Music Theory   Online : Exercise 6

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Notes - Time Values

Complete the following equalities:

1. ______ minims (half notes) = 8 semiquavers (sixteenth notes)

2. ______ breves (double whole notes) = 64 quavers (eighth notes)

3. ______ quavers (eighth notes) = 3 dotted crotchets (dotted quarter notes)

4. ______ quavers (eighth notes) = 5 double dotted minims (double dotted half notes)

5. ______ minims (half notes) = 3 dotted breves (double whole notes)

Notes - Grouping with Beams

Rewrite the bars below grouping each bar by means of full or partial beams

Notes - Duplets and Triplets

Complete the following equalities:

1. 2 groups of quavers (eighth note) triplets has a total time value of ______ quavers (eighth notes)

2. 3 groups of semiquaver (sixteenth note) duplets has a total time value of ______ semiquavers (sixteenth notes)

Notes and Rests

Replace the notes below with their equivalent rests