) catering size |
Großpapa (s.), Großpapas | (German m.) grandpa (colloquial) |
Großpönitentiar | (German m.) grand penitentiary |
großporig | (German) large-pored |
Großproduktion | (German f.) mammoth screen epic |
Großprojekt | (German n.) large-scale project, major project, large project, mega-project |
Großrabbiner | (German m.) chief rabbi |
Großraum | (German m.) wider area |
Großraumbüro | (German n.) open-plan office |
Großraum London | (German m.) Greater London |
Großraumflugzeug | (German n.) wide-bodied aircraft |
großräumig | (German) large-scale, broad, spacious, over a wide area |
großräumig beobachtet | (German) observed over a wide area |
Großraumlimousine | (German f.) people carrier, MPV |
Großraumwagen | (German m.) open coach, open carriage, open car, saloon coach |
Großraumwasserversorgung | (German f.) district water supply |
Großraumzelt | (German n.) marquee |
Großrazzia | (German f.) large-scale raid |
Großrechner (s.), Großrechner (pl.) | (German m.) mainframe, mainframe computer |
Großreich | (German n.) great empire |
Großreinemachen | (German n.) spring clean, spring cleaning |
Großrisiko (s.), Großrisiken (pl.) | (German n.) major risk |
Großsäuger | (German m.) large mammal |
Grossbueb | (German m. - Switzerland) grandson |
Großschnauze | (German f.) big mouth |
großschnauzig | (German) big-mouthed |
großschreibend | (German) shifting |
Großschreibung | (German f.) capitalisation, upper case |
Großschrift | (German f.) capitalisation, upper case |
Großsegel | (German n.) mainsail |
Großsegler | (German m.) tall ship |
Großseldschukisches Reich | (German n.) Great Seljuk Empire |
Großserbien | (German n.) Greater Serbia |
Großserien- | (German) high-volume |
Großserienfertigung | (German f.) line production, large-batch production |
Großsiegelbewahrer | (German m.) Lord Privy Seal |
Grossist (s.), Grossisten (pl.) | (German m.) wholesaler |
Grossmäitli | (German f. - Switzerland) granddaughter |
grosso modo | (German) roughly, roughly speaking |
Großsohn | (German m. - dated) grandson |
Großsprecher | (German m.) gascon (pejorative) |
großsprecherisch | (German) boastful, magniloquently, thrasonical |
großspurig | (German) pompous, pompously, arrogant, arrogantly, cockily, grandiloquently, cocky (overly self-assertive) |
Großspurigkeit | (German f.) pomposity |
großspurig reden | (German) to talk large, to talk big |
Grosssohn | (German m. - Switzerland) grandson |
Großstadt (s.), Großstädte (pl.) | (German f.) large city, city, metropolis, big city, major city |
Großstadtbewohner | (German m.) metropolitan |
Großstadtdschungel | (German m.) urban jungle |
Großstädter (m.), Großstädterin (f.) | (German) city slicker, metropolitan, city dweller |
Großstadthotel | (German n.) metropolitan hotel |
großstädtisch | (German) city, metropolitan, urban, urbanly, big city |
Großstadtleben | (German n.) city life |
Großstadtlegende | (German f.) urban legend |
Großstadtluft | (German f.) big city atmosphere (figurative) |
Großstadtmädchen | (German n.) big city girl |
Großstadtmythe | (German f.) urban legend |
Großstadtmythos | (German m.) urban myth, urban legend |
Großstadtregion | (German f.) metropolitan area |
Großstadtrummel | (German m.) the hurly-burly of city life |
Großsteingrab | (German n.) megalithic (chambered) tomb |
Grosstochter | (German f. - Switzerland) granddaughter |
großstückig | (German) lumpy |
Großstudie | (German f.) major study |
Großsyrien | (German n.) Greater Syria |
größt | (German) main, sovereign |
größt- | (German) superlarge (colloquial) |
Großtante | (German f.) great aunt, grand aunt |
Großtat | (German f.) feat, exploit |
größte | (German) tallest, most, ultra-large, biggest, greatest, largest, major |
größte ... aller Zeiten | (German) biggest-ever ... |
größte ..., die es jemals gab | (German) biggest-ever ... |
größte Abweichung | (German f.) maximum deviation |
großtechnisch | (German) commercially |
Großteil | (German m.) large proportion, bulk, bigger part, greater part, majority, large portion, large part (large proportion of something), large part (large component) |
großteils | for the most part, in great measure, largely, in the main |
größte je dagewesene | (German) largest-ever |
großtenteils | (German) mostly, for the greater part, mainly, chiefly, to a great extent, in large part, pretty much, for the most part, in great measure, largely, in the main |
größte Packung | (German f.) maximum size |
größter | (German) most, superlative, utmost (urgency), prime (importance), greatest (speed) |
größter Anreiz | (German m.) greatest attraction |
größter anzunehmender Unfall | (German m.) worst case scenario |
größter Arbeitgeber | (German m.) dominant employer |
größter gemeinsamer Teiler | (German m.) greatest common divisor, greatest common factor, highest common factor |
größter Rivale | (German m.) main rival |
größter Teil | (German m.) majority |
größte Sammlung der Welt | (German f.) world's largest collection |
größtes Anliegen | (German m.) greatest concern |
größte Schwierigkeit | (German f.) chief difficulty |
größtes Format | (German m.) maximum size |
größte Sorge | (German f.) greatest concern |
größte Stadt | (German f.) chief town, largest city |
größte Stadt des Bezirks | (German f.) chief town of a district |
größtes Unternehmen | (German n.) biggest enterprise |
größtes Werk | (German n.) magnum opus (finest work - of an artist) |
größte Verachtung | (German f.) supreme contempt |
größte Wahrscheinlichkeit | (German f.) highest probability |
größte Wirkung | (German f.) maximum effect |
größte Zufriedenstellung bieten | (German) to offer maximum satisfaction |
größtmöglich | (German) maximal, greatest possible, maximum possible, largest possible, biggest possible, highest possible (greatest possible) |
größtmögliche Sicherheit bieten | (German) to offer maximum security |
größtmögliche Überraschung | (German f.) maximum surprise |
Großtochter | (German f. - dated) granddaughter |
Größtrechner | (German m.) supercomputer |
Großtrombe | (German f.) tornado |
Großtuer | (German m.) snob, swaggerer |
Großtuerei | (German f.) panache, swagger, ostentation (pretentious display of skills, etc.) |
großtuerisch | (German) ostentatious |
großtuerische Art des Geldausgebens | (German f.) ostentatious spending |
großtuerische Zurschaustellung | (German f.) ostentatious profundity |
großtun | (German) to brag, to name drop, to swagger |
groß und klein | (German) young and old |
groß und schlank | (German) tall and slim |
groß und stark werden | (German) to grow big and strong |
Großungarn | (German n.) Greater Hungary (Hungary, Slovakia, Transsylvania, Croatia, etc., 1867-1918) |
Großunternehmen (s.), Großunternehmen (pl.) | (German n.) large scale enterprise, big firm, large concern, large-scale enterprise, large-scale operation, large business |
Großunternehmer | (German m.) large scale manufacturer |
Großvater (s.), Großväter (pl.) | (German m.) grandfather, grandad, grandsire |
großväterlich | (German) grandfatherly |
Großväterlichkeit | (German f.) grandfatherliness |
Großvater mütterlicherseits | (German m.) maternal grandfather |
Großvaterrechte | (German pl.) grandfather rights |
Großvateruhr | (German f.) grandfather clock |
Großvater väterlicherseits | (German m.) paternal grandfather |
Großveranstaltung | (German f.) mass rally, mega event, major event |
Großverbrauch | (German m.) large-scale consumption |
Großverbraucher | (German m.) bulk consumer, large-scale consumer |
Großverdiener (m.), Großverdienerin (f.) | (German) big earner |
Großversammlung | (German f.) mass-meeting |
Großversuch | (German m.) large-scale test |
großvolumig | (German) large-volume |
groß werden | (German) to grow up |
Großwesir | (German m.) grand vizier |
Großwetterlage | (German f.) general weather situation |
Großwild | (German n.) big game (wild animals) |
Großwildjagd | (German f.) big-game hunting, big-game shooting |
Großwildjäger (s.), Großwildjäger (pl.) | (German m.) big game hunter |
Großwindkraftanlage | (German f.) large wind-powered device |
Großwissenschaft | (German f.) big science (19th century) |
Großwörterbuch | (German n.) unabridged dictionary, large dictionary, comprehensive dictionary |
Großzeh | (German m.) great toe |
Großzehe | (German f.) big toe |
Großzettel | (German pl.) placards |
Großziehen | (German n.) raising (children) |
großziehen | (German) to bring up, to rear, to nurse (rear), to educate (raise) |
großzügig | (German) liberal, permissive, bounteous, freehanded, lordly, tolerant, noble, broadminded, bounteously, freehandedly, big-hearted, freely, generous (liberal, lavish), generously, spacious, lavish, unstinting, magnanimous, liberally, charitable, lavishly, magnanimously, giving, warm-hearted (action, gesture), broad-minded, charitably, ungrudgingly, unstintingly, amply, handsomely (generously) |
großzügig auftragen | (German) to apply liberally |
großzügig ausbauen | (German) to embellish on a grand scale |
großzügig ausgelegt | (German) spacious, well-spaced |
großzügige Ansichten | (German pl.) wide views |
großzügige Auffassung | (German f.) broad view of a matter |
großzügige Gabe | (German f.) largesse (gift) |
großzügiger Schnitt | (German m.) generous cut |
großzügiger Spender | (German m.) liberal donor |
großzügigerweise | (German) liberally |
großzügiges Geschenk | (German n.) lavish present, liberal gift |
großzügiges Trinkgeld | (German n.) generous tip |
großzügiges Wesen | (German n.) generous nature |
großzügig Geld ausgeben | (German) to spend money freely |
großzügig geplante Arbeit | (German f.) work planned on generous lines |
Großzügigkeit (s.), Großzügigkeiten (pl.) | (German f.) generosity, generousness (plural form), liberality, liberalness, lordliness, magnanimity, broad-mindedness, munificence, largesse, bounty |
großzügig sein | (German) to be generous, to stretch a point |
Gros tambour | (French m.) a big, or bass, drum, the same as grosse caisse |
grote Drieklank | (Dutch) root position |
grotesco | (Spanish) grotesque |
Groteske | (German f.) grotesque (literary form) |
(German n.) grotesque, grotesqueness |
grotesk | (German) grotesque, grotesquely, ludicrous, baroque, preposterous, bizarre, gross (colloquial: grotesque), ludicrously |
groteske Figur | (German f.) grotesque |
grotesker | (German) more grotesque |
groteskeste | (German) most grotesque |
Groteskheit | (German f.) preposterousness, ludicrousness |
Groteskschrift | (German f.) sans serif, grotesque lettering |
Grotesque | in art, decorative form interweaving human and animal features |
Grotesque, Grotesquely | incongruous, absurd, comically or repulsively distorted, burlesco (Italian), Grotesk (German), grotesque (French) |
Grotesquerie | (pseudo-French) fantastic absurdity, picturesque extravagance |
grote Trom | (Dutch) bass drum |
Grotte (s.), Grotten (pl.) | (German f.) grotto, grot |
grottendoof | (German) (as) thick as two short planks (colloquial) |
grottenfalsch | (German) totally wrong |
grottenhässlich | (German) incredibly ugly |
grottenscharf | (German) supercool (colloquial) |
grottenschlecht | (German) abysmal (colloquial: extremely bad), extremely bad |
grottenschlecht sein | (German) to be abysmal |
Grottesca (s.), Grottesche (pl.) | (Italian) a style of decoration in which human and animal figures are fantastically interwoven with foliage and flowers (a reference for mural paintingsfound in grottoes, the excavated chambers of ancient houses) |
grottesco (m.), grottesca (f.) | (Italian) grotesque, comic |
grottig | (German) extremely bad, abysmally poor (colloquial) |
Grotto (s.), Grottos (pl.), Grottoes (pl.) | a small cave or cavern - also an artificial structure or excavation made to resemble a cave or cavern |
Ground | well-known 'grounds' include the passamezzo antico, romanesca, folia (all closely related), ruggiero, and passamezzo moderno that all took their names from popular dances that had spread throughout Europe |
Ground bass | basso ostinato (Italian), Grundbass (German), basse contrainte (French) |
see basso ostinato, passacaglia, chaconne |
Ground beat | in jazz, the basic metric beat, most often in crotchets (quarter-notes), whether explicitly stated or not |
Groundlings | while the upper class paid two pennies to sit in the raised area with seats, and some nobles paid three pennies to sit in the Lords' rooms, the majority of viewers who watched Shakespeare's plays were called groundlings or understanders. They paid a single penny for admission to the ground level in the yard of the Globe theatre and remained standing for the entire play (often up to four hours in length) |
Group | a short series of notes sung on one syllable |
several short notes beamed together, that is there tails are joined together by one or more beams |
a section of an orchestra including all the instruments of that class, as for example, the strings |
a ensemble that plays pop-music |
Group dances | those danced by groups of people simultaneously, as opposed to individuals dancing alone or individually, and as opposed to couples dancing together but independently of others dancing at the same time, if any |
Groupe | (French m.) band |
Groupe de Recherches Musicales | (French m.) see 'GRM' |
Groupe en résidence | (French m.) house band |
Groupe des Six | see Six, Les |
Group genetive | a genitive construction in which the 's appears at the end of a phrase modifying a word rather than the head or beginning of a phrase. For instance, "the applicant who lives in New York's resumé arrived today." Here, the word applicant in red is the actual possessor of the resumé, but because the long phrase who lives in New York appears between it and the possessed object (the resumé), most English speaker's take the possessive marker and attach it to the proper noun New York. Collectively, this formation is a group genitive |
Groupie (s.), Groupies (pl.) | (English, German n.) a fan, especially a young woman, who follows a rock group around on tours |
(English German n.) an enthusiastic supporter or follower |
Group improvisation | several musicians improvising at the same time |
Group Sounds | a genre of Japanese rock (J-Rock) music that was popular in the mid to late 1960s and where Japanese bands imitated The Beatles, Bob Dylan and the Rolling Stones, along with other Appalachian folk music, psychedelic rock, mod and pther similar genres |
Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians | an encyclopedic dictionary of music and musicians, considered by most scholars to be the best general reference source on the subject in the English language. Along with MGG, it is the largest Western music reference work. Initially released through the vision and toil of George Grove, it was brought to a new height by Stanley Sadie and is the leading music reference source in English for both encyclopedic information and bibliographies |
Growl |
in jazz, the word has two meanings |
a raspy voice, for example to emphasize pain or sensuality |
to make a harsh sound on a wind instrument |
Growling | this was originally one of the many saxophone effects often used as a novelty. Apart from the fact that it is now one of the main hallmarks of rock and blues saxophone playing, it was also used in mainstream jazz: notably Ben Webster, Illinois Jacquet and Earl Bostic. Charlie Parker also growled on occasions as did avant garde pioneers John Coltrane and Archie Shepp. The saxophone growl is made by singing or humming a note at the same time as playing. This note is not necessarily the same note as the player is fingering/playing. The ideal note to sing can vary, it could be a harmony note or the same note slightly out of tune |
Growling note | Schnarrender Ton (German m.), ton ronflant (French m.) |
Gr.Tr. | (German) abbreviated form of grosse Trommel, the bass drum |
Grub | (German f. - regional) pit |
Grubber | (German m.) cultivator, grubber |
Grübchen (s.), Grübchen (pl.) | (German n.) dimple, (small) pit |
Grube (s.), Gruben (pl.) | (German f.) pit, pothole, mine, (waste-disposal) dump |
Grübelei | (German f.) musing, rumination |
Grübeln | (German n.) cogitation, rumination |
grübeln | (German) to muse, to speculate, to ponder, to ruminate (figurative: ponder), to think (long and hard), to brood (figurative: ponder) |
grübelnd | (German) pondering, musing, poring, ruminant, ruminative, ruminatively |
grübeln über | (German) to mull over, to brood about, to brood over |
Grubenarbeit | (German f.) pit work |
Grubenarbeiter | (German m.) pitman, mine worker, miner, collier, coal miner |
Grubenbahn | (German f.) mine railway, mine train |
Grubenbaue | (German pl.) mine workings |
Grubenelektriker | (German m.) mine electrician |
Grubenentleerer | (German m.) cesspool cleaner, cesspit emptier |
Grubengas (s.), Grubengase (pl.) | (German n.) firedamp, mine gas, colliery gas |
Grubenhaus | (German n.) pit-house, pit house |
Grubenholz | (German n.) pit prop, stull (timber prop) |
Grubenhunt | (German m.) tram, mining car |
Grubenlampe | (German f.) safety lamp, Davy lamp, Wolf safety lamp, miner's lamp, mine lamp |
Grubenlok | (German f.) mine loco |
Grubenlokomotive | (German f.) mine locomotive |
Grubenotter | (German f.) pit viper |
Grubenpferd | (German n.) mine horse, pit pony |
Grubenpickel | (German m.) miner's pick |
Grubenpony | (German n.) pit pony |
Grubenschacht | (German m.) mine shaft |
Grubenschmelz | (German m.) champlevé |
Grubensicherheit | (German f.) mine safety |
Grubenstempel (s.), Grubenstempel (pl.) | (German m.) pit prop |
Grubenstützholz | (German n.) stemple |
Grubenunglück | (German n.) pit disaster, mine disaster, mining disaster, mining accident |
Grubenwasser | (German n.) mine water |
Grubenwehr | (German f.) mine rescue team |
Grubenwetter | (German n.) fire damp |
Grübler | (German m.) contemplator |
grüblerisch | (German) contemplative, brooding |
Grueso | (Spanish m.) fat, stout (with reference to a person's build) |
Grüezi! | (German - Switzerland) Hello! Hi! |
Grufti- | (German) goth |
Gruft (s.), Grüfte (pl.) | (German f.) vault, tomb, crypt (burial crypt), undercroft, grave |
Grufti (s.), Gruftis (pl.) | (German m./f.) wrinkly (colloquial), crumbly (colloquial: old person), old fogey (colloquial: old person), goth (colloquial) |
Gruftiband | (German f.) goth band |
Gruftimusik | (German f.) goth (music genre) |
Gruftistil | (German m.) goth |
Gruftiszene | (German f.) gothic scene |
Grummeln | (German n. - regional) murmur |
grummeln | (German) to grunt, to grumble |
grummelnd | (German) grumbling |
Grummet | (German n.) aftermath (chiefly archaic) |